jRCT ロゴ





深瀬 広幸
一般社団法人ICR附属 クリニカルリサーチ東京病院




2 臨床研究結果の要約

/ 本研究の研究対象者背景について,性別の内訳は,ジクトルテープ群は「男性」が40.7%(11/27例),「女性」が59.3%(16/27例)(以下同順),ロキソプロフェンNa錠群は46.7%(14/30例),53.3%(16/30例)であった。年齢(平均値 ± 標準偏差)はジクトルテープ群54.5 ± 7.0歳,ロキソプロフェンNa錠群54.0 ± 6.8歳(以下同順),体重(平均値 ± 標準偏差)は56.63 ± 10.03 kg,59.51 ± 9.83 kg,身長(平均値 ± 標準偏差)は163.50 ± 6.91 cm,164.53 ± 7.51 cm,BMI(平均値 ± 標準偏差)は21.08 ± 2.76 kg/m2,21.85 ± 2.22 kg/m2であった。
Regarding the background of the study subjects, 40.7% (11/27 patients) were male and 59.3% (16/27 patients) were female in the ZICTHORU Tapes group (the same order hereinafter), and 46.7% (14/30 patients) and 53.3% (16/30 patients) in the Loxoprofen Na tablets group. Age (mean +- SD) was 54.5 +- 7.0 years in the ZICTHORU Tapes group and 54.0 +- 6.8 years in the Loxoprofen Na tablets group (the same order hereinafter); weight (mean +- SD) was 56.63 +- 10.03 kg and 59.51 +- 9.83 kg; height (mean +- SD) was 163.50 +- 6.91 cm and 164.53 +- 7.51 cm; BMI (mean +- SD) was 21.08 +- 2.76 kg/m2 and 21.85 +- 2.22 kg/m2.
There were no significant biases or differences in patient backgrounds in the endoscopy analysis set.
/ 本研究は,単施設(一般社団法人ICR附属 クリニカルリサーチ東京病院)で実施された。1例目の同意取得は2022年5月23日であり,2022年6月5日から2022年6月10日までの期間で当初の研究計画どおりに60例の症例登録を終了した。最終症例の観察期間終了は2022年8月9日であった。
本研究には,ジクトルテープ群及びロキソプロフェンNa錠群に各30例,計60例がランダム化された。研究使用薬は,ジクトルテープ群及びロキソプロフェンNa錠群で,それぞれ29例及び30例に投与され,ジクトルテープ群の1例が登録後に研究使用薬投与開始日(Visit 2)に実施した上部消化管内視鏡検査において除外基準に抵触していることが判明したため未投与で中止となった。研究使用薬が投与された研究対象者のうち,ジクトルテープ群及びロキソプロフェンNa錠群で,それぞれ27例及び30例が本研究を完了し,ジクトルテープ群の2例が研究使用薬投与開始日(Visit 2)に実施した上部消化管内視鏡検査において除外基準に抵触していることが判明したため,それぞれ投与開始2日目及び3日目に中止となった。
The study was conducted at a single study site (Clinical Research Hospital Tokyo); consent for the first patient was obtained on May 23, 2022, and enrollment of 60 patients was completed as originally planned from June 5, 2022, to June 10, 2022. The end of the observation period for the last patient was August 9, 2022.
A total of 60 patients, 30 each in the ZICTHORU Tapes group and the Loxoprofen Na tablets group, were randomized to the study. One patient in the ZICTHORU Tapes group was discontinued after enrollment due to an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy performed on the start date of the study drug administration (Visit 2) that revealed a violation of the exclusion criteria. The study drug was administered 29 and 30 patients in the ZICTHORU Tapes group and the Loxoprofen Na tablets group, respectively. The study subjects who received the study drug, 27 and 30 subjects in the ZICTHORU Tapes group and the Loxoprofen Na tablets group, respectively, completed the study, and two subjects in the ZICTHORU Tapes group were found to have violated the exclusion criteria in the upper gastrointestinal endoscopy performed on the start date of the study drug (Visit 2). Their study was discontinued on the second and third days of treatment, respectively.
The endoscopy analysis set included 27 and 30 patients in the ZICTHORU Tapes group and the Loxoprofen Na Tablets group, respectively, and 3 patients in the ZICTHORU Tapes group were excluded from the analysis set because they were found to have violated the exclusion criteria. The safety analysis set included 29 and 30 patients in the ZICTHORU Tapes group and the Loxoprofen Na tablets group, respectively, and one patient in the ZICTHORU Tapes group was excluded from the analysis set because this subject had not received the study drug.

This study was conducted only at the Clinical Research Hospital Tokyo. First patient in was May 23, 2022, and 60 patients have been enrolled from June 5, 2022 to June 10, 2022. Last patient out was August 9, 2022.
In this study, each 30 patients was randomized to the ZICTHORU Tapes group and the Loxoprofen Na tablets group, and 29 and 30 patients was treated, respectively, and 27 and 30 patients in the ZICTHORU Tapes group and the Loxoprofen Na tablets group, respectively, completed the study.
One subject in the ZICTHORU Tapes group was discontinued without administering the study drug because the upper gastrointestinal endoscopy performed at Visit 2 revealed a deviation of the exclusion criteria. In addition, 2 subjects in the ZICTHORU Tapes group were discontinued administration of the study drug on Day 2 and Day 3, respectively, because the upper gastrointestinal endoscopy performed at Visit 2 revealed a deviation of the exclusion criteria.

For the endoscopy analysis set, 27 patients in the ZICTHORU Tapes group and 30 patients in the Loxoprofen Na tablets group who did not violated the exclusion criteria were analyzed. For the safety analysis set, 29 patients in the ZICTHORU Tapes group and 30 patients in the Loxoprofen Na tablets group who received the study drug at least once were analyzed.
/ 安全性解析対象集団での有害事象の発現割合(各発現例数/安全性解析対象集団例数)は,ジクトルテープ群及びロキソプロフェンNa錠群で,それぞれ10.3%(3/29例)及び16.7%(5/30例)であった。そのうち,発現割合が5%以上の有害事象は,ロキソプロフェンNa錠群で発現した下痢の6.7%(2/30例)のみであり,その他発現した有害事象はジクトルテープ群及びロキソプロフェンNa錠群共に全て5%未満(各1例)のみであった。研究との因果関係が否定できない有害事象についても同様の結果であった。ジクトルテープ群で発現した医療機器破損については,研究使用薬との因果関係は否定されたが,その他発現した有害事象はいずれも研究使用薬との因果関係は否定されなかった。
The incidence of adverse events in the safety analysis set was 10.3% (3/29 patients) and 16.7% (5/30 patients) in the ZICTHORU Tapes group and the Loxoprofen Na tablets group, respectively. The only adverse event with an incidence of 5% or more was diarrhea in 6.7% (2/30 patients) of patients in the Loxoprofen Na tablets group, and other adverse events occurred in less than 5% (1 patient each) in both the ZICTHORU Tapes group and the Loxoprofen Na tablets group. The same was true for adverse events for which a causal relationship to the study could not be ruled out. Although adverse event of the medical device breakage that occurred in the ZICTHORU Tapes group was ruled out a causal relationship to the study drug, any of the other adverse events were not ruled out a causal relationship to the study drug.
The incidence of gastrointestinal adverse events in the safety analysis set was 13.3% (4/30 patients) in the Loxoprofen Na tablets group and none in the ZICTHORU Tapes group. The incidence of gastrointestinal adverse events (gastrointestinal adverse drug reactions) with undeniable causal relationship to the study drug, gastrointestinal adverse events with undeniable causal relationship to the study, and adverse events related to gastrointestinal "digestive tract disorders" were also same. All adverse events were mild in severity.
Among the adverse events (adverse drug reactions) that could not be ruled out as causally related to the study drugs, an increase in gamma-glutamyltransferase was only 3.3% (1/30 patients) of the adverse laboratory test results in the Loxoprofen Na tablets group. No vital sign adverse drug reactions were observed.
/ 【主要評価項目】



(3)部位(胃、十二指腸)ごとの内視鏡スコア(Modified Lanza score)
内視鏡検査解析対象集団での最終評価時の部位(胃,十二指腸)ごとの内視鏡スコア(Modified Lanza score)(各スコアの例数/内視鏡検査解析対象集団例数)は,胃及び十二指腸ともにジクトルテープ群の方でGradeが低い傾向であった。

内視鏡検査解析対象集団での最終評価時の部位(胃・十二指腸,胃,十二指腸)ごとの潰瘍数(平均値 ± 標準偏差)は,ジクトルテープ群及びロキソプロフェンNa錠群で,胃・十二指腸がそれぞれ0.1 ± 0.4個及び0.2 ± 0.6個,胃がそれぞれ0.0 ± 0.0個及び0.1 ± 0.6個,十二指腸がそれぞれ0.1 ± 0.4個及び0.1 ± 0.3個であった。部位ごとの潰瘍数では両群間に特筆すべき差は認められなかった。

内視鏡検査解析対象集団での最終評価時の部位(胃・十二指腸,胃,十二指腸)ごとのびらん数(平均値±標準偏差)は,胃・十二指腸がそれぞれ0.6 ± 1.6個及び1.8 ± 2.4個,胃がそれぞれ0.6 ± 1.6個及び1.3 ± 2.0個,十二指腸がそれぞれ0.0 ± 0.0個及び0.5 ± 1.3個であった。部位ごとのびらん数ではロキソプロフェンNa錠群と比較し,ジクトルテープ群の方が少ない傾向が認められた。
<Primary Outcome>
Incidence of gastroduodenal ulcer occurrence in upper gastrointestinal endoscopy after administration of the study drug
The incidence of gastroduodenal ulcer at the final evaluation in the endoscopy analysis set was 3.7% (1/27 patients) and 16.7% (5/30 patients) in the ZICTHORU Tapes group and the Loxoprofen Na tablets group, respectively. The difference (95% CI) between the ZICTHORU Tapes group and the Loxoprofen Na tablets group was -13.0% (-31.6%, 5.2%), and the incidence of gastroduodenal ulcer tended to be lower in the ZICTHORU Tapes group compared to the Loxoprofen Na tablets group.

<Secondary Outcomes>
(1) Incidence of gastric / duodenal ulcer
The incidence of gastric ulcer was 0.0% (0/27 patients) and 6.7% (2/30 patients) in the ZICTHORU Tapes group and the Loxoprofen Na tablets group, respectively. The incidence of duodenal ulcer was 3.7% (1/27 patients) and 10.0% (3/30 patients) in the ZICTHORU Tapes group and the Loxoprofen Na tablets group, respectively. The difference (95% CI) between the ZICTHORU Tapes group and the Loxoprofen Na tablets group was -6.7% (-22.6%, 6.6%) in the gastric ulcer and -6.3% (-23.0%, 10.1%) in the duodenal ulcer. The incidence of gastric / duodenal ulcer tended to be lower in the ZICTHORU Tapes group than in the Loxoprofen Na tablets group.

(2) Incidence of gastroduodenal, gastric / duodenal ulcer and / or erosion
The incidence of gastroduodenal ulcer and / or erosion was 29.6% (8/27 patients) and 60.0% (18/30 patients) in the ZICTHORU Tapes group and the Loxoprofen Na tablets group, respectively. The incidence of gastric ulcer and / or erosion was 25.9% (7/27 patients) and 46.7% (14/30 patients) in the ZICTHORU Tapes group and the Loxoprofen Na tablets group, respectively. The incidence of duodenal ulcer and / or erosion was 3.7% (1/27 patients) and 20.0% (6/30 patients) in the ZICTHORU Tapes group and the Loxoprofen Na tablets group, respectively. The difference (95% CI) between the ZICTHORU Tapes group and the Loxoprofen Na tablets group was -30.4% (-54.0%, -3.7%) in the gastroduodenal ulcer and / or erosion, -20.7% (-44.9%, 5.4%) in the gastric ulcer and / or erosion, and -16.3% (-35.8%, 2.1%) in the duodenal ulcer and / or erosion. The incidence of gastroduodenal, gastric / duodenal ulcer and / or erosion tended to be lower in the ZICTHORU Tapes group than in the Loxoprofen Na tablets group.

(3) Endoscopic score (Modified Lanza score) for gastric and / or duodenal mucosal damage
The Modified Lanza score (number of patients of each score / number of patients in the endoscopy analysis set) at the last evaluation in the endoscopy analysis set tended to be lower in the ZICTHORU Tapes group for both gastric and duodenal mucosal damage.

(4) Number of gastroduodenal, gastric / duodenal ulcer
The number of gastroduodenal ulcer (mean +- standard deviation) was 0.1 +- 0.4 and 0.2 +- 0.6 in the ZICTHORU Tapes group and the Loxoprofen Na tablets group, respectively. The number of gastric ulcer was 0.0 +- 0.0 and 0.1 +- 0.6 in the ZICTHORU Tapes group and the Loxoprofen Na tablets group, respectively. The number of duodenal ulcer was 0.1 +- 0.4 and 0.1 +- 0.3 in the ZICTHORU Tapes group and the Loxoprofen Na Tablets group, respectively. There was no notable difference in the number of ulcers per site between the two groups.

(5) Number of gastroduodenal, gastric / duodenal erosion
The number of gastroduodenal erosion (mean +- standard deviation) was 0.6 +- 1.6 and 1.8 +- 2.4 in the ZICTHORU Tapes group and the Loxoprofen Na tablets group, respectively. The number of gastric erosion was 0.6 +- 1.6 and 1.3 +- 2.0 in the ZICTHORU Tapes group and the Loxoprofen Na tablets group, respectively. The number of duodenal erosion was 0.0 +- 0.0 and 0.5 +- 1.3 in the ZICTHORU Tapes group and the Loxoprofen Na tablets group, respectively. The number of erosion per site tended to be lower in the ZICTHORU Tapes group than in the Loxoprofen Na tablets group.
/ 胃・十二指腸潰瘍の発現割合は,ロキソプロフェンNa錠群と比較してジクトルテープ群で低い傾向が認められた。また,胃・十二指腸での潰瘍又はびらん発現割合は,ジクトルテープ群ではロキソプロフェンNa錠群の1/2程度の発現割合であった。
The incidence of gastroduodenal ulcer tended to be lower in the ZICTHORU Tapes group compared to the Loxoprofen Na tablets group. The incidence of gastroduodenal ulcer and / or erosion was about half that of the Loxoprofen Na tablets group in the ZICTHORU Tapes group.
These results suggest that the ZICTHORU Tapes has a smaller effect on the upper gastrointestinal mucosa than existing oral NSAIDs.

3 IPDシェアリング

/ No
/ None


研究の種別 特定臨床研究
届出日 令和5年4月10日
臨床研究実施計画番号 jRCTs031220045

1 特定臨床研究の実施体制に関する事項及び特定臨床研究を行う施設の構造設備に関する事項


健康中高年男女を対象としたHP-3150による上部消化管粘膜への影響の検討試験 Examination of the effect of HP-3150 on the upper gastrointestinal mucosa in healthy middle-aged men and women
HP-3150-CR-04 HP-3150-CR-04


深瀬 広幸 Fukase Hiroyuki
/ 一般社団法人ICR附属 クリニカルリサーチ東京病院 Clinical Research Hospital Tokyo
/ 東京都新宿区原町3-87-4 NTビル3F NT- Building Level 3, 3-87-4 Haramachi,Shinjuku-ku
石川 賢 Ishikawa Masaru
一般社団法人ICR附属 クリニカルリサーチ東京病院 Clinical Research Hospital Tokyo
クリニカルリサーチセンター 治験事務局
東京都新宿区原町3-87-4 NTビル3F NT- Building Level 3, 3-87-4 Haramachi,Shinjuku-ku
深瀬 広幸


角田 雅昭
臨床開発本部 データサイエンス部
今井 悦生
臨床開発本部 臨床研究部
庄子 裕喜
高平 学
臨床開発本部 データサイエンス部


多施設共同研究の該当の有無 なし

2 特定臨床研究の目的及び内容並びにこれに用いる医薬品等の概要


介入研究 Interventional
無作為化比較 randomized controlled trial
単盲検 single blind
実薬(治療)対照 active control
並行群間比較 parallel assignment
その他 other
(1) 同意取得日の年齢が40歳以上75歳未満の日本人健康成人男女
(2) 本人が研究使用薬及び本研究の目的・内容について十分な説明を受け、自発的に志願し、研究参加に文書で同意した者
(1) Japanese healthy adult men and women between 40 and 75 years old at the date of consent
(2) The person himself / herself has received a thorough explanation of the study drug and the purpose / content of the research, voluntarily volunteered and has agreed in writing to participate in the clinical research
(1) 消化管症状を有する者
(2) 消化管潰瘍を罹患している者、又は既往歴を有する者
(3) 観察期開始前4週間以内に消化管疾患の既往歴を有する者
(4) 観察期開始前4週間以内に以下の薬剤を使用した者
(5) 研究使用薬投与開始日の上部消化管内視鏡検査において、食道、胃、幽門部及び/又は十二指腸に潰瘍、びらん、11個以上の点状出血又は活動性出血を認める者
(6) 観察期開始時の検査でH.pylori陽性であることが判明した者
(7) ジクトルテープ又はロキソニン錠の添付文書において禁忌とされている疾患を有する者
(8) 妊婦、産婦、妊娠している可能性のある者、授乳中の者
(9) 研究期間中に適切な避妊を行うことに同意しない者
(10) 研究期間中に研究対象者又はそのパートナーの妊娠が判明した場合、実施医療機関にその旨を速やかに報告すること及び原則出産後1カ月までの母子に対する追跡調査実施に同意しない者
(11) 外用剤(市販薬を含む)や絆創膏等のテープに対して皮膚が過敏性を示すことがわかっている者
(12) 体毛により研究薬投与部位が確保できない者、皮膚の異常(湿疹、皮膚炎、色素異常等の皮膚疾患又は術後の創傷等)や入れ墨又は母斑により投与予定部位が確保できない者若しくは頻繁に皮膚を日焼けしている者
(13) 同意取得前16週間以内に他の治験薬又は研究薬の投与を受けた者
(14) その他、研究責任医師又は研究分担医師が本研究の対象として不適格と判断した者
(1) Those with gastrointestinal tract symptoms
(2) Those who have or have a history of gastrointestinal ulcer
(3) Those who have a history of gastrointestinal tract disease within 4 weeks before the start of the observation period
(4) Those who used the following drugs within 4 weeks before the start of the observation period
-NSAIDs containing study drugs (including aspirin)
-Anti-ulcer drug
-Systemic steroids
-Antibacterial drug
However, local preparations that are not considered to affect the evaluation of upper gastrointestinal ulcer are excluded
-Bisphosphonate osteoporosis drug
(5) Those who have ulcers, erosions, 11 or more petechiae or active bleeding in the esophagus, stomach, pylorus and / or duodenum in upper gastrointestinal endoscopy on start date of administration of study drugs
(6) Those who have positive test results for H. pylori positive by the test at the beginning of the observation period
(7) Persons with diseases that are contraindicated in the package insert of ZICTHORU Tapes or loxonin tablets
(8) Those who are pregnant, nursing , possibly pregnant or breastfeeding
(9) Those who do not agree to use proper contraception during the study period
(10) Those who do not ag ree to report a pregnancy during the study and those who do not agree to attend follow-up visits of the mother and child for up to 1 month after birth
(11) Those who know that their skin is sensitive to external preparations (including over-the-counterdrugs) and adhesive bandages
(12) Those who cannot secure the study drug administration site due to body hair, or those who cannot secure the planned site of administration due to skin abnormalities, tattoos or nevus or those who frequently sunburn the skin
(13) Participants who have participated in other clinical studies or trials within 16 weeks before the start of the study drug administration
(14) Other persons who are judged to be ineligible for this study by the Principal Investigator or Sub-Investigator
40歳 以上 40age old over
75歳 未満 75age old not
男性・女性 Both
(1) 研究対象者より臨床研究中止の申し出があった場合
(2) 選択基準に合致しない又は除外基準に抵触することが判明した場合
(3) 有害事象の発現により、研究責任医師又は研究
(4) 研究計画書から逸脱し、臨床研究の継続が困難になった場合
(5) 研究対象者の妊娠が判明した場合
(6) その他、研究責任医師又は研究分担医師が臨床研究の継続を不適当と判断した場合

(1) 認定臨床研究審査委員会が本研究を継続すべきでないと判断した場合
(2) 本研究の安全性に疑義が生じた場合
(3) 本研究の倫理的妥当性や科学的妥当性を損なう事実や情報が得られた場合
(4) 本研究の実施の適正性や結果の信頼を損なう情報や事実が得られた場合
健常人 healthy volunteer
ジクトルテープ又はロキソプロフェンNa錠を2週間反復投与する。 Repeated administration of ZICTHORU Tapes or Loxoprofen Na tablets for 2 weeks.
研究使用薬投与後の上部消化管内視鏡における胃・十二指腸潰瘍発現割合 Rate of gastric / duodenal ulcer occurrence in upper gastrointestinal endoscopy after administration of study drug
(1) 部位(胃、十二指腸)ごとの潰瘍発現割合
(2) 部位(胃・十二指腸、胃、十二指腸)ごとの潰瘍又はびらん発現割合
(3) 部位(胃、十二指腸)ごとの内視鏡スコア(Modified Lanza score)
(4) 部位(胃・十二指腸、胃、十二指腸)ごとの潰瘍数
(5) 部位(胃・十二指腸、胃、十二指腸)ごとのびらん数
(1) Ulcer incidence rate for each site (stomach, duodenum)
(2) Ulcer or erosion incidence rate for each site (stomach / duodenum, stomach, duodenum)
(3) Endoscopic score (Modified Lanza score) for each site (stomach, duodenum)
(4) Number of ulcers at each site (stomach / duodenum, stomach, duodenum)
(5) Number of erosions per site (stomach / duodenum, stomach, duodenum)


佐賀県 鳥栖市田代大官町408番地
東京都 中央区日本橋本町3-5-1

3 特定臨床研究の実施状況の確認に関する事項










4 特定臨床研究の対象者に健康被害が生じた場合の補償及び医療の提供に関する事項


5 特定臨床研究に用いる医薬品等の製造販売をし、又はしようとする医薬品等製造販売業者及びその特殊関係者の当該特定臨床研究に対する関与に関する事項等


久光製薬株式会社 Hisamitsu Pharmaceuticai Co.,Inc



6 審査意見業務を行う認定臨床研究審査委員会の名称等

特定非営利活動法人臨床研究の倫理を考える会臨床研究審査委員会 Review Board of Human Rights and Ethics for Clinical Studies
東京都 中央区京橋二丁目2番1号 2-2-1 Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

7 その他の事項




なし none








種別 公表日
終了 令和5年4月11日 (当画面) 変更内容
軽微変更 令和4年6月14日 詳細 変更内容
軽微変更 令和4年6月6日 詳細 変更内容
新規登録 令和4年4月28日 詳細