jRCT ロゴ





藤田 伴子
本試験の目的は、切除不能な 局所再発又は転移性トリプルネガティブ乳癌(TNBC)患者を対象に1次化学療法及びペムブロリズマブ(MK-3475)の併用投与後にオラパリブ(MK-7339)及びペムブロリズマブの併用投与と化学療法及びペムブロリズマブの併用投与を比較することである。





2 結果の要約

/ オラパリブ+ペムブロリズマブ群
・ 年齢平均値:53.9歳
・ 性別:女性100.0%
・ 主な人種:白人51.9%、アジア人21.5%、混血10.4%

・ 年齢平均値:52.9歳
・ 性別:女性100.0%
・ 主な人種:白人61.8%、アジア人22.1%、混血5.1%
Olaparib + Pembrolizumab group
- Mean Age: 53.9 years
- Sex: Female 100.0%
- Most common race: White 51.9%, Asian 21.5%, More than one race 10.4%

Chemotherapy (Carboplatin + Gemcitabine) + Pembrolizumab group
- Mean Age: 52.9 years
- Sex: Female 100.0%
- Most common race: White 61.8%, Asian 22.1%, More than one race 5.1%
/ データカットオフ日時点(2022年12月15日)
・ 無作為化例数:135例
・ 治験薬投与例数:135例
・ 試験継続例数:83例
・ 試験中止例数:52例

・ 無作為化例数:136例
・ 治験薬投与例数:133例
・ 試験継続例数:81例
・ 試験中止例数:55例
As of data cutoff date (15-DEC-2022)
Olaparib + Pembrolizumab group
- Randomized: 135 participants
- Received study treatment: 135 participants
- Ongoing in the study: 83 participants
- Discontinued the study: 52 participants

Chemotherapy + Pembrolizumab group
- Randomized: 136 participants
- Received study treatment: 133 participants
- Ongoing in the study: 81 participants
- Discontinued the study: 55 participants
/ データカットオフ日時点(2022年12月15日)
・ オラパリブ+ペムブロリズマブ群:25.93%(35/135例)
・ 化学療法+ペムブロリズマブ群:24.06%(32/133例)

・ オラパリブ+ペムブロリズマブ群:発熱(2.22%)、貧血、血球貪食性リンパ組織球症、肺炎、肺塞栓症及び敗血症(各1.48%)
・ 化学療法+ペムブロリズマブ群:肺炎(2.26%)、貧血、汎血球減少症、血小板数減少、血小板減少症及び上気道感染(各1.50%)

・ オラパリブ+ペムブロリズマブ群:89.63%(121/135例)
・ 化学療法+ペムブロリズマブ群:96.24%(128/133例)

・ オラパリブ+ペムブロリズマブ群:貧血(40.00%)、悪心(37.78%)
・ 化学療法+ペムブロリズマブ群:貧血(51.88%)、好中球減少症(41.35%)、好中球数減少(31.58%)及び血小板減少症(30.83%)
As of data cutoff date (15-DEC-2022)
Percentage of participants with serious adverse events
- Olaparib + Pembrolizumab group: 25.93% (35/135 participants)
- Chemotherapy + Pembrolizumab group: 24.06% (32/133 participants)

Serious adverse events with an incidence of >= 1%
Percentage of participants with serious adverse events
- Olaparib + Pembrolizumab group: pyrexia (2.22%), anaemia, haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, pneumonia, pulmonary embolism and sepsis (1.48% each)
- Chemotherapy + Pembrolizumab group: pneumonia (2.26%), anaemia, pancytopenia, platelet count decreased, thrombocytopenia and upper respiratory tract infection (1.50% each)

Percentage of participants with non-serious adverse events with an incidence of > 5% in one or more treatment groups
- Olaparib + Pembrolizumab group: 89.63% (121/135 participants)
- Chemotherapy + Pembrolizumab group: 96.24% (128/133 participants)

Non-serious adverse events with an incidence of >= 30%
- Olaparib + Pembrolizumab group: anaemia (40.00%) and nausea (37.78%)
- Chemotherapy + Pembrolizumab group: anaemia (51.88%), neutropenia (41.35%), neutrophil count decreased (31.58%) and thrombocytopenia (30.83%)
/ データカットオフ日時点(2022年12月15日)
盲検下独立中央画像判定機関がRECIST 1.1に基づき評価したPFS
・ 解析対象集団:無作為化された全患者集団
・ オラパリブ+ペムブロリズマブ群:5.5ヵ月(95%信頼区間:4.2~8.3)
・ 化学療法+ペムブロリズマブ群:5.6ヵ月(95%信頼区間:4.3~6.9)
・ ハザード比:0.98(95%信頼区間:0.72~1.33)、p値:0.4556

・ 解析対象集団:無作為化された全患者集団
・ オラパリブ+ペムブロリズマブ群:25.1ヵ月(18.3~未到達)
・ 化学療法+ペムブロリズマブ群:23.4ヵ月(15.8~未到達)
・ ハザード比:0.95(95%信頼区間:0.64~1.40)、p値:0.3903
As of data cutoff date (15-DEC-2022)
Primary Endpoint
PFS per RECIST 1.1 by blinded independent central review (BICR)
- Analysis Population: all randomized participants
- Olaparib + Pembrolizumab group: 5.5 months (95%CI: 4.2, 8.3)
- Chemotherapy + Pembrolizumab group: 5.6 months (95%CI: 4.3, 6.9)
- HR: 0.98 (95%CI: 0.72, 1.33), p-value: 0.4556

- Analysis Population: all randomized participants
- Olaparib + Pembrolizumab group: 25.1 months (95%CI: 18.3, NR)
- Chemotherapy + Pembrolizumab group: 23.4 months (95%CI: 15.8, NR)
- HR: 0.95 (95%CI: 0.64, 1.40), p-value: 0.3903
副次的評価項目の解析結果 / Secondary Outcome Measures
/ 有効性

For participants with locally recurrent, inoperable, or metastatic TNBC:
- olaparib plus pembrolizumab did not demonstrate superiority of the primary endpoint of PFS compared with chemotherapy plus pembrolizumab.
- The primary endpoint of OS was not tested.
- olaparib plus pembrolizumab showed a manageable safety profile, which was generally consistent with the established safety profiles of the 2 monotherapies, and no new safety concerns were identified.
出版物の掲載 / Posting of iournal publication

3 IPDシェアリング

/ Yes
/ MSDの臨床試験データの利用制限を含む共有の指針はhttp://engagezone.msd.com/doc/ProcedureAccessClinicalTrialData.pdfに掲載しております。MSDの臨床試験データ開示は、本サイト(http://engagezone.msd.com/ds_documentation.php)又はメール(dataaccess@merck.com)にて英語で申請してください。 http://engagezone.msd.com/doc/ProcedureAccessClinicalTrialData.pdf


試験等の種別 企業治験
登録日 2024年06月18日
jRCT番号 jRCT2080224993

1 試験等の実施体制に関する事項及び試験等を行う施設の構造設備に関する事項


1次化学療法及びペムブロリズマブの併用投与により臨床的ベネフィットが得られた切除不能な局所再発又は転移性トリプルネガティブ乳癌(TNBC)患者を対象にオラパリブ及びペムブロリズマブの併用投与と化学療法及びペムブロリズマブの併用投与を比較する非盲検、無作為化、第II/III相試験(KEYLYNK-009) An Open-label, Randomized, Phase 2/3 Study of Olaparib Plus Pembrolizumab Versus Chemotherapy Plus Pembrolizumab After Induction of Clinical Benefit With First-line Chemotherapy Plus Pembrolizumab in Participants With Locally Recurrent Inoperable or Metastatic Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) (KEYLYNK-009)
トリプルネガティブ乳癌に対する導入後療法としてのオラパリブ+ペムブロリズマブ Olaparib Plus Pembrolizumab as Post-Induction Therapy in Triple Negative Breast Cancer


藤田 伴子 Fujita Tomoko
MSD株式会社 MSD K.K.
東京都千代田区九段北一丁目13番12号 北の丸スクエア KITANOMARU SQUARE,1-13-12,Kudan-kita,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 102-8667,Japan
MSDJRCT問合せ窓口 MSDJRCT inquiry mailbox
MSD株式会社 MSD K.K.
東京都千代田区九段北一丁目13番12号 北の丸スクエア KITANOMARU SQUARE,1-13-12,Kudan-kita,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 102-8667,Japan









2 試験等の目的及び内容並びにこれに用いる医薬品等の概要


本試験の目的は、切除不能な 局所再発又は転移性トリプルネガティブ乳癌(TNBC)患者を対象に1次化学療法及びペムブロリズマブ(MK-3475)の併用投与後にオラパリブ(MK-7339)及びペムブロリズマブの併用投与と化学療法及びペムブロリズマブの併用投与を比較することである。 主要仮説: 1.オラパリブ+ペムブロリズマブは化学療法+ペムブロリズマブよりもPFSを延長する。 2.オラパリブ+ペムブロリズマブは化学療法+ペムブロリズマブよりもOSを延長する。 治験実施計画書改訂03版の時点で本試験の組入れを中止する。治験薬により臨床的ベネフィットを得ている場合は、中止基準に該当するまで投与を継続できる。治験薬の投与を継続する患者又はフォローアップ期の患者は、盲検下中央画像判定機関による画像評価を受けない。 The purpose of this study is to compare the efficacy of olaparib (MK-7339) plus pembrolizumab (MK-3475) with chemotherapy plus pembrolizumab after induction with first-line chemotherapy plus pembrolizumab in triple negative breast cancer (TNBC). The primary hypotheses are: 1. Olaparib plus pembrolizumab is superior to chemotherapy plus pembrolizumab with respect to progression-free survival (PFS). 2. Olaparib plus pembrolizumab is superior to chemotherapy plus pembrolizumab with respect to overall survival (OS). As of Amendment 3, study enrollment was discontinued. Participants who were receiving benefit from the study intervention could continue treatment until criteria for discontinuation are met. Participants who are on study treatment or in follow-up phase will no longer have tumor response assessments by BICR.
2 2
介入研究 Interventional


Multicenter clinical study,randomized controlled trial,parallel assignment,open(masking not used)


treatment purpose

/ 日本/アジア(日本以外)/北米/南米/欧州 Japan/Asia except Japan/North America/South America/Europe

3)RECIST 1.1の評価に基づき、測定可能病変を有する患者
5)導入療法期の治験薬初回投与前7日以内の評価でECOG Performance Statusが0又は1の患者

11)18週の評価時に RECIST 1.1に基づく盲検下独立中央画像判定機関の評価で、CR、PR又は SDと判定された患者。
13)導入後療法期の治験薬初回投与前7日以内の評価で ECOG Performance Statusが0又は1の患者
14)無作為割付け前に導入療法に関連したGrade 2以上の毒性(脱毛症は除く)のない患者

Induction Period:
1. Has locally recurrent inoperable TNBC that has not previously been treated with chemotherapy and that cannot be treated with curative intent OR has metastatic TNBC that has not been previously treated with chemotherapy
2. Has been treated with anthracycline and/or a taxane in the neoadjuvant/adjuvant setting, if they received systemic treatment in the neoadjuvant/adjuvant setting, unless anthracycline and/or taxane was contraindicated or not considered the best treatment option for the participant in the opinion of the treating physician
3. Has measurable disease based on RECIST 1.1
4. Has provided a recently obtained or archival (no more than 3 years old) core or excisional biopsy of a tumor lesion not previously irradiated
5. Has an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status of 0 or 1 as assessed within 7 days prior to the start of induction study treatment
6. Has a life expectancy >=27 weeks from the day of first study treatment
7. Demonstrate adequate organ function within 10 days prior to the start of study treatment
8. A male participant must agree to be abstinent or use contraception and refrain from donating sperm during the intervention period and for at least the time needed to eliminate each study intervention (95 days for olaparib and chemotherapy; no requirement for pembrolizumab)
9. A female participant must not be pregnant or breastfeeding and must agree to the following if is a woman of childbearing potential (WOCBP): have a negative pregnancy test within 24 hours before the start of study treatment and agree to be abstinent or use contraception and refrain from donating eggs (ova, oocytes) during the intervention period and for at least the time needed to eliminate each study intervention (180 days for olaparib and chemotherapy; 120 days for pembrolizumab)

Post-induction Period:
10. Has received up to 6 cycles but not less than 4 cycles of induction therapy without permanently discontinuing from pembrolizumab or both carboplatin and gemcitabine
11. Has achieved complete response (CR), partial response (PR), or stable disease (SD) based on RECIST 1.1 by Blinded Independent Central Review (BICR) at the Week 18 evaluation
12. Is able to complete during post-induction at least the Cycle 1, Day 1 doses of olaparib and pembrolizumab or the Cycle 1, Day 1 doses of at least one of the chemotherapy agents being administered at the end of induction (carboplatin and/or gemcitabine) in addition to pembrolizumab
13. Has ECOG performance status of 0 or 1, as assessed within 7 days prior to the start of post-induction study treatment
14. Has no higher than Grade 1 toxicities related to induction therapy (excluding alopecia) prior to randomization


1)過去5年以内に進行又は治療が必要な他の悪性腫瘍を有する患者。根治的治療を受けた皮膚の基底細胞癌、皮膚の扁平上皮癌、又は上皮内がん(例:子宮頸 部上皮内癌)の患者は組入れ可能である
2)免疫不全状態と診断された患者、又は治験薬初回投与前7日以内に長期全身性ステロイド療 法(プレドニゾロン換算で10 mg/日超)や他の免疫抑制療法による治療を受けた患者
3)過去2年以内に全身性の治療を要した 活動性の自己免疫疾患を有する患者
5)骨髄異形成症候群(MDS)又は急性骨髄性白血病(AML)、又は MDS/AMLを疑う所見 を有する患者
8)活動性の結核の既往を有する患者(結核菌、Bacillus tuberculosis)
11)B型肝炎(HBs抗原陽性)又は活動性の C型肝炎[HCV RNA(定性)陽性]を有する患者
13)Grade 2以上のニューロパチーを有する患者
14)前治療による毒性から回復(例:Grade 1以下又はベースラインまで)していない患者
15)ペムブロリズマブ、オラパリブ及びその成分、本治験の化学療法(カルボプラチン又はゲ ムシタビン)及びそれらの成分に対する過敏症又はアレルギーの既往を有する患者
16)治験薬又は治験薬の添加剤に対する重度(Grade 3以上)の過敏症を有する患者
17)治験の実施に影響を与える可能性があると判断された精神疾患又は薬物乱用障害を有する 患者
18)妊娠中又は授乳中、若しくはスクリーニング時から治験薬最終投与後180日間に妊娠を希望する女性 患者又はパートナーの妊娠を希望する男性患者
20)オラパリブ又はその他の PARP 阻害薬の投与を過去に受けたことがある患者
22)治験薬初回投与前2週間以内にコロニー刺激因子[例:顆粒球コロニー刺激因子(G-CSF)、 顆粒球マクロファージコロニー刺激因子(GM-CSF)又は遺伝子組換えエリスロポイエチ ン]の投与を受けた患者
27)治験薬初回投与前7日以内に本治験で用いる化学療法の各添付文書に記載されている併用 禁止薬が投与された患者
28)抗 PD-1、抗 PD-L1、抗 PD-L2の薬剤又は他の共抑制性 T細胞受容体(CTLA-4、OX-40、 CD137等)を標的とした薬剤の治療歴を有する患者、又は(受けた治療にかかわらず)過去にペムブロリズマブを評価する臨床試験に参加したことのある患者
29)現在他の治験薬の治験に参加している、又は治験薬初回投与前4週間以内に他の治験薬の治 験に参加した若しくは治験用の医療機器を用いた患者
32)経口投与が難しい又は吸収に影響を与える消化器疾患(例:胃切除術、部分的な腸閉塞症 又は吸収不良)を有する患者

34)治験薬及び/又は添加剤に対する重度の過敏症(Grade 3以上)を有する患者
38)現在、強力なチトクローム P450(CYP)3A4阻害剤を使用しており、治験期間中に投与を中止できない患者
39)現在、強力な又は中等度の CYP3A4誘導剤を使用しており、治験期間中に投与を中止できない患者

Induction Period:
1. Has a known additional malignancy that is progressing or has required active treatment within the past 5 years with the exception of basal cell carcinoma of the skin, squamous cell carcinoma of the skin, or carcinoma in situ (eg, cervical cancer in situ) that have undergone potentially curative therapy
2. Has a diagnosis of immunodeficiency or is receiving chronic systemic steroid therapy (in dosing exceeding 10 mg daily of prednisone equivalent) or any other form of immunosuppressive therapy within 7 days prior the first dose of study treatment
3. Has an active autoimmune disease that has required systemic treatment in the past 2 years
4. Has known active central nervous system (CNS) metastases and/or carcinomatous meningitis
5. Has myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)/acute myeloid leukemia (AML) or has features suggestive of MDS/AML
6. Has a history of (non-infectious) pneumonitis interstitial lung disease that required steroids or current pneumonitis interstitial lung disease
7. Has active, or a history of, interstitial lung disease
8. Has a known history of active tuberculosis
9. Has an active infection requiring systemic therapy
10. Has a known history of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection
11. Has a known history of Hepatitis B (defined as Hepatitis B surface antigen [HBsAg] reactive) or known active Hepatitis C virus (defined as HCV RNA [qualitative] is detected) infection
12. Has a history of class II-IV congestive heart failure or myocardial infarction within 6 months of first study treatment
13. Has neuropathy >=Grade 2
14. Has not recovered (eg, to <=Grade 1 or to baseline) from AEs due to a previously administered therapy
15. Has a known history of hypersensitivity or allergy to pembrolizumab, olaparib and any of its components, and/or to any of the study chemotherapies (eg, carboplatin or gemcitabine) and any of their components
16. Has severe hypersensitivity (>=Grade 3) to the study treatments and/or any of their excipients
17. Has a known psychiatric or substance abuse disorder that would interfere with the participant's ability to cooperate with the requirements of the study
18. Is pregnant or breastfeeding, or expecting to conceive or father children within the projected duration of the study, starting with the Screening Visit through 180 days after the last dose of study treatment
19. Is a WOCBP who has a positive urine pregnancy test within 24 hours prior to randomization or treatment allocation
20. Has received prior therapy with either olaparib or any other poly adenosine diphosphate ribose polymerase (PARP) inhibitor
21. Has received prior radiotherapy within 2 weeks of start of study treatment
22. Has received colony-stimulating factors (eg, granulocyte colony stimulating factor [G-CSF], granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor [GM-CSF] or recombinant erythropoietin) within 2 weeks prior to the first dose of study treatment
23. Has had an allogenic tissue/solid organ transplant.
24. Has received previous allogenic bone marrow transplant or double umbilical cord transplantation (dUCBT)
25. Has had major surgery within 2 weeks of starting study treatment or has not recovered from any effects of any major surgery
26. Has received a live or live-attenuated vaccine within 30 days prior to first study treatment
27. Is receiving any medication prohibited in combination with study chemotherapies unless medication was stopped within 7 days prior to first study treatment
28. Has received prior therapy with an anti-PD-1, anti-PD-L1, or anti-PD-L2 agent or with an agent directed to another co-inhibitory T cell receptor (such as cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 [CTLA-4], OX-40, CD137) or has previously participated in a study evaluating pembrolizumab regardless of treatment received
29. Is currently participating in or has participated in a study of an investigational agent or has used an investigational device within 4 weeks prior to the first dose of study treatment
30. Has presence of uncontrolled, potentially reversible cardiac conditions, as judged by the investigator
31. Has a history or current evidence of any condition (eg, cytopenia, transfusion-dependent anemia, or thrombocytopenia), therapy, or laboratory abnormality that might confound the results of the study, interfere with the participant's involvement for the full duration of the study, or is not in the best interest of the participant to be involved, in the opinion of the treating investigator
32. Is either unable to swallow orally administered medication or has a gastrointestinal disorder affecting absorption (eg, gastrectomy, partial bowel obstruction, malabsorption)
33. Is unlikely to comply with the study procedures, restrictions, and requirements of the study; as judged by the investigator

Post-induction Period:
34. Has severe hypersensitivity (>=Grade 3) to the study treatments and/or any of their excipients
35. Has permanently discontinued from both carboplatin and gemcitabine during induction due to toxicity
36. Has permanently discontinued from pembrolizumab during induction due to toxicity
37. Has received less than 4 cycles of chemotherapy plus pembrolizumab during induction
38. Is currently receiving either strong or moderate inhibitors of cytochrome P450 (CYP)3A4 that cannot be discontinued for the duration of the study
39. Is currently receiving either strong or moderate inducers of CYP3A4 that cannot be discontinued for the duration of the study



18age old over



No limit




/ トリプルネガティブ乳癌 Triple negative breast cancer
/ ペムブロリズマブ+オラパリブ:
導入療法期を完了した患者を無作為に割り付け、導入後療法期としてオラパリブ300 mgを1日2回経口投与+21日コースの1日目にペムブロリズマブ200 mgを静脈内投与する。

導入療法期を完了した患者を無作為に割り付け、導入後療法期として21日コースの1及び8日目にカルボプラチンAUC 2を静脈内投与+1及び8日目にゲムシタビン1000 mg/m^2を静脈内投与+1日目にペムブロリズマブ 200 mgを静脈内投与する。
Pembrolizumab + Olaparib:
This arm includes participants who randomized following completion of the induction period. After the induction period, participants received pembrolizumab 200 mg intravenously on Day 1 of each 21-day cycle plus olaparib 300 mg orally twice daily during the post-induction period.

Pembrolizumab + Carboplatin + Gemcitabine:
This arm includes participants who randomized following completion of the induction period. Participants continued to receive both carboplatin AUC 2 with gemcitabine 1000 mg/m^2 intravenously on Days 1 and 8 of each 21-day cycle in addition to pembrolizumab 200 mg intravenously on Day 1 of each 21-day cycle in the post-induction period.
/ ・無増悪生存期間 (PFS)
・全生存期間 (OS)
- Progression-Free Survival (PFS)
- Overall Survival (OS)
/ ・プログラム細胞死リガンド1(PD-L1)陽性腫瘍(combined positive score; CPS≧10)を有する患者のPFS
・ 乳癌感受性遺伝子変異(BRCAm)を有する患者のPFS
 - EORTCのQoL質問票Core 30(EORTC QLQ-C30)を用いた健康関連QoL(項目29及び30)のベースラインからの変化
 - EORTC QLQ-C30を用いた身体機能(項目1~5)スコアのベースラインからの変化
 - EORTC QLQ-C30を用いた情緒機能(項目21~24)スコアのベースラインからの変化
 - EORTCの乳癌モジュール(EORTC QLQ-BR23)を用いた全身療法の副作用(項目1~4、6、7及び8)スコアのベースラインからの変化
 - EuroQoL5項目5段階質問票(EQ-5D-5L)を用いた視覚的アナログ尺度(VAS)スコアのベースラインからの変化
 -EORTC QLQ-C30を用いた健康関連QoL(項目29及び30)スコアの悪化までの期間(TTD)
 -EORTC QLQ-C30を用いた身体機能(項目1~5)スコアのTTD
 -EORTC QLQ-C30を用いた情緒機能(項目21~24)スコアのTTD
 -EORTC QLQ-BR23を用いた全身療法の副作用(項目1~4、6、7及び8)スコアのTTD
-PFS in Participants With Programmed Cell Death-Ligand 1 (PD-L1) Positive Tumors With a Combined Positive Score (CPS) >=10
- OS in Participants With PD-L1 Positive Tumors With a CPS >=10
- PFS in Participants With Breast Cancer Susceptibility Gene Mutation (BRCAm) Tumors
- OS in Participants With BRCAm Tumors
- Number of Participants Who Experienced At Least One Adverse Event (AE)
- Number of Participants Who Discontinued Study Treatment Due to an AE
- In participants with BRCAm tumors and irrespective of BRCAm status:
- Change From Baseline in Health-Related Quality-of-Life (QoL) Using the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire Core 30 (EORTC QLQ-C30) Items 29 and 30 Combined Score
- Change From Baseline in Physical Functioning Using the EORTC QLQ-C30 Items 1- 5 Score
- Change From Baseline in Emotional Functioning Using the EORTC QLQ-C30 Items 21-24 Score
- Change From Baseline in Systemic Therapy Side Effects Using the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Breast Cancer-Specific QoL Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-BR23) Items 1-4, 6, 7, and 8 Score
- Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score on the European Quality of Life 5-dimension, 5-level Questionnaire (EQ-5D-5L)
- Time to Deterioration (TTD) in Health-Related QoL Using the EORTC QLQ-C30 Items 29 and 30 Score
- TTD in Physical Functioning Using the EORTC QLQ-C30 Items 1- 5 Score
- TTD in Emotional Functioning Using the EORTC QLQ-C30 Items 21-24 Score
- TTD in Systemic Therapy Side Effects Using the EORTC QLQ-BR23 Items 1-4, 6, 7, and 8 Score


医薬品 medicine
pembrolizumab, olaparib, carboplatin, gemcitabine pembrolizumab, olaparib, carboplatin, gemcitabine
429 その他の腫瘍用薬 429 Other antitumor agents
導入療法期: ・1及び8日目(1~6コース)にカルボプラチン AUC(濃度‐時間曲線下面積)2 を静脈内(IV)投与 ・1及び8日目(1~6コース)にゲムシタビン1000 mg/m2を IV投与 ・1日目(1~6コース)にペムブロリズマブ 200 mgを3週間間隔(Q3W)投与。導入後療法期:・オラパリブ300 mg 1日2回(BID)経口投与 ・ペムブロリズマブ 200 mg Q3W投与。
pembrolizumab, carboplatin, gemcitabine pembrolizumab, carboplatin, gemcitabine
429 その他の腫瘍用薬 429 Other antitumor agents
導入療法期:・1及び8日目(1~6コース)にカルボプラチン AUC(濃度‐時間曲線下面積)2 を静脈内(IV)投与・1及び8日目(1~6コース)にゲムシタビン1000 mg/m2を IV投与・1日目(1~6コース)にペムブロリズマブ 200 mgを3週間間隔(Q3W)投与。 導入後療法期:・1及び8日目にカルボプラチン AUC 2を IV投与 ・1及び8日目にゲムシタビン1000 mg/m2をIV投与・1日目にペムブロリズマブ 200 mg Q3W投与。

3 試験等の実施状況の確認に関する事項



参加募集終了 completed



4 試験等の対象者に健康被害が生じた場合の補償及び医療の提供に関する事項

5 依頼者等に関する事項





6 IRBの名称等

独立行政法人国立病院機構大阪医療センター受託研究審査委員会 National Hospital Organization Osaka National Hospital IRB
大阪府大阪市中央区法円坂2-1-14 2-1-14, hoenzaka, chuo-ku, osaka-shi
承認 approved

7 その他の事項



ClinicalTrials.gov ClinicalTrials.gov



7339-009 本結果概要は、主要評価の解析に基づき記載した。なお、試験の副次評価項目等の追加情報は<https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT04191135>に公開する。










種別 公表日
終了 令和6年6月19日 (当画面) 変更内容
変更 令和6年6月13日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和6年5月29日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和4年3月3日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和2年2月12日 詳細 変更内容
新規登録 令和元年12月23日 詳細