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- 28日を1サイクルとし最初の7日間はBrigatinib 90 mg、その後Brigatinib 180 mgに増量し、1日1回投与
独立行政法人国立病院機構 九州がんセンター治験審査委員会




2 結果の要約

/ 初版の治験総括報告書(CSR)(データカットオフ:2019年09月26日)時点の主要解析の結果:
FASにおけるベースライン時のEastern Cooperative Oncology Group(ECOG)performance statusは、被験者の56.9%が0、43.1%が1であった。72名のうち、97.2%が治験登録時にステージIVのNSCLCと診断された。初回診断からの期間の中央値は28.85ヵ月(範囲:5.1~112.3)であった。喫煙歴のない被験者の割合は51.4%(37/72名)と高く、ALK融合遺伝子陽性NSCLCの疫学と一致していた。2名を除くすべての被験者(97.2%)は、NSCLCの病理組織学的分類で腺癌を示した。CNS病変は被験者の44.4%(32/72名)に認められた。

TKI未治療被験者のベースライン時のECOG performance statusは、0が50.0%、1が46.9%、2が3.1%であった。32名全例が治験登録時にステージIVのNSCLCと診断された。初回診断からの期間の中央値は1.05ヵ月(範囲:0.3~231.6)であった。喫煙歴のない被験者の割合は62.5%と高く、ALK融合遺伝子陽性NSCLCの疫学と一致していた。2名を除くすべての被験者(93.8%)は、NSCLCの病理組織学的分類で腺癌を示した。CNS病変は被験者の21.9%に認められた。基準値の特性はTKI未治療集団と全体集団で一貫していた。唯一の相違は、TKI未治療コホートにおける初回診断から治験薬投与開始までの期間が大幅に短かったことであり、これは予想された結果であった。
Results for primary analysis (data cutoff: 26 September 2019) on original clinical study report(CSR):
In this study, all patients were Japanese. In the FAS population, the median age of patients was 53.0 years, with 18.1% being 65 years old or older. Younger patients (20-49 years old) consisted 38.9%, and patients of and over 75 years old consisted 2.8%. Men and women consisted 44.4% and 55.6%, respectively.
At baseline, in FAS, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status was 0 in 56.9% of patients and was 1 in 43.1% of patients. Of the 72 patients, 97.2% were diagnosed as stage IV NSCLC at study entry. The median time from initial diagnosis was 28.85 months (range, 5.1-112.3). Patients without smoking history consisted of as high as 51.4% (37/72), which was consistent with the epidemiology of ALK+ NSCLC. All patients except for 2 (97.2%) had adenocarcinoma in histopathological classification of NSCLC. CNS involvement was observed in 44.4% (32/72) of the patients.

Results for analysis (report date: 5 February 2021) on CSR Addendum2:
In this study, all patients were Japanese. In the TKI-naive patients, the median age of patients was 60.5 years, which was slightly older than the overall population but still consistent to the general ALK+ NSCLC population. Patients of and over 65 years old consisted 40.6%, and younger patients (20-49 years old) and patients of and over 75 years old consisted 28.1% and 15.6%, respectively. Men and women consisted 46.9% and 53.1%, respectively.
At baseline, in the TKI-naive patients, ECOG performance status was 0, 1, and 2 in 50.0%, 46.9%, and 3.1% of patients, respectively. All 32 patients were diagnosed as stage IV NSCLC at study entry. The median time from initial diagnosis was 1.05 months (range, 0.3-231.6). Patients without smoking history consisted of as high as 62.5%, which was consistent with the epidemiology of ALK+ NSCLC. All but 2 patients (93.8%) had adenocarcinoma in histopathological classification of NSCLC. CNS involvement was observed in 21.9% of the patients. The baseline characteristics were consistent between the TKI-naive and overall population. The only difference was the much shorter time from initial diagnosis to starting of study treatment in the TKI-naive cohort, which was expected.
/ 主要解析の結果:

Results for primary analysis:
Although the protocol had allowed TKI-naive patients to enroll in the safety evaluation lead-in part, all 9 patients who enrolled the part had the history of prior ALK-TKI(s). Therefore, 9 patients from the safety evaluation lead-in part were included in FAS population in the efficacy analysis as this inclusion was considered more informative to evaluate the efficacy of brigatinib in the refractory patients. The prior ALK-TKI(s) of these 9 patients were only alectinib (4 patients), both alectinib and ceritinib (4 patients), or other combinations of ALK-TKIs (1 patient).
At the time of data cut-off, in FAS population, 38.9% (28/72) of patients was continuing to receive brigatinib (including 3 patients receiving brigatinib beyond progression), and 61.1% (44/72) of patients had discontinued treatment. The most frequently reported primary reason for discontinuation was PD (90.9%, 40/44). Discontinuation treatment due to death was not reported. As of the data cut-off, including those occurred during follow-up period after the patient's treatment discontinuation, 17 patients had died; primary cause of death was progression of disease under study for all 17 patients. The median duration of follow-up was 10.60 months (range, 1.5-19.6), and the median duration of treatment was 7.35 months (range, 0.2-18.5).

Results for analysis on CSR Addendum2:
At the time of data cut-off, 84.4% (27/32) and 39.4% (41/104) of TKI-naive patients and all enrolled patients, respectively, were continuing to receive brigatinib, and 15.6% (5/32) and 60.6% (63/104) of patients, respectively, had discontinued treatment. This was as expected since the treatment-naive cohort started enrolling later than the other cohorts, and the patients were expected to be on first line treatment longer than on later lines of treatment. The most frequently reported primary reason for discontinuation was PD for both patient population (5/5 for TKI-naive patients, 58/63 for all enrolled patients). Treatment discontinuation due to death was not reported. As of the data cut-off, including those occurred during follow-up period after the patient's treatment discontinuation, 1 of TKI-naive patients and 29 of all enrolled patients had died; primary cause of death was progression of disease under study for all 29 patients.
The median duration of follow-up was 14.15 months (range, 3.2-19.3) for the TKI-naive patients and 17.25 months (range, 1.5-31.8) for all enrolled patients. The median duration of treatment was 13.80 months (range, 0.4-19.3) for the TKI-naive patients and 11.30 months (range, 0.2-30.6) for all enrolled patients.
/ 主要解析の結果:
治験薬との因果関係があるTEAE(グレードを問わない)は、すべての被験者に1件以上発現した。Grade 3以上のTEAEは被験者の63.9%に認められ、大部分(55.6%)は治験薬との因果関係ありとみなされた。死亡に至ったTEAEは1例に認められ、治験責任医師又は治験分担医師が治験薬との因果関係なしと判断した。
Grade 3以上のTEAEは被験者の63.9%(46/72)に認められた。被験者の10%超に発現したGrade 3以上の最もよくみられたTEAEは、PT別に血中CPK増加(18.1%)、リパーゼ増加(13.9%)及び高血圧(11.1%)であった。
治験薬との因果関係があるGrade 3以上のTEAEは被験者の55.6%(40/72)に認められた。被験者の5%超に発現した、治験薬との因果関係があるGrade 3以上の最もよくみられたTEAEは、PT別に血中CPK増加(18.1%)、リパーゼ増加(13.9%)及び高血圧(9.7%)であった。
初回投与から最終投与30日後(又は後続の抗悪性腫瘍療法開始)までに1例(1.4%)の死亡が報告された。死因は進行による呼吸不全であり、治験薬との因果関係は否定された。死亡は46日目に認められ、治験薬(180 mg)の最終投与日は28日目であった。治験薬との因果関係がある死亡は認められなかった。
TEAEによる投与中止は被験者の5.6%(4/72)で報告された。投与中止に至ったTEAEのうち、2例以上に発現した事象は肺臓炎のみであった。いずれの被験者(Grade 2及びGrade 3)も治験薬と因果関係ありと判断された。データカットオフ時点で、1例は回復したが、もう1例は軽快であった。投与中止に至ったその他の事象は、腺扁平上皮癌(Grade 3、1例)及び認知障害(Grade 2、1例)であった。注目すべき点として、腺扁平上皮癌は治験責任医師又は治験分担医師判定によりPDと評価され、PDにより治験を中止した。同時に、PDに起因する症状は入院を必要としたため、投与中止に至った重篤な有害事象としても報告された。

日本人被験者における本剤90 mg QD→180 mg QDの忍容性は良好であった。


TKI未治療被験者における治験薬投与期間の中央値は13.80ヵ月(範囲:0.4~19.3)であり、全登録被験者(11.30ヵ月、範囲:0.2~30.6)よりも2.5ヵ月長かった。これは、TKI未治療コホートのPFSが再燃例コホートよりもはるかに長かったことと一致していた。用量強度の中央値はTKI未治療被験者で143.50 mg/日(範囲:73.1~178.9)であり、全登録被験者(167.50 mg/日、範囲:62.0~179.3)よりも低く、TKI未治療被験者で用量調整に至ったTEAEの発現割合が高かったことと一致していた。
すべての被験者にTEAEが1件以上発現した。登録した104名全例のうち、Grade 3以上のTEAEは75.0%に認められた。死亡に至ったTEAEが1例に報告されたが、これは初回CSRで既に報告されていた症例であった(治験薬との因果関連なし)。
TKI未治療被験者32例のGrade 3以上のTEAEの発現割合(90.6%)は、全登録被験者(75.0%)よりも高かった。TKI未治療被験者で死亡に至ったTEAEは認められなかった。Grade 3以上のTEAEの発現割合が高かったことに加え、治験薬の休薬及び/又は減量を必要とした被験者の割合が、全登録被験者よりも高かった(休薬:93.8%vs.72.1%、減量:65.6%vs.41.3%)。TKI未治療集団と全体集団におけるこのような用量調整の差は、他のTKIに対して既に不応性を示している集団よりもTKI未治療集団の方が投与期間も非常に長かったことを踏まえて解釈すべきである。1次治療としての用量調整後の本剤の忍容性は良好であった。TKI未治療被験者に、投与中止を要するTEAEが発現しなかったことは注目に値する。
被験者の30%超に発現したTEAEは、血中CPK増加(77.9%)、高血圧(47.1%)、下痢(45.2%)、AST増加(34.6%)、リパーゼ増加(34.6%)、口内炎(32.7%)、アミラーゼ増加(31.7%)及び悪心(31.7%)であった。被験者の10%超に発現したGrade 3以上のTEAEは、血中CPK増加(29.8%)、リパーゼ増加(16.3%)及び高血圧(18.3%)であった。これらの主なTEAE及びGrade 3以上のTEAEは、CSR補遺1で報告されたものとおおむね一致していた。

Results for primary analysis:
In the safety evaluation lead-in part, 9 patients enrolled, and all of them were DLT-evaluable.
All patients had at least 1 drug-related TEAEs of any Grade. TEAEs of Grade 3 or higher was observed in 63.9% of the patients, and most of the events (55.6%) were drug-related. TEAE resulted in death was reported in 1 patient, and the investigator assessed this event as not drug-related.
The most common TEAEs by PT that occurred in greater than 20% of the patients were blood creatine phosphokinase increased (75.0%), diarrhoea (43.1%), hypertension (38.9%), nausea (37.5%), lipase increased (33.3%), amylase increased (30.6%), aspartate aminotransferase increased (29.2%) and stomatitis (26.4%).
Seventy-one patients had at least 1 drug-related TEAE of any grade. The most common drug-related TEAEs by PT that occurred in greater than 20% of the patients were blood creatine phosphokinase increased (75.0%), diarrhoea (38.9%), hypertension (36.1%), nausea (33.3%), lipase increased (31.9%), amylase increased (30.6%) , aspartate aminotransferase increased (29.2%) and stomatitis (26.4%).
TEAEs of Grade 3 or higher were observed in 63.9% (46/72) of the patients. The most common TEAEs of Grade 3 or higher by PT that occurred in greater than 10% of the patients were blood creatine phosphokinase increased (18.1%), lipase increased (13.9%), and hypertension (11.1%).
Drug-related TEAEs of Grade 3 or higher were observed in 55.6% (40/72) of the patients. The most common drug-related TEAEs of Grade 3 or higher by PT that occurred in greater than 5% of the patients were blood creatine phosphokinase increased (18.1%) ,lipase increased (13.9%), and hypertension (9.7%).
Death that occurred between administration of the first dose and 30 days after the last dose (or initiation of subsequent anticancer therapy) was reported in 1 patient (1.4%). The death was attributed to respiratory failure due to disease progression and was assessed as not drug-related. The death occurred on Day 46, and the last dose of study drug (180 mg) was taken on Day 28. No drug-related death was reported.
SAEs were observed in 29.2% (21/72) of the patients. The only SAE by PT that occurred in greater than 5% of the patients was pneumonitis (6.9%). In this study, all ILD TEAEs were to be reported as SAEs regardless of causality and grade.
Drug-related SAEs were observed in 15.3% (11/72) of the patients. The only drug-related SAE by PT that occurred in greater than 5% of the patients was pneumonitis (6.9%).
Dose interruption due to TEAE was reported in 61.1% (44/72) of the patients. The most frequently reported (>=10%) TEAEs that led to dose interruption were blood creatine phosphokinase increased (16.7%) and lipase increased (11.1%).
Dose reduction due to TEAE was reported in 30.6% (22/72) of the patients. The most frequently reported (>=5%) TEAE that led to dose reduction was blood creatine phosphokinase increased (9.7%) and hypertension (5.6%).
Dose discontinuation due to TEAE was reported in 5.6% (4/72) of the patients. The only TEAE lead to dose discontinuation in 2 or more patients was pneumonitis. Both cases (Grade 2 and Grade 3) were considered related to study treatment. At the time of data cut-off, one of the case was resolved while the other was resolving. Other events that led to dose discontinuation were adenosquamous cell carcinoma (Grade 3, 1 patient) and cognitive disorder (Grade 2, 1 patient). Of note, the adenosquamous cell carcinoma case was assessed as PD by the investigator and discontinued study due to PD, and was simultaneously reported as an SAE that led to dose discontinuation because the symptoms attributed to PD required hospitalization.

The safety profile of brigatinib observed in this study was consistent with known profile and no new safety findings were identified in Japanese patients. Brigatinib 90 mg QD to 180 mg QD was well tolerated in Japanese patients.

Results for additional analysis (data cut-off date: 22 January 2020) on CSR Addendum1:
The additional safety data showed a consistent safety profile compared with that of the primary analysis, with no new important risks identified. Changes observed were not clinically meaningful and were expected with a longer follow-up.

Results for analysis on CSR Addendum2:
All patients who enrolled in this study (104 patients) received at least 1 dose of study drug and were included in the Safety population (N=104). Patients who enrolled in the TKI-naive expansion cohort (32 patients) were also included in the Safety population of the TKI-naive expansion cohort (N=32).
The median duration of study drug exposure was 13.80 months (range, 0.4-19.3) in the TKI-naive patients, which was 2.5-months longer than that of all enrolled patients (11.30 months; range, 0.2-30.6). This was consistent with the PFS results which was much longer in the TKI-naive cohort than in refractory cohorts. The median dose intensity was 143.50 mg/day (range, 73.1-178.9) in the TKI-naive patients and was lower than that of all enrolled patients (167.50 mg/day; range, 62.0-179.3), which was consistent with the higher incidence of TEAEs leading to dose modification observed in the TKI-naive patients.
All patients had at least 1 TEAE. Among all 104 enrolled patients, TEAEs of Grade 3 or higher was observed in 75.0% of the patients. TEAE resulted in death was reported in 1 patient, which was the case already reported in the initial CSR (not drug-related).
In the 32 TKI-naive patients, TEAEs of Grade 3 or higher was observed in higher proportion of patients (90.6%) compared with all enrolled patients (75.0%). No TEAE resulted in death in the TKI-naive patients. In addition to the higher incidence of Grade 3 or higher cases, higher proportion of patients needed study drug interruption and/or dose reduction compared with all enrolled patients (drug interruption: 93.8% vs. 72.1%; dose reduction: 65.6% vs. 41.3%). Such level of dose modification difference in the TKI-naive population vs overall population should be interpreted in the context that the treatment duration was also much longer in the TKI-naive population than those already refractory to other TKIs. Brigatinib was well tolerated after dose modification as a first line treatment. It is notable that no TKI-naive patient had TEAE that required dose discontinuation.
TEAEs that occurred in >30% of patients were blood CPK increased (77.9%), hypertension (47.1%), diarrhoea (45.2%), AST increased (34.6%), lipase increased (34.6%), stomatitis (32.7%), amylase increased (31.7%), and nausea (31.7%). TEAEs of Grade 3 or higher that occurred in >10% of patients were blood CPK increased (29.8%), lipase increased (16.3%), and hypertension (18.3%). These most commonly reported TEAEs and TEAEs of Grade 3 or higher were generally consistent with those previously reported in CSR Addendum 1.
SAEs were observed in 35.6% (37/104) of the patients. The only SAE by PT that occurred in greater than 5% of the patients was pneumonitis (7.7%). In this study, all ILD/pneumonitis was to be reported as SAE regardless of causality and grade.
Dose discontinuation due to TEAE was reported in 4.8% (5/104) of the patients. Pneumonitis (1.9%, 2 patients) was the only TEAE that led to dose discontinuation in 2 or more patients. No additional dose discontinuation occurred after the CSR Addendum 1 (ie, no TKI-naive patient had TEAE that led to dose discontinuation).

In the TKI-naive expansion cohort, higher proportion of patients had TEAEs that required dose interruption or dose reduction compared with the total enrolled population (drug interruption: 93.8% vs. 72.1%; dose reduction: 65.6% vs. 41.3%). However, adverse events were well managed by dose interruption or dose reduction, and no patient in the TKI-naive expansion cohort discontinued brigatinib due to AEs.
/ 主要解析の結果:
ORR:主要評価項目であるFAS-PにおけるIRC判定により確定したORR(95% CI)は30.6%(16.530, 44.165)であり、主目的が達成された。
本治験は、アレクチニブに対して不応となったALK融合遺伝子陽性NSCLC患者を対象に、統計的仮説検定を用いて本剤の有効性を検討した初の臨床試験である。主要解析(データカットオフ:2019年9月26日)時点で、本剤はアレクチニブ投与後(アレクチニブ投与後又はアレクチニブ及びクリゾチニブ投与後)の被験者において統計学的に有意かつ臨床的に意味のあるIRC判定によるORR(30.6%、95% CI:16.530, 44.165)を示した。

TKI未治療例対象拡大コホートの主要評価項目である12ヵ月時点のPFS rateのKM推定値は93.0%(90% CI:79.20, 97.75)であった。
本剤は、TKI未治療の日本人ALK融合遺伝子陽性切除不能NSCLC患者において、12ヵ月時点のPFS rate(93.0%、90% CI:79.20, 97.75)で統計学的に有意かつ臨床的に意味のある有効性を示した。
Results for primary analysis:
ORR: IRC-assessed confirmed ORR (95% CI) in FAS-P (primary endpoint) was 30.6% (16.530, 44.165), and the primary objective was achieved.
This study is the first clinical trial of brigatinib that examined efficacy of brigatinib in post-alectinib refractory ALK+ NSCLC patients, using statistical hypothesis testing. At the primary analysis (data cut-off: 26 September 2019), brigatinib demonstrated statistically significant and clinically meaningful IRC-assessed ORR (30.6%; 95% CI: 16.530, 44.165).

Results for analysis on CSR Addendum2:
The KM-estimated 12-months PFS rate, which was the primary endpoint of the TKI-naive expansion cohort, was 93.0% (90% CI: 79.20, 97.75)
Brigatinib showed statistically significant and clinically meaningful efficacy in terms of 12-months PFS rate (93.0%; 90% CI: 79.20, 97.75) in Japanese patients with ALK positive unresectable NSCLC who were naive to TKIs. This primary endpoint result was supported by results of secondary endpoints including IRC-assessed confirmed ORR (96.9%, 95%CI: 83.783, 99.921).
副次的評価項目の解析結果 / Secondary Outcome Measures 主要解析の結果: ORR:FASにおけるIRC判定により確定したORR(95% CI)は30.6%(20.238, 42.532)であった。FAS-Pにおける治験責任医師又は治験分担医師判定により確定したORR(95% CI)は36.2%(22.671, 51.480)であり、IRC判定と一致していた。また、奏効までの期間の中央値が短かったことから、奏効は速やかに認められた(1.906ヵ月、範囲:1.25~5.59、FAS-P、IRC判定)。 DCR:FAS-Pでは、47名中37名がCR(確定)、PR(確定)又は6週間以上にわたるSDを達成した。DCRの推定値(95% CI)は78.7%(64.336, 89.297)であった。FASでは、72名中53名がCR(確定)、PR(確定)又は6週間以上にわたるSDを達成した。DCRの推定値(95% CI)は73.6%(61.897, 83.305)であった。 PFS:FAS-Pでは、47名中24名にイベントが認められた。IRC判定によるPFS中央値のKM推定値(95% CI)は、7.3ヵ月(3.7, 未到達)であった。FASでは、72名中36名にイベントが認められた。IRC判定によるPFS中央値のKM推定値(95% CI)は、7.4ヵ月(5.5, 18.3)であった。 OS:FAS-Pでは、データカットオフ時点で10名が死亡しており、生存率は60.2%であった。10名全例が進行により死亡した。OS中央値のKM推定値(月単位)は得られなかった(95% CI:14.8, 未到達)。FASでは、データカットオフ時点で17名が死亡しており、生存率は63.8%であった。17名全例が進行により死亡した。OS中央値のKM推定値(月単位)は得られなかった(95% CI:14.8, 未到達)。 iORR:FASでは、ベースライン時にIRC判定により測定可能なCNS転移が認められた14名のうち、CRが確定した被験者はおらず、PRが確定した被験者は3名(21.4%)であった。iORRの推定値(95% CI)は21.4%(4.658, 50.798)であった。 iPFS:FAS-Pでは、頭蓋内イベント又は死亡が11名に認められ、無増悪生存率(PFS rate)は55.0%であったのに対して、頭蓋内イベントに先行する全身性イベントは21名に認められた。本治験では、全身性PD後に頭蓋内PDが発現した被験者をイベント発現例として取り扱い、全身性PD後に頭蓋内PDを発現せずに治験を中止した被験者を打ち切り例として取り扱った。月単位でのiPFS中央値のKM推定値は得られなかった(95% CI:7.9, 未到達)。FASでは、頭蓋内イベント又は死亡が14名に認められ、PFS rateは53.1%であったのに対して、頭蓋内イベントに先行する全身性イベントは34名に認められた。データ取扱い規則はFAS‐PでのiPFSと同じであった。月単位でのiPFS中央値のKM推定値は得られなかった(95% CI:9.2, 未到達)。 QLQ-C30:FAS-Pでは、治験期間を通して全般的健康スコアにわずかな改善が認められた。FASでは、概して全般的健康スコアに治験期間を通して大きな変化は認められなかった。 QLQ-LC13:FAS-Pでは、肺癌症状スコア(呼吸困難及び咳嗽)が治験期間を通して改善した。FASにおいても、FAS-Pと同様の傾向が認められた。 EQ-5D-5L:FAS-Pでは、指標スコアは概して治験期間中に徐々に改善した。FASにおいても、FAS-Pと同様の傾向が認められた。 薬物動態の結果:Brigatinibの平均血漿中濃度は投与後2時間で最高濃度に達し、その後低下した。 90 mgをサイクル(C)1日(D)1に投与したときのCmax及びAUC24の幾何平均値(CV%)は、それぞれ414.0 ng/mL(53.3%)及び5045 h*ng/mL(45.6%)と推定された。180 mg QDを反復投与したときのC1D22におけるこれらの値は、それぞれ2119 ng/mL(68.7%)及び31130 h*ng/mL(61.7%)と推定された。Tmaxの中央値(最小値、最大値)は、C1D1で3.98時間(1.02, 7.88)、C1D22で2.08時間(1.12, 6.03)と推定された。薬物動態パラメータの個体間変動は比較的大きかった(CV%:45.6%~68.7%)。 Brigatinib 180 mg QDを投与したときの定常状態(C1D15からC5D1まで)における平均トラフ濃度は同様であり、856.0~929.1 ng/mLの範囲であった。90 mg QDを投与したときのC1D8の平均濃度はこれらの値の約半分(462.8 ng/mL)であった。 結論(主要解析の結果): 臨床的に意味のあるDCR(78.7%、95% CI:64.336, 89.297)、DOR(中央値6.1ヵ月、95% CI:3.8, 未到達)及びPFS(中央値7.3ヵ月、95% CI:3.7, 未到達)を示した。アレクチニブ投与後の被験者に認められた奏効は迅速かつ持続的であった。 さらに、本剤は、ベースライン時に測定可能な脳転移を有する被験者におけるiORR及び全登録被験者におけるiPFSを含む臨床的に意味のある頭蓋内有効性を示した。 全般的健康状態(QLQ-C30)に関するPROデータは、治験期間を通して概ね安定していた。QLQ-LC13の肺癌関連症状(呼吸困難及び咳嗽)は改善した。健康関連QOL(EQ-5D-5L)は治験期間中に徐々に改善した。 本剤90 mgをC1D1に投与したときのCmax及びAUC24の幾何平均値は、それぞれ414.0 ng/mL及び5045 h*ng/mLと推定された。180 mg QDを投与したときのC1D22におけるこれらの値は、それぞれ2119 ng/mL及び31130 h*ng/mLと推定された。薬物動態パラメータの個体間変動は比較的大きかった(CV%:45.6%~68.7%)。本剤の平均トラフ濃度から、C1D8に180 mgへ用量漸増した後のC1D15までに本剤濃度は定常状態に達し、90 mgと180 mgの間で用量比例性があることが示唆された。 追加解析の結果: FAS-PにおけるDOR中央値は11.8ヵ月(95% CI:5.5, 16.4)であり、主要解析では6.1ヵ月(95% CI:3.8, 未到達)であった。本集団における確定したORRは34.0%(95% CI:20.864, 49.313)であり、主要解析では30.6%(95% CI:16.530, 44.165)であった。 CSR補遺2の解析の結果: 確定した客観的奏効は、ほぼすべての被験者で観察された。TKI未治療被験者32名のうち、IRC判定により2名でCRが、29名でPRが確定し、残りの1名は評価不能と判定された。IRC判定により確定したORR(95% CI)及びDCR(95% CI)は96.9%(83.783, 99.921)と高かった。また、治験責任医師又は治験分担医師判定により確定したORR(93.8%、95% CI:79.193, 99.234)は、IRC判定による結果と一致していた。 IRC判定による標的病変の腫瘍縮小率の中央値は72.30%と高かった。さらに、奏効の発現は早く、奏効までの期間の中央値は2ヵ月未満(1.840ヵ月、範囲:0.95~12.88)であったことから、ほとんどの被験者でベースライン後の初回評価から奏効が得られたことが示された。 Results for primary analysis: ORR: IRC-assessed confirmed ORR (95% CI) in FAS was 30.6% (20.238, 42.532). Investigator-assessed confirmed ORR (95% CI) in FAS-P was 36.2% (22.671, 51.480) and was consistent with the IRC assessment. Also, response was fast on-set, reflected by the short median time to response (1.906 months, ranged 1.25-5.59; FAS-P, IRC-assessed). DCR: In FAS-P, of the 47 patients, 37 had confirmed CR or PR, or SD that lasted at least 6 weeks; the estimate of DCR (95% CI) was 78.7% (64.336, 89.297). In FAS, of the 72 patients, 53 had confirmed CR or PR, or SD that lasted at least 6 weeks; the estimate of DCR(95% CI) was 73.6% (61.897, 83.305). PFS: In FAS-P, of the 47 patients, 24 had an event. The KM-estimate of median IRC-assessed PFS (95% CI) was 7.3 months (3.7, not reached). In FAS, of the 72 patients, 36 had an event. The KM-estimate of median IRC assessed PFS (95% CI) was 7.4 months (5.5, 18.3). OS: In FAS-P, by the time of data cut-off, 10 patients had died, with a survival rate of 60.2%. All 10 patients died due to disease progression. The KM-estimate of median OS (months) was not reached (95% CI: 14.8, not reached). In FAS, by the time of data cut-off, 17 patients had died, with a survival rate of 63.8%. All 17 patients died due to disease progression. The KM-estimate of median OS (months) was not reached (95% CI: 14.8, not reached). iORR: In FAS, of the 14 patients who had IRC-assessed measurable CNS metastases at baseline, no patients had confirmed CR, and 3 patients (21.4%) had confirmed PR. The estimate of iORR (95% CI) was 21.4% (4.658, 50.798). iPFS: In FAS-P, intracranial event or death was observed in 11 patients with a PFS rate of 55.0%, while systemic event preceding to intracranial event was observed in 21 patients. In this study, a patient who had systemic PD followed by intracranial PD was handled as patient with an event, while a patient who had systemic PD and withdrawn from study without intracranial PD was handled as censored. The KM-estimate of median iPFS in months (95% CI) was not reached (7.9, not reached). In FAS, intracranial event or death was observed in 14 patients with a PFS rate of 53.1%, while systemic event preceding to intracranial event was observed in 34 patients. The data handling rule was the same to that of iPFS in FAS-P. The KM-estimate of median iPFS in months (95% CI) was not reached (9.2, not reached). QLQ-C30: In FAS-P, slight improvement was observed in global health score throughout the study. In FAS, overall, global health score did not changed substantially throughout the study. QLQ-LC13: In FAS-P, lung cancer symptom scores (dyspnea and coughing) were improved throughout the study. In FAS, A trend that was the same to FAS-P was observed. EQ-5D-5L: In FAS-P, overall, index score was gradually improved during the course of study. In FAS, A trend that was the same to FAS-P was observed. Pharmacokinetic Results: Mean plasma concentrations of brigatinib reached to maximum concentration at 2 hours after administration and then declined. Geometric mean (CV%) of Cmax and AUC24 at a dose of 90 mg on C1D1 were estimated to be 414.0 (53.3%) ng/mL and 5045 (45.6%) h*ng/mL, respectively. Those values after multiple doses of 180 mg QD on C1D22 were estimated to be 2119 (68.7%) ng/mL and 31130 (61.7%) h*ng/mL, respectively. Median (minimum, maximum) Tmax were estimated to be 3.98 (1.02, 7.88) and 2.08 (1.12, 6.03) hours on C1D1 and C1D22, respectively. Relatively large inter-individual variabilities in pharmacokinetic parameters were observed (CV%: 45.6 to 68.7%). The mean trough concentrations of brigatinib at steady state (from C1D15 to C5D1) at a dose of 180 mg QD were similar and were in the range of 856.0 to 929.1 ng/mL and the mean concentration at a dose of 90 mg QD on C1D8 was approximately half of these values (462.8 ng/mL). Conclusion (Results for primary analysis): Clinically meaningful DCR (78.7%: 95% CI: 64.336, 89.297), DOR (median, 6.1 months; 95% CI: 3.8, not reached), and PFS (median, 7.3 months; 95% CI: 3.7, not reached) in post-alectinib patients (post alectinib or post alectinib and crizotinib). The response observed in post-alectinib patients was quick and durable. Moreover, brigatinib showed clinically meaningful intracranial efficacy including iORR in patients who had measurable brain metastases at baseline and iPFS in all enrolled patients. PRO data of global health status (QLQ-C30) was generally stable throughout the study. Lung cancer related symptoms in QLQ-LC 13 (dyspnea and coughing) were improved. Health-related QOL (EQ-5D-5L) were gradually improved during the course of study. Geometric mean of Cmax and AUC24 of brigatinib at a dose of 90 mg on C1D1 were estimated to be 414.0 ng/mL and 5045 h*ng/mL, respectively. Those values at doses of 180 mg QD on C1D22 were estimated to be 2119 ng/mL and 31130 h*ng/mL, respectively. Relatively large inter-individual variabilities in pharmacokinetic parameters were observed (CV%: 45.6 to 68.7%). The mean trough concentrations of brigatinib suggested that brigatinib concentration reached steady state by C1D15 after dose-escalation to 180 mg at C1D8 and dose proportionality between 90 mg and 180 mg. Results for additional analysis: In FAS-P, median DOR was 11.8 months (95% CI: 5.5, 16.4), which was 6.1 months (95% CI: 3.8, not reached) in the primary analysis. Confirmed ORR in this population was 34.0% (95% CI: 20.864, 49.313), which was 30.6% (95% CI: 16.530, 44.165) at the primary analysis. Results for analysis on CSR Addendum2: Confirmed objective response was observed in almost all patients. Of the 32 TKI-naive patients, by IRC assessment, 2 patients had confirmed CR, 29 patients had confirmed PR, and the remaining 1 patient was assessed as not evaluable. IRC-assessed confirmed ORR (95% CI) and DCR (95% CI) were as high as 96.9% (83.783, 99.921). Also, investigator-assessed confirmed ORR (93.8%; 95% CI: 79.193, 99.234) was consistent with the IRC-assessed results. IRC-assessed median tumor shrinkage of the target tumor was as deep as 72.30%. Moreover, observed responses were fast onset, with a median time to response less than 2 months (1.840 months; range, 0.95-12.88), indicating most patients had response from the first post-baseline assessment.
/ (主要解析・追加解析の結果)本剤はアレクチニブ投与後及び種類を問わないALK-TKI投与後のいずれにおいても、日本人ALK融合遺伝子陽性NSCLC患者において一貫した良好なリスク・ベネフィットプロファイルを示した。(CSR補遺2の解析の結果)非常に良好なベネフィット・リスクプロファイルにより、本剤はALK-TKI未治療の日本人ALK融合遺伝子陽性NSCLC患者にとって重要な治療選択肢であることが本治験により示された。 Primary/Additional analysis: Brigatinib showed consistent positive risk-benefit profile in Japanese patients with ALK-positive NSCLC in both post-alectinib and post-any-ALK-TKI setting. Results for analysis on CSR Addendum2: With the highly favorable benefit-risk profile noted above, this study showed that brigatinib is an important treatment option for Japanese patients with ALK positive NSCLC who have not received ALK-TKI.
出版物の掲載 / Posting of iournal publication presence

3 IPDシェアリング

/ Yes
/ タケダは、適格な研究者の科学的で正当な活動を支援するため、基準を満たす試験の非特定化した被験者レベルのデータ(IPD)へのアクセスを提供します(タケダのデータの共有(Data Sharing)ポリシー:https://clinicaltrials.takeda.com/takedas-commitment?commitment=5)。これらのIPDは活動内容の承認を得た後に、データ共有に関する契約のもと、情報セキュリティの高い研究環境内で提供されます。 Takeda provides access to the de-identified individual participant data (IPD) for eligible studies to aid qualified researchers in addressing legitimate scientific objectives (Takeda's data sharing commitment is available on https://clinicaltrials.takeda.com/takedas-commitment?commitment=5). These IPDs will be provided in a secure research environment following approval of a data sharing request, and under the terms of a data sharing agreement.


研究の種別 保留
登録日 2022年06月10日
jRCT番号 jRCT2080223767

1 試験等の実施体制に関する事項及び試験等を行う施設の構造設備に関する事項


日本人ALK融合遺伝子陽性非小細胞肺癌(NSCLC)患者を対象としたBrigatinibの単群多施設共同第2相試験 A Single-Arm, Multicenter, Phase 2 Study of Brigatinib in Japanese Patients With ALK-Positive Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
日本人ALK融合遺伝子陽性非小細胞肺癌(NSCLC)患者を対象としたBrigatinibの第2相試験 Phase 2 Study of Brigatinib in Japanese Participants With ALK-Positive Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)


武田薬品工業株式会社 Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited
臨床試験情報 お問合せ窓口 Contact for Clinical Trial Information
https://www.takeda.com/ja-jp/who-we-are/research/clinical-trial/contact/ https://www.takeda.com/who-we-are/contact-us/
武田薬品工業株式会社 Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited
臨床試験情報 お問合せ窓口 Contact for Clinical Trial Information
https://www.takeda.com/ja-jp/who-we-are/research/clinical-trial/contact/ https://www.takeda.com/who-we-are/contact-us/




33医療機関 33 sites





2 試験等の目的及び内容並びにこれに用いる医薬品等の概要


本治験の被験薬はbrigatinibであり、未分化リンパ腫キナーゼ(ALK)融合遺伝子陽性非小細胞肺癌患者に投与される。本治験はbrigatinibの有効性及び安全性を検討する。約110例の患者が登録され、被験者は非ランダム化、非盲検で登録される。 - 28日を1サイクルとし最初の7日間はBrigatinib 90 mg、その後Brigatinib 180 mgに増量し、1日1回投与 すべての被験者は試験期間中、brigatinib錠を1日1回、食前又は食後のいずれかで服用する。本治験は日本で実施される多施設共同試験で、治験参加期間はおよそ53ヵ月を予定している。被験者は治療期間および追跡調査期間に複数回来院する。 The drug being tested in this study is called brigatinib. Brigatinib is being tested in participants with anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK)-positive NSCLC in order to evaluate efficacy and safety of oral doses of brigatinib in Japanese participants with ALK-positive NSCLC. The study will enroll approximately 110 participants. Participants will be enrolled in non-randomized and opened manner: - Brigatinib 90 mg for the first 7 days, followed by Brigatinib 180 mg of Brigatinib tablets, once daily in a 28-days cycle. All participants will be asked to take tablets of brigatinib once daily with or without food throughout the study. This multi-center trial will be conducted in Japan. The overall time to participate in this study is for approximately 53 months. Participants will make multiple visits to the clinic during the treatment period, and posttreatment period including a follow-up assessment after last dose of study drug.
2 2
介入研究 Interventional


Nonrandomized, Multicenter, Open-Label Study


treatment purpose

/ 日本 Japan

1. 同意取得時に20歳以上の日本人男性又は女性。
2. 将来の治療に不利益を被ることなく、いつでも同意を撤回できることを理解したうえで、治験に関連した手順(標準的な医療行為は除く)を実施する前に、自由意思で書面による同意を示すことができる者。
3. 組織学的又は細胞学的に診断されたステージIIIB、ステージIIIC(局所的に進行又は再発し、根治的な集学的治療の対象とならない)又はステージIVのNSCLCであること。
4. 以下で定めるALK融合遺伝子陽性の記録を有する者。
a. 以前の疾患経過期間のいずれかの時期にVysis ALK Break Apart FISHプローブキット、ニチレイHistofine ALK iAEPキット又はVentana ALK(D5F3)CDxアッセイ陽性結果によりALK融合遺伝子陽性の記録を有する。なお、ニチレイHistofine ALK iAEP キット“のみ”によりALK融合遺伝子陽性と判断された場合は、中央検査機関によるVysis ALK BreakApart FISH 検査に適切な腫瘍組織の提出を治験依頼者が要求することがある。
b. 以前の疾患経過期間のいずれかの時期に上記以外の検査によるALK融合遺伝子陽性の記録を有し、かつ中央検査機関によるVysis ALK Break Apart FISH検査に適切な腫瘍組織を提出することが可能である。登録に先立ちALK融合遺伝子の中央検査の結果は必要ない。
TKI 未治療例対象拡大コホートでは以下の基準を満たすこと:
日本の規制当局で承認されているALK 遺伝子変異を確認するための検査(例、Vysis ALK Break Apart FISHプローブキット、ニチレイHistofine ALK iAEPキット、Ventana ALK(D5F3)CDxアッセイ、等)によるALK融合遺伝子陽性の記録を有し、かつ依頼者が指定した時期に中央検査機関によるALK融合遺伝子検査用に適切な腫瘍組織を提出することが可能である。登録に先立ちALK融合遺伝子の中央検査の結果は必要ない。
5. 再燃例対象拡大パートのみ:ALK阻害剤のいずれかの投与中又は投与中止後30日以内に進行(PD)と判定されている者。
6. 固形がんの治療効果判定規準(RECIST)第1.1版に基づく測定可能(標的)病変を1つ以上有する者。
7. 抗悪性腫瘍療法の前治療に関連する毒性が米国国立癌研究所の有害事象共通用語規準(NCI CTCAE)第4.03版のGrade 1以下に回復した者。
8. 3ヵ月以上の余命が期待できる者。
9. 以下の基準を満たす適切な臓器及び血液学的機能を有する者:
b. 血清総ビリルビンがULNの1.5倍以下(ジルベール症候群の患者ではULNの3.0倍未満)
c. 血清クレアチニンがULNの1.5倍未満。クレアチニンの値がULNの1.5倍以上の患者では、Cockcroft-Gault式でのクレアチニンクリアランス推定値が30 mL/分以上の場合、患者を適格とする。
d. 血清リパーゼがULNの1.5倍以下、及び血清アミラーゼがULNの1.5倍以下。
e. 好中球絶対数(ANC)が1.5×10^9/L以上。
f. 血小板数が75×10^9/L以上。
g. ヘモグロビンが9 g/dL以上。
h. 酸素療法を実施しない状態での経皮的酸素飽和度(SpO2)が94%以上(酸素療法が必要な患者は除外する)。
10. Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group(ECOG)performance statusが2以下である者。
11. 以下の条件を満たす者:
a. 女性の場合:
b. 男性の場合〔避妊手術(精管切除術)の有無にかかわらない〕:
12. 計画された来院日及び治験手順に従う意思及び能力のある者。

1. Male or female Japanese participants aged >=20 years on the day of consent.
2. Voluntary written consent must be given before performance of any study-related procedure not part of standard medical care, with the understanding that consent may be withdrawn by the participant at any time without prejudice to future medical care.
3. Have histologically or cytologically confirmed stage IIIB, stage IIIC (locally advanced or recurrent and not a candidate for definitive multimodality therapy), or stage IV NSCLC.
4. Have documentation of ALK rearrangement that meets following criteria.
For the safety evaluation lead-in part and the refractory expansion part, participants must meet 1 of the following 2 criteria:
a) Have documentation of ALK rearrangement by a positive result from the Vysis ALK Break Apart FISH [fluorescence in situ hybridization] Probe Kit, the Nichirei Histofine ALK iAEP Kit, or the Ventana ALK (D5F3) CDx Assay at any time during prior disease course. The sponsor may require an adequate tissue available for central laboratory testing by the Vysis ALK Break Apart FISH test if a documented ALK rearrangement is confirmed by a positive result from the Nichirei Histofine ALK iAEP Kit ONLY.
b) Had a documented ALK rearrangement by a different test at any time during prior disease course, and adequate tissue available for central laboratory testing by the Vysis ALK Break Apart FISH test. Central confirmation of ALK rearrangement is not required before enrollment.
For TKI-naive expansion cohort, participants must meet the following criteria
Have documentation of ALK rearrangement by a positive result from MHLW Approved tests (e.g Vysis ALK Break Apart FISH Probe Kit, the Nichirei Histofine ALK iAEP Kit, or the Ventana ALK [D5F3] CDx Assay) prior to enrollment, and required to submit sufficient tumor tissue for central laboratory testing upon request of sponsor. Central confirmation of ALK rearrangement is not required before enrollment
5. The refractory expansion part only: had documented progressive disease (PD) during treatment or within 30 days after discontinuation of treatment with ALK inhibitor.
- Note 1: The refractory expansion part consists of the main cohort and a subcohort based on prior ALK inhibitor treatment. The main cohort includes participants who had previously received alectinib (as their only ALK inhibitor) or both crizotinib and alectinib (regardless the sequence of those 2 ALK inhibitors), and a total of 47 participants will be enrolled. Patients with all other sequences of up to 2 prior ALK inhibitor(s) may be included in the subcohort, and the number of participants will be limited to 20.
- Note 2: Patients who will be included in the main cohort of the refractory should have documented PD during treatment or within 30 days after discontinuation of treatment with alectinib.
6. Have at least 1 measurable (ie, target) lesion per Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST) version 1.1.
Note: Previously irradiated lesions may not be used for target lesions, unless there is unambiguous radiological progression after radiotherapy. Brain lesions may not be used as target lesions if they were 1) previously treated with whole brain radiation therapy (WBRT) within 3 months, or 2) previously treated by stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) or surgical resection.
7. Recovered from toxicities related to prior anticancer therapy to National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (NCI CTCAE) version 4.03 Grade =<1. Note: Treatment-related alopecia is allowed.
8. Have a life expectancy of >=3 months.
9. Have adequate organ and hematologic function, as determined by:
a) Both alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) =<2.5 times the upper limit of the normal range (ULN) (=<5xULN is acceptable if liver metastases are present).
b) Total serum bilirubin =<1.5xULN (<3.0xULN for participants with Gilbert syndrome).
c) Serum creatinine <1.5xULN. For participants with creatinine levels above or equal to 1.5xULN, the participant is eligible if the estimated creatinine clearance using the Cockcroft-Gault formula is >=30 mL/minute.
d) Serum lipase =<1.5xULN and serum amylase =<1.5xULN.
e) Absolute neutrophil count (ANC) >=1.5x10^9/L.
f) Platelet count >=75x10^9/L.
g) Hemoglobin >=9 g/dL.
h) Percutaneous oxygen saturation (SpO2) >=94% without oxygen support. Patients who need oxygen support are excluded.
10. Have an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status of =<2.
11. Must meet the following criteria:
a) Female participants who:
- Are postmenopausal for at least 1 year before the screening visit, OR
- Are surgically sterile, OR
- If they are of childbearing potential, agree to practice 1 highly effective non-hormonal method of contraception and 1 additional effective (barrier) method at the same time, from the time of signing the informed consent through 4 months after the last dose of study drug, OR
- Agree to practice true abstinence, when this is in line with the preferred and usual lifestyle of the participant, from the time of signing the informed consent through 4 months after that last dose of study drug. (Periodic abstinence [eg, calendar, ovulation, symptothermal, postovulation methods], withdrawal, spermicides only, and lactational amenorrhea are not acceptable methods of contraception. Female and male condoms should not be used together.)
b) Male participants, even if surgically sterilized (ie, status postvasectomy), who:
- Agree to practice effective barrier contraception during the entire study treatment period and through 4 months after the last dose of study drug, OR
- Agree to practice true abstinence, when this is in line with the preferred and usual lifestyle of the participant, during the entire study treatment period and through 4 months after that last dose of study drug. (Periodic abstinence [eg, calendar, ovulation, symptothermal, postovulation methods], withdrawal, spermicides only, and lactational amenorrhea are not acceptable methods of contraception. Female and male condoms should not be used together.)
12. Have the willingness and ability to comply with scheduled visit and study procedures.


1. 以下に該当する治療歴を有する者。
再燃例対象拡大パートのみ:治験実施計画書で指定されていないALK 阻害剤の治療歴を有する者。
TKI 未治療例対象拡大コホートのみ:TKI の治療歴を有する者。ただし、TKI はALK 阻害剤及びVEGFR 阻害剤を含むがこれに限定されない。
2. 再燃例対象拡大パートのみ:3剤以上のALK阻害剤の治療歴を有する者。
注)安全性評価リードインパートでは組み入れ患者におけるALK阻害剤の前治療数を問わない(未治療も含む)。ただし、最初の3名のDLT評価可能な被験者のうちサイクル1の期間中のDLT 発現が1名以下であったと治験責任医師又は治験分担医師によって確認された後に、ALK阻害剤未治療の患者の登録を可能とする。
3. 安全性評価リードインパート及び再燃例対象拡大パートのみ:本剤の初回投与前7日以内にALK阻害剤の投与を受けた者。
4. 局所進行性又は転移性疾患に対する2レジメン以上(安全性評価リードインでは4レジメン以上)の全身抗悪性腫瘍療法(ALK阻害剤以外)の治療歴を有する者。
5. 本剤の初回投与前30日又はその有効成分の半減期の5倍(いずれか長い方)以内に他の治験薬の投与を受けた者。
6. 本剤の初回投与前14日以内に化学療法又は放射線療法(SRS又は体幹部定位放射線治療を除く)を受けた者。
7. 本剤の初回投与前30日以内に抗腫瘍モノクローナル抗体の投与を受けた者。
8. 本剤の初回投与前7日以内に強力なCYP3A阻害薬、強力又は中程度のCYP3A誘導薬の全身投与を受けた者。
9. 本剤の初回投与前30日以内に大手術を受けた者。ただし、静脈内カテーテル又は侵襲の少ない生検等の処置は除く。
10. NSCLC以外の原発性悪性腫瘍診断を受けた者。ただし、適切かつ根治的な治療が行われた以下を除く:非黒色腫皮膚癌、子宮頸癌in situ、限局性前立腺癌、又は3年以上治癒状態にあるその他の悪性腫瘍を有する者。
11. スクリーニング時に症候性中枢神経系(CNS)転移(実質又は軟髄膜)を有する、又は本剤の初回投与前7日以内に症状コントロール目的でのステロイド増量を必要とする無症候性CNS転移を有する者。
12. 脊髄圧迫を有する者(症候性又は無症候性で、X線画像により検出)。無症候性の軟膜疾患を有し、脊髄圧迫を有さない場合は可とする。
13. 間質性肺疾患(ILD)(間質性肺臓炎、肺臓炎、放射線肺臓炎、薬剤性肺臓炎、器質化肺炎及び肺胞隔炎を含む)を有する又は既往のある者。
14. 特に以下に示す顕著で、コントロール不良な、又は活動性の心疾患を有する者(以下に限定されない):
a. 本剤初回投与前6ヵ月以内の心筋梗塞
b. 本剤初回投与前6ヵ月以内の不安定狭心症
c. 本剤初回投与前6ヵ月以内のうっ血性心不全
d. 適切な薬物治療の実施にもかかわらずコントロール不良な心房性不整脈
e. 心室性不整脈(心室性頻脈、心室細動又はトルサード・ド・ポアント等)の既往(心室性期外収縮を有する者は可)
f. 本剤初回投与前6ヵ月以内の脳血管障害又は一過性脳虚血発作
15. コントロール不良な高血圧を有する者。高血圧を有する患者はスクリーニング時点で治療を開始しており、血圧が適切にコントロールされていなければならない。
16. 進行中又は活動性の感染症を有する者〔抗生物質の静脈内投与を要する(これに限定されない)〕。
17. ヒト免疫不全ウイルス(HIV)感染の既往がある者。既往がなければ検査を必要としない。
18. B型肝炎ウイルス表面抗原(HBsAg)陽性、B型肝炎ウイルス(HBV)又はC型肝炎ウイルス(HCV)の検出が確認されている者。
19. 吸収不良症候群、又は本剤の経口吸収に影響を及ぼす可能性のある他の胃腸疾患を有する者。
20. Brigatinib又は本剤の成分に対して過敏症の既往又は疑いがある者。
21. 授乳婦又はスクリーニング期間中に血清妊娠検査で陽性となった女性。
22. 治験責任医師又は治験分担医師により、患者の安全性を脅かす又は本剤の評価を妨げる可能性のある状態又は疾患を有すると判断された者。

1. Previously received the following treatments.
The refractory expansion part only: received any prior ALK inhibitor not specified in the protocol.
TKI-naive expansion cohort only: received any prior TKI including but not limited to ALK inhibitor and VEGFR TKI.
2. The refractory expansion part only: received more than 2 prior ALK inhibitors.
Note: The safety evaluation lead-in part allows participants with any line of prior ALK inhibitor which includes treatment-naive participants; however, ALK inhibitor-naive participants may be enrolled after the confirmation of first 3 DLT evaluable participants to have no more than 1 DLT during Cycle 1 by investigator's judgement.
3. The safety evaluation lead-in part and the refractory expansion part only: received ALK inhibitor within 7 days before the first dose of brigatinib.
4. Previously received more than 1 regimen (more than 3 regimens in the safety evaluation lead-in part) of systemic anticancer therapy (other than ALK inhibitors) for locally advanced or metastatic disease. Note: A systemic anticancer therapy regimen will be counted if it is administered over at least 1 cycle. A new anticancer agent used as maintenance therapy will be counted as a new regimen unless it was previously used as initial anticancer therapy. Neoadjuvant or adjuvant systemic anticancer therapy will be counted as a prior regimen if completion of (neo) adjuvant therapy occurred <12 months before the first dose of brigatinib.
5. Treatment with any investigational products within 30 days or 5 half-lives of that investigational agent, whichever is longer, before the first dose of brigatinib.
6. Received chemotherapy or radiation within 14 days before the first dose of brigatinib, except SRS or stereotactic body radiation therapy.
7. Received antineoplastic monoclonal antibodies within 30 days before the first dose of brigatinib.
8. Received systemic treatment with strong inhibitors or strong and moderate inducers of cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A within 7 days before the first dose of brigatinib.
9. Had major surgery within 30 days before the first dose of brigatinib. Minor surgical procedures such as venous catheter placement or minimally invasive biopsies are allowed.
10. Have been diagnosed with another primary malignancy other than NSCLC, except for the following adequately/definitively treated malignancies: nonmelanoma skin cancer, cervical cancer in situ, nonmetastatic prostate cancer; or participants with another primary malignancy who are definitively relapse-free with at least 3 years elapsed since the diagnosis of the other primary malignancy.
11. Have symptomatic central nervous system (CNS) metastases (parenchymal or leptomeningeal) at screening or asymptomatic disease requiring an increasing dose of corticosteroids to control symptoms within 7 days before the first dose of brigatinib. Note: If a participant has worsening neurological symptoms or signs due to CNS metastasis, the participant needs to complete local therapy and be neurologically stable (with no requirement for an increasing dose of corticosteroids or use of anticonvulsants for symptomatic control) for 7 days before the first dose of brigatinib.
12. Have current spinal cord compression (symptomatic or asymptomatic and detected by radiographic imaging). Patients with asymptomatic leptomeningeal disease and without cord compression are allowed.
13. Have ongoing or history of interstitial lung disease (ILD) (including interstitial pneumonitis, pneumonitis, radiation pneumonitis, drug-related pneumonitis, organized pneumonia, and pulmonary alveolitis).
14. Have significant, uncontrolled, or active cardiovascular disease, specifically including, but not limited to:
a) Myocardial infarction within 6 months before the first dose of brigatinib.
b) Unstable angina within 6 months before the first dose of brigatinib.
c) Congestive heart failure within 6 months before the first dose of brigatinib.
d) Uncontrolled atrial arrhythmias despite appropriate medical therapy.
e) History of ventricular arrhythmia, including history of ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, or torsades de pointes. Patients with premature ventricular contractions are allowed.
f) Cerebrovascular accident or transient ischemic attack within 6 months before the first dose of brigatinib.
15. Have uncontrolled hypertension. Patients with hypertension should be under treatment at the start of screening and demonstrate adequate control of blood pressure.
16. Have an ongoing or active infection, including, but not limited to, the requirement for intravenous antibiotics.
17. Have a known history of HIV infection. Testing is not required in the absence of history.
18. Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) positive, detectable hepatitis B viral load, or detectable hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection viral load. Note: Patients who have positive hepatitis B core antibody (HBcAb) or hepatitis B surface antibody (HBsAb) can be enrolled but must have an undetectable hepatitis B viral load. Patients who have positive HCV antibody can be enrolled but must have an undetectable hepatitis C viral load.
19. Have malabsorption syndrome or other gastrointestinal illness that could affect oral absorption of brigatinib.
20. Have a known or suspected hypersensitivity to brigatinib or its excipients.
21. Female participants who are lactating and breastfeeding or have a positive serum pregnancy test during the screening period. Note: Female participants who are lactating will be excluded, even if they discontinue breastfeeding.
22. Have any condition or illness that, in the opinion of the investigator, would compromise participant safety or interfere with the evaluation of brigatinib.



20age old over



No limit




/ 進行期のALK融合遺伝子陽性NSCLC ALK-positive advanced NSCLC
/ 試験対象薬剤等
薬効分類コード:429 その他の腫瘍用薬
用法・用量、使用方法:サイクル1の28日間Brigatinib 90 mg(錠剤)を最初の7日間は1日1回(QD)経口投与し、その後180 mg(錠剤)をQD経口投与する。
続いてサイクル2以降の28日間サイクルで、Brigatinib 180 mgをQD経口投与し、治験責任医師又は治験分担医師の評価による病勢進行(PD)、忍容不能な毒性、被験者による同意の撤回、又はその他の理由による中止のいずれかが生じるまで、2020年9月29日のデータカットオフ日まで最長34サイクル投与する。

investigational material(s)
Generic name etc : Brigatinib
INN of investigational material : Brigatinib
Therapeutic category code : 429 Other antitumor agents
Dosage and Administration for Investigational material : Brigatinib 90 milligram (mg), tablets, orally, once daily (QD) for first 7 days followed by brigatinib, 180 mg, tablets, orally, QD in Cycle 1 of 28 days followed by brigatinib 180 mg, tablets, orally, QD in Cycle 2 and onwards in 28-day cycles until investigator-assessed progressive disease (PD) or intolerable toxicity, withdrawal of consent, or discontinuation for any other reason, whichever comes first up to 34 cycles till data cut-off date: 29 September 2020.

control material(s)
Generic name etc : -
INN of investigational material : -
Therapeutic category code :
Dosage and Administration for Investigational material : -
/ 有効性
確定したORRとは、治験薬投与開始後に、RECIST第1.1版に基づく独立画像評価委員会(IRC)判定による完全奏効(CR)又は部分奏効(PR)への到達が確認された被験者の割合。(最初の奏効後4週間以降に確定)。CR(標的病変の効果判定基準):すべてのリンパ節外標的病変の消失、すべてのリンパ節病変は短径で10 mm未満に縮小しなくてはならない。CR(非標的病変の効果判定基準):すべてのリンパ節外非標的病変が消失し、すべての病的リンパ節病変は、短径で10 mm 未満に縮小し、腫瘍マーカーレベルが正常化しなければならない。PR(標的病変): 標的病変の径和(SLD)が、ベースラインSLD と比較して30%以上減少。 治験実施計画書に事前に規定されているように、この評価項目は、再燃例対象拡大パートで1ライン以上の前治療を受けた被験者(メインコホート)においてのみ評価した。

TKI 未治療例対象拡大コホートの被験者における12 ヵ月時点のPFS rate
12 ヵ月時点のPFS rate治験薬投与開始後12 ヵ月時点のRECIST 第1.1版に基づくIRC 判定によるPFSイベント(進行[PD]または死亡[死因を問わない])を有さない被験者の割合である。標的病変のPD:標的病変のSLD が、治験中の最小のSLD(ベースラインSLD が治験中の最小値である場合、これを最小のSLD とする)と比較して20%以上増加し、更にSLD が絶対値でも5 mm 以上増加すること。非標的病変のPD:既存の非標的病変の明らかな増悪。12ヵ月のPFSに到達した被験者の割合の解析にはKaplan-Meier法を用いた。治験実施計画書に事前に規定されているように、この評価項目はTKI未治療例対象拡大コホート(前治療歴のない被験者)のみを対象に評価した。
Confirmed Objective Response Rate (ORR) in the Main Cohort of the Refractory Expansion Part
Timeframe: From the start of study treatment up to confirmed CR or PR (Up to approximately 23 months)
Confirmed ORR: Percentage of participants confirmed to have achieved complete response (CR) or partial response (PR) per an Independent Review Committee (IRC) using RECIST version 1.1 after the initiation of study treatment. (confirmed >=4 weeks after initial response). CR (target lesion response): disappearance of all extranodal target lesions, all pathological lymph nodes must have decreased to <10 mm in short axis. CR (non-target lesion response): disappearance of all extranodal nontarget lesions, all lymph nodes must be nonpathological in size (<10 mm short axis) and normalization of tumor marker level. PR (target lesions): at least 30% decrease in sum of the longest diameters (SLD) of target lesions, taking as reference Baseline sum diameters. As pre-specified in the protocol, this outcome measure was assessed only in the participants with at least 1 line of prior treatment (called as Main Cohort) of the Refractory Expansion Part.

12 Months Progression-Free Survival (PFS) Rate in the Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor (TKI) Naive Expansion Cohort
Timeframe: From the start of study treatment up to Month 12
12 months PFS rate was defined as the percentage of the participants who did not have PFS events (PD per IRC using RECIST version 1.1, or death by any cause) at 12 months after the start of study treatment. PD for target lesion: SLD increased by at least 20% from the smallest value on study (including baseline, if that is the smallest), the SLD must also demonstrate an absolute increase of at least 5 mm. PD for non-target lesion: unequivocal progression of existing nontarget lesions. Kaplan-Meier method was used for analysis of percentage of participants who achieved PFS of 12 months. As Pre-specified in the protocol, this outcome measure was assessed only in the TKI-Naive Expansion Cohort (participants with no prior treatment)
/ 有効性
再燃例対象拡大パートの全被験者及びTKI 未治療例対象拡大コホートの被験者におけるIRC判定により確定したORR
確定したORRは、治験薬投与開始後に、RECIST第1.1版に基づく独立画像評価委員会(IRC)判定によるCR又はPRへの到達が確認された被験者の割合(最初の奏効後4週間以降に確定)と定義した。標的病変反応のCR:すべてのリンパ節外標的病変の消失、すべてのリンパ節病変の短径が10 mm未満に縮小。非標的病変のCR:すべての節外非標的病変が消失し、すべての病的リンパ節病変は短径で10 mm 未満に縮小し、腫瘍マーカーレベルが正常化しなければならない。PR:標的病変のSLDが、ベースラインSLD と比較して30%以上減少。治験実施計画書に事前に規定されているように、この評価項目のデータは前治療に基づいて再燃例対象拡大パートの全被験者及びTKI 未治療例対象拡大コホートで報告された。

再燃例対象拡大パートにおけるメインコホート及びTKI 未治療例対象拡大コホートの被験者における治験責任医師又は治験分担医師判定により確定したORR
確定したORRは、治験薬投与開始後に、RECIST第1.1版に基づく治験責任医師又は治験分担医師判定によるCR又はPRへの到達が確認された被験者の割合(最初の奏効後4週間以降に確定)と定義した。標的病変反応のCR:すべてのリンパ節外標的病変の消失、すべてのリンパ節病変の短径が10 mm未満に縮小。非標的病変のCR:すべての節外非標的病変が消失し、すべての病的リンパ節病変は短径で10 mm 未満に縮小し、腫瘍マーカーレベルが正常化しなければならない。PR:標的病変のSLDが、ベースラインSLD と比較して30%以上減少。治験実施計画書に事前に規定されているように、この評価項目のデータは前治療に基づいて再燃例対象拡大パートにおけるメインコホート及びTKI 未治療例対象拡大コホートの被験者で報告された。

再燃例対象拡大パートにおけるメインコホート並びに再燃例対象拡大パートにおける全被験者及びTKI 未治療例対象拡大コホートの被験者におけるIRC判定による奏効期間(DOR)
DORはRECIST 第1.1 版に基づくIRC により判定する。DORは最初の客観的奏効(CR 又はPR)の判定から、その後最初の客観的PD の判定又は死亡(死因を問わない)のいずれか早い方までの期間とする。標的病変のPD:標的病変のSLD が、治験中の最小のSLD(ベースラインSLD が治験中の最小値である場合、これを最小のSLD とする)と比較して20%以上増加し、更にSLD が絶対値でも5 mm 以上増加すること。非標的病変のPD:既存の非標的病変の明らかな増悪。本評価項目では奏効のあった被験者のみを解析対象とした。治験実施計画書に事前に規定されているように、この評価項目のデータは再燃例対象拡大パートにおけるメインコホート並びに再燃例対象拡大パートにおける全被験者及びTKI 未治療例対象拡大コホートを対象に評価し、報告された。

RECIST第1.1版に基づくIRC判定によるPFS。PFSは治験薬投与開始から最初の客観的PDの判定又は死亡(死因は問わない)のいずれか早い方までの期間と定義した。標的病変のPD:標的病変のSLD が、治験中の最小のSLD(ベースラインSLD が治験中の最小値である場合、これを最小のSLD とする)と比較して20%以上増加し、更にSLD が絶対値でも5 mm 以上増加すること。非標的病変のPD:既存の非標的病変の明らかな増悪。この評価項目は、再燃例患者のみを対象とし、再燃例対象拡大パートにおけるメインコホートと再燃例患者別のデータが報告された。

TKI 未治療例対象拡大コホートにおけるIRC判定によるPFS
RECIST第1.1版に基づくIRC判定によるPFS。PFSは治験薬投与開始から最初の客観的PDの判定又は死亡(死因は問わない)のいずれか早い方までの期間と定義した。標的病変のPD:標的病変のSLD が、治験中の最小のSLD(ベースラインSLD が治験中の最小値である場合、これを最小のSLD とする)と比較して20%以上増加し、更にSLD が絶対値でも5 mm 以上増加すること。非標的病変のPD:既存の非標的病変の明らかな増悪。この評価項目は、TKI 未治療例対象拡大コホートのデータのみを報告する。

再燃例対象拡大パートにおけるメインコホート並びに再燃例対象拡大パートにおける全被験者及びTKI 未治療例対象拡大コホートの被験者におけるIRC判定による病勢コントロール率(DCR)
RECIST第1.1版に基づくIRC判定によるDCR。DCRはRECIST第1.1版を用いたCR若しくはPR到達、又は治験薬投与開始後6週間以上にわたり安定(SD)となり最良総合効果が確定した被験者の割合とする。標的病変反応のCR:すべてのリンパ節外標的病変の消失、すべてのリンパ節病変の短径が10 mm未満に縮小。非標的病変のCR:すべての節外非標的病変が消失。PR:標的病変のSLDが、ベースラインSLD と比較して30%以上減少。標的病変のSD:PR に該当する縮小がなくPD に該当する増大がない。標的病変のPD:標的病変のSLD が、治験中の最小のSLD(ベースラインSLD が治験中の最小値である場合、これを最小のSLD とする)と比較して20%以上増加し、更にSLD が絶対値でも5 mm 以上増加すること。治験実施計画書に事前に規定されているように、この評価項目のデータは再燃例対象拡大パートにおけるメインコホート並びに再燃例対象拡大パートにおける全被験者及びTKI 未治療例対象拡大コホートを対象に評価し、報告された。

再燃例対象拡大パートにおけるメインコホート並びに再燃例対象拡大パートにおける全被験者及びTKI 未治療例対象拡大コホートの被験者におけるIRC判定による奏効までの期間
RECIST第1.1版に基づくIRC判定による奏効までの期間。CR/PRが確定した被験者における、治験薬の初回投与日から最初のCR又はPRの判定までの期間。標的病変反応のCR:すべてのリンパ節外標的病変の消失、すべてのリンパ節病変の短径が10 mm未満に縮小。非標的病変のCR:すべての節外非標的病変が消失、すべての病的リンパ節病変は短径で10 mm 未満に縮小し、腫瘍マーカーレベルが正常化しなければならない。PR:標的病変のSLDが、ベースラインSLD と比較して30%以上減少。治験実施計画書に事前に規定されているように、この評価項目のデータは、再燃例対象拡大パートにおけるメインコホート並びに再燃例対象拡大パートにおける全被験者及びTKI 未治療例対象拡大コホートの被験者を対象に評価し、報告された。

再燃例対象拡大パートにおけるメインコホート並びに再燃例対象拡大パートにおける全被験者及びTKI 未治療例対象拡大コホートの被験者におけるIRC判定による全生存期間(OS)
OSは本剤投与開始から死亡日までの期間。治験実施計画書に事前に規定されているように、この評価項目のデータは、再燃例対象拡大パートにおけるメインコホート並びに再燃例対象拡大パートにおける全被験者及びTKI 未治療例対象拡大コホートの被験者を対象に評価し、報告された。

確定したiORRは、投与開始以降、改変RECIST第1.1版に基づきIRCにより判定された、頭蓋内CNSにおける確定したCR又はPRを達成した被験者の割合と定義する。標的病変のCR:すべてのリンパ節外標的病変の消失。非標的病変のCR:すべての節外非標的病変が消失。PR:標的病変のSLDが、ベースラインSLDと比較して30%以上減少。さらに標的病変の進行が存在しない。治験実施計画書に事前に規定されているように、この評価項目のデータは、再燃例対象拡大パートにおけるメインコホート並びに再燃例対象拡大パートにおける全被験者及びTKI 未治療例対象拡大コホートの被験者を対象に評価し、報告された。

iDORは、最初の頭蓋内における客観的奏効(CR又はPR)の判定から、その後最初の頭蓋内における客観的PDの判定又は死亡(死因を問わない)のいずれか早い方までの期間とする。頭蓋内PDでない全身性PDの被験者は打ち切られた。標的病変のCR:すべてのリンパ節外標的病変の消失。非標的病変のCR:すべての節外非標的病変が消失。PR:標的病変のSLDが、ベースラインSLDと比較して30%以上減少。さらに標的病変の進行が存在しない。標的病変の頭蓋内PD:最小のSLD(又はベースライン時)と比較し、標的病変のSLDが20%以上増加、かつ絶対値も5 mm 以上増加。治験実施計画書に事前に規定されているように、この評価項目のデータは、再燃例対象拡大パートにおけるメインコホート並びに再燃例対象拡大パートにおける全被験者及びTKI 未治療例対象拡大コホートの被験者を対象に評価し、報告された。

iPFSは、投与開始以降、改変RECIST第1.1版に基づきIRCにより判定された、投与開始から最初の頭蓋内における客観的PDの判定又は死亡(死因は問わない)のいずれか早い方までの期間と定義した。頭蓋内PDでない全身性PDにより治験継続中止となった被験者は打ち切られた。標的病変の頭蓋内PD:最小のSLD(又はベースラインのSLD が最小の場合は、ベースライン時)と比較して、標的病変のSLDが20%以上増加、かつ絶対値も5 mm以上増加を示さなければならない。非標的病変のPD:既存の非標的病変の明らかな増悪。治験実施計画書に事前に規定されているように、この評価項目のデータは、再燃例対象拡大パートにおけるメインコホート並びに再燃例対象拡大パートにおける全被験者及びTKI 未治療例対象拡大コホートの、ベースライン時点で頭蓋内転移が確認されたまたは未確認の被験者を対象に評価し、報告された。

治療期間は治験薬(brigatinib)の初回投与から最終投与までの期間と定義した。治験実施計画書に事前に規定されているように、この評価項目のデータは、再燃例対象拡大パートにおけるメインコホート並びに再燃例対象拡大パートにおける全被験者及びTKI 未治療例対象拡大コホートの被験者を対象に評価し、報告された。

健康関連QOL(HRQOL)スコア及びEuropean Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer(EORTC)の質問票(QLQ)-C30(EORTC QLQ-C30)のサブスケールスコアを用いて評価した症状に関する患者報告アウトカム(PRO)のベースラインからの変化
評価期間:ベースライン、サイクル22(各サイクルは28日間)[再燃例対象拡大パート:32カ月まで]、ベースライン、サイクル19(各サイクルは28日間)[TKI 未治療例対象拡大コホート:32カ月まで]
EORTC QLQ-30は30の質問からなり、5つの機能的尺度(身体的、役割、認知的、感情的、社会的)、9つの症状尺度(倦怠感、吐気・嘔吐、痛み、呼吸困難、睡眠障害、食欲不振、便秘、下痢、および経済的困難)とQOLに関するものが含まれる。30のうち28の質問は4段階(まったくない、少しある、多い、とても多い)で、全般的QOLに関する2つの質問は7段階(とても悪い~とてもよい)で回答する。全般的QOLに関するスコアを含む各サブスケールの合計スコアは0~100に変換される。機能的尺度と全般的QOLに関する質問においてはスコアが高ければ高いほど、症状尺度の質問においては、スコアが低ければ低いほどQOLが高いことを示す。機能的尺度と全般的QOLに関する質問はベースラインからのスコア上昇(ベースラインからの正の変化)が、症状尺度の質問はスコア減少(ベースラインからの負の変化)が改善を示す。治験実施計画書に事前に規定されているように、この評価項目のデータは、再燃例対象拡大パートにおけるメインコホート並びにサブコホート、TKI 未治療例対象拡大コホートの被験者を対象に評価し、報告された。
評価期間:ベースライン、サイクル22(各サイクルは28日間)[再燃例対象拡大パート:32カ月まで]、ベースライン、サイクル19(各サイクルは28日間)[TKI 未治療例対象拡大コホート:32カ月まで]
HRQOLはEORTCの肺癌モジュールであるQLQ-LC13を利用し評価する。QLQ-LC13は13の質問(4段階:1:まったくない~4:とても多い)からなり、肺癌に関連する症状(咳、喀血、呼吸困難、および部位特異的な痛み(胸、腕または肩、その他の部分))、治療に関係する副作用(口の痛み、嚥下障害、末梢神経障害、脱毛症)、及び鎮痛薬の使用を評価する為の質問が含まれる。サブスケールのスコアの範囲は0~100であり、症状スコアが堅ければ高いほど、症状が重篤であることを示す。治験実施計画書に事前に規定されているように、この評価項目のデータは、再燃例対象拡大パートとTKI 未治療例対象拡大コホートのみの被験者を対象に評価し、報告された。

The 5-level version of the EuroQol 5-dimensional Questionnaire(EQ-5D-5L)スコアで評価したHRQOLスコアと肺癌症状(症例数)
評価期間:ベースライン、サイクル22(各サイクルは28日間)[再燃例対象拡大パート:32カ月まで]、ベースライン、サイクル19(各サイクルは28日間)[TKI 未治療例対象拡大コホート:32カ月まで]
EQ-5D-5Lは5分野(移動の程度、身の回りの管理、ふだんの活動、痛み/不快感、不安/ふさぎ込み)を、5段階(1:問題はない、2:少し問題がある、3:中程度の問題がある、4:かなり問題がある、5:できない)で評価する。治験実施計画書に事前に規定されているように、この評価項目のデータは、再燃例対象拡大パートにおけるメインコホート並びにサブコホート、TKI 未治療例対象拡大コホートの被験者を対象に評価し、報告された。

再燃例対象拡大パート、TKI 未治療例対象拡大コホートにおける、EuroQol Visual Analogue Scale (EQ VAS)スコアで評価したHRQOLスコアと肺癌症状のベースラインからの変化
評価期間:ベースライン、サイクル22(各サイクルは28日間)[再燃例対象拡大パート:32カ月まで]、ベースライン、サイクル19(各サイクルは28日間)[TKI 未治療例対象拡大コホート:32カ月まで]
EQ VASは、最も悪い健康状態を0ポイント、最も良い健康状態を100ポイントとした20 cmの垂直の視覚的尺度に、回答者の自己評価による健康状態を記録するものである。すべての分野のスコアが1つのインデックススコアに統合され、報告される。スコアが高いほど、生活の質の向上を示す。治験実施計画書に事前に規定されているように、この評価項目のデータは、再燃例対象拡大パート、TKI 未治療例対象拡大コホートのみの被験者を対象に評価し、報告された。



Confirmed ORR as Assessed by an IRC in All Refractory Participants and TKI-Naive Expansion Cohort
Time Frame: From the start of study treatment up to confirmed CR or PR till data cut-off date: 29 September 2020 (Up to approximately 32 months)
Confirmed ORR was defined as percentage of participants who were confirmed to have achieved CR or PR per an IRC using RECIST version 1.1 after initiation of study treatment (confirmed >=4 weeks after initial response). CR for target lesion response: disappearance of all extranodal target lesions, all pathological lymph nodes must have decreased to <10 mm in short axis. CR for non-target lesion response: disappearance of all extranodal nontarget lesions, all lymph nodes must be nonpathological in size (<10 mm short axis) and normalization of tumor marker level.PR: at least a 30% decrease in SLD of target lesions, taking as reference baseline sum diameters. As pre- specified in the protocol, the data for this outcome measure is reported based on previous treatment as: All Refractory Participants, and TKI-Naive Expansion Cohort.
Confirmed ORR as Assessed by the Investigator in Main Cohort of the Refractory Expansion Part and TKI-Naive Expansion Cohort
Timeframe: From the start of study treatment up to confirmed CR or PR till data cut-off date: 29 September 2020 (Up to approximately 32 months)
Confirmed ORR was defined as the percentage of the participants who were confirmed to have achieved CR or PR per the investigator using RECIST version 1.1 after the initiation of study treatment (confirmed >=4 weeks after initial response). CR for target lesion response: disappearance of all extranodal target lesions, all pathological lymph nodes must have decreased to <10 mm in short axis. CR for non-target lesion response: disappearance of all extranodal nontarget lesions, all lymph nodes must be nonpathological in size (<10 mm short axis) and normalization of tumor marker level. PR: at least a 30% decrease in the SLD of target lesions, taking as reference the baseline sum diameters. As pre-specified in the protocol, the data for this outcome measure was assessed and reported as Main Cohort of the Refractory Expansion Part and TKI-Naive Expansion Cohort.
Duration of Response (DOR) as Assessed by an IRC in the Main Cohort of the Refractory Expansion Part, All Refractory Participants, and TKI-Naive Expansion Cohort
Timeframe: From first dose at 8-week intervals through Cycle 15 (each cycle=28 days) and at 12-week intervals thereafter until disease progression or death, whichever occurs first till data cut-off date: 29 September 2020 (Up to approximately 32 months)
DOR was assessed by an IRC, per RECIST version 1.1. DOR was defined as the time between the first documentation of objective tumor response (CR or PR) and the first subsequent documentation of objective PD or death due to any cause, whichever occurs first. PD for target lesion: SLD increased by at least 20% from the smallest value on study (including baseline, if that is the smallest), the SLD must also demonstrate an absolute increase of at least 5 mm. PD for non- target lesion: unequivocal progression of existing nontarget lesions. Only responders were analyzed for this outcome measure. As pre-specified in the protocol, the data for this outcome measure was assessed and reported in Main Cohort of the Refractory Expansion Part, All Refractory Participants, and TKI-Naive Expansion Cohort.

Progression-Free Survival (PFS) as Assessed by an IRC in the Main Cohort of the Refractory Expansion Part, and All Refractory Participants
Timeframe: From the start of the treatment up to disease progression or death due to any cause, whichever comes first till data cut-off date: 29 September 2020 (Up to approximately 32 months)
PFS was assessed by an IRC, per RECIST version 1.1. PFS was defined as the time from the start of study treatment to the first documentation of objective PD or to death due to any cause, whichever occurs first. PD for target lesion: SLD increased by at least 20% from the smallest value on study (including baseline, if that is the smallest), the SLD must also demonstrate an absolute increase of at least 5 mm. PD for non- target lesion: unequivocal progression of existing nontarget lesions. This outcome measure reports the data in refractory participants only and data is reported per cohort separately for Main Cohort of the Refractory Expansion Part, and for All Refractory Participants.

PFS as Assessed by an IRC in the TKI-Naive Expansion Cohort
Time Frame: From the start of the treatment up to disease progression or death due to any cause, whichever comes first till data cut-off date: 29 September 2020 (Up to approximately 32 months)
PFS was assessed by an IRC, per RECIST version 1.1. PFS was defined as the time from the start of study treatment to the first documentation of objective PD or to death due to any cause, whichever occurs first. PD for target lesion: SLD increased by at least 20% from the smallest value on study (including baseline, if that is the smallest), the SLD must also demonstrate an absolute increase of at least 5 mm. PD for non- target lesion: unequivocal progression of existing nontarget lesions. This outcome measure reports data only in the TKI-Naive Expansion Cohort.

Disease Control Rate (DCR) as Assessed by an IRC in the Main Cohort of the Refractory Expansion Part, All Refractory Participants, and TKI-Naive Expansion Cohort
Timeframe: From the start of the treatment up to confirmed CR or PR or SD till data cut-off date: 29 September 2020 (Up to approximately 32 months)
DCR was assessed by an IRC, per RECIST version 1.1. DCR: percentage of participants confirmed to have achieved CR or PR or have best overall response of stable disease (SD), for 6 weeks or more after initiation of study drug. CR (target lesion): disappearance of all target lesions. CR (non-target lesions): the nontarget lesion(s) has fully resolved. PR: at least a 30% decrease in the SLD of target lesions, taking as reference the baseline sum diameters. SD (target lesion): neither sufficient shrinkage to qualify for PR nor sufficient increase to qualify for PD. PD (target lesion): SLD increased by at least 20% from the smallest value on study, the SLD must also demonstrate an absolute increase of at least 5 mm. As pre-specified in the protocol, the data for this outcome measure was assessed and reported as Main Cohort of the Refractory Expansion Part, All Refractory Participants, and TKI-Naive Expansion Cohort.

Time to Response as Assessed by an IRC in the Main Cohort of the Refractory Expansion Part, All Refractory Participants, and TKI-Naive Expansion Cohort
Timeframe: From the start of the treatment up to confirmed CR or PR till data cut-off date: 29 September 2020 (Up to approximately 32 months)
Time to response was assessed by an IRC, per RECIST version 1.1. and was defined as the time interval from the date of the first dose of study treatment until the initial observation of CR or PR for participants with confirmed CR/PR. CR(target lesion response):disappearance of all extranodal target lesions, all pathological lymph nodes must have decreased to <10 mm in short axis. CR(non-target lesion response):disappearance of all extranodal nontarget lesions, all lymph nodes must be nonpathological in size (<10 mm short axis) and normalization of tumor marker level. PR: at least a 30% decrease in the SLD of target lesions, taking as reference the baseline sum diameters. As pre-specified in the protocol, this outcome measure assessed and reports data per cohort: Main Cohort of the Refractory Expansion Part, All Refractory Participants, and TKI- Naive Expansion Cohort.

Overall Survival (OS) as Assessed by an IRC in the Main Cohort of the Refractory Expansion Part, All Refractory Participants, and TKI-Naive Expansion Cohort
Timeframe: From the start of the treatment up to death due to any cause till data cut-off date: 29 September 2020 (Up to approximately 32 months)
OS is defined as the time interval from the date of the first dose of the study treatment until death due to any cause. As pre-specified in the protocol, this outcome measure was assessed only in Main Cohort of the Refractory Expansion Part, All Refractory Participants, and TKI-Naive Expansion Cohort..

Intracranial Objective Response Rate (iORR) in Participants with Measurable Central Nervous System (CNS) Metastases at Baseline in the Main Cohort of the Refractory Expansion Part, All Refractory Participants, and TKI-Naive Expansion Cohort
Time Frame: From the start of the treatment up to confirmed CR or PR till data cut-off date: 29 September 2020 (Up to approximately 32 months)
Confirmed iORR was defined as the percentage of the participants who had achieved confirmed CR or PR in the intracranial CNS per modified RECIST version 1.1 as evaluated by an IRC after the initiation of study treatment. CR for target lesion: disappearance of all target lesions. CR for non-target lesions: the nontarget lesion(s) has fully resolved. PR for target lesion: at least a 30% decrease in SLD of target lesions, taking as reference the Baseline SLD. Additionally, progression of target lesions must not be present. As pre-specified in the protocol, this outcome measure assessed reports data per cohort: Main Cohort of the Refractory Expansion Part, All Refractory Participants, and TKI- Naive Expansion Cohort.

Duration of Intracranial Response (iDOR) in Participants with Measurable CNS Metastases at Baseline in the Main Cohort of the Refractory Expansion Part, All Refractory Participants, and TKI- naive Expansion CohortTimeframe: From first dose at 8-week intervals through Cycle 15 (each cycle=28 days) and at 12-week intervals thereafter until intracranial disease progression or death due to any cause till data cut-off date: 29 September 2020 (Up to approximately 32 months)
iDOR was assessed by an IRC, per modified RECIST version 1.1 and was defined as the time between first documentation of objective intracranial tumor response (CR or PR) and first subsequent documentation of objective intracranial PD or death due to any cause. Participants who had systemic PD without intracranial PD were censored. CR (target lesion):disappearance of all target lesions. CR (non- target lesions):the nontarget lesion(s) has fully resolved. PR (target lesion):at least a 30% decrease in SLD of target lesions, taking as reference the baseline SLD. Additionally, progression of target lesions must not be present. CNS PD (target lesions):at least a 20% increase in SLD of target lesions, taking as reference the nadir SLD (or the baseline) and SLD must also demonstrate an absolute increase of >=5 mm. As pre- specified in the protocol, this outcome measure assessed and reports the data per cohort: Main Cohort of the Refractory Expansion Part, All Refractory Participants, and TKI-Naive Expansion Cohort.
Intracranial Progression-free Survival (iPFS) in the Main Cohort of the Refractory Expansion Part, All Refractory Participants, and TKI-Naive Expansion Cohort
Time Frame: From the start of the treatment up to intracranial disease progression or death due to any cause, whichever comes first till data cut-off date: 29 September 2020 (Up to approximately 32 months)
iPFS was assessed by an IRC, per modified RECIST version 1.1 and was defined as the time from the start of study treatment to the first documentation of objective intracranial PD or death due to any cause, whichever occurred first. The participant who had systemic PD and withdrawn from study without intracranial PD was censored. CNS PD for target lesions: at least a 20% increase in the SLD of target lesions, taking as reference the nadir SLD (or the baseline, if the baseline is the nadir value) and the SLD must also demonstrate an absolute increase of >=5 mm. PD for non-target lesions: the nontarget site of disease has shown unequivocal progression. As pre-specified in the protocol, this outcome measure was assessed and reported data per cohort in all participants with measurable or not measurable intracranial matastases at Baseline: Main Cohort of the Refractory Expansion Part, All Refractory Participants, and TKI-Naive Expansion Cohort.
Time on Treatment in the Main Cohort of the Refractory Expansion Part, All Refractory Participants, and TKI-Naive Expansion Cohort
Timeframe: From the first dose up to last dose of study drug till data cut-off date: 29 September 2020 (Up to approximately 32 months)
Time on treatment was defined as the time interval from the first dose to the last dose of brigatinib. As pre-specified in the protocol, this outcome measure was assessed only in Main Cohort of the Refractory Expansion Part, All Refractory Participants, and TKI- Naive Expansion Cohort.

Change From Baseline in Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs) of Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) Scores and Symptoms as Assessed by European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC QLQC30) Subscale Score
Timeframe: Refractory Expansion Participants: Baseline and Cycle 22 - each cycle was of 28 days (Up to Month 32); TKI- Naive Participants: Baseline and Cycle 19 - each cycle was of 28 days (Up to Month 32)The EORTC QLQ-C30 contains 30 items across 5 functional scales (physical, role, cognitive, emotional, and social), 9 symptom scales (fatigue, nausea and vomiting, pain, dyspnea, sleep disturbance, appetite loss, constipation, diarrhea, and financial difficulties) and a QOL scale. Out of 30, 28 questions had 4 response levels (not at all, a little, quite a bit, and very much); 2 questions for global health status had score of 1 to 7 (very poor to excellent) to evaluate overall health and QOL. Each subscale raw score including global health status was transformed to a total score of 0 to 100. For functional scales, global health status scale, higher scores=better QOL (positive change from Baseline=improvement). For symptom scales, lower scores=better QOL (negative change from Baseline=improvement). As pre-specified in the protocol, this outcome measure was assessed and reports data per cohort: The Refractory Expansion Participants (including Main Cohort and Sub-Cohort), and TKI-Naive Expansion Cohort.

Change From Baseline in HRQOL Scores and Symptoms of Lung Cancer as Assessed with the EORTC QLQ- Lung Cancer (LC) 13 (QLQ-LC13) Subscale Score
Time Frame: Refractory Expansion Participants: Baseline and Cycle 22 - each cycle was of 28 days (Up to Month 32); TKI- Naive Participants: Baseline and Cycle 19 - each cycle was of 28 days (Up to Month 32)
HRQOL scores was assessed with EORTC, its lung cancer module QLQ-LC13. QLQ-LC13 contains 13 questions (4-point scale where 1=Not at all [best] to 4=Very Much [worst]) assessing lung cancer-associated symptoms [cough, hemoptysis, dyspnea, and site- specific pain (chest, arm or shoulder, other parts)], treatment-related side effects (sore mouth, dysphagia, peripheral neuropathy, and alopecia), and use of pain medication. Subscale score range: 0 to 100. Higher symptom score = greater degree of symptom severity. As pre-specified in the protocol, this outcome measure was assessed only in the Refractory Expansion Part, and TKI-Naive Expansion Cohort.

Number of Participants with Responses to HRQOL Scores and Symptoms of Lung Cancer as Assessed with the EuroQol 5-Dimensional Questionnaire (EQ-5D-5L) Score
Time Frame: Refractory Expansion Participants: Baseline and Cycle 22- each cycle was of 28 days (Up to Month 32); TKI-Naive Participants: Baseline and Cycle 19 - each cycle was of 28 days (Up to Month 32)
EQ-5D-5L comprises of 5 dimensions (mobility, self- care, usual activities, pain/discomfort, and anxiety/depression), rated on 5 levels: 1= no problems, 2= slight problems, 3= moderate problems, 4= severe problems, 5= extremely severe problems. Higher scores
= greater levels of problems across the five dimensions.
As pre-specified in the protocol, this outcome measure assessed and reports the data per cohort only in the Refractory Expansion Participants (including Main Cohort and Sub-cohort), and TKI-Naive Expansion Cohort. Participants with the particular score at the given timepoint are reported. Only categories with data are reported.

Change From Baseline in HRQOL Scores and Symptoms of Lung Cancer as Assessed with the EuroQol Visual Analogue Scale (EQ VAS) Score in the Refractory Expansion Part and TKI-naive Expansion Cohort
Time Frame: Refractory Expansion Participants: Baseline and Cycle 22 - each cycle was of 28 days (Up to Month 32); TKI- Naive Participants: Baseline and Cycle 19 - each cycle was of 28 days (Up to Month 32)
The EQ VAS records the respondent's self-rated health on a 20 centimeter (cm), vertical, visual analogue scale ranging from 0 (worst imaginable health state) to 100 (best imaginable health state). The scores from all dimensions were combined into a single index score that was reported, where higher score was better quality of life. As pre-specified in the protocol, this outcome measure was assessed only in the Refractory Expansion Part, and TKI-Naive Expansion Cohort.
Cmax: Maximum Observed Plasma Concentration for Brigatinib on Cycle 1 Days 1 and 22
Timeframe; Pre-dose and at multiple time points (0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24; up to 24 hrs) post-dose of Cycle 1 Days 1 and 22 (each cycle = 28 days)
As pre-specified in the protocol, this outcome measure was assessed only in the participants with or without prior ALK-TKI treatment called as the Safety Evaluation Lead-in Part.

Tmax: Time of First Occurrence of Cmax for Brigatinib on Cycle 1 Days 1 and 22
Timeframe; Pre-dose and at multiple time points (0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24; up to 24 hrs) post-dose of Cycle 1 Days 1 and 22 (each cycle = 28 days)
As pre-specified in the protocol, this outcome measure was assessed only in the participants with or without prior ALK-TKI treatment called as the Safety Evaluation Lead-in Part.

AUC(0-24): Area under the Plasma Concentration-Time Curve From Time 0 to 24 hours Post-dose for Brigatinib on Cycle 1 Days 1 and 22
Timeframe; Pre-dose and at multiple time points (0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24; up to 24 hrs) post-dose of Cycle 1 Days 1 and 22 (each cycle = 28 days)
As pre-specified in the protocol, this outcome measure was assessed only in the participants with or without prior ALK-TKI treatment called as the Safety Evaluation Lead-in Part.


医薬品 medicine
Brigatinib Brigatinib
Brigatinib Brigatinib
429 その他の腫瘍用薬 429 Other antitumor agents
サイクル1の28日間Brigatinib 90 mg(錠剤)を最初の7日間は1日1回(QD)経口投与し、その後180 mg(錠剤)をQD経口投与する。 続いてサイクル2以降の28日間サイクルで、Brigatinib 180 mgをQD経口投与し、治験責任医師又は治験分担医師の評価による病勢進行(PD)、忍容不能な毒性、被験者による同意の撤回、又はその他の理由による中止のいずれかが生じるまで、2020年9月29日のデータカットオフ日まで最長34サイクル投与する。 Brigatinib 90 milligram (mg), tablets, orally, once daily (QD) for first 7 days followed by brigatinib, 180 mg, tablets, orally, QD in Cycle 1 of 28 days followed by brigatinib 180 mg, tablets, orally, QD in Cycle 2 and onwards in 28-day cycles until investigator-assessed progressive disease (PD) or intolerable toxicity, withdrawal of consent, or discontinuation for any other reason, whichever comes first up to 34 cycles till data cut-off date: 29 September 2020.
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3 試験等の実施状況の確認に関する事項



参加募集終了 completed



4 試験等の対象者に健康被害が生じた場合の補償及び医療の提供に関する事項

5 依頼者等に関する事項


Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited


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6 IRBの名称等

独立行政法人国立病院機構 九州がんセンター治験審査委員会 National Hospital Organization Kyushu Cancer Center IRB
福岡県福岡市南区野多目3-1-1 3-1-1, Notame, Minami-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka
承認 approved

7 その他の事項



ClinicalTrials.gov ClinicalTrials.gov



Universal Trial Number: U1111-1204-8752 Takeda Study ID: Brigatinib-2001 Universal Trial Number: U1111-1204-8752 Takeda Study ID: Brigatinib-2001










種別 公表日
終了 令和4年6月13日 (当画面) 変更内容
変更 令和3年11月17日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和3年9月28日 詳細 変更内容
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変更 令和元年11月29日 詳細 変更内容
変更 平成31年1月10日 詳細 変更内容
変更 平成30年12月17日 詳細 変更内容
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新規登録 平成30年1月10日 詳細