jRCT ロゴ




Aug. 13, 2021

Oct. 18, 2022


ROH-101 phase 3 study - uncontrolled open-label study in patients with cytomegalovirus corneal endotheliitis -

ROH-101 phase 3 study - uncontrolled open-label study in patients with cytomegalovirus corneal endotheliitis -

Kitano Takashi

Rohto Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.

1-8-1 Tatuminishi, Ikuno, Osaka



Kitano Takashi

Rohto Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.

1-8-1 Tatuminishi, Ikuno, Osaka



Not Recruiting

Aug. 02, 2021



single arm study

open(masking not used)

uncontrolled control

single assignment

treatment purpose

1) Patients who diagnose as CMV endotheliitis based on the clinical manifestations of (1) or (2).
(1) Patients who show coin-shaped lesions or linear keratic precipitates (KPs).
(2) Patients who show other KPs combined with more than 2 of following signs; anterior uveitis, ocular hypertension and corneal endothelial cell loss.
2) Patients who are CMV DNA positive by examination of qualitative PCR of aqueous humor.

1) Patients who are HSV or VZV positive by examination of qualitative PCR of aqueous humor.

20age old over
No limit


cytomegalovirus corneal endotheliitis

One drop of ROH-101(0.15%) 5 times a day for 12 weeks

The percentage of patients who achieved <1000 copies /ml(detected limit) in aqueous humor Real-time PCR

Rohto Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
University Hospital Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine IRB
465 Kajii-cho Kawaramachi-Hirokoji, Kamigyo-ku Kyoto 602-8566, Japan, Kyoto



April. 08, 2021



History of Changes

No Publication date
4 Oct. 18, 2022 (this page) Changes
3 Mar. 17, 2022 Detail Changes
2 Sept. 29, 2021 Detail Changes
1 Aug. 13, 2021 Detail