jRCT ロゴ




Mar. 01, 2019

Nov. 30, 2020


Open-label clinical trial: safety of lacosamide in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Open-label clinical trial: safety of lacosamide in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

June. 07, 2018


Seven patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (male; n = 3, female; n= 4, mean age; 63.7yrs)

Informed consent was obtaine from 7 patients (2017; 4 paetients, 2018; 3 patients)

Diplopia, sleepiness, wandering or dizziness for each one case All of these had causal relationships and were objective symptoms.

Primary endpoint: adverse events seen in 4 cases (see above), no severe adverse event Secondary endpoint: Effectiveness endpoint; no significant changes in nerve excitability testing, transcranial magnetic stimulation, fasciculation and muscle cramps Safety endpoint; objective symptoms (see above), no significant changes in vital capacity, electrocardiogram, blood test and severe advrse enents (see above).

Safety has been confirmed, because all of adverse events were already known, and severe advrse enents were not observed.

Nov. 30, 2020


No plan for sharing.


Kuwabara Satoshi

Chiba University Hospital

1-8-1 Inohana Chuo-ku, Chiba, Chiba prefecture



Shibuya Kazumoto

Chiba University Hospital

1-8-1 Inohana Chuo-ku, Chiba, Chiba prefecture




June. 01, 2017

July. 07, 2017


single arm study

open(masking not used)

uncontrolled control

single assignment

treatment purpose

1) Over 20year old
2) Probable of definite ALS disease by Awaji electrophysiological criteria
3) Subjects provided informed consent.

1) Patient without ability to comprehend informed consent
2) Patient with uncompensated medical illness
3) Patient with cardiac disease (myocardial infarction, valvular disease and cardiomyopathy etc.)
4) Patient with arrhythmia (incomplet AV-block and bundle branch block etc.)
5) Patient with sodium channel disorders, like Brugada syndrome
6) Patient already administered anti-arrhythmic drug which prolongs PR interval
7) Pregnant or breast-feeding women
8) Patient with forced vital capacity of< 60% predicted
9) Patient already performed tracheotomy or tube feeding
10) Patient take any other experimental agents 3 months before.
11) Not enough CMAP amplitude in the median nerve to be performed nerve excitability test
12) Patient plan to change medicine which affects nerve excitability
13) Familial ALS
14) Patient who is judged inappropriate for this trail by doctors responsible for this trial

20age old over
No limit


amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

gradual increase of lacosamide from 100mg to 400mg for 4 weeks

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis


Safety for 5 weeks

nerve excitability
muscle cramp

Chiba University Certified Clinical Research Review Board
1-8-1, Inohana, Chuo-ku, Chiba-City, Chiba, Japa, Chiba



Jan. 23, 2019


History of Changes

No Publication date
4 Nov. 30, 2020 (this page) Changes
3 June. 15, 2020 Detail Changes
2 April. 30, 2020 Detail Changes
1 Mar. 01, 2019 Detail