jRCT ロゴ




Feb. 18, 2022

Dec. 20, 2023


A double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled study evaluating the effect of highly bioavailable curcumin on prevention of disesase progression in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients with no symptoms. (Curcu-COVID study)

Highly bioavailable curcumin in COVID-19 with no symptoms. (Curcu-COVID study)

Hasegawa Koji

National Hospital Organization Kyoto Medical Center

1-1 Mukaihata-cho, Fukakusa, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto



Hasegawa Koji

National Hospital Organization Kyoto Medical Center

1-1 Mukaihata-cho, Fukakusa, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto



Not Recruiting

Feb. 18, 2022



randomized controlled trial

double blind

placebo control

parallel assignment

prevention purpose

(1) Within 5 days after being diagnosed as COVID-19 by PCR test or antigen test (described in the guideline for medical treatment of COVID-19, 5.3 th edition (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare)).
(2) Receiving no oxygen therapy and SpO2 is 96% or higher.
(3) Body temperature is less than 37.5 degree Celsius.
(4) Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status (ECOG PS) is 0 or 1.
(5) Age 20 years or older, both gender
(6) Written informed consent was obtained.

(1) Patients taking antithrombotic drugs (anticoagulants, EPA preparations, prostacyclin preparations)
(2) Patients with a history of cerebral hemorrhage
(3) Patients receiving oxygen therapy at home or dialysis
(4) Patients with end-staged cancer
(5) Patients taking steroids on a regular basis
(6) Regular users of healthy foods containing curcumin
(7) Patients with a history of allergies to curcumin
(8) Pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding or may become pregnant
(9) Patients who are scheduled to recieve neutralizing antibody therapy or anti-virus drugs.
(10) Those who are judged by the principal investigator or the research coordinator to be inappropriate for participation in this study.

20age old over
No limit


Coronavirus infection (COVID-19)

Arm highly bioavailable curcumin : curcuRougeTM (90mg/capsule), 4 capsules are given twice a day. (8 capsules/day, morning and evening) for 7 days.
Arm placebo : 4 capsules are given twice a day, (8 capsules/day, morning and evening) for 7 days.

Coronavirus infection (COVID-19)

Combination of the following events
SpO2 progress to less than 96%, fever more than 37.5 degree Celsius, and death

Each of the following events
SpO2 progress to less than 96%, fever more than 37.5 degree Celsius, and death

Adverse events

Therabiopharma Inc.
Not applicable
Therabiopharma Inc.
Not applicable
Nara Medical University Certified Review Board
840 Shijo-Cho, Kashihara, Nara




History of Changes

No Publication date
2 Dec. 20, 2023 (this page) Changes
1 Feb. 18, 2022 Detail