jRCT ロゴ





河合 統介




2 結果の要約

/ 本試験に組み入れられた患者(女性)の大部分が白人であり(73.9%),大部分が閉経後状態であり(79.3%),大部分で過去に実施したホルモン療法に対する感受性が確認され(78.7%),過半数で内臓転移が認められた(59.7%)。
Women, mostly White (73.9%), mostly of postmenopausal status (79.3%), mostly with documented sensitivity to prior hormonal therapy (78.7%), and more than half (59.7%) with visceral metastases, were included in the study.
Based on local laboratory assessments, 97.7% and 96.0% of the patients in the palbociclib plus fulvestrant arm and the placebo plus fulvestrant arm had estrogen-receptor (ER)-positive disease, respectively, and 70.0% and 67.2% of the patients, respectively, had progesterone-receptor (PR)-positive disease. All patients were reported to be human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-negative except 1 patient with missing HER2 status.
/ 521例のうち,347例はパルボシクリブ+フルベストラント投与群,174例はプラセボ+フルベストラント投与群に無作為割り付けされた。無作為割り付けされたが治験薬の投与を受けなかった治験参加者は両群でそれぞれ2例であった。
Of the 521 patients, 347 patients were randomized to the palbociclib plus fulvestrant arm and 174 patients to the placebo plus fulvestrant arm, and 2 patients each in the 2 arms were randomized but not treated.
Of the 345 patients (99.4%) in the palbociclib plus fulvestrant arm and 172 patients (98.9%) in the placebo plus fulvestrant arm who were treated, the majority of patients (279 patients [80.4%] and 148 patients [85.1%], respectively) permanently discontinued study interventions due to objective progression and/or relapse of disease. A total of 28 patients permanently discontinued study interventions due to adverse events, including 21 patients (6.1%) in the palbociclib plus fulvestrant arm and 7 patients (4.0%) in the placebo plus fulvestrant arm. There were 11 patients (3.2%) and 2 patients (1.1%), respectively, who were on treatment at the end of the study and were transitioned to commercial treatment or enrolled in the roll-over/continuation study.
/ パルボシクリブ+フルベストラント併用の安全性プロファイルは忍容かつ管理可能であった。


The safety profile of the palbociclib plus fulvestrant combination was tolerable and manageable; key findings of this study were (data cutoff date: December 2014):
The most common treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAEs) (>=25%) observed following treatment with palbociclib and fulvestrant were Neutropenia, Fatigue, Nausea, White blood cell (WBC) count decreased, and Anaemia, and the most common TEAEs (>=25%) observed following treatment with placebo plus fulvestrant were Fatigue and Nausea. Most of these events were treatment-related.
Alopecia was more commonly observed in the palbociclib and fulvestrant arm (14.8%) compared to the placebo plus fulvestrant arm (5.8%), however, most (13.6%) events were Grade 1 in severity.
Based on aggregate event reports within the respective MedDRA system organ classes (SOCs), there was a greater incidence of all-grade infections (34.2% vs 24.4%), cutaneous (42.0% vs 18.0%) and ocular events (17.1 vs 9.3%) in the palbociclib plus fulvestrant arm than in the placebo plus fulvestrant arm. The incidence of Grade 3 and Grade 4 TEAEs within these SOCs was low (<=1.7%) and comparable between treatment arms.
None of the serious adverse events (SAEs) were reported in >=1% of patients following treatment with palbociclib plus fulvestrant and the incidence of SAEs was overall lower in the palbociclib plus fulvestrant arm than in the placebo plus fulvestrant arm.
In the palbociclib plus fulvestrant arm, the most common SAEs were Pulmonary embolism, Pyrexia, and Disease progression, and in the placebo plus fulvestrant arm, Pleural effusion, Ascites, Back pain, and Pneumonia.
The most common Grade 3 TEAEs (>=10%) reported in the palbociclib plus fulvestrant arm were Neutropenia, Leukopenia, Neutrophil count decreased, WBC count decreased, and the incidence of non-hematological Grade 3 TEAEs did not exceed 2.0%. The most common Grade 4 TEAEs were Neutropenia, Neutrophil count decreased, and WBC count decreased and the incidence of non-hematological Grade TEAEs did not exceed 1.0%.
The incidences of Grade 3 and Grade 4 Neutropenia were 42.3% and 6.1% in the palbociclib plus fulvestrant arm. There was no Grade 3 and Grade 4 Neutropenia observed following treatment with placebo plus fulvestrant.
The incidence of TEAEs associated with temporary discontinuation was 64.9% in the palbociclib plus fulvestrant arm, with Neutropenia (45.2%) and Neutrophil count decreased (14.5%) being the most common causes.
Theincidence of TEAEs associated with dose reduction or modification was 31.0% in the palbociclib plus fulvestrant arm, with Neutropenia (21.2%) and Neutrophil count decreased (5.8%) being the most common causes.
Theincidence of TEAEs associated with permanent discontinuation of study treatment was similar in both treatment arms, 3.8% of the patients following treatment with palbociclib plus fulvestrant and 4.7% of the patients following treatment with placebo plus fulvestrant. No TEAE associated with permanent discontinuation was reported by more than 2 patients.
The incidence of TEAEs associated with permanent discontinuation of palbociclib/ placebo was similar in both treatment arms (3.8% vs 4.1%) and only very few patients in either treatment arm were permanently discontinued from the study due to TEAEs (0.6% vs 1.7%).
There were 4 deaths due to TEAEs reported in the palbociclib plus fulvestrant arm (all due to disease under study) and 2 deaths in the placebo plus fulvestrant arm (disease under study; intracerebral haemorrhage).
No clinically significant effects on QTc interval were observed during treatment with palbociclib plus fulvestrant, except for a single reported Grade 3 QTc prolongation in a patient with pericarditis. This QTc prolongation was considered treatment-related and serious, but resolved 2 days later.

The combination of palbociclib plus fulvestrant was well tolerated and the majority of TEAEs were nonserious and manageable, as evidenced by the low rates of permanent discontinuation due to treatment-related adverse events. The majority of patients experienced TEAEs that were mild to moderate in severity with the exception of the TEAEs under the SOC Blood and lymphatic system disorders.

Cumulative safety data at the study completion (September 2022): Aconsistent safety profile with long-term use for the palbociclib plus fulvestrant combination was shown.
/ 主要評価項目:
Primary Endpoint:
The interim analysis of the primary progression free survival (PFS) endpoint was performed after the first 195 patients had documented progressive disease (PD) or death (approximately 82% of the total PFS events expected) based on investigator assessment.
At the data cutoff (Dec 2014), 102 (29.4%) out of 347 patients in the palbociclib plus fulvestrant arm and 93 (53.4%) out of 174 patients in the placebo plus fulvestrant arm had experienced disease progression or death. The study met its primary objective of prolonging investigator-assessed PFS at the interim analysis; the results crossed the prespecified Haybittle-Peto efficacy boundary (alpha=0.00135), demonstrating a clinical meaningful treatment effect with a statistically significant reduction in the risk of disease progression or death. The combination of palbociclib plus fulvestrant was superior to placebo plus fulvestrant, with median investigator-assessed PFS of 9.2 months [95% confidence interval (CI): 7.5, not estimable] vs 3.8 months (95% CI: 3.5, 5.5) and a hazard ratio (HR) of 0.422 (95% CI: 0.318, 0.560, 1-sided p<0.000001).
An improvement in PFS was consistently observed across all pre-specified subgroups as for the primary PFS analysis for the combination of palbociclib plus fulvestrant compared with placebo plus fulvestrant.
副次的評価項目の解析結果 / Secondary Outcome Measures 副次評価項目: データカットオフ時点(2014年12月)で,パルボシクリブ+フルベストラント投与による臨床的ベネフィットは,以下の抗腫瘍効果に関する副次評価項目においても認められた:奏効率(ORR)[完全奏効(CR)または部分奏効(PR)の確定例],臨床的有用性(CBR)[24週以上の安定(SD),CRまたはPRの確定例],奏効期間(DR)(CRまたはPRの確定例)。治験責任医師判定によるORRは,パルボシクリブ+フルベストラント投与群で数値的に良好な結果が得られたが,プラセボ+フルベストラント投与群に対する統計的な有意差はなかった[ORR:10.4%(95%信頼区間:7.4%~14.1%)および6.3%(95%信頼区間:3.2%~11.0%),オッズ比:1.725(95%信頼区間:0.835,3.896,片側層別p値=0.0791)]。 パルボシクリブ+フルベストラント投与によりDRの延長が認められた(DR中央値:9.3ヵ月および5.7ヵ月)。パルボシクリブ+フルベストラント投与により治験責任医師判定によるCBR率の統計的に有意な改善が認められた[CBR率:34.0%(95%信頼区間:29.0%~39.3%)および19.0%(95%信頼区間:13.4%~25.6%),オッズ比:2.189(95%信頼区間:1.391,3.523,片側層別p値=0.0002)]。 以上の結果より,本治験で対象とした進行乳癌患者において,パルボシクリブ+フルベストラント併用投与は一貫して意義のある臨床的ベネフィットを示した。 その後のデータカットオフ時点(2018年4月)で,パルボシクリブ+フルベストラント投与群では201例(57.9%),プラセボ+フルベストラント投与群では109例(62.6%)の計310例(59.5%)の死亡が認められた。全生存期間(OS)の追跡調査期間の中央値はパルボシクリブ+フルベストラント投与群では44.9ヵ月(95%信頼区間:44.6~45.5ヵ月),プラセボ+フルベストラント投与群では44.5ヵ月(95%信頼区間:44.0~45.1ヵ月)であった。 パルボシクリブ+フルベストラント投与群で,OSに臨床的に意義のある6.9ヵ月の延長が認められたが,ハザード比は0.814(95%信頼区間:0.644, 1.029),層別ログランク検定による片側p値=0.0429であり,統計的に有意ではなかった。パルボシクリブ+フルベストラント投与群ではプラセボ+フルベストラント投与群と比較して,PFS中央値で6.6ヵ月,OS中央値で6.9ヵ月の改善がみられ,PFSに対する効果がOSの延長にもつながることが示された。 薬物動態(PK)評価項目: ゴセレリン非併用時に対するゴセレリン併用時のパルボシクリブの定常状態時トラフ濃度(Ctrough)の調整済み幾何平均値の比は,一元配置分散分析(ANOVA)モデルでは90.35%(90%信頼区間:80.20%,101.79%),ベースラインの体重のみを共変量とした共分散分析(ANCOVA)の最終モデルでは88.28%(90%信頼区間:78.64%,99.12%)であった。パルボシクリブ非併用時に対するパルボシクリブ併用時のゴセレリンの定常状態時Ctroughの調整済み幾何平均値の比は,ANOVAモデルでは110.41%(90%信頼区間:54.16%,225.05%)であった。これらの結果より,パルボシクリブとゴセレリンの併用投与による臨床的に重要な薬物相互作用(DDI)がないことが確認された。 フルベストラント非併用時に対するフルベストラント併用時のパルボシクリブの定常状態時Ctroughの調整済み幾何平均値の比は,ANOVAモデルでは128.96%(90%信頼区間:117.57%,141.46%),ベースラインの体重のみを共変量とした最終のANCOVAモデルでは127.61%(90%信頼区間:116.67%,139.57%)であった。パルボシクリブ非併用時に対するパルボシクリブ併用時のフルベストラントの定常状態時Ctroughの調整済み幾何平均値の比は,ANOVAモデルでは122.06%(90%信頼区間:101.06%,147.42%)であった。これらの結果より,パルボシクリブとフルベストラントの併用投与による臨床的に重要なDDIがないことが確認された。 ゴセレリン非併用時に対するゴセレリン併用時のフルベストラントの定常状態時Ctroughの調整済み幾何平均値の比は,パルボシクリブ併用時のANOVAモデルでは103.11%(90%信頼区間:79.61%,133.55%),パルボシクリブ非併用時のANOVAモデルでは123.88%(90%信頼区間:87.14%,176.09%)であった。これらの結果より,ゴセレリンの併用投与はフルベストラントの血漿中PKに臨床的に重要な影響を及ぼさないことが示唆された。 患者報告アウトカム(PRO): PROの結果として,投与中の全般的Quality of Life(QOL)は維持され,フルベストラント単剤投与と比較して,パルボシクリブとフルベストラントの併用投与中の全般的QOLは統計的に有意に高く,パルボシクリブとフルベストラントの併用投与によるベネフィットを支持するものであった。また,パルボシクリブとフルベストラントの併用投与により,情緒機能および疼痛についてベースラインからの統計的に有意な改善が認められた。パルボシクリブとフルベストラントの併用投与はフルベストラント単剤投与と比較して,疼痛の症状スケールにおける疼痛の悪化までの期間を有意に延長させた。 ホルモン受容体(HR)およびHER2状態: 中央検査機関の評価により,パルボシクリブ+フルベストラント投与群の224例(64.6%)およびプラセボ+フルベストラント投与群の115例(66.1%)がER陽性に分類された。全体で,41例がER陰性であり,その内訳はパルボシクリブ+フルベストラント投与群で26例(7.5%),プラセボ+フルベストラント併用投与群で15例(8.6%)であった。パルボシクリブ+フルベストラント投与群では,PR陽性腫瘍を有した患者は154例(44.4%),PR陰性腫瘍を有した患者は92例(26.5%)であり,プラセボ+フルベストラント投与群では,PR陽性腫瘍を有した患者は90例(51.7%),PR陰性腫瘍を有した患者は39例(22.4%)であった。パルボシクリブ+フルベストラント投与群の166例(47.8%)およびプラセボ+フルベストラント投与群の90例(51.7%)で免疫組織染色法によりHER2陰性腫瘍が確認された。 中央検査機関評価に基づき分類したHRおよびHER2状態別のPFS中央値は,ER陽性腫瘍では,パルボシクリブ+フルベストラント投与群およびプラセボ+フルベストラント投与群において,それぞれ9.2ヵ月および3.7ヵ月,ER陰性腫瘍では,推定不能および3.8ヵ月,PR陽性腫瘍では,9.2ヵ月および5.4ヵ月,PR陰性腫瘍では,5.9ヵ月および3.5ヵ月,HER2陽性腫瘍では,7.5ヵ月および推定不能,ならびにHER2陰性腫瘍では,9.2ヵ月および3.7ヵ月であった。全体として,中央検査機関評価によりERまたはPR陽性が確認された患者における有効性の結果はintent-to-treat集団と類似していた。 中央検査機関評価によりER陽性またはPR陽性およびHER2陰性と判定された乳癌患者におけるPFS中央値は主要解析結果と同様であった。 Secondary Endpoint: At the data cutoff (Dec 2014), Clinical benefit of the combination of palbociclib plus fulvestrant was also maintained across response-based secondary endpoints including objective response rate (ORR) [confirmed complete response (CR) or partial response (PR)], clinical bebefit response (CBR) (SD>=24 weeks, confirmed CR or PR), and duration of response (DR) (confirmed CR or PR). The palbociclib plus fulvestrant combination resulted in a numerically higher rate of confirmed OR by investigator assessment, although this did not reach statistical significance (ORR: 10.4% [95% CI: 7.4, 14.1] vs 6.3% [95% CI: 3.2, 11.0]; odds ratio of 1.725 [95% CI: 0.835, 3.896; stratified 1-sided p-value of 0.0791]). The palbociclib plus fulvestrant combination resulted in a longer DR with a median of 9.3 months vs 5.7 months. The palbociclib plus fulvestrant combination resulted in a statistically significant improvement of the CBR rate by investigator assessment (CBR rate: 34.0% [95% CI: 29.0, 39.3] vs 19.0% [95% CI: 13.4, 25.6]; odds ratio of 2.189 [95% CI: 1.391, 3.523; stratified 1-sided p-value of 0.0002]). Together, these findings demonstrated a consistent and meaningful clinical benefit of palbociclib in combination with fulvestrant in this advanced breast cancer population. At the later data cutoff (April 2018), a total of 310 (59.5%) patients had died: 201 (57.9%) patients died in the palbociclib plus fulvestrant arm and 109 (62.6%) patients had died in the placebo plus fulvestrant arm. The median follow-up time for overall survival (OS) was 44.9 months (95% CI: 44.6, 45.5) for the palbociclib plus fulvestrant arm vs 44.5 months (95% CI: 44.0, 45.1) for the placebo plus fulvestrant arm. Palbociclib in combination with fulvestrant led to a clinically meaningful 6.9-month improvement in OS with an HR of 0.814 (95%CI: 0.644, 1.029) and 1-sided p-value 0.0429 by stratified log-rank test, although it did not achieve statistical significance. The magnitude of treatment effect of the palbociclib combination observed in PFS continued and was maintained for OS (6.6 months improvement in median PFS vs 6.9 months improvement in median OS) as compared with the placebo plus fulvestrant arm. Pharmacokinetic (PK) Endpoint: The ratio of the adjusted geometric means (90% CI) for palbociclib steady-state Ctrough in the presence and absence of goserelin was 90.35% (80.20%, 101.79%) in the analysis of variance (ANOVA) model and 88.28% (78.64%, 99.12%) for the final analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) model incorporated only baseline body weight as a covariate. The ratio of the adjusted geometric means (90% CI) for goserelin steady-state Ctrough in the presence and absence of palbociclib was 110.41% (54.16%, 225.05%) in an ANOVA model. These results confirmed a lack of a clinically significant drug-drug interaction (DDI) between palbociclib and goserelin when the two drugs are coadministered. The ratio of the adjusted geometric means (90% CI) for palbociclib steady-state Ctrough in the presence and absence of fulvestrant was 128.96% (117.57%, 141.46%) in the ANOVA model and 127.61% (116.67%, 139.57%) for the final ANCOVA model incorporated only baseline body weight as a covariate. The ratio of the adjusted geometric means (90% CI) for fulvestrant steady-state Ctrough in the presence and absence of palbociclib was 122.06% (101.06%, 147.42%) in the ANOVA model. These results confirmed a lack of a clinically significant DDI between palbociclib and fulvestrant when the two drugs are coadministered. The ratio of the adjusted geometric means (90% CI) for fulvestrant steady-state Ctrough in the presence or absence of goserelin was 103.11% (79.61%, 133.55%) in an ANOVA model for the palbociclib treatment arm and 123.88% (87.14%, 176.09%) in an ANOVA model for the placebo treatment arm. These results suggest that coadministration of goserelin does not have a clinically significant impact on fulvestrant plasma PK. Patient-Reported Outcome: The patient-reported outcomes support the positive impact of palbociclib plus fulvestrant, maintaining global Quality of Life (QOL) on treatment and resulting in a statistically significantly higher on-treatment global QOL compared to placebo plus fulvestrant. In addition, palbociclib plus fulvestrant had a statistically significantly greater improvement from baseline in emotional functioning and pain. A significantly greater delay in time to deterioration in pain was observed with palbociclib plus fulvestrant than with placebo plus fulvestrant. Hormone Receptor (HR) and HER2 Status: Based on central laboratory assessments, a total of 224 (64.6%) patients in the palbociclib plus fulvestrant arm and 115 (66.1%) patients in the placebo plus fulvestrant arm were categorized as having ER-positive disease. Overall, 41 patients were shown to have ER-negative disease, 26 (7.5%) patients in the palbociclib plus fulvestrant arm and 15 (8.6%) patients in the placebo plus fulvestrant arm. A total of 154 (44.4%) patients had PR-positive disease and 92 (26.5%) patients had PR-negative disease in the palbociclib plus fulvestrant arm, and 90 (51.7%) patients had PR-positive disease and 39 (22.4%) patients had PR-negative disease in the placebo plus fulvestrant arm. A total of 166 (47.8%) patients in the palbociclib plus fulvestrant arm and 90 (51.7%) patients in the placebo plus fulvestrant arm were confirmed to have HER2-negative disease (by immunohistochemistry). Median PFS of patients by HR and HER2 status categorized by central laboratory were: 9.2 months in the palbociclib plus fulvestrant arm vs 3.7 months in the placebo plus fulvestrant arm for ER-positive disease, not estimable vs 3.8 months for ER-negative disease, 9.2 months vs 5.4 months for PR-positive disease, 5.9 months vs 3.5 months for PR-negative disease, 7.5 months vs not estimable for HER2-positive disease, and 9.2 months vs 3.7 months for HER2-negative disease. Overall, central laboratory confirmed ER- and/or PR-positive patients had similar efficacy results compared to the intent-to-treat population. Patients with ER-positive and/or PR-positive and HER2-negative breast cancer as confirmed by central laboratory showed similar median PFS as seen in the primary analysis.
/ データカットオフ時点(2014年12月)でパルボシクリブ+フルベストラント投与によりプラセボ+フルベストラント投与と比較して統計的に有意で臨床的に意義のあるPFSの延長が示された。データカットオフ時点において,抗腫瘍効果に関する解析(補助的なPFS解析,OR,DRおよびCBRを含む)の結果は一貫しており,PFSの主要解析の頑健性を支持した。
The addition of palbociclib to fulvestrant resulted in a statistically significant, and clinically meaningful improvement in PFS as compared with placebo plus fulvestrant. The results across response-based analyses, including supportive PFS analyses, OR, DR, and CBR, are consistent and support the robustness of the primary PFS analysis at the time of the data cutoff.
The magnitude of treatment effect of the palbociclib combination observed in PFS continued and was maintained for OS at the later cutoff.
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Pfizer provides an environment which enables researchers to access de-identified individual subject data and related documents (protocol, statistical analysis plan, clinical study report, etc.). Details of our clinical trial data sharing standards and access requests are available at: https://www.pfizer.com/science/clinical_trials/trial_data_and_results/data_requests.


試験等の種別 企業治験
登録日 2023年12月15日
jRCT番号 jRCT2080222543

1 試験等の実施体制に関する事項及び試験等を行う施設の構造設備に関する事項


内分泌療法に抵抗性を示したHR陽性HER2陰性の進行乳癌女性患者を対象とし,PD-0332991(Palbociclib)+フルベストラント併用(±ゴセレリン)とフルベストラント単剤(±ゴセレリン)を比較する,多施設共同,無作為化,二重盲検,プラセボ対照,第3相試験(治験実施計画書番号:A5481023) Multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, Phase 3 trial of fulvestrant (Faslodex) with or without PD-0332991 (palbociclib) +/- goserelin in women with hormone receptor-positive, HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer whose disease progressed after prior endocrine therapy
内分泌療法に抵抗性を示したHR陽性HER2陰性の転移性乳癌を対象に,Palbociclibとフルベストラントを併用する試験 Palbociclib (PD-0332991) Combined With Fulvestrant In Hormone Receptor+ HER2-Negative Metastatic Breast Cancer After Endocrine Failure (PALOMA-3)


河合 統介 Kawai Norisuke
ファイザーR&D合同会社 Pfizer R&D Japan G.K.
東京都渋谷区代々木3丁目22-7 新宿文化クイントビル Shinjuku Bunka Quint Bldg., 3-22-7 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
治験情報窓口担当 Clinical Trials Information Desk
ファイザーR&D合同会社 Pfizer R&D Japan G.K.
東京都渋谷区代々木3丁目22-7 新宿文化クイントビル Shinjuku Bunka Quint Bldg., 3-22-7 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo









2 試験等の目的及び内容並びにこれに用いる医薬品等の概要


内分泌療法に抵抗性を示したHR陽性HER2陰性の進行乳癌女性患者を対象とし,Palbociclibとフルベストラントの併用(±ゴセレリン)とプラセボとフルベストラント(±ゴセレリン)の併用を比較する試験 To demonstrate the superiority of palbociclib in combination with fulvestrant (with or without goserelin) over fulvestrant (with or without goserelin) alone in prolonging investigator assessed PFS in women with HR+/HER2 metastatic breast cancer whose disease has progressed on prior endocrine therapy
3 3
介入研究 Interventional


Multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, Phase 3 trial of fulvestrant (Faslodex) with or without PD-0332991 (palbociclib) +/- goserelin in women with hormone receptor-positive, HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer whose disease progressed after prior endocrine therapy


treatment purpose

/ 日本/アジア(日本以外)/北米/欧州/オセアニア Japan/Asia except Japan/North America/Europe/Oceania

1. 転移または局所進行を示す所見があり,根治目的の治療が適応とならない女性(18歳以上)
2. ホルモン受容体陽性(HR+)HER2陰性乳癌の診断を確認した記録がある。
3. 閉経状態は問わない
4. 術後補助療法終了後12ヵ月以内に疾患進行を認めた,または進行/転移性乳癌に対する内分泌療法終了後1ヵ月以内に疾患進行を認めた患者
5. 閉経前/閉経周辺期女性の場合,LHRH作動薬による治療が28日以上前に開始されており,無作為割付時にゴセレリン(ゾラデックス)に変更する。
6. RECIST v.1.1で定義された測定可能病変を有する,または唯一の病変が骨病変である。
7. ECOGパフォーマンス・ステータスが0~1
8. 適切な臓器機能および骨髄機能を有する患者
9. 転移時の腫瘍組織の提出に同意する患者

Inclusion Criteria:
*Women 18 years or older with metastatic or locally advanced disease, not amenable to curative therapy
*Confirmed diagnosis of HR+/HER2- breast cancer
*Any menopausal status
*Progressed within 12 months from prior adjuvant or progressed within 1 month from prior advanced/metastatic endocrine breast cancer therapy
*On an LHRH agonist for at least 28 days, if pre-/peri-menopausal, and willing to switch to goserelin (Zoladex) at time of randomization.
*Measurable disease defined by RECIST version 1.1, or bone-only disease
*Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) PS 0-1
*Adequate organ and marrow function, resolution of all toxic effects of prior therapy or surgical procedures
*Patient must agree to provide tumor tissue from metastatic tissue at baseline


1. CDK阻害剤,フルベストラント,エベロリムス,またはPI3K-mTOR経路を阻害する作用機序を有する薬剤による治療歴のある患者
2. 進行/転移性,症候性の内臓転移を認める患者,あるいはコントロール不良または症候性の中枢神経系転移を有する患者
3. 無作為割付前2週間以内に,大手術,抗癌治療を受けた患者
4. 造血幹細胞移植歴または骨髄移植歴を有する患者
5. 強力なCYP3A4阻害薬/誘導薬を使用している患者

Exclusion Criteria:
*Prior treatment with any CDK inhibitor, fulvestrant, everolimus, or agent that inhibits the PI3K-mTOR pathway
*Patients with extensive advanced/metastatic, symptomatic visceral disease, or known uncontrolled or symptomatic CNS metastases
*Major surgery or any anti-cancer therapy within 2 weeks of randomization
*Prior stem cell or bone marrow transplantation
*Use of potent CYP3A4 inhibitors or inducers



18age old over



No limit




/ 転移性乳癌 HR+/HER2 advanced breast cancer
/ 試験対象薬剤等
薬効分類コード:429 その他の腫瘍用薬
用法・用量、使用方法:Palbociclib 125 mg/日を3週間経口投与し,その後1週間休薬する。これに加え,フルベストラント500 mgを第1サイクルのDay 1とDay15,およびその後は28日サイクルのDay 1に筋肉内投与する。

薬効分類コード:--- その他
用法・用量、使用方法:プラセボを3週間経口投与し,その後1週間休薬する。これに加え,フルベストラント500 mgを第1サイクルのDay 1とDay15,およびその後は28日サイクルのDay 1に筋肉内投与する。
investigational material(s)
Generic name etc : PD-0332991-00
INN of investigational material : palbociclib
Therapeutic category code : 429 Other antitumor agents
Dosage and Administration for Investigational material : Palbociclib 125 mg/day orally continuously dosed for 3 weeks followed by 1 week off; repeated at each subsequent cycle.

control material(s)
Generic name etc : Placebo
INN of investigational material : -
Therapeutic category code : --- Other
Dosage and Administration for Investigational material : -
/ 有効性
Progression Free Survival (PFS) as assessed by the Investigator
/ 安全性
*Overall Survival (OS).
*1 year, 2 year, and 3 year survival probabilities.
*Objective Response (OR: CR or PR).
*Duration of Response (DR).
*Clinical Benefit Response (CBR: CR or PR or SD >= 24 weeks).
*Type, incidence, severity (as graded by the National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events [NCI CTCAE] v4.0), seriousness and relationship to study medications of AEs and any laboratory abnormalities.
*Trough plasma concentration of palbociclib, fulvestrant and goserelin (if applicable) in the subgroup of approximately 40 patients included in the initial safety assessment.
*PRO endpoints such as global quality of life , symptoms and functioning assessed using the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Instrument (EORTC QLQ C30) and European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Breast Cancer Module (EORTC QLQ BR23) and Dimension Health State EuroQoL Score (EQ-5D) and time to deterioration (TTD) in pain endpoint.
*Tumor tissue biomarkers, including genes (eg, copy numbers of CCND1 and CDKN2A, PIK3CA mutations), proteins (eg, Ki67, pRb, CCNE1), and RNA expression (eg, cdk4, cdk6).


医薬品 medicine
Palbociclib -
palbociclib palbociclib
429 その他の腫瘍用薬 429 Other antitumor agents
Palbociclib 125 mg/日を3週間経口投与し,その後1週間休薬する。これに加え,フルベストラント500 mgを第1サイクルのDay 1とDay15,およびその後は28日サイクルのDay 1に筋肉内投与する。 -
プラセボ -
- -
--- その他 --- Other
プラセボを3週間経口投与し,その後1週間休薬する。これに加え,フルベストラント500 mgを第1サイクルのDay 1とDay15,およびその後は28日サイクルのDay 1に筋肉内投与する。 -

3 試験等の実施状況の確認に関する事項



参加募集終了 completed



4 試験等の対象者に健康被害が生じた場合の補償及び医療の提供に関する事項

5 依頼者等に関する事項


Pfizer R&D Japan G.K.


- -
- -

6 IRBの名称等

独立行政法人国立がん研究センター治験審査委員会 National Cancer Center IRB
東京都中央区築地5丁目1番1号 5-1-1 Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
承認 approved

7 その他の事項



ClinicalTrials.gov ClinicalTrials.gov



試験実施地域 : 日本,米国など 試験の目的 : 治療 試験の現状 : 試験完了 関連ID名称 : ClinicalTrials.gov ID 関連ID番号 : NCT01942135
イブランス ファイザー医薬品情報






20230918_A5481023 Protocol Amendment 3_ 20 October 2015_Redacted.pdf




種別 公表日
終了 令和5年12月22日 (当画面) 変更内容
変更 令和5年12月13日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和4年4月19日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和3年4月16日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和2年12月15日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和2年5月21日 詳細 変更内容
変更 平成31年3月14日 詳細 変更内容
変更 平成30年4月6日 詳細 変更内容
変更 平成29年6月2日 詳細 変更内容
変更 平成27年6月22日 詳細 変更内容
新規登録 平成26年6月26日 詳細