jRCT ロゴ





BAY 88-8223、-




2 結果の要約

/ 本治験に組み入れられた被験者389例のうち、283例がスクリーニングを完了し、142例が塩化ラジウム(Ra-223) 群[「塩化ラジウム[Ra-223]+エキセメスタン(EXE)及びエベロリムス(EVE) 」 ]、141例がプラセボ群(すべての表において「プラセボ+EXE及びEVE」と呼ぶ)に割り付けられた。積極的追跡調査に移行した全202例が積極的追跡調査を終了した。これには、治験実施計画書第9回改訂(積極的追跡調査に移行した被験者が主要解析前に積極的追跡調査を中止することを許可するもの)又は治験実施計画書第10回改訂(主要解析後の積極的追跡調査を取り止めるもの)に従って積極的追跡調査を中止した被験者が含まれる。
内訳-積極的追跡調査:ITT解析対象集団の46例(16.3%)が試験16996に移行した(塩化ラジウム[Ra-223]群の27例[19.0%]及びプラセボ群の19例[13.5%]が積極的追跡調査から移行)。ITT解析対象集団の283例のうち、202例(71.4%)が積極的追跡調査に移行した(塩化ラジウム[Ra-223]群の98例[69.0%]及びプラセボ群の104例 [73.8%])。積極的追跡調査の中止理由で最も多かったのは死亡であり(塩化ラジウム[Ra-223]群の46例[32.4%]及びプラセボ群の59例[41.8%])、次いで被験者による中止であった(塩化ラジウム[Ra-223]群の11例[7.7%]及びプラセボ群の14例[9.9%])。
全体として見ると、治験薬が一度も投与されなかった被験者が5例(1.8%)で、これらの被験者は安全性解析から除外した(塩化ラジウム[Ra-223]群の2例[1.4%]及びプラセボ群の3例[2.1%])。最初に塩化ラジウム(Ra-223)群に割り付けられていた2例と、最初にプラセボ群に割り付けられていた1例の、計3例(2.1%)には、EXE及びEVE のみが投与された。最初に塩化ラジウム(Ra-223)群に割り付けられていた2例は、安全性解析対象集団のプラセボ群として再分類した。また、プラセボ群に割り付けられていた1例は、実際には塩化ラジウム(Ra-223)が1回投与されたため、安全性解析対象集団の塩化ラジウム(Ra-223)群として再分類した。
人口統計学的特性及び基準値の特性は概ね均衡がとれており、2投与群間で類似していた。被験者は全員女性で、年齢は31.0~90.0歳(中央値:59.00歳)であった。ベースラインのボディーマスインデックス(BMI )の平均値(SD)は、塩化ラジウム(Ra-223)群で26.28(5.65)kg/m2 、プラセボ群で26.14(4.97)kg/m2であった(中央値は塩化ラジウム[Ra-223]群で25.45 kg/m2、プラセボ群で26.13 kg/m2)。ベースラインの体重の平均値(SD:標準偏差)は、塩化ラジウム(Ra-223)群で66.62(15.92)kg、プラセボ群で66.61(13.46)kgであった。人種、民族、身長、血圧(BP)、心拍数、及び呼吸数といった基準値の特性は、2群間で類似していた。
がんに関連する基準値の特性は、2群間で概ね類似していたが、一部の特性(最初の増悪から無作為化までの時間、初回診断から骨転移までの時間、最初の増悪から直近の増悪までの時間、骨転移から無作為化までの時間、プロゲステロン受容体ステータス など)にわずかな相違が見られた。
Of the 389 subjects enrolled, 283 subjects completed screening and were assigned to treatment, 142 in the radium-223 dichloride arm (referred to as radium-223 + EXE & EVE in all tables) and 141 in the placebo arm (referred to as placebo+ EXE & EVE in all tables). All 202 subjects who entered active follow up reached the end of the active follow up, including subjects discontinued from active follow up per Protocol Amendment 9 (permitting subjects who had entered active follow up to discontinue active follow up prior to the primary analysis) or Protocol Amendment 10 (eliminating active follow up following the
primary analysis).
At the time of the primary analysis, 14 subjects were still on treatment and 4 subjects were still in active follow up.
At the time of the updated analysis, all subjects had discontinued all participation in the study.
Disposition-Treatment: In the Intent-to-Treat (ITT) analysis set, 78 subjects (54.9%) in the radium-223 dichloride arm and 77 subjects (54.6%) in the placebo arm completed treatment, defined as completing
6 cycles of treatment. All 14 subjects still on treatment at the time of the primary analysis had discontinued treatment at the time of the updated analysis. The most common reason for discontinuation prior to completion was progressive disease, which occurred in 97 subjects (68.3%) in the radium-223 dichloride arm and 108 subjects (76.6%) in the placebo arm followed by withdrawal by subject (21 subjects [14.8%]
in the radium-223 dichloride arm and 13 subjects [9.2%] in the placebo arm).
Disposition-Active follow up: Forty-six ITT subjects (16.3%) were transitioned to Study 16996 (27 subjects [19.0%] from active follow up in the radium-223 dichloride arm and 19 subjects [13.5%] in the placebo arm). Of the 283 subjects in the ITT analysis set, 202 subjects (71.4%) entered active follow up (98 subjects [69.0%] in the radium-223 dichloride arm and 104 subjects [73.8%] in the placebo arm). The most common reason for subject discontinuation from active follow up was death (46 subjects [32.4%] in the radium-223 dichloride arm and 59 subjects [41.8%] in the placebo arm), followed by withdrawal by subject (11 subjects [7.7%] in the radium-223 dichloride arm and 14 subjects [9.9%] in the placebo arm). There was 1 additional important protocol deviation reported in ITT analysis set after the primary analysis.
Analysis set
The ITT analysis set included all randomized subjects (total of 283 subjects; 142 subjects in the radium-223 dichloride arm, and 141 subjects in the placebo arm).
The safety analysis set included all randomized subjects who received at least one study drug administration (total of 278 subjects [98.2% of ITT subjects]; 140 subjects [98.6%] in the radium-223 dichloride arm and 138 subjects [97.9%] in the placebo arm).
Overall, there were 5 subjects (1.8%) who never received any study drug and were excluded from the safety analysis (2 subjects [1.4%] in the radium-223 dichloride arm and 3 subjects [2.1%] in the placebo arm). Three subjects (2.1%), of whom 2 were initially randomized to the radium-223 dichloride arm and 1 were initially randomized to the placebo arm, received exemestane and everolimus only. The 2 subjects initially randomized to radium-223 dichloride were reclassified as being in the placebo arm in the safety analysis set. In addition, 1 subject who was randomized to the placebo group actually received one dose of radium-223 dichloride treatment; the subject was reclassified to the radium-223 dichloride arm in the safety analysis set

Demographics and baseline characteristics
Demographics and baseline characteristics were generally well balanced and similar between the 2 treatment arms. All of the subjects were females and were aged between 31.0 and 90.0 years (both inclusive), with a median age of 59.00 years. The mean baseline BMI (SD) was 26.28 (5.65) kg/m2 in the radium-223 dichloride arm, and 26.14 (4.97) kg/m2 in the placebo arm (median of 25.45 kg/m2 in the radium-223 dichloride arm and 26.13 kg/m2 in the placebo arm). The mean baseline body weight (SD) was 66.62 (15.92) kg in the radium-223 dichloride arm and 66.61 (13.46) kg in the placebo arm. Baseline characteristics for race, ethnicity, height, BP, heart rate, and respiratory rate were similar between the 2 arms.
Baseline cancer characteristics generally were similar between the 2 arms; however, there were minor differences in some characteristics such as time from the first progression to randomization, time from initial diagnosis to bone metastases, time from first to most recent progression, time from bone metastases to randomization, and PR status.
/ 本治験は、スクリーニング期間、無作為化期間、投与期間、及び追跡調査(来院を伴う積極的追跡調査及び来院を伴わない積極的追跡調査)期間の4期間で構成した。
50 kBq/kg(米国国立標準技術研究所の更新実施後は55 kBq/kg)又はプラセボを、それぞれ4週間間隔(±7日)で、EXE及びEVEと併用投与した。EXE及びEVEの投与は、塩化ラジウム(Ra-223)/プラセボの投与レジメン完了後も継続した。
The study comprised 4 periods:
screening, randomization, treatment, and follow-up (active follow-up with clinic visits and active follow-up without clinic visits).
Screening period:
The screening period consisted of multiple evaluations that took place within 3 weeks prior to randomization to ensure that all eligibility criteria were met.
Eligible subjects were randomized in a ratio of 1:1 to treatment with radium-223 dichloride (investigational arm) or placebo (control arm). All subjects received study treatment with EXE and EVE and best supportive care as per the local standard of practice.
Treatment period:
The total treatment period is defined from the day of randomization until 4 weeks after the last administration of study treatment (radium-223 dichloride/placebo and EXE and EVE, whichever occurs last).
The study treatment consisted of up to 6 cycles of radium-223 dichloride 50 kBq/kg body weight (55 kBq/kg after implementation of National Institute of Standards and Technology update) or placebo each separated by an interval of 4 weeks +- 7 days, in combination with EXE and EVE. Treatment with EXE and EVE was ongoing after completion of the radium-223 dichloride/placebo treatment regimen.
All subjects received best supportive care, as per local standard of practice.
Per Protocol Amendment 10 (dated 04 DEC 2019), most efficacy data collection was discontinued following the primary analysis, and only safety, symptomatic skeletal event (SSE), and overall survival (OS) assessments were to be performed during the treatment period.
Active follow-up period:
Prior to protocol Amendment 9 (dated 03 APR 2018), active follow up was conducted in this study for all patients who completed the treatment phase without having experienced both radiological progression and an SSE.
Protocol Amendment 9 (dated 03 APR 2018), in effect prior to primary analysis completion, permitted subjects to discontinue participation in Study 17096 following the end of treatment (EOT) visit or 30 days from their last treatment dose and enter the separate extended safety follow up study (Study 16996), whether or not they had experienced radiological progression or an SSE.
Per Protocol Amendment 10, following primary analysis the active follow up phase was discontinued, and all subjects who completed treatment, ended participation in the Study 17096 after completion of the EOT visit.
Following primary analysis, the long-term follow up was conducted in the separate extended safety follow up study, per Protocol Amendment 9; therefore, upon discontinuation of oral treatment, subjects were planned to be transitioned to Study 16996 after signing the respective informed consent forms.
Long-term follow-up in the separate extended safety follow-up study:
Prior to Protocol Amendment 9, this study had no provision for long-term follow up.
Per Protocol Amendment 9 (dated 03 APR 2018), all ongoing study subjects who had completed, at a minimum, the EOT Visit or were 30 days from their last study treatment dose, whichever was latest, were eligible to enter Study 16996.
Protocol Amendment 10 (dated 04 DEC 2019) came into effect after primary analysis, and Study 17096 remained open to provide treatment for the 14 subjects who were still on study treatment with EXE and EVE at the time of the primary analysis. Following implementation of Protocol Amendment 10, Study 17096 ended at the time the last subject on treatment discontinued oral EXE and/or EVE treatment and completed the EOT Visit or discontinued from this study for another reason (e.g., death, consent withdrawn and active objection for further data collection). Subjects not transitioned to Study 16996 were encouraged to report all occurrences of acute myelocytic leukemia, myelodysplastic syndromes, aplastic anemia, new primary malignancies, bone fractures, and bone-associated events via Bayer Pharmacovigilance as individual case safety reports, including the corresponding study number and subject ID.
At the time of implementation of Protocol Amendment 11 (dated 16 AUG 2022), only 1 subject was receiving study treatment (EXE and EVE) at a single study site in Poland. The local amendment defined the last subject last visit date and details treatment continuation options in the event the study is terminated.
/ 2023年3月9日付け治験総括報告書補遺より:

•無力症及び好中球減少症(各 20.9%)

EXE との因果関係を否定できないTEAEは、全体で278例中139例(50.0%)において報告され、塩化ラジウム(Ra-223)群では139例中75例(54.0%)、プラセボ群では139例中64例(46.0%)において報告された。
•低カリウム血症が6.8%(それぞれ7.2%及び6.5%), •好中球減少症が6.1%(それぞれ11.5%及び0.7%), アラニンアミノトランスフェラーゼ増加が6.1%(それぞれ7.2%及び5.0%), 口内炎が5.8%(それぞれ5.8%及び5.8%), 低リン血症が5.0%(それぞれ5.8%及び4.3%)



塩化ラジウム(Ra-223)群において、投与期間中又は積極的追跡調査期間中に、治験薬との因果関係を否定できない明らかなECOG PSスコアの変化は見られなかった。
From Clinical Study Report addendum on 09 MAR 2023:
The safety analysis set reported in the primary analysis did not change in the updated analysis. Safety data continued to be collected following the primary analysis.
Overall, the addition of radium-223 dichloride to the combination of EXE and EVE resulted in a modest increase in AEs and other safety indicators but did not increase the risk of an SAE, mortality or result in an intolerable safety burden. No substantial difference from the primary analysis results were observed.

Extent of exposure
At the time of the primary analysis, all 278 treated subjects had completed or withdrawn from Radium- 223 dichloride or placebo treatment. The median number of radium-223 dichloride or placebo injections in combination with EXE or EVE remained 6.00 in both treatment arms. There was no additional radium- 223 dichloride or placebo exposure following the primary analysis. At the time of the primary analysis, 14 subjects continued to receive EXE and/or EVE treatment. As of
updated analysis, the median duration of EXE and/or EVE for subjects who completed their last injection
of radium-223 dichloride or placebo was similar at 1.82 and 1.81 months, respectively, with a range of
0.0 to 50.6, and 0.0 to 67.9 months, respectively. More than half of subjects in both the radium-223
dichloride and the placebo arms received EXE treatment for more than 6 months.

Treatment-emergent adverse events
There were no significant changes to overall summary of AEs for the updated analysis after the primary analysis of the study. Overall, treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAEs) were reported for 275 of 278 (98.9%) subjects, with 139 of 139 (100.0%) in the radium-223 dichloride arm and 136 of 139 (97.8%) in the placebo arm. Most frequently reported (>= 20%) TEAEs in the radium-223 dichloride arm were:
- Stomatitis (47.5%), Anemia (39.6%), Decreased appetite (34.5%), Diarrhea (30.9%), Nausea (29.5%), Fatigue (27.3%), Arthralgia (21.6%), Asthenia and Neutropenia (20.9%), and Weight decreased (20.1%).

Whereas in the placebo arm the most frequently reported TEAEs included:
- Stomatitis (49.6%), Fatigue and Arthralgia (29.5%), Anemia (28.8%), Decreased appetite (24.5%), Diarrhea (22.3%), Nausea (21.6%), Rash (21.6%), and Headache (20.9%).

Drug related treatment-emergent adverse events
There was no new serious drug-related AE that was observed after primary analysis.
Radium-223 dichloride or placebo-related TEAEs were reported in 123 of 278 (44.2%) subjects overall: 73 of 139 (52.5%) subjects in the radium-223 dichloride arm, and 50 of 139 (36.0%) subjects in the placebo arm.
Exemestane-related TEAEs were reported in 139 of 278 (50.0%) subjects overall: 75 of 139 (54.0%) subjects in the radium-223 dichloride arm, and 64 of 139 (46.0%) subjects in the placebo arm.
Everolimus-related TEAEs were reported in 255 of 278 (91.7%) subjects overall: 130 of 139 (93.5%) subjects in the radium-223 dichloride arm, and 125 of 139 (89.9%) subjects in the placebo arm.
There were no changes in the protocol-required procedure-related TEAEs and TEAEs related to concomitant medication of interest in the updated analysis following primary analysis.
Grade 3 or Grade 4 treatment-emergent adverse events
After the primary analysis, overall, 181 of 278 (65.1%) subjects had either Grade 3 or 4 TEAEs, with more subjects with events in the radium-223 dichloride arm, 98 of 139 (70.5%) subjects, than in the placebo arm, 83 of 139 (59.7%) subjects. More subjects experienced Grade 3 TEAEs, 160 of 278 (57.6%) subjects, than Grade 4 TEAEs, 21 of 278 (7.6%) subjects.
The most common (>= 5% of subjects overall) Grade 3 or Grade 4 TEAEs (radium-223 dichloride arm versus placebo arm) included:
- Anemia 18.3% (23.0% versus 13.7%), Hypokalemia 6.8% (7.2% versus 6.5%), Neutropenia 6.1% (11.5% versus 0.7%), Alanine aminotransferase increased 6.1% (7.2% versus 5.0%), Stomatitis in 5.8% (5.8% versus 5.8%), and Hypophosphatemia 5.0% (5.8% versus 4.3%).

One (0.7%) subject in the radium-223 dichloride arm had a new primary malignancy identified (metastatic colon cancer). There were no new deaths reported after the primary analysis.
Serious adverse events
Serious TEAEs observed in radium-223 dichloride arm were similar to those observed in primary analysis; 2 additional subjects in placebo arm had serious TEAEs in the updated analysis.
In the updated analysis, serious TEAEs were reported for 40.3% of subjects, with similar frequency in the radium-223 dichloride arm and the placebo arm: 41.0% and 39.6% of subjects, respectively.
There was no change in the most commonly reported serious TEAEs, serious TEAEs of Grade 3 and worst Grade 4 serious TEAEs following primary analysis.
There was no change in the number of radium-223 dichloride or placebo related serious TEAEs, EXE-related serious TEAEs, EVE-related serious TEAEs, and protocol-required procedure-related serious TEAEs following primary analysis.

Adverse events of special interest
After the implementation of Protocol Amendment 9, all fractures and bone-associated events (e.g., Osteoporosis) that occurred during follow up were to be reported as AEs or SAEs if the criteria of an SAE were met, regardless of the investigators causality assessment.
Protocol Amendment 10 eliminated post-treatment follow up in this study beyond the EOT visit. Accordingly, time to first fracture was not analyzed in the updated analysis.
Bone fractures and bone associated events: Overall, 91 of 278 (32.7%) subjects experienced AEs of bone fractures and bone-associated events, with the proportion of subjects affected being numerically lower in the radium-223 dichloride arm (42 of 139 [30.2%] subjects) than in the in the placebo arm (49 of 139 [35.3%] subjects).
New primary malignancies
No additional new primary malignancies were reported in the updated analysis.
Laboratory abnormalities
Overall, there were no notable treatment related changes in mean hematology levels or mean clinical chemistry levels in the radium-223 dichloride arm.
Other safety evaluations
There were no apparent treatment related changes in mean weight during the treatment period or in vital sign parameters during the treatment period or active follow up period in the radium-223 dichloride arm and in the placebo arm.
There was no apparent treatment related change in ECOG PS score in the radium-223 dichloride arm during the treatment period or active follow up period.
Two subjects had abnormal and clinically significant findings at baseline; 1 subjects electrocardiogram improved to normal during the study and 1 subjects electrocardiogram remained abnormal and clinically significant.
/ 有効性の主要評価項目:
SSE-FSイベントが認められたのは、塩化ラジウム(Ra-223)群の69例(48.6%)及びプラセボ群の80例(56.7%)であった。SSE-FSイベントが認められた被験者において最も高い頻度で報告されたSSE-FSイベントは死亡(塩化ラジウム[Ra-223]群で35例[50.7%]、プラセボ群で43例[53.8%])であり、次いで体外照射療法 (塩化ラジウム[Ra-223]群で21例[30.4%]、プラセボ群で25例[31.3%])及び症候性病的骨折(塩化ラジウム[Ra-223]群で9例[13.0%]、プラセボ群で6例[7.5%])であった。
塩化ラジウム(Ra-223)群では治療成績のより良好な数値的傾向が見られたが(SSE-FSの中央値は塩化ラジウム[Ra-223]群で21.1ヵ月、プラセボ群で19.9ヵ月)、SSE-FSに投与群間の統計的有意差は認められなかった(HR:0.891、80% CI:0.720~1.102、95% CI:0.643~1.233、名目上の両側p値=0.4843)。
Primary efficacy variable:
By the time of the primary analysis data cutoff date, 149 SSE-FS events were observed, which represented 93% of the 160 required number of events to conduct the SSE-FS analysis
There were 69 (48.6%) subjects in the radium-223 dichloride arm and 80 (56.7%) subjects in the placebo arm with at least 1 SSE-FS event. Among the subjects who had an SSE-FS event, the most frequently reported SSE-FS event was death (35 [50.7%] subjects in the radium-223 dichloride arm and 43 [53.8%] subjects in the placebo arm); followed by EBRT (21 [30.4%] subjects in the radium-223 dichloride arm and 25 [31.3%] subjects in the placebo arm) and symptomatic pathological bone fractures (9 [13.0%] subjects in the radium-223 dichloride arm and 6 [7.5%] subjects in the placebo arm).
Although a numerical trend towards a better outcome was observed in the radium-223 dichloride arm (median SSE-FS observed in the radium-223 dichloride arm was 21.1 months compared with 19.9 months in the placebo arm), there was no statistically significant difference in SSE-FS between treatment arms (HR: 0.891; 80% CI: 0.720, 1.102; 95% CI: 0.643, 1.233; nominal 2-sided p-value = 0.4843).
副次的評価項目の解析結果 / Secondary Outcome Measures 有効性の副次評価項目: 全体として見ると、有効性の副次解析で塩化ラジウム(Ra-223)群とプラセボ群との間に統計的有意差(両側p値>0.05)は認められなかった。 OSに塩化ラジウム(Ra-223)群(25.0ヵ月)とプラセボ群(26.4ヵ月)との統計的有意差は認められなかった(HR:0.968、95% CI:0.697~1.343、名目上の両側p値=0.8438)。 以下の項目に、塩化ラジウム(Ra-223)群とプラセボ群との統計的有意差(両側p値>0.05)は認められなかった。 •がん性疼痛に対するオピエート使用までの時間 •疼痛増悪までの時間 •疼痛改善率 •細胞傷害性化学療法までの時間 •rPFS(事後感度解析を含む) Secondary efficacy variables: Overall, there were no statistically ignificant differences (2-sided p-value > 0.05) observed between the radium-223 dichloride arm and the placebo arm for the secondary efficacy analyses. No statistically significant difference in OS was observed between the radium-223 dichloride arm (25.0 months) and the placebo arm (26.4 months) (HR: 0.968; 95% CI: 0.697, 1.343; nominal 2-sided p-value = 0.8438). There was no statistically significant difference (2-sided p-value > 0.05) between radium-223 dichloride arm and the placebo arm in: - time to opiate use for cancer pain - time to pain progression - pain improvement rate - time to cytotoxic chemotherapy - rPFS (including post hoc sensitivity analysis)
/ 有効性の結果から、エキセメスタン+エベロリムス療法に塩化ラジウム(Ra-223)を追加しても、骨転移を伴うHER2陰性・ホルモン受容体陽性乳癌を有する被験者における症候性骨関連イベントの無イベント生存期間に、臨床的に意味のある又は統計的に有意な改善はもたらされなかったことが示された。
The efficacy results showed that the addition of radium-223 dichloride to a regimen of EXE and EVE did not result in a clinically meaningful or statistically significant improvement in symptomatic skeletal event-free survival in subjects with HER2 negative, hormone receptor positive breast cancer with bone metastases.
No new safety signals were identified in this clinical trial. Only 1 subject had a new primary malignancy (metastatic colon cancer) reported in the study (radium-223 dichloride arm).
出版物の掲載 / Posting of journal publication absence

3 IPDシェアリング

/ No


試験等の種別 企業治験
登録日 2025年01月15日
jRCT番号 jRCT2080222975

1 試験等の実施体制に関する事項及び試験等を行う施設の構造設備に関する事項




バイエル薬品株式会社 Bayer Yakuhin, Ltd
大阪府大阪市北区梅田2-4-9 2-4-9 Umeda, Kita-ku, Osaka, Osaka
バイエル薬品株式会社 Bayer Yakuhin, Ltd
大阪府大阪市北区梅田2-4-9 2-4-9 Umeda, Kita-ku, Osaka, Osaka









2 試験等の目的及び内容並びにこれに用いる医薬品等の概要


2 2
介入研究 Interventional


A phase II randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial


treatment purpose

/ 日本/アジア(日本以外)/北米/欧州 Japan/Asia except Japan/North America/Europe

- 組織学的又は細胞学的にエストロゲン受容体(ER)陽性、HER2陰性乳腺腺癌と診断された患者
- 閉経状態が書面にて確認されている患者。閉経後の患者。卵巣放射線照射又はLH-RHアゴニスト/アンタゴニスト併用療法を行っている閉経前の患者は、無作為割付け前7日以内のスクリーニングにおける血漿/血清中エストラジオール値が20 pg/mL未満であること。また、スクリーニング時の妊娠検査が陰性で、医師が推奨する適切な避妊法を用いることに同意しなければならない。
- 骨への転移を主体とし、ベースライン時に少なくとも2ヵ所の骨転移が骨シンチグラフィーで認められ、かつコンピュータ断層撮影(CT)/磁気共鳴画像法(MRI)で確認された患者。なお、リンパ節転移を含む軟部組織への転移及び/又は内臓転移はあっても許容される 。
- 転移時の治療として少なくとも1回のホルモン療法を受けている患者
- エキセメスタンとエベロリムスを転移時のセカンドライン以降の治療法として投与することが、適切とみなされる患者
- 補助治療又は転移時の治療として非ステロイド性アロマターゼ阻害剤(レトロゾール又はアナストロゾール)を投与後、再発/進行を示した患者
- 治験組入れ前に骨関連事象(SRE)が2回以内の患者。SREの定義は、骨痛のための体外照射療法(EBRT)、病的骨折(大きな外傷を除く)、脊髄圧迫及び/又は整形外科的処置とする。SREが認められたことのない患者は適格としない。
- ビスホスフォネート又はデノスマブによる治療を治験薬投与開始前に少なくとも1ヵ月間受けている患者
- 無症候性又は軽度症候性乳癌の患者
- 適切な骨髄、肝、腎機能を有する患者


- 以下のいずれかのがんを有する患者
-- 炎症性乳癌
-- 両側性乳癌又は二つの異なる乳癌の病歴
- 直ちに生命を脅かすような内臓転移を有し、化学療法が治療の選択肢として望ましい患者
- 転移病変のため化学療法を受けたことのある患者、又は、転移性乳癌の現在の治療法として化学療法が適切であると治験担当医師が判断する患者。ネオアジュバント療法/アジュバント療法として行われた化学療法は、治験組入れの1年以上前であれば許容する。
- エベロリムスの前治療を受けた患者又は治験への組入れ前に投与を開始した患者は適格としない
- 脳転移又は軟膜転移が確認されている、又はその既往がある患者。神経症状を有する患者は、無作為割付け前28日以内に脳の造影CTスキャン又はMRIを行い、活動性の脳転移の可能性を除外すること。それ以外の場合、中枢神経系の画像検査は不要である。



18age old over



No limit




/ 乳癌
/ 試験対象薬剤等
一般的名称等:BAY 88-8223
薬剤・試験薬剤:Radium-223 dichloride
薬効分類コード:429 その他の腫瘍用薬
用法・用量、使用方法:エキセメスタンとエベロリムスの併用で塩化ラジウム-223 50 kBq/kgを6サイクル投与する。その後はすべての被験者に対し、規定どおりにエキセメスタンとエベロリムスの投与を継続する。

薬効分類コード:--- その他
investigational material(s)
Generic name etc :
INN of investigational material : Radium-223 dichloride
Therapeutic category code : 429 Other antitumor agents
Dosage and Administration for Investigational material :

control material(s)
Generic name etc :
INN of investigational material : -
Therapeutic category code : --- Other
Dosage and Administration for Investigational material :
/ 有効性
/ 安全性
- 全生存期間
- 癌性疼痛に対するオピオイド鎮痛薬使用までの期間
- 疼痛が増悪するまでの期間
- 細胞障害性化学療法施行までの期間
- 放射線学的無増悪生存期間(rPFS)
- 臨床検査値異常の発現頻度
- 有害事象の発現頻度
- 新たな悪性腫瘍の発現頻度



医薬品 medicine
BAY 88-8223
Radium-223 dichloride Radium-223 dichloride
429 その他の腫瘍用薬 429 Other antitumor agents
エキセメスタンとエベロリムスの併用で塩化ラジウム-223 50 kBq/kgを6サイクル投与する。その後はすべての被験者に対し、規定どおりにエキセメスタンとエベロリムスの投与を継続する。
- -
--- その他 --- Other

3 試験等の実施状況の確認に関する事項



参加募集終了 completed



4 試験等の対象者に健康被害が生じた場合の補償及び医療の提供に関する事項

5 依頼者等に関する事項


Bayer Yakuhin, Ltd.



6 IRBの名称等

近畿大学医学部附属病院治験審査委員会 Kindai University Hospital Institutional Review Board
大阪府大阪狭山市大野東377-2 377-2, Onohigashi, Osakasayama, Osaka
承認 approved

7 その他の事項



ClinicalTrials.gov ClinicalTrials.gov



Bayer Trial Number:17096
<お問い合わせについて> お問い合わせの内容により、ご回答できない場合がありますのでご了承お願いします。 1) 国内での臨床試験の情報公開は、公開できる項目が法令等により制限されています。実施医療機関名、参加方法、目標とする効能・効果(治験の場合)等は、お問い合わせを受けてもお答えできません。 2) 病気の診断や治療に関する情報については弊社でお答えできませんので、医療機関にご相談ください。 3) お問い合わせ内容に対するご回答は、祝祭日、年末年始、夏季休業等を除く弊社営業時間内に順次対応します。ご回答が遅れる場合がありますので、予めご了承をお願いします。 4) お問い合わせ内容によっては、より詳細な質問用紙にご記入をお願いする場合があります。 <個人情報の取り扱いについて> お問い合わせに際して知り得た個人情報については、お問い合わせへの回答のために使用します。











種別 公表日
終了変更 令和7年1月15日 (当画面) 変更内容
終了 令和4年9月20日 詳細 変更内容
終了 令和3年8月31日 詳細 変更内容
終了 令和2年8月11日 詳細 変更内容
変更 平成31年1月28日 詳細 変更内容
変更 平成29年1月24日 詳細 変更内容
新規登録 平成27年10月1日 詳細