jRCT ロゴ





特定の分子異常を有する進行非小細胞肺癌患者を対象としたPF-06463922(ALK/ROS1 チロシンキナーゼ阻害剤)の第1/2相試験(治験実施計画書番号:B7461001)
特定の分子異常を有する進行非小細胞肺癌患者を対象としたPF-06463922(ALK/ROS1 チロシンキナーゼ阻害剤)の試験
河合 統介
ALK 陽性または ROS1 陽性進行非小細胞肺癌 患者において,PF-06463922 単剤の安全性,忍容性および抗腫瘍活性を評価する。
ALK 陽性または ROS1 陽性の非小細胞肺癌




2 結果の要約

/ 第1相パートには女性32例(59.3%)および男性22例(40.7%)を組み入れ,安全性解析対象集団に含めた。平均年齢(標準偏差)は51.9(12.8)歳であった。治験参加者の大部分(68.5%)は白人であった。
Thirty-two (59.3%) female participants and 22 (40.7%) male participants were enrolled and included in the Safety Analysis Set (SAS) of Phase 1, and the mean (standard deviation [SD]) age was 51.9 (12.8) years old. Most participants (68.5%) enrolled were White.
Among 275 participants enrolled and treated in Phase 2, 157 (57.1%) were female participants and 118 (42.9%) were male participants, and the mean (SD) age was 53.6 (12.1) years. Most participants enrolled were either White (48.0%) or Asian (37.5%). The most frequently involved disease sites at the time of study entry were chest (96.4%), brain (55.6%) and other (46.2%).
Among 32 participants enrolled and treated in Phase 2 DDI substudy, 15 (46.9%) were female participants and 17 (53.1%) were male participants, and the mean (rSD) age was 54.9 (10.2) years. Participants were either White (65.6%) or Asian (34.4%). The most frequently involved disease sites at the time of study entry were chest (90.6%), brain (53.1%) and other (40.6%).
/ 第1相パートには54例,第2相パート(EXP-1~EXP-6コホート)には276例,日本人リードインコホート(LIC)には3例,第2相DDIサブスタディには32例を組み入れた。
第1相パート:合計54例の参加者がロルラチニブ投与に割り付けられた(2つの異なるコホートに2回割り付けられた1例を含む)。54例すべてがロルラチニブの投与を1回以上受けた。各コホートに割り付け,治験薬を投与した治験参加者数は,10 mg 1日1回(QD)コホート3例,25 mg QDコホート3例,50 mg QDコホート3例,75 mg QDコホート12例,100 mg QDコホート17例,150 mg QDコホート3例,200 mg QDコホート3例,35 mg 1日2回(BID)コホート3例,75 mg BIDコホート3例,100 mg BIDコホート4例であった。
なお,1例ははじめに75 mg QDコホートに組み入れられ,最初の治験参加者番号を割り当てられたが,同コホートでは治験薬の投与を受けなかった。この治験参加者は再スクリーニングを受け,2つ目の治験参加者番号で50 mg QDコホートに再割付けされた。この治験参加者は治験薬の投与を受け,50 mg QDコホートのデータが得られた。

第2相パート:EXP-1~EXP-6コホートに割り付けられた276例中,275例にロルラチニブを投与した(コホートEXP-1:30例,EXP-2:27例,EXP-3:60例,EXP-4:65例,EXP-5:46例,EXP-6:47例)。1例はEXP-4コホートの治験薬投与群に割り付けられたが,治験薬の投与を受けなかった。治験薬の投与を受けた275例をすべてintention-to-treat (ITT)集団および安全性解析対象集団に含めた。

A total of 365 individual participants were enrolled, including 54 enrolled in Phase 1, 276 enrolled in Phase 2 (EXP-1 to EXP-6 cohorts), 3 in Japan LIC, and 32 in Phase 2 DDI substudy.
Phase 1: A total of 54 individual participants were assigned to lorlatinib treatment (including 1 participant who was assigned twice to 2 different cohorts). All 54 individual participants received at least 1 dose of lorlatinib. Number of participants assigned to and treated in each cohort was 3 participants in 10 mg once daily (QD) cohort, 3 participants in 25 mg QD cohort, 3 participants in 50 mg QD cohort, 12 participants in 75 mg QD cohort, 17 participants in 100 mg QD cohort, 3 participants in 150 mg QD cohort, 3 participants in 200 mg QD cohort, 3 participants in 35 mg twice daily (BID) cohort, 3 participants in 75 mg BID cohort, and 4 participants in 100 mg BID cohort.
Of note, 1 participant was first enrolled in the 75 mg QD cohort and assigned a first patient number, but was not treated in this cohort. The participant was re-screened and re assigned to the 50 mg QD cohort with a second patient number. This participant was treated and contributed data to the 50 mg QD cohort.

Phase 2: Among 276 participants assigned to the EXP-1 to EXP-6 cohorts, 275 participants received lorlatinib treatment (30, 27, 60, 65, 46, 47 participants in cohorts EXP-1, EXP-2, EXP-3, EXP-4, EXP-5 and EXP-6, respectively). One participant was assigned to treatment in the EXP-4 cohort but never treated. All 275 treated participants were included in the intention-to-treat (ITT) population and the SAS.

Phase 2 drug-drug interaction (DDI) substudy: All 32 participants enrolled in the substudy received lorlatinib treatment. All participants were included in the ITT population and the SAS.
/ 第1相パート:
100 mg QDコホートでは,17例(100%)に316件の因果関係を問わない有害事象が発現した。重篤な有害事象は10例(58.8%)に発現した。グレード3または4の有害事象は12例(70.6%),グレード5の有害事象は4例(23.5%)に発現した。投与中断(ロルラチニブの一時中断)に至った有害事象は8例(47.1%)で認められた。有害事象による治験薬の減量または投与中止は認められなかった。



因果関係を問わない死亡に至った(グレード5)有害事象を発現した10例中,9例でグレード5の疾患進行が発現し(10 mg QD群,25 mg QD群,75 mg QD群,150 mg QD群および75 mg BID群で各1例,100 mg QD群で4例),150 mg QD群の1例で試験対象疾患によるグレード5の低酸素症が発現した。











Phase 1:
Overall in SAS, 54 (100%) participants had 1040 all-causality AEs; 33 (61.1%) participants had serious adverse events (SAEs); 36 (66.7%) participants had Grade 3 or 4 AEs and 10 (18.5%) participants had Grade 5 AEs; 29 (53.7%) participants and 14 (25.9%) participants had a dosing interruption (temporary discontinuation of lorlatinib) and a dose reduction in association with AEs, respectively; 6 (11.1%) participants permanently discontinued treatment due to AEs.
In the 100 mg QD cohort, 17 (100%) participants had 316 all-causality AEs; 10 (58.8%) participants had SAEs; 12 (70.6%) participants and 4 (23.5%) participants had Grade 3 or 4 AEs and Grade 5 AEs, respectively; 8 (47.1%) participants had a dosing interruption (temporary discontinuation of lorlatinib) in association with AEs; no participants had a dose reduction or permanently discontinued treatment due to AEs.

In 54 participants of SAS, the most frequently reported all-causality AEs with clustering (reported in >=30% participants) in decreasing frequency were HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA (75.9%), EDEMA (64.8%), PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY (61.1%), FATIGUE (55.6%), HYPERTRIGLYCERIDEMIA (46.3%), COGNITIVE EFFECTS (40.7%), Anaemia (35.2%), and Dyspnoea (31.5%).

In 54 participants of SAS, the most frequently reported treatment-related AEs (reported in >=30% participants) in decreasing frequency were Hypercholesterolaemia (55.6%), Oedema peripheral (40.7%) and Hypertriglyceridaemia (35.2%).

In 54 participants of SAS, 35 deaths were reported, including 8 (14.8%) participants who died on study treatment or within 28 days after their last dose of lorlatinib, and 27 (50.0%) participants who died after 28 days after their last dose of lorlatinib. None of the deaths were treatment-related; 33 of the deaths were due to disease under study, 2 were due to unknown cause, none were due to "Other" cause.
In 10 participants who had fatal (Grade 5) all-causality AEs, 9 had Grade 5 disease progression (1 participant each in 10 mg QD group, 25 mg QD group, 75 mg QD group, 150 mg QD group and 75 mg BID group, 4 participants in 100 mg QD group), and 1 participant in 150 mg QD group had Grade 5 hypoxia caused by disease under study.

In 54 participants of SAS, 33 (61.1%) had all-causality SAEs (with clustering). The most frequent all causality SAE was Disease progression (9 [16.7%] participants), which was required to be reported as an SAE if the outcome was fatal and if it occurred within 28 days after the last dose of lorlatinib. Other frequent (in >5% of participants) SAEs were Dyspnoea and Pneumonia (4 [7.4%] participants each), Haemoptysis, Mental status changes and Seizure (3 [5.6%] participants each).

In 54 participants of SAS, 8 (14.8%) had treatment-related SAEs (with clustering), including Seizure reported in 2 participants (3.7%), and Mental status change, COGNITIVE EFFECTS, Cataract, Dermatomyositis, Hallucination, Headache, Lipase increased, Neurological symptom reported in 1 participant each.

Phase 2:
Among 275 participants in SAS, 274 (99.6%) participants had 4631 all-causality AEs; 135 (49.1%) participants had SAEs; 209 (76.0%) participants had Grade 3 or 4 AEs and 43 (15.6%) participants had Grade 5 AEs; 158 (57.5%) participants had a dosing interruption (temporary discontinuation of lorlatinib) and 77 (28.0%) participants had a dose reduction in association with AEs, respectively; 35 (12.7%) participants permanently discontinued treatment due to AEs.

In 275 participants of SAS, 274 (99.6%) participants had all-causality AEs. The most frequently reported all-causality AEs with clustering (reported in >=30% participants) in decreasing frequency were HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA (84.4%), HYPERTRIGLYCERIDEMIA (68.7%), EDEMA (56.4%), PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY (49.5%), COGNITIVE EFFECTS (31.3%), Dyspnoea (31.3%), FATIGUE (30.5%) and Arthralgia (30.5%).

In 275 participants of SAS, 151 deaths were reported, including 39 (14.2%) participants who died on study treatment or within 28 days after their last dose of lorlatinib, and 112 (40.7%) participants who died after 28 days after their last dose of lorlatinib. None of the deaths were treatment-related; 129 of the deaths were due to disease under study, 13 were due to unknown cause, and 9 were due to "Other" cause.
In 43 participants who had fatal (Grade 5) all-causality AEs, 29 had Grade 5 disease progression, 2 participants had Grade 5 pneumonia, and the following Grade 5 events were reported in 1 participant each: Embolism, Acute pulmonary oedema, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, General physical health deterioration, Acute myocardial infarction, Asphyxia, Assisted suicide, Myocardial infarction, Neoplasm progression, Peripheral artery occlusion, Pulmonary tumour thrombotic microangiopathy, Respiratory distress.

In 275 participants of SAS, 135 (49.1%) had all-causality SAEs. The most frequent all-causality SAE (with clustering) was Disease progression (29 [10.5%] participants). The other SAE reported in more than 5% of participants was Pneumonia (19 [6.9%] participants).

In 275 participants of SAS, 27 (9.8%) had treatment-related SAEs. Treatment-related SAE (with clustering) reported in more than 1 participant included COGNITIVE EFFECTS (3 [1.1%] participants) and Acute respiratory failure (2 participants).

Phase 2 DDI Substudy:
All 32 participants enrolled in the DDI substudy had at least 1 all-causality AE, with a total of 495 all-causality AEs reported; 13 (40.6%) participants had SAEs; 24 (75.0%) participants had Grade 3 or 4 AEs and 5 (15.6%) participants had Grade 5 AEs, respectively; 14 (43.8%) participants had a dosing interruption (temporary discontinuation of lorlatinib) and 11 (34.4%) participants had a dose reduction in association with AEs, respectively; 4 (12.5%) participants permanently discontinued treatment due to AEs.

All 32 participants of SAS had all-causality AEs. The most frequently reported all-causality AEs (with clustering, reported in >=30% participants) in decreasing frequency were HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA (93.8%), HYPERTRIGLYCERIDEMIA (84.4%), EDEMA (59.4%), PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY (43.8%), FATIGUE (37.5%), COGNITIVE EFFECTS (31.3%) and Dyspnoea (31.3%).

In 32 participants of SAS, 17 deaths were reported, including 5 (15.6%) participants who died on study treatment or within 28 days after their last dose of lorlatinib, and 12 (37.5%) participants who died after 28 days after their last dose of lorlatinib; none of the deaths were treatment-related. All 17 deaths were due to disease under study.
In 5 participants who had fatal (Grade 5) all-causality AEs, all of the AEs were Grade 5 disease progression.

In 32 participants of SAS, 13 (40.6%) had all-causality SAEs. All-causality SAE (with clustering) reported in more than 1 participant included Disease progression (5[15.6%] participants) and COGNITIVE EFFECTS (2 [6.3%] participants).

In 32 participants of the DDI substudy SAS, 1 (3.1%) participant experienced treatment related SAE of Pneumonitis.
/ 第2相パートの有効性の評価項目の結果:

独立評価に基づく確定ORRは,コホートEXP-1で90%(95% CI:73.5,97.9),コホートEXP-2で77.8%(95% CI:57.7,91.4),コホートEXP-3で56.7%(95% CI:43.2,69.4),コホートEXP-4で40.0%(95% CI:28.0,52.9),コホートEXP-5で37.0%(95% CI:23.2,52.5),コホートEXP-6で38.3%(95% CI:24.5,53.6)であった。

・独立評価に基づく確定IC-ORRはコホートEXP-1で75.0%(95% CI:34.9, 96.8),コホートEXP-2で58.8%(95% CI:32.9, 81.6),コホートEXP-3で66.7%(95% CI:48.2, 82.0),コホートEXP-4で53.3%(95% CI:37.9, 68.3),コホートEXP-5で43.2%(95% CI:27.1, 60.5),コホートEXP-6で56.0%(95% CI:34.9, 75.6)であった。
Phase 2 Efficacy Results:
Phase 2 efficacy results with a data cutoff date of 15 May 2019 are presented in this report. Analysis of overall survival is based on last patient last visit (LPLV).

Phase 2 Objective Response Rate
The confirmed ORR based on independent assessment was 90% (95% CI: 73.5, 97.9) for cohort EXP-1, 77.8% (95% CI: 57.7, 91.4) for cohort EXP-2, 56.7% (95% CI: 43.2, 69.4) for cohort EXP-3, 40.0% (95% CI: 28.0, 52.9) for cohort EXP-4, 37.0% (95% CI: 23.2, 52.5) for cohort EXP-5, and 38.3% (95% CI: 24.5, 53.6) for cohort EXP-6, respectively.

Phase 2 Intracranial Objective Response Rate (IC-ORR)
The confirmed IC-ORR results for participants with baseline CNS metastases in cohorts EXP-1:EXP-6, based on independent assessments in the ITT population, are summarized as follows. The analyses took into account measurable and non-measurable lesions.
*The confirmed IC ORR based on independent assessment was 75.0% (95% CI: 34.9, 96.8) for cohort EXP-1, 58.8% (95% CI: 32.9, 81.6) for cohort EXP-2, 66.7% (95% CI: 48.2, 82.0) for cohort EXP-3, 53.3% (95% CI: 37.9, 68.3) for cohort EXP-4, 43.2% (95% CI: 27.1, 60.5) for cohort EXP-5, and 56.0% (95% CI: 34.9, 75.6) for cohort EXP-6, respectively.
*Percentage of participants with complete intra-cranial response based on independent assessment was 50.0% (4/8) for cohort EXP-1, 35.3% (6/17) for cohort EXP-2, 24.2% (8/33) for cohort EXP-3, 33.3% (15/45) for cohort EXP-4, 24.3% (9/37) for cohort EXP-5, and 40.0% (10/25) for cohort EXP-6, respectively.
副次的評価項目の解析結果 / Secondary Outcome Measures 第1相パートの有効性の副次評価項目の結果: 2019年3月15日をカットオフ日とする第1相試験の客観的奏効率(ORR)および奏効期間(DoR)の結果を示す。 第1相パートのORR ITT集団では,独立した中央機関による評価(独立評価)に基づく確定ORRは41.5%[95%信頼区間(CI):28.1, 55.9]であった。 第1相パートのDoR ORRの追跡調査期間の中央値は44.1ヵ月であった。奏効が確定した治験参加者22例のうち,8例(36.4%)は打ち切りとした。14例中,その後PDまたは死亡が認められた7例のDoRは6ヵ月超であり,打ち切りとなった8例のDoRは21ヵ月超であった(その後PDまたは死亡が認められなかった)。DoR中央値は23.65ヵ月であった。 Phase 1 Secondary Efficacy Results: Objective response rate (ORR) and duration of response (DoR) results with a cutoff date of 15 Mar 2019 are presented in this report. Phase 1 ORR The confirmed ORR based on independent central review (hereafter referred to as "independent assessment") was 41.5% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 28.1, 55.9) in ITT population. Phase 1 DoR The median follow up time for ORR was 44.1 months. Out of 22 participants with a confirmed response, 8 (36.4%) were censored. The DoR was >6 months for 7/14 participants with subsequent PD or death, and was >21 months for the 8 participants censored (without subsequent PD or death). Median DoR was 23.65 months.
/ ロルラチニブは,高いアンメット・メディカル・ニーズのある治療状況を含め,未分化リンパ腫キナーゼ(ALK)阻害剤および化学療法による前治療の範囲にわたって,ALKおよびROS1陽性の進行非小細胞肺癌患者に臨床的に意味のあるベネフィットをもたらした。ロルラチニブは,有害事象が主に軽度から中等度であることから概して忍容性があり,有害事象による永久的中止の割合が低く,投与中断,用量の減量または標準的な支持療法によって管理可能であった。 Lorlatinib conferred a clinically meaningful benefit in patients with advanced ALK- and ROS1-positive NSCLC across a range of treatment with prior ALK inhibitors and/or chemotherapies, including in treatment settings with a high unmet medical need. Lorlatinib was generally tolerable, with AEs primarily mild to moderate in severity, and manageable as rates of permanent discontinuations due to AEs were low and could be managed by dosing interruption, dose reduction, and/or standard supportive medical therapy
出版物の掲載 / Posting of journal publication presence

3 IPDシェアリング

/ Yes
/ ファイザーは,匿名化された個別被験者のデータおよび関連文書(治験実施計画書,統計解析計画書,総括報告書など)に研究者がアクセスできる環境を提供しています。当社の臨床試験データの共有に関する基準およびアクセス申請の詳細は,
Pfizer provides an environment which enables researchers to access de-identified individual subject data and related documents (protocol, statistical analysis plan, clinical study report, etc.). Details of our clinical trial data sharing standards and access requests are available at: https://www.pfizer.com/science/clinical_trials/trial_data_and_results/data_requests.


試験等の種別 企業治験
登録日 2024年08月30日
jRCT番号 jRCT2080222982

1 試験等の実施体制に関する事項及び試験等を行う施設の構造設備に関する事項


特定の分子異常を有する進行非小細胞肺癌患者を対象としたPF-06463922(ALK/ROS1 チロシンキナーゼ阻害剤)の試験 A Study Of PF-06463922 An ALK/ROS1 Inhibitor In Patients With Advanced Non Small Cell Lung Cancer With Specific Molecular Alterations


河合 統介 Kawai Norisuke
ファイザーR&D合同会社 Pfizer R&D Japan G.K.
東京都渋谷区代々木3丁目22-7 新宿文化クイントビル Shinjuku Bunka Quint Bldg., 3-22-7 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
治験情報窓口担当 Clinical Trials Information Desk
ファイザーR&D合同会社 Pfizer R&D Japan G.K.
東京都渋谷区代々木3丁目22-7 新宿文化クイントビル Shinjuku Bunka Quint Bldg., 3-22-7 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo









































2 試験等の目的及び内容並びにこれに用いる医薬品等の概要


ALK 陽性または ROS1 陽性進行非小細胞肺癌 患者において,PF-06463922 単剤の安全性,忍容性および抗腫瘍活性を評価する。 Phase 1 and 2 trial to study the safety, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, patient reported outcomes and efficacy of PF-06463922 in ALK + advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients and ROS1+ advanced non small cell lung cancer patients .
1-2 1-2
介入研究 Interventional


Non-Randomized, Single Group Assignment, Open Label


treatment purpose

/ 日本/アジア(日本以外)/北米/欧州/オセアニア Japan/Asia except Japan/North America/Europe/Oceania

・組織学的または細胞学的に確認された転移性の非小細胞肺癌[ステージ4,AJCC第7.0版]であり,FDAによって認可されたFISH法(Abbott Molecular Inc)またはIHC法(Ventana Inc)によってALK再構成ありと判定される,またはlocal diagnostic testベースのFISH法,RT-PCR法または次世代シーケンシングによってROS1再構成ありと判定されること。ALK陽性およびROS1陽性のすべての患者は保存用腫瘍検体を有し,登録前に収集すること。

Inclusion Criteria
*Evidence of histologically or cytologically confirmed diagnosis of metastatic NSCLC (Stage IV, AJCC v7.0) that carries an ALK rearrangement, as determined by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved FISH assay (Abbott Molecular Inc) or by Immunohistochemistry (IHC) (Ventana Inc), or a ROS1 rearrangement as determined by FISH or RT PCR or Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) via a local diagnostic test (LDT). All patients (ALK positive and ROS1 positive) must have archival tissue sample available and collected prior to enrollment.
*Disease Status Requirements:
Phase 1: ALK-positive NSCLC and ROS1-positive patients must either be treatment naive in the advanced setting or have had disease progression after at least 1 previous ALK/ROS1 inhibitor therapy(ies).
Phase 2:
ALK-positive NSCLC patients must either be or have had:
*Treatment naive (ie, no prior chemotherapy in the metastatic disease setting and no prior ALK inhibitor therapy allowed).
*Disease progression after crizotinib only. No prior chemotherapy is allowed in the metastatic disease setting.
*Disease progression after crizotinib and 1 or 2 prior regimens of chemotherapy in the metastatic disease setting.
*Disease progression after 1 prior ALK inhibitor therapy other than crizotinib. Patients may have had any number of prior chemotherapy regimens in any disease setting.
*Disease progression after 2 prior ALK inhibitor therapies. Patients may have had any number of prior chemotherapy regimens in any disease setting.
*Disease progression after 3 prior ALK inhibitor therapies. Patients may have had any number of prior chemotherapy regimens in any disease setting.
ROS1-positive NSCLC patients may be:
*Treatment naive (ie, no prior chemotherapy in the metastatic disease setting and no prior ROS inhibitor therapy).
*Any number of prior therapies (ie, chemotherapy and/or ROS inhibitor therapies).
*Tumor Requirements:
All Patients must have at least one measurable target extracranial lesion according to RECIST v1.1. In addition patients with asymptomatic CNS metastases (including patients asymptomatic by means of stable or decreasing doses of steroids within the last 2 weeks prior to study entry) will be eligible. Patients who have leptomeningeal disease (LM) or carcinomatous meningitis (CM) are eligible.
*Adequate Bone Marrow, Pancreatic Function, Renal Function and Liver Function.
*Negative Serum pregnancy test for females of childbearing potential Exclusion Criteria
*Radiation therapy (except palliative to relieve bone pain) within 2 weeks of study entry. Whole brain radiation must have completed at least 4 weeks prior to study entry.
*Systemic anti cancer therapy completed within a minimum of 5 half lives of study entry.
*Prior therapy with an antibody or drug specifically targeting T-cell co-stimulation or immune checkpoint pathways, including, but not limited to, anti-PD-1, anti-PD-L1, anti-PD-L2, anti-CD137, or anti-cytotoxic T lymphocyte associated antigen 4 (anti-CTLA-4) antibody.
*Active and clinically significant bacterial, fungal, or viral infection including hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C (HCV), known human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) related illness.
*Clinically significant cardiovascular disease (that is, active or <3 months prior to enrollment): cerebral vascular accident/stroke, myocardial infarction, unstable angina, congestive heart failure (New York Heart Association Classification Class >= II), second-degree or third-degree AV block (unless paced) or any AV block with PR >220 msec. Ongoing cardiac dysrhythmias of NCI CTCAE Grade >=2, uncontrolled atrial fibrillation of any grade, bradycardia defined as <50 bpm (unless patient is otherwise healthy such as long-distance runners, etc.), machine-read ECG with QTc >470 msec, or congenital long QT syndrome.
*History of extensive, disseminated, bilateral or presence of Grade 3 or 4 interstitial fibrosis or interstitial lung disease including a history of pneumonitis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, interstitial pneumonia, interstitial lung disease, obliterative bronchiolitis and pulmonary fibrosis.
*Current use or anticipated need for food or drugs that are known strong or moderate CYP3A4 inhibitors, inducers and substrates; drugs that are CYP2C9 substrates; drugs that are sensitive CYP2B6 substrates; drugs that are strong CYP2C19 inhibitors; drugs that are strong CYP2C8 inhibitors; and drugs that are P-gp substrates.


・現在または過去3ヵ月以内に次のいずれかの臨床的に重大な循環器疾患を合併しているまたは既往がある:脳血管障害/脳卒中,心筋梗塞,不安定狭心症,うっ血性心不全[New York Heart Association(NYHA)分類クラスII以上],第2度または第3度の房室ブロック(ペースメーカー埋め込み手術をしている患者は該当しない)またはPR延長(>220 msec)が認められる。
NCI CTCAEでグレード2以上の継続する不整脈,グレードを問わないコントロール不能な心房細動,50 bpm未満の徐脈(健康な長距離ランナー等は該当しない),心電図検査で測定したQTcが470 msecを超えるまたは先天性QT延長症候群。
・CYP3A4の強力なまたは中程度の阻害薬,誘導薬および基質として知られている食物または薬剤を現在摂取または使用している,あるいは治験期間中に必要となることが予想される患者。CYP2C9の基質として知られている薬剤。感度の高いCYP2B6の基質と考えられる薬剤。CYP2C19の強力な阻害薬として知られている薬剤。 CYP2C8の強力な阻害薬として知られている薬剤。 P糖タンパク質の基質として知られている薬剤。

- Radiation therapy (except palliative to relieve bone pain) within 2 weeks of study entry. Whole brain radiation must have completed at least 4 weeks prior to study entry.
- Systemic anti cancer therapy completed within a minimum of 5 half lives of study entry.
- Prior therapy with an antibody or drug specifically targeting T-cell co-stimulation or immune checkpoint pathways, including, but not limited to, anti-PD-1, anti-PD-L1, anti-PD-L2, anti-CD137, or anti-cytotoxic T lymphocyte associated antigen 4 (anti-CTLA-4) antibody.
- Active and clinically significant bacterial, fungal, or viral infection including hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C (HCV), known human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) related illness.
- Clinically significant cardiovascular disease (that is, active or <3 months prior to enrollment): cerebral vascular accident/stroke, myocardial infarction, unstable angina, congestive heart failure (New York Heart Association Classification Class >= II), second-degree or third-degree AV block (unless paced) or any AV block with PR >220 msec. Ongoing cardiac dysrhythmias of NCI CTCAE Grade >=2, uncontrolled atrial fibrillation of any grade, bradycardia defined as <50 bpm (unless patient is otherwise healthy such as long-distance runners, etc.), machine-read ECG with QTc >470 msec, or congenital long QT syndrome.
- History of extensive, disseminated, bilateral or presence of Grade 3 or 4 interstitial fibrosis or interstitial lung disease including a history of pneumonitis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, interstitial pneumonia, interstitial lung disease, obliterative bronchiolitis and pulmonary fibrosis.
- Current use or anticipated need for food or drugs that are known strong or moderate CYP3A4 inhibitors, inducers and substrates; drugs that are CYP2C9 substrates; drugs that are sensitive CYP2B6 substrates; drugs that are strong CYP2C19 inhibitors; drugs that are strong CYP2C8 inhibitors; and drugs that are P-gp substrates.



20age old over



No limit




/ ALK 陽性または ROS1 陽性の非小細胞肺癌 ALK + advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients and ROS1+ advanced non small cell lung cancer patients .
/ 試験対象薬剤等
薬効分類コード:429 その他の腫瘍用薬
薬効分類コード:429 その他の腫瘍用薬
用法・用量、使用方法:開始用量を250 mg 1日2回とし,連日経口投与する。1サイクルは21日とする。

investigational material(s)
Generic name etc : Lorlatinib
INN of investigational material : Lorlatinib
Therapeutic category code : 429 Other antitumor agents
Dosage and Administration for Investigational material : Drug: PF-06463922 *Oral, starting dose 10mg once a day, dose escalation in Phase 1 until recommended Phase 2 dose determined, continuous daily dosing, cycles lasting 21 days

Generic name etc : Crizotinib
INN of investigational material : Crizotinib
Therapeutic category code : 429 Other antitumor agents
Dosage and Administration for Investigational material : Drug: Crizotinib *Oral, starting dose of 250 mg BID continuous daily dosing every 21 days
*Other Names:

control material(s)
Generic name etc : -
INN of investigational material : -
Therapeutic category code :
Dosage and Administration for Investigational material : -
/ 安全性
ALK 陽性またはROS1 陽性進行NSCLC 患者にPF-06463922単剤を用量漸増投与した際の安全性および忍容性を評価し,MTDの推定および第2 相パートのRP2D を選定する。
Number of Participants With Cycle 1 Dose-Limiting Toxicities (DLTs) in Phase 1
Percentage of Participants With Overall and Intracranial Objective Response (Phase 2)
/ 安全性
Percentage of Participants With Overall and Intracranial Objective Response (Phase 1)
Time to Tumor Response (TTR) and Intracranial TTR (Phase 1)
Number of Participants With Duration of Response (DOR) and Intracranial DOR (Phase 1)
Percentage of Participants Achieving Disease Control and Intracranial Disease Control at 12 and 24 Weeks (Phase 1)
Probability of First Event Being a Central Nervous System (CNS) Progression, Non CNS Progression, or Death (Phase 1)
Progression-Free Survival (PFS) (Phase 1)
Overall Survival (OS) (Phase 1)
Maximum Observed Plasma Concentration (Cmax) of PF-06463922 Following Single Oral Doses (Phase 1)
Maximum Observed Plasma Concentration (Cmax) of PF-06463922 Following Multiple Oral Doses (Phase 1)
Time for Cmax (Tmax) of PF-06463922 Following Single Oral Doses (Phase 1)
Time for Cmax (Tmax) of PF-06463922 Following Multiple Oral Doses (Phase 1)
Area Under the Plasma Concentration-Time Profile From Time Zero to Time Tau (AUCtau) of PF-06463922 Following Single Oral Doses (Phase 1)
Area Under the Plasma Concentration-Time Profile From Time Zero to Time Tau (AUCtau) of PF-06463922 Following Multiple Oral Doses (Phase 1)
Area Under the Plasma Concentration-Time Profile From Time Zero Extrapolated to Infinite Time (AUCinf) of PF-06463922 Following Single Oral Doses (Phase 1)
Apparent Oral Clearance (CL/F) of PF-06463922 Following Single Oral Doses (Phase 1)
Apparent Oral Clearance (CL/F) of PF-06463922 Following Multiple Oral Doses (Phase 1)
Apparent Volume of Distribution (Vz/F) of PF-06463922 Following Single Oral Doses (Phase 1)
Observed Accumulation Ratio (Rac) of PF-06463922 Following Multiple Oral Doses (Phase 1)
Terminal Half-Life of PF-06463922 Following Single Oral Doses (Phase 1)
Steady State Accumulation Ratio (Rss) of PF-06463922 Following Multiple Oral Doses (Phase 1)
Renal Clearance (CLr) of PF-06463922 (Phase 1)
Percent of PF-06463922 Recovered Unchanged in Urine up to Dosing Interval (AEtau%) (Phase 1)
Maximum Observed Plasma Concentration (Cmax) of Midazolam (Phase 1)
Time for Cmax (Tmax) of Midazolam (Phase 1)
Area Under the Plasma Concentration-Time Profile From Time Zero to the Time of the Last Quantifiable Concentration (AUClast) of Midazolam (Phase 1)
Area Under the Plasma Concentration-Time Profile From Time Zero Extrapolated to Infinite Time (AUCinf) of Midazolam (Phase 1)
Apparent Oral Clearance (CL/F) of Midazolam (Phase 1)
Apparent Volume of Distribution (Vz/F) of Midazolam (Phase 1)
Terminal Half-Life of Midazolam (Phase 1)
Number of Participants With ALK Mutation Based on Plasma CNA Analysis (Phase 1)
Number of Participants With ALK Mutation Based on Tumor Tissue Analysis (Phase 1)
Number of Participants Who Improved, Worsened or Remained Stable in EORTC QLQ-C30 (Phase 1)
Number of Participants Who Improved, Worsened or Remained Stable in EORTC QLQ-LC13 (Phase 1)
Change From Baseline in Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) Score (Phase 1)
Time to Tumor Response (TTR) and Intracranial TTR (Phase 2 and DDI Sub-study)
Duration of Response (DOR) and Intracranial DOR (Phase 2 and DDI Substudy)
Percentage of Participants Achieving Disease Control and Intracranial Disease Control at Week 12 and 24 (Phase 2 and DDI Substudy)
Time to Progression on the Last Prior Therapy (Phase 2)
Time to Tumor Progression (TTP) and Intracranial TTP (Phase 2 and DDI Substudy)
Probability of First Event Being a Central Nervous System (CNS) Progression, Non CNS Progression, or Death (Phase 2)
Progression-Free Survival (PFS) (Phase 2 and DDI Substudy)
Overall Survival (Phase 2 and DDI Substudy)
Maximum Observed Plasma Concentration (Cmax) of PF-06463922 (Phase 2)
Time for Cmax (Tmax) of PF-06463922 (Phase 2)
Area Under the Plasma Concentration-Time Profile From Time Zero Extrapolated to Infinite Time (AUCinf) of PF-06463922 (Phase 2)
Area Under the Plasma Concentration-Time Profile From Time Zero to Time Tau (AUCtau) of PF-06463922 (Phase 2)
Apparent Oral Clearance (CL/F) of PF-06463922 (Phase 2)
Apparent Volume of Distribution (Vz/F) of PF-06463922 (Phase 2)
Terminal Half-Life of PF-06463922 (Phase 2)
Observed Accumulation Ratio (Rac) of PF-06463922 Following Multiple Oral Doses (Phase 2)
Steady State Accumulation Ratio (Rss) of PF-06463922 Following Multiple Oral Doses (Phase 2)
Number of Participants With ALK Mutation Based on Plasma CNA Analysis (Phase 2)
Number of Participants With ALK Mutation Based on Tumor Tissue Analysis (Phase 2)
Number of Participants Who Improved, Worsened or Remained Stable in EORTC QLQ-C30 (Phase 2 and DDI Sub-study)
Number of Participants Who Improved, Worsened or Remained Stable in EORTC QLQ-LC13 (Phase 2 and DDI Sub-study)
Number of Participants With Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events (Phase 1, Phase 2 and DDI Sub-study)
Number of Participants With Laboratory Abnormalities (Phase 1, Phase 2 and DDI Sub-study) - Hematology
Number of Participants With Laboratory Abnormalities (Phase 1, Phase 2 and DDI Sub-study) - Chemistry
Number of Participants With Laboratory Abnormalities (Phase 1, Phase 2 and DDI Sub-study) - Coagulation, Lipids and Urinalysis
Number of Participants With Vital Signs Data Meeting Pre-defined Criteria (Phase 1, Phase 2 and DDI Sub-study)
Number of Participants With Maximum Decrease From Baseline Greater Than or Equal to 20 Percent in Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction (LVEF) (Phase 1, Phase 2 and DDI Sub-study)
Number of Participants With Absolute Values and Change From Baseline in QTcF Meeting Pre-defined Criteria (Phase 1, Phase 2 and DDI Sub-study)
Number of Participants With Suicidal Ideation and Suicidal Behavior (Phase 2)
Change From Baseline in Total Scores for Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)-II (Mood Assessment) (Phase 2)
Change From Baseline in Total Scores for Detection Test (Cognitive Function Assessment) (Phase 2)
Change From Baseline in Total Scores for Identification Test (Cognitive Function Assessment) (Phase 2)
Change From Baseline in Total Scores for International Shopping List Test (Cognitive Function Assessment) (Phase 2)
Change From Baseline in Total Scores for International Shopping List Test-Delayed Recall (Cognitive Function Assessment) (Phase 2)
Number of Participants With Absolute Values and Change From Baseline in PR Interval Meeting Pre-defined Criteria (Phase 2 and DDI Substudy)


医薬品 medicine
Lorlatinib Lorlatinib
429 その他の腫瘍用薬 429 Other antitumor agents
Crizotinib Crizotinib
429 その他の腫瘍用薬 429 Other antitumor agents
開始用量を250 mg 1日2回とし,連日経口投与する。1サイクルは21日とする。
- -

3 試験等の実施状況の確認に関する事項



参加募集終了 completed



4 試験等の対象者に健康被害が生じた場合の補償及び医療の提供に関する事項

5 依頼者等に関する事項


Pfizer R&D Japan G.K.



6 IRBの名称等

国立がん研究センター治験審査委員会 National Cancer Center Hospital IRB
東京都中央区築地5丁目1番1号 5-1-1 Tsukiji,Chuo-ku, TOKYO
承認 approved
公益財団法人がん研究会有明病院治験倫理審査委員会 The Cancer Institute Hospital of JFCR
東京都江東区有明三丁目8番31号 3-8-31 Ariake,Koto-ku, TOKYO
承認 approved
独立行政法人国立病院機構四国がんセンター治験審査委員会 National Hospital Organization Shikoku Cancer Center
愛媛県松山市南梅本町甲160 160 Kou Minamiumemoto-machi, Matsuyama, EHIME
承認 approved
独立行政法人国立病院機構 九州がんセンター治験審査委員会 National Hospital Organization Kyushu Cancer Center Institutional Review Board
福岡県福岡市南区野多目3-1-1 3-1-1 Notame, Minami-ku, Fukuoka, FUKUOKA
承認 approved
近畿大学医学部附属病院 治験審査委員会 Kinki University Hospital IRB
大阪府大阪狭山市大野東377-2 377-2 Ohnohigashi, Osakasayama, OSAKA
承認 approved
兵庫県立がんセンター治験審査委員会 Hyogo Cancer Center
兵庫県明石市北王子町13番70号 13-70 Kitaoji-cho, Akashi, HYOGO
承認 approved
愛知県がんセンター中央病院受託研究審査委員会 Aichi cancer center central hospital
愛知県名古屋市千種区鹿子殿1番1号 1-1 Kanokoden, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, AICHI
承認 approved
静岡県立静岡がんセンター企業治験倫理審査委員会 Shizuoka Cancer Center
静岡県駿東郡長泉町下長窪1007 1007 Shimonagakubo, Nagaizumi-cho, Sunto-gun, SHIZUOKA
承認 approved
国立大学法人北海道大学病院治験審査委員会 Hokkaido University Hospital
北海道札幌市北区北14条西5丁目 Kita14 Nishi5 Kita-ku, Sapporo, HOKKAIDO
承認 approved
名古屋大学医学部附属病院 治験審査委員会 Nagoya University Hospital Institutional Review Board
愛知県名古屋市昭和区鶴舞町65番地 65 Tsurumai-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya, AICHI
承認 approved

7 その他の事項



ClinicalTrials.gov ClinicalTrials.gov



試験実施地域 : アメリカ,イギリス,オーストラリア,韓国,日本など 試験の目的 : 治療 試験の現状 : 試験完了






B7461001 Protocol Amendment 8 (clean) 23JAN2019.pdf




種別 公表日
終了 令和6年8月31日 (当画面) 変更内容
変更 令和6年8月28日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和4年4月15日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和元年7月8日 詳細 変更内容
変更 平成30年6月5日 詳細 変更内容
変更 平成28年9月27日 詳細 変更内容
新規登録 平成27年10月5日 詳細