jRCT ロゴ





アトピー性皮膚炎の成人患者を対象にTCS 及び/又はTCI を併用又は間欠的に使用しながらZPL389 を経口投与したときの短期及び長期安全性並びに有効性を評価する,用量探索試験CZPL389A2203 の多施設共同,ランダム化,二重盲検,継続投与試験
アトピー性皮膚炎患者を対象にTCS 及び/又はTCI を併用又は間欠的に使用してZPL389 投与の安全性及び有効性を評価する試験
丸山 日出樹
NTT 東日本関東病院治験審査委員会




2 結果の要約

/ ランダム化された123名の平均年齢(SD)は34.6(11.66)歳であった。白人(63.4%)が多くを占め,女性(35.8%)より男性(64.2%)が多かった。 Among the 123 randomized subjects, the mean (SD) age was 34.6 (11.66) years. The majority of subjects were white (63.4%), and there were more males (64.2%) than females (35.8%).
/ コア試験でZPL389 30 mg又は50 mgを投与された被験者は、二重盲検下で同用量を継続投与した。コア試験でZPL389 3 mg、10 mg又はプラセボの投与を受けていた被験者は、30 mg又は50 mgに1:1の比率でランダム化された。
ZPL389 30 mg群,50 mg群にそれぞれ60名,63名ランダム化された。全ての被験者が試験を完了しなかった。
Subjects who received ZPL389 30 mg or 50 mg in the core study continued to receive the same dose in a double-blind manner. Subjects who had received ZPL389 3 mg, 10 mg or placebo in the core studies were randomized 1:1 to 30 mg or 50 mg.
60 and 63 subjects were randomized to the ZPL389 30 mg and 50 mg groups, respectively. Not all subjects completed the study.
/ 投与開始16週から32週時点までの有害事象の割合(発現例数)は,ZPL30 mg群、50 mg群それぞれ48.3%(29/60名)、52.4%(33/63名),重篤な有害事象の割合(発現例数)は,3.3%(2/60名),7.9%(5/63名),中止に至った有害事象の割合(発現例数)は,3.3%(2/60名),4.8%(3/63名)であった。

投与開始32週から83週時点(早期に試験を中止したため,投与開始116週時点まで評価を行わなかった)までの有害事象の割合(発現例数)は,ZPL30 mg群、50 mg群それぞれ30.0%(18/60名)、31.7%(20/63名),重篤な有害事象の割合(発現例数)は,0%(0/60名),3.2%(2/63名),中止に至った有害事象の割合(発現例数)は,0%(0/60名),1.6%(1/63名)であった。
The proportion of subjects with adverse events from Week 16 to Week 32 in the ZPL30 mg and 50 mg groups was 48.3% (29/60 subjects) and 52.4% (33/63 subjects), respectively, the proportion of subjects with serious adverse events was 3.3% (2/60 subjects) and 7.9% (5/63 subjects), and the proportion of subjects with adverse events leading to discontinuation was 3.3% (2/60 subjects) and 4.8% (3/63 subjects).

The proportion of subjects with adverse events from Week 32 to Week 83 (Evaluation was not performed until Week 116 because the study was discontinued early.) in the ZPL30 mg and 50 mg groups was 30.0% (18/60 subjects) and 31.7% (20/63 subjects), respectively, the proportion of subjects with serious adverse events was 0% (0/60 subjects) and 3.2% (2/63 subjects), respectively, and the proportion of subjects with adverse events leading to discontinuation was 0% (0/60 subjects) and 1.6% (1/63 subjects), respectively.
/ 主要評価項目
Primary Endpoint
Described in the summary of 'Adverse events'.
副次的評価項目の解析結果 / Secondary Outcome Measures 副次評価項目 継時的なIGAスコア コア試験でプラセボ,ZPL389 3 mg,又はZPL 10 mgを投与され,本試験でZPL 30 mg群にランダム化された被験者は34名で,投与開始20週,24週,28週,32週,44週,56週のIGA反応割合[交絡因子療法を使用せずに,IGAスコアが0又は1であり,かつベースラインから2ポイント低下することと定義]の平均(95%信頼区間)は,それぞれ2.9%(-2.7 to 8.6),2.9%(-2.7 to 8.6),3.5%(-3.1 to 10.1),3.9%(-3.3 to 11.0),0.0%(-3.7 to 6.4),3.4%(-4.4 to 11.2)であった。コア試験でプラセボ,ZPL389 3 mg,又はZPL 10 mgを投与され,本試験でZPL 50 mg群にランダム化された被験者は30名で,投与開始20週,24週,28週,32週,44週,56週のIGA反応割合の平均(95%信頼区間)は,それぞれ5.2%(-3.4 to 13.8),4.8%(-3.9 to 13.5),4.0%(-4.4 to 12.4),5.9%(-3.7 to 15.5),7.5%(-3.7 to 18.7),9.1%(-2.7 to 20.8)であった。コア試験でZPL 30 mgを投与され,本試験で引き続きZPL 30 mgを投与された被験者は26名で,投与開始20週,24週,28週,32週,44週,56週のIGA反応割合の平均(95%信頼区間)は,それぞれ0.0%(-0.0 to 0.0),0.0%(-0.0 to 0.0),0.0%(-1.0 to 1.1),0.0%(-1.7 to 1.9),0.0%(-1.4 to 1.6),0.0%(-4.3 to 7.0)であった。コア試験でZPL 50 mgを投与され,本試験で引き続きZPL 50 mgを投与された被験者は33名で,投与開始20週,24週,28週,32週,44週,56週のIGA反応割合の平均(95%信頼区間)は,それぞれ3.0%(-2.8 to 8.9),3.1%(-2.8 to 9.0),3.0%(-2.8 to 8.9),0.0%(-2.0 to 2.4),1.5%(-3.8 to 6.9),0.0%(-4.2 to 7.0)であった。 継時的なEASIスコア コア試験でプラセボ,ZPL389 3 mg,又はZPL 10 mgを投与され,本試験でZPL 30 mg群にランダム化された被験者は34名で,投与開始20週,24週,28週,32週,44週,56週のEASI50達成割合の平均(95%信頼区間)は,それぞれ14.7%(2.8 to 26.6),17.6%(4.8 to 30.5),22.3%(8.0 to 36.6),19.6%(5.7 to 33.4),10.8%(-1.0 to 22.6),14.8%(1.4 to 28.2)であった。コア試験でプラセボ,ZPL389 3 mg,又はZPL 10 mgを投与され,本試験でZPL 50 mg群にランダム化された被験者は30名で,投与開始20週,24週,28週,32週,44週,56週のEASI50達成割合の平均(95%信頼区間)は,それぞれ13.0%(0.8 to 25.2),15.6%(2.2 to 29.0),15.9%(2.5 to 29.3),18.2%(3.8 to 32.6),14.8%(0.8 to 28.8),20.3%(4.6 to 36.1)であった。コア試験でZPL 30 mgを投与され,本試験で引き続きZPL 30 mgを投与された被験者は26名で,投与開始20週,24週,28週,32週,44週,56週のEASI50達成割合の平均(95%信頼区間)は,それぞれ7.7%(-2.6 to 17.9),11.5%(-0.7 to 23.8),10.7%(-1.5 to 23.0),10.1%(-2.0 to 22.2),14.0%(0.1 to 27.8),12.3%(-0.9 to 25.5)であった。コア試験でZPL 50 mgを投与され,本試験で引き続きZPL 50 mgを投与された被験者は33名で,投与開始20週,24週,28週,32週,44週,56週のEASI50達成割合の平均(95%信頼区間)は,それぞれ12.1%(1.0 to 23.3),12.1%(1.0 to 23.3),12.1%(1.0 to 23.3),11.9%(0.5 to 23.3),14.2%(1.6 to 26.8),13.8%(0.9 to 26.6)であった。 Secondary Endpoints IGA score over time In the core study, 34 subjects received placebo, ZPL389 3 mg, or ZPL 10 mg and were randomized to the ZPL 30 mg group in this study. The mean (95% CI) IGA response rates [Defined as IGA score of 0 or 1 without confounding factor therapy and a reduction from baseline of 2 points] at Weeks 20, 24, 28, 32, 44, and 56 were 2.9% (-2.7 to 8.6), 2.9% (-2.7 to 8.6), 3.5% (-3.1 to 10.1), 3.9% (-3.3 to 11.0), 0.0% (-3.7 to 6.4), and 3.4% (-4.4 to 11.2), respectively. In the core study, 30 subjects received placebo, ZPL389 3 mg, or ZPL 10 mg and were randomized to the ZPL 50 mg group in this study. The mean (95% CI) IGA response rates at Weeks 20, 24, 28, 32, 44, and 56 were 5.2% (-3.4 to 13.8), 4.8% (-3.9 to 13.5), 4.0% (-4.4 to 12.4), 5.9% (-3.7 to 15.5), 7.5% (-3.7 to 18.7), and 9.1% (-2.7 to 20.8), respectively. In 26 subjects who received ZPL 30 mg in the core studies and subsequently received ZPL 30 mg in this study, the mean (95% CI) IGA response rates at Weeks 20, 24, 28, 32, 44, and 56 were 0.0% (-0.0 to 0.0), 0.0% (-0.0 to 0.0), 0.0% (-1.0 to 1.1), 0.0% (-1.7 to 1.9), 0.0% (-1.4 to 1.6), and 0.0% (-4.3 to 7.0), respectively. In 33 subjects who received ZPL 50 mg in the core studies and subsequently received ZPL 50 mg in this study, the mean (95% CI) IGA response rates at Weeks 20, 24, 28, 32, 44, and 56 were 3.0% (-2.8 to 8.9), 3.1% (-2.8 to 9.0), 3.0% (-2.8 to 8.9), 0.0% (-2.0 to 2.4), 1.5% (-3.8 to 6.9), and 0.0% (-4.2 to 7.0), respectively. EASI score over time A total of 34 subjects received placebo, ZPL389 3 mg, or ZPL 10 mg in the core study and were randomized to the ZPL 30 mg group in this study. The mean (95% CI) EASI50 response rates at Weeks 20, 24, 28, 32, 44, and 56 were 14.7% (2.8 to 26.6), 17.6% (4.8 to 30.5), 22.3% (8.0 to 36.6), 19.6% (5.7 to 33.4), 10.8% (-1.0 to 22.6), and 14.8% (1.4 to 28.2), respectively. A total of 30 subjects received placebo, ZPL389 3 mg, or ZPL 10 mg in the core study and were randomized to the ZPL 50 mg group in this study. The mean (95% CI) EASI50 response rates at Weeks 20, 24, 28, 32, 44, and 56 were 13.0% (0.8 to 25.2), 15.6% (2.2 to 29.0), 15.9% (2.5 to 29.3), 18.2% (3.8 to 32.6), 14.8% (0.8 to 28.8), and 20.3% (4.6 to 36.1), respectively. In 26 subjects who received ZPL 30 mg in the core study and subsequently received ZPL 30 mg in this study, the mean (95% CI) EASI50 response rate at Weeks 20, 24, 28, 32, 44, and 56 was 7.7% (-2.6 to 17.9), 11.5% (-0.7 to 23.8), 10.7% (-1.5 to 23.0), 10.1% (-2.0 to 22.2), 14.0% (0.1 to 27.8), and 12.3% (-0.9 to 25.5), respectively. In 33 subjects who received ZPL 50 mg in the core study and subsequently received ZPL 50 mg in this study, the mean (95% CI) EASI50 response rate at Weeks 20, 24, 28, 32, 44, and 56 was 12.1% (1.0 to 23.3), 12.1% (1.0 to 23.3), 12.1% (1.0 to 23.3), 11.9% (0.5 to 23.3), 14.2% (1.6 to 26.8), and 13.8% (0.9 to 26.6), respectively.
/ コア試験で有効性が認められなかったため中止した。 The study was discontinued due to lack of efficacy in the core study.
出版物の掲載 / Posting of iournal publication

3 IPDシェアリング

/ Yes
/ 資格要件を満たした外部の研究者と被験者レベルのデータや試験関連文書を共有することは可能である。これらの要望は科学的な利益に基づいて独立した専門家委員会が審査し承認する。提供されるすべてのデータは、適用される法令に従い、試験参加者のプライバシーを守るために匿名化される。
Novartis is committed to sharing with qualified external researchers, access to patient-level data and supporting clinical documents from eligible studies. These requests are reviewed and approved by an independent expert panel on the basis of scientific merit. All data provided is anonymized to respect the privacy of patients who have participated in the trial in line with applicable laws and regulations.
This trial data is currently available according to the process described on www.clinicalstudydatarequest.com.


試験等の種別 企業治験
登録日 2024年06月17日
jRCT番号 jRCT2080224724

1 試験等の実施体制に関する事項及び試験等を行う施設の構造設備に関する事項


アトピー性皮膚炎の成人患者を対象にTCS 及び/又はTCI を併用又は間欠的に使用しながらZPL389 を経口投与したときの短期及び長期安全性並びに有効性を評価する,用量探索試験CZPL389A2203 の多施設共同,ランダム化,二重盲検,継続投与試験 A Randomized, Double Blind, Multicenter Extension to CZPL389A2203 Dose-ranging Study to Assess the Short-term and Long-term Safety and Efficacy of Oral ZPL389 With Concomitant Use of TCS and/or TCI in Adult Patients With Atopic Dermatitis.
アトピー性皮膚炎患者を対象にTCS 及び/又はTCI を併用又は間欠的に使用してZPL389 投与の安全性及び有効性を評価する試験 A study to assess the safety and efficacy of ZPL389 with concomitant or intermittent use of TCS and/or TCI in atopic dermatitis patients.


丸山 日出樹 Maruyama Hideki
ノバルティスファーマ株式会社 Novartis Pharma. K.K.
東京都港区虎ノ門1丁目23番1号 虎ノ門ヒルズ森タワー Toranomon Hills Mori Tower 23-1, Toranomon 1-chome Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-6333, Japan
丸山 日出樹 Maruyama Hideki
ノバルティスファーマ株式会社 Novartis Pharma. K.K.
東京都港区虎ノ門1丁目23番1号 虎ノ門ヒルズ森タワー Toranomon Hills Mori Tower 23-1, Toranomon 1-chome Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-6333, Japan









2 試験等の目的及び内容並びにこれに用いる医薬品等の概要


本治験は,アトピー性皮膚炎の患者を対象に最長2年間にわたり,ZPL389の長期安全性及び有効性を評価する。 This study is planned to assess long term safety and efficacy of ZPL389 by continuing 2 year treatment in atopic dermatitis patients.
2 2
介入研究 Interventional


The patients who complete 16 weeks of treatment in ZPL389 core study will be eligible to participate and patients will be advised to apply TCS and / or TCI concomitantly or intermittently along with once daily oral administration of ZPL389.


treatment purpose

/ 日本/アジア(日本以外)/北米/欧州 Japan/Asia except Japan/North America/Europe

・CZPL389A2203 試験に参加して16 週間の治験薬投与を完了したアトピー性皮膚炎の男女患者

*Subjects must give a written, signed and dated informed consent
*Subjects with atopic dermatitis who have participated in and completed 16 weeks of treatment in CZPL389A2203 study.
*Willing and able to comply with scheduled visits, treatment plan, laboratory tests, diary completion and other study procedures.


応)の既往のため,TCS 及び/又はTCI の併用又は間欠的な使用ができないと判断された患者
・CZPL389A2203 試験中に治験又は投与の中止基準を満たした患者

*Inability to use TCS and/or TCI due to history of important side effects of topical medication (e.g., intolerance or hypersensitivity reactions).
*Treatment discontinued subject from CZPL389A2203 study.
*Any skin disease that would confound the diagnosis or evaluation of atopic dermatitis disease activity.



18age old over



No limit




/ アトピー性皮膚炎 Atopic dermatitis
/ 試験対象薬剤等
薬効分類コード:449 その他のアレルギー用薬

薬効分類コード:--- その他
investigational material(s)
Generic name etc : ZPL389
INN of investigational material : -
Therapeutic category code : 449 Other antiallergic agents
Dosage and Administration for Investigational material : ZPL389 once daily

control material(s)
Generic name etc :
INN of investigational material : -
Therapeutic category code : --- Other
Dosage and Administration for Investigational material :
/ 安全性
*Frequency of AEs at Week 32 and Week 116.
/ 有効性
*Investigator's global assessment response.[ Time Frame: Investigator's global assessment rating score up to Week 120 ]

*Eczema Area and Severity Index (EASI) score. [ Time Frame: EASI-50/EASI-75 response up to Week 120 ]


医薬品 medicine
ZPL389 ZPL389
- -
449 その他のアレルギー用薬 449 Other antiallergic agents

3 試験等の実施状況の確認に関する事項



参加募集終了 completed



4 試験等の対象者に健康被害が生じた場合の補償及び医療の提供に関する事項

5 依頼者等に関する事項


Novartis Pharma. K.K.



6 IRBの名称等

NTT 東日本関東病院治験審査委員会 NTT Medical Center Tokyo IRB
東京都品川区東五反田 5-9-22 5-9-22 Higashi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
承認 approved

7 その他の事項



ClinicalTrials.gov ClinicalTrials.gov












種別 公表日
終了 令和6年6月18日 (当画面) 変更内容
変更 令和6年6月13日 詳細 変更内容
中止 令和4年12月13日 詳細 変更内容
中止 令和4年2月4日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和2年7月15日 詳細 変更内容
新規登録 令和元年6月18日 詳細