jRCT ロゴ





藤田 伴子
主要仮説:RECIST 1.1に基づきBICRにより評価されるPFSについて、ペムブロリズマブとレンバチニブの併用療法は化学療法に対して優越性を示す。




2 結果の要約

/ レンバチニブ+ペムブロリズマブ群
・Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status(ECOG PS):「0」59.5%、「1」40.5%
・ミスマッチ修復機構(MMR)ステータス:ミスマッチ修復機構欠損(dMMR) 23.8%、ミスマッチ修復機構保有(pMMR) 76.2%

・ECOG PS:「0」56.9%、「1」43.1%
・MMRステータス:dMMR 23.7%、pMMR 76.3%

・ECOG PS:「0」58.2%、「1」41.8%
・MMRステータス:dMMR 23.8%、pMMR 76.2%
Lenvatinib + Pembrolizumab group
-Mean Age: 62.5 years
-Sex: Female 100.0%
-Ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino 15.2%, Not Hispanic or Latino 82.6%, Unknown or Not Reported 2.1%
-Race: Asian 27.1%, Black or African American 2.4%, White 68.6%, More than one race 1.9%
-Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status (ECOG PS): [0] 59.5%, [1] 40.5%
-Prior Chemotherapy and/or Chemoradiation: Yes 17.6%, No 82.4%
-Mismatch repair (MMR) Status: Mismatch repair deficient (dMMR) 23.8%, mismatch repair proficient (pMMR) 76.2%

Paclitaxel + Carboplatin group
-Mean Age: 64.0 years
-Sex: Female 100.0%
-Ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino 15.9%, Not Hispanic or Latino 81.3%, Unknown or Not Reported 2.8%
-Race: Asian 24.2%, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.2%, Black or African American 3.3%, White 71.1%, More than one race 1.2%
-ECOG PS: [0] 56.9%, [1] 43.1%
-Prior Chemotherapy and/or Chemoradiation: Yes 16.1%, No 83.9%
-MMR Status: dMMR 23.7%, pMMR 76.3%

-Mean Age: 63.3 years
-Sex: Female 100.0%
-Ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino 15.6%, Not Hispanic or Latino 81.9%, Unknown or Not Reported 2.5%
-Race: Asian 25.7%, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.1%, Black or African American 2.9%, White 69.8%, More than one race 1.5%
-ECOG PS: [0] 58.2%, [1] 41.8%
-Prior Chemotherapy and/or Chemoradiation: Yes 16.9%, No 83.1%
-MMR Status: dMMR 23.8%, pMMR 76.2%
/ レンバチニブ+ペムブロリズマブ群

Lenvatinib + Pembrolizumab group
-Started: 420 participants
-Treated: 420 participants
-Completed: 0 participants
-Not Completed: 420 participants
-Reason Not Completed: Ongoing 202 participants, Death 212 participants, Withdrawal by Subject 6 participants

Paclitaxel + Carboplatin group
-Started: 422 participants
-Treated: 411 participants
-Completed: 0 participants
-Not Completed: 422 participants
-Reason Not Completed: Ongoing 186 participants, Death 224 participants, Lost to Follow-up 1 participant, Withdrawal by Subject 11 participants
/ 理由を問わない全ての死亡の割合




Percentage of all-cause mortality
-Lenvatinib + Pembrolizumab group: 50.71% (213/420 participants)
-Paclitaxel + Carboplatin group: 54.03% (228/422 participants)

Percentage of participants with serious adverse events
-Lenvatinib + Pembrolizumab group: 54.29% (228/420 participants)
-Paclitaxel + Carboplatin group: 20.44% (84/411 participants)

Serious adverse events with an incidence of >0.95%
-Lenvatinib + Pembrolizumab group: Diarrhoea (2.62%), Colitis (2.14%), Urinary tract infection (2.14%), Pneumonitis (2.14%), Hypertension (2.14%), Dehydration (1.67%), Pulmonary embolism (1.67%), Abdominal pain (1.43%), Death (1.43%), Pneumonia (1.43%), Hyponatraemia (1.43%), Anal abscess (1.19%), Cerebrovascular accident (1.19%), Acute kidney injury (1.19%)
-Paclitaxel + Carboplatin group: Anaemia (2.19%), Febrile neutropenia (0.97%), Abdominal pain (0.97%), Hyponatraemia (0.97%)

Percentage of participants with non-serious adverse events
-Lenvatinib + Pembrolizumab group: 99.05% (416/420 participants)
-Paclitaxel + Carboplatin group: 96.59% (397/411 participants)

Non-serious adverse events with an incidence of >=30%
-Lenvatinib + Pembrolizumab group: Hypertension (68.57%), Hypothyroidism (62.38%), Diarrhoea (50.71%), Nausea (37.62%), Proteinuria (34.52%), Fatigue (34.05%), Decreased appetite (34.05%), Arthralgia (31.19%)
-Paclitaxel + Carboplatin group: Alopecia (53.53%), Anaemia (50.85%), Nausea (42.09%), Neutrophil count decreased (31.14%), Neutropenia (30.66%)
/ 主要評価項目



Primary Outcome
Efficacy (pMMR Population)
Analysis population: All randomized pMMR participants
Progression-free survival (PFS) based on Response Evaluation Criteria In Solid Tumors (RECIST) 1.1 as assessed by blinded independent central review (BICR)
-Lenvatinib + Pembrolizumab group: Median 9.6 months [95% confidence interval (CI): 8.2 to 11.9]
-Paclitaxel + Carboplatin group: Median 10.2 months (95% CI: 8.4 to 10.4)
-Hazard ratio (HR): 1.01 (95% CI: 0.83 to 1.24), P-Value: 0.5550121

Overall survival (OS)
-Lenvatinib + Pembrolizumab group: Median 30.9 months (95% CI: 25.4 to 37.7)
-Paclitaxel + Carboplatin group: Median 29.4 months (95% CI: 26.2 to 35.4)
-[Non-Inferiority] HR: 1.02 (95% CI: 0.83 to 1.26), P-Value: 0.2459875
-[Superiority] HR: 1.02 (95% CI: 0.83 to 1.26), P-Value: 0.5875597

Efficacy (All-comer Population)
Analysis population: All randomized participants
PFS based on RECIST 1.1 as assessed by BICR
-Lenvatinib + Pembrolizumab group: Median 12.5 months (95% CI: 10.3 to 15.1)
-Paclitaxel + Carboplatin group: Median 10.2 months (95% CI: 8.4 to 10.4)
-HR: 0.92 (95% CI: 0.77 to 1.10), P-Value: 0.1792058

-Lenvatinib + Pembrolizumab group: Median 37.7 months (95% CI: 32.2 to 43.6)
-Paclitaxel + Carboplatin group: Median 32.1 months (95% CI: 27.2 to 35.7)
-[Superiority] HR: 0.93 (95% CI: 0.77 to 1.12), P-Value: 0.21552
副次的評価項目の解析結果 / Secondary Outcome Measures 副次評価項目 本試験の副次評価項目等の追加情報は<https://www.clinicaltrials.gov>に公開する。 Secondary Outcome Additional information including Secondary Outcomes of the study can be found at <https://www.clinicaltrials.gov>.
/ 有効性

The combination of pembrolizumab + lenvatinib did not meet the prespecified statistical criteria for PFS or OS versus chemotherapy as first-line treatment in the participants with Stage III, IV, or recurrent endometrial carcinoma.

The observed safety profile for the combination of pembrolizumab + lenvatinib is generally consistent with the known safety profiles of pembrolizumab and lenvatinib monotherapies and with the safety of the combination in other approved indications.
出版物の掲載 / Posting of journal publication

3 IPDシェアリング

/ Yes
/ MSDの臨床試験データの利用制限を含む共有の指針はhttps://www.merck.com/clinical-trials/pdf/ProcedureAccessClinicalTrialData.pdfに掲載しております。MSDの臨床試験データ開示は、本サイト(http://engagezone.msd.com/ds_documentation.php)又はメール(dataaccess@merck.com)にて英語で申請してください。 http://engagezone.msd.com/doc/ProcedureAccessClinicalTrialData.pdf


試験等の種別 企業治験
登録日 2025年02月05日
jRCT番号 jRCT2080224638

1 試験等の実施体制に関する事項及び試験等を行う施設の構造設備に関する事項


進行又は再発の子宮体癌患者を対象としたペムブロリズマブ(MK-3475)とレンバチニブ(E7080/MK-7902)の併用療法と化学療法を比較する第III相無作為化多施設共同非盲検試験(LEAP-001) A Phase 3 Randomized, Open-Label, Study of Pembrolizumab (MK-3475) Plus Lenvatinib (E7080/MK-7902) Versus Chemotherapy for First-line Treatment of Advanced or Recurrent Endometrial Carcinoma (LEAP-001)
子宮体癌患者を対象としたペムブロリズマブとレンバチニブの併用療法の第III相試験 Phase 3 study of pembrolizumab plus lenvatinib in endometrial carcinoma


藤田 伴子 Fujita Tomoko
MSD株式会社 MSD K.K.
東京都千代田区九段北一丁目13番12号 北の丸スクエア KITANOMARU SQUARE,1-13-12,Kudan-kita,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 102-8667,Japan
MSDJRCT問合せ窓口 MSDJRCT inquiry mailbox
MSD株式会社 MSD K.K.
東京都千代田区九段北一丁目13番12号 北の丸スクエア KITANOMARU SQUARE,1-13-12,Kudan-kita,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 102-8667,Japan









2 試験等の目的及び内容並びにこれに用いる医薬品等の概要


本試験の目的はIII期、IV期又は再発の子宮体癌患者を対象として、ペムブロリズマブとレンバチニブの併用療法と化学療法の有効性を比較する。 主要仮説:RECIST 1.1に基づきBICRにより評価されるPFSについて、ペムブロリズマブとレンバチニブの併用療法は化学療法に対して優越性を示す。 仮説:OSについて、ペムブロリズマブとレンバチニブの併用療法は化学療法に対して優越性を示す。 The purpose of this study is to compare the efficacy of pembrolizumab + lenvatinib to chemotherapy in female participants with Stage III, IV, or recurrent endometrial carcinoma. It is hypothesized that the combination of pembrolizumab + lenvatinib will be superior to chemotherapy for progression-free survival (PFS) per Response Evaluation Criteria In Solid Tumors version 1.1 (RECIST 1.1) by blinded independent central review (BICR). It is also hypothesized that the combination of pembrolizumab + lenvatinib will be superior to chemotherapy for overall survival (OS).
3 3
介入研究 Interventional


randomized controlled trial, parallel assignment, Multicenter, open(masking not used)


treatment purpose

/ 日本/アジア(日本以外)/北米/南米/欧州/オセアニア Japan/Asia except Japan/North America/South America/Europe/Oceania

1) 組織学的に確定診断されたIII期、IV期又は再発の子宮体癌患者であり、盲検下の中央画像判定機関(BICR)による評価で、RECIST 1.1に基づく測定可能病変又は測定不能病変(画像上明らかなもの)を有する患者。
2) MMRステータスを決定するために、放射線照射を受けていない腫瘍病変から採取した保存検体若しくは新たに採取したコア又は切除生検検体の提出が可能な患者
3) 治験薬初回投与前7日以内のECOG PSが0又は1の患者
4) 妊娠しておらず、授乳中でなく、かつ以下の条件のいずれかを満たす女性患者:
a. 妊娠可能な女性に該当しない。 又は
b. 妊娠可能な女性であるが、投与期間中及びペムブロリズマブの最終投与後少なくとも120日間又はレンバチニブの最終投与後30日間のいずれか遅い時点まで、並びに化学療法の最終投与後180日間、治験実施計画書に詳述する避妊法を使用することに同意した女性患者。
5) 高血圧治療薬の使用有無を問わず、血圧が適切にコントロールされている患者(血圧が150/90 mmHg以下であり、無作為割付け前1週以内に高血圧治療薬の変更がない)
6) 適切な臓器機能を有する患者。スクリーニング期の臨床検査項目はすべて治験薬初回投与前7日以内に実施する

1) Have Stage III, Stage IV, or recurrent, histologically-confirmed endometrial carcinoma with disease that is either measurable or non-measurable per RECIST 1.1 but radiographically apparent, as assessed by BICR.
Notes about prior therapy:
- May have received 1 prior line of systemic platinum-based adjuvant and/or neoadjuvant chemotherapy in the setting of a curative-intent resection. This prior chemotherapy may be given as treatment involving chemotherapy alone, concurrent chemoradiation, or as part of a sequential approach such as in a regimen involving concurrent chemoradiation followed by chemotherapy.
- Instances in which both adjuvant and neoadjuvant systemic platinum-based chemotherapy are used will be counted as one line of chemotherapy.
- May have received prior radiation with or without chemotherapy.
- May have received prior hormonal therapy for treatment of endometrial carcinoma, provided that it was discontinued >=1 week prior to randomization.
2) Have provided archival tumor tissue sample or newly obtained core or excisional biopsy of a tumor lesion that was not previously irradiated, for determination of MMR status.
3) Has an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status of 0 or 1, as assessed within 7 days prior to the first dose of study intervention
4) A female participant is eligible to participate if she is not pregnant or breastfeeding, and at least one of the following conditions applies:
a. Is not a woman of childbearing potential (WOCBP). OR
b. WOCBP must agree to use contraception as detailed in the study protocol throughout the treatment period and for at least 120 days after the last dose of pembrolizumab or 30 days after the last dose of lenvatinib, whichever is later, and for 180 days after the last dose of chemotherapy.
5) Have adequately controlled BP with or without antihypertensive medications, defined as BP <=150/90 mm Hg with no change in antihypertensive medications within 1 week prior to randomization.
6) Has adequate organ function based on assessment within 7 days prior to the first dose of study intervention


1) 癌肉腫(悪性ミュラー管混合腫瘍)、子宮平滑筋肉腫、他の高悪性度の肉腫及び子宮内膜間質肉腫
2) 中枢神経系(CNS)への転移を有する患者は、局所療法[例:全脳照射療法(WBRT)、手術又は放射線手術]を完了し、少なくとも本治験の治療開始前4週間にCNS転移に対するコルチコステロイドの使用を中止している場合は適格となる。CNS転移の徴候(例:放射線学的兆候)又は症状はいずれも、少なくとも治験薬の投与開始前4週間は安定していなければならない。
3) 過去3年以内に進行性又は治療を要した他の悪性腫瘍(子宮体癌を除く)を有する患者
4) 消化管吸収不良又はレンバチニブの吸収に影響を与える可能性があるその他の身体的状態を有する患者
5) Grade 3以上の消化管又は非消化管の瘻孔を有する患者
6) 主要血管への腫瘍の侵入/浸潤が画像上明らかな患者
7) 治験薬初回投与前3週間以内に活動性の喀血(ティースプーン半杯以上の鮮血)又は無作為割付け前2週間以内に腫瘍出血を有した患者
8) 治験薬初回投与前12ヵ月以内に臨床的に重大な心血管系の疾患(NYHA ClassⅢ又はⅣのうっ血性心不全、不安定狭心症、心筋梗塞、脳血管障害発作、若しくは不安定な血行動態を伴う不整脈等の既往)を有する患者
9) 全身性の治療を必要とする活動性の感染症を有する患者
10) 無作為割付け前に大手術による毒性及び/又は合併症から十分に回復していない患者
11) HIV感染の既往を有する患者
12) B型肝炎(HBs抗原陽性)又は活動性のC型肝炎[HCV RNA(定性)陽性]を有する患者
13) 間質性肺疾患/肺臓炎を合併、もしくはステロイド投与が必要な(非感染性の)間質性肺疾患/肺臓炎の既往を有する患者
14) 治験担当医師の判断により、治験結果に影響を与える、患者の治験の完遂を妨げる、又は、患者の治験の参加が患者の利益とならないと考えられるあらゆる疾患、治療歴又は臨床検査値異常の既往又は合併を有する患者
15) 治験の実施に影響を与える可能性があると判断された精神疾患又は薬物乱用障害を有する患者
16) 免疫不全状態と診断された患者、又は無作為割付け前7日以内に長期全身性ステロイド療法(プレドニゾロン換算で10 mg/日超)や他の免疫抑制療法による治療を受けた患者
17) 過去2年以内に全身性の治療(疾患修飾薬、コルチコステロイド又は免疫抑制剤)を要した活動性の自己免疫疾患(乾癬を除く)を有する患者
18) 過去に子宮体癌に対する全身性の化学療法を受けた患者
19) 無作為割付け前4週間以内に放射線療法を受けた患者
20) 無作為割付け前1週間以内に子宮体癌に対するホルモン療法を受けた患者
21) 過去にVEGFの血管新生を標的とした薬剤、抗PD-1、抗PD-L1又は抗PD-L2の薬剤、若しくは刺激性又は共抑制性T細胞受容体(CTLA-4、OX-40、CD137など)を標的とした薬剤の治療を受けた患者
22) 治験薬初回投与前30日以内に生ワクチン又は弱毒生ワクチンの接種を受けた患者
23) 治験薬(あるいはあらゆる添加物)への不耐容を有する患者
24) 同種組織/臓器移植を受けた患者
25) 現在他の治験薬の治験に参加している、又は無作為割付け前4週間以内に他の治験薬の治験に参加した若しくは治験用の医療機器を用いた患者
26) 24時間尿あたりの尿蛋白が1g以上の患者
注:尿試験紙検査(又は尿検査)で尿蛋白が2+以上(100 mg/dL以上)を示した患者は、尿蛋白の定量的評価のために24時間の蓄尿を行う。
27) 480 msを超えるQTcF間隔(Fridericia補正)の延長を有する患者
28) マルチゲートスキャン(MUGA)又は心エコーで測定した左室駆出率(LVEF)が治験実施医療機関の基準値を下回る患者

1) Has carcinosarcoma (malignant mixed Mullerian tumor), endometrial leiomyosarcoma or other high grade sarcomas, or endometrial stromal sarcomas.
2) Participants with central nervous system (CNS) metastases are not eligible, unless they have completed local therapy (eg, whole brain radiation therapy [WBRT], surgery or radiosurgery) and have discontinued the use of corticosteroids for this indication for at least 4 weeks before starting treatment in this study. Any signs (eg, radiologic) or symptoms of CNS metastases must be stable for at least 4 weeks before starting study treatment.
3) Has a known additional malignancy (other than endometrial carcinoma) that is progressing or has required active treatment in the last 3 years.
4) Has gastrointestinal malabsorption, or any other condition that might affect the absorption of lenvatinib.
5) Has a pre-existing Grade >=3 gastrointestinal or non-gastrointestinal fistula.
6) Has radiographic evidence of major blood vessel invasion/infiltration.
7) Has active hemoptysis (bright red blood of at least 0.5 teaspoon) within 3 weeks prior to the first dose of study intervention or tumor bleeding within 2 weeks prior to randomization.
8) Has clinically significant cardiovascular disease within 12 months from first dose of study intervention including New York Heart Association Class III or IV congestive heart failure, unstable angina, myocardial infarction, cerebral vascular accident, or cardiac arrhythmia associated with hemodynamic instability.
9) Has an active infection (any infection requiring systemic treatment).
10) Has not recovered adequately from any toxicity and/or complications from major surgery prior to randomization.
11) Has a known history of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection.
12) Has a known history of Hepatitis B (defined as Hepatitis B surface antigen [HBsAg] reactive) or known active Hepatitis C virus (defined as HCV RNA [qualitative] is detected) infection.
13) Has a history of (non-infectious) pneumonitis that required treatment with steroids, or has current pneumonitis.
14) Has a history or current evidence of any condition, therapy, or laboratory abnormality that might confound the results of the study, interfere with the participant's participation for the full duration of the study, or is not in the best interest of the participant to participate, in the opinion of the treating investigator.
15) Has a known psychiatric or substance abuse disorder that would interfere with cooperation with the requirements of the study
16) Has a diagnosis of immunodeficiency or is receiving chronic systemic steroid therapy (in dosing exceeding 10 mg daily of prednisone equivalent) or any other form of immunosuppressive therapy within 7 days prior to randomization.
17) Has an active autoimmune disease (with the exception of psoriasis) that has required systemic treatment in the past 2 years (ie, with use of disease modifying agents, corticosteroids or immunosuppressive drugs). Replacement therapy (eg, thyroxine, insulin, or physiologic corticosteroid replacement therapy for adrenal or pituitary insufficiency) is not considered a form of systemic treatment.
18) Has received prior systemic chemotherapy in any setting for the treatment of endometrial carcinoma.
note: prior chemotherapy administered as adjuvant therapy, neoadjuvant therapy, and/or concurrently with radiation is permitted.
19) Has received prior radiotherapy within 4 weeks prior to randomization. Participants must have recovered from all radiation-related toxicities, not require corticosteroids, and not have had radiation pneumonitis. A 2-week washout is permitted for palliative radiation to non-CNS disease and vaginal brachytherapy.
20) Has received prior hormonal therapy for the treatment of endometrial carcinoma within 1 week of randomization.
21) Has received prior therapy with any treatment targeting VEGF-directed angiogenesis, an anti-PD-1, anti-PD-L1, or anti-PD L2 agent, or with an agent directed to another stimulatory or co-inhibitory T-cell receptor (eg, CTLA-4, OX 40, CD137).
22) Has received a live or live attenuated vaccine within 30 days prior to the first dose of study intervention.
23) Has known intolerance to study intervention (or any of the excipients).
24) Has had an allogenic tissue/solid organ transplant.
25) Is currently participating in or has participated in a study of an investigational agent or has used an investigational device within 4 weeks prior to randomization.
26) Has urine protein >=1 g/24 hours.
Note: Participants with proteinuria >=2+ (>=100 mg/dL) on urine dipstick testing (urinalysis) will undergo 24-hr urine collection for quantitative assessment of proteinuria.
27) Has prolongation of QTcF interval to >480 ms (corrected by Fridericia Formula).
28) Has left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) below the institutional normal range as determined by multigated acquisition (MUGA) or echocardiogram (ECHO).



18age old over



No limit




/ 進行又は再発の子宮体癌 advanced or recurrent endometrial carcinoma
/ 試験対象薬剤等
薬剤・試験薬剤:lenvatinib, pembrolizumab
薬効分類コード:429 その他の腫瘍用薬
用法・用量、使用方法:レンバチニブ20mg経口投与QD+ペムブロリズマブ200 mg静脈内投与Q3W

薬剤・試験薬剤:paclitaxel, carboplatin
薬効分類コード:42- 腫瘍用薬
用法・用量、使用方法:パクリタキセル175 mg/m2静脈内投与Q3W+カルボプラチンAUC 6 静脈内投与Q3W
investigational material(s)
Generic name etc : lenvatinib + pembrolizumab
INN of investigational material : lenvatinib, pembrolizumab
Therapeutic category code : 429 Other antitumor agents
Dosage and Administration for Investigational material : Lenvatinib 20 mg Oral QD + Pembrolizumab 200 mg IV Q3W

control material(s)
Generic name etc : paclitaxel + carboplatin
INN of investigational material : paclitaxel, carboplatin
Therapeutic category code : 42- Antineoplastic agents
Dosage and Administration for Investigational material : Paclitaxel 175 mg/m2 IV Q3W + Carboplatin AUC6 IV Q3W
/ 有効性
・固形がんの治療効果判定のためのガイドラインversion 1.1[RECIST 1.1、標的病変として最大10病変(1つの臓器につき最大5病変)まで評価できるように改編]に基づき盲検下の中央画像判定機関(BICR)により評価される無増悪生存期間(PFS)
- Progression-free survival (PFS) based on Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors version 1.1 (RECIST 1.1, modified to follow a maximum of 10 target lesions and a maximum of 5 target lesions per organ) as assessed by blinded independent central review (BICR)
- Overall Survival (OS)
/ 安全性
・RECIST 1.1に基づきBICRにより評価される客観的奏効率(ORR)
・European Organization for the Research and Treatment of Cancer(EORTC)QLQ-C30のグローバルスコア
- Objective Response Rate (ORR) Based on RECIST 1.1 as Assessed by BICR
- European Organization for the Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) QLQ-C30 global health status
- Adverse Event (AE)
- Serious Adverse Event (SAE)
- Immune-Related AE (irAE)
- Study intervention discontinuations due to AEs


医薬品 medicine
lenvatinib, pembrolizumab lenvatinib, pembrolizumab
429 その他の腫瘍用薬 429 Other antitumor agents
レンバチニブ20mg経口投与QD+ペムブロリズマブ200 mg静脈内投与Q3W
paclitaxel, carboplatin paclitaxel, carboplatin
42- 腫瘍用薬 42- Antineoplastic agents
パクリタキセル175 mg/m2静脈内投与Q3W+カルボプラチンAUC 6 静脈内投与Q3W

3 試験等の実施状況の確認に関する事項



参加募集終了 completed



4 試験等の対象者に健康被害が生じた場合の補償及び医療の提供に関する事項

5 依頼者等に関する事項





6 IRBの名称等

日本医科大学武蔵小杉病院薬物治験審査委員会 Nippon Medical School Musashi Kosugi Hospital Institutional Review Board
神奈川県川崎市中原区小杉町1-396 1-383, Kosugimachi, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa
承認 approved

7 その他の事項



ClinicalTrials.gov ClinicalTrials.gov













種別 公表日
終了 令和7年2月5日 (当画面) 変更内容
変更 令和7年2月4日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和7年1月31日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和3年3月9日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和2年6月22日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和元年6月5日 詳細 変更内容
新規登録 平成31年4月15日 詳細