jRCT ロゴ





表 雅之
Magrolimab (GS-4721)、Venetoclax、Azacitidine、Cytarabine、Daunorubicin、Idarubicin、Cytarabine、Cytarabine
なし、Venclyxto 10/50/100 mg film-coated tablets (ドイツ)、Vidaza 25 mg/mL powder for suspension for injection (アイルランド)、Cytarabine 100 mg/ml Solution for Injection (アイルランド)、Cerubidin 20 mg Powder for Concentrate for Solution for Infusion (アイルランド)、Zavedos 10 mg Powder for Solution for Injection (アイルランド)、Cytarabine 1000mg/10mg、Cytarabine 2000mg/20mg




2 結果の要約

/ 全患者集団の年齢の中央値は68歳(範囲:27~88)であり、72.4%が75歳未満であった。患者の大半は男性(60.3%)及び白人(67.7%)であった。 The median age of all patients was 68 years (range: 27 to 88), and 72.4% of patients were < 75 years of age. The majority of patients were male (60.3%) and White (67.7%).
/ スクリーニングを実施した841例のうち、257例が治験薬の投与に無作為に割り付けられた。無作為に割り付けられた患者のうち、計13例が治験薬の投与を受けなかった。
Of the 841 screened patients, 257 patients were randomized to receive study treatment. A total of 13 randomized patients did not receive study treatment.
- Patients Appropriate for Nonintensive Therapy: In patients appropriate for nonintensive therapy, 96 patients were treated with magrolimab+azacitidine and 98 were treated with venetoclax+azacitidine. Overall, 100 of 101 patients (99%) and 102 of 104 patients (98.1%) discontinued the study treatment in the magrolimab+azacitidine arm and venetoclax+azacitidine arm, respectively. The most common reasons (>= 10% of patients) for discontinuation of study treatment in the magrolimab+azacitidine arm compared with venetoclax+azacitidine arm were as follows: disease progression (27.7% vs 21.2%), study terminated by sponsor (13.9% vs 26.0%), lack of efficacy (14.9% vs 8.7%), and death (19.8% vs 10.6%).
- Patients Appropriate for Intensive Therapy: In patients appropriate for intensive therapy, 27 were treated with magrolimab+azacitidine and 23 were treated with 7+3 chemotherapy. Overall, 27 of 27 patients (100%) and 21 of 25 patients (84%) discontinued the study treatment in the magrolimab+azacitidine arm and 7+3 chemotherapy arm, respectively. The most common reasons (. 10% of patients) for discontinuation of study treatment in the magrolimab+azacitidine arm compared with 7+3 chemotherapy arm were as follows: disease progression (14.8% vs 20.0%), study terminated by sponsor (25.9% vs 16.0%), lack of efficacy (22.2% vs 12.0%), AEs (18.5% vs 4.0%), and SCT (11.1% vs 24.0%).
/ 有害事象は、magrolimab+アザシチジンの投与を受けた患者では100%の全例(123例中123例)に、ベネトクラクス+アザシチジンの投与を受けた患者では99.0%(98例中97例)に、7+3化学療法の投与を受けた患者では100%(23例中23例)に認められた。Grade 3以上のAEが発現した患者の割合は3つの投与群すべてで同程度であった(magrolimab+アザシチジン群:95.9%[123例中118例]、ベネトクラクス+アザシチジン群:95.9%[98例中94例]、7+3化学療法群:95.7%[23例中22例])。SAEが発現した患者の割合は、magrolimab+アザシチジン群[84.6%(123例中104例)]及びベネトクラクス+アザシチジン群[77.6%(98例中76例)]の方が7+3化学療法群[60.9%(23例中14例)]よりも高かった。Magrolimabと関連ありと判定された重篤な有害事象は、magrolimab+アザシチジン群の26.0%[123例中32例]に発現した。全体で、死亡に至った有害事象が発現した患者は、magrolimab+アザシチジン群では17.1%(123例中21例)、ベネトクラクス+アザシチジン群及び7+3化学療法群ではそれぞれ19.4%(98例中19例)及び8.7%(23例中2例)であり、このうち3.3%(123例中4例)がmagrolimabと関連ありと判断された有害事象により死亡した。
Grade 3以上の貧血(30.9%及び25.5%)及びインフュージョンリアクション(8.1%及び3.1%)の発現頻度はmagrolimab+アザシチジン群で高かったが、重篤な感染症(39.8%及び43.9%)及び重度の好中球減少症(54.5%及び73.5%)の発現頻度はベネトクラクス+アザシチジン群で高かった。
Adverse events were reported for all 100% patients (123 of 123 patients) treated with magrolimab+azacitidine and 99.0% (97 of 98 patients) and 100.0% (23 of 23 patients) of patients treated with venetoclax+azacitidine and 7+3 chemotherapy, respectively. A similar percentage of patients experienced Grade 3 or higher AEs in all 3 treatment arms (pooled magrolimab+azacitidine arm: 95.9% [118 of 123 patients] of patients compared with venetoclax+azacitidine arm: 95.9% [94 of 98 patients] and 7+3 chemotherapy arm: 95.7% [22 of 23 patients] of patients. A higher percentage of patients experienced SAEs in the pooled magrolimab+azacitidine arm (84.6% [104 of 123 patients]) and venetoclax+azacitidine arm (77.6% [76 of 98 patients]) compared with 7+3 chemotherapy arm (60.9% [14 of 23 patients]). Serious adverse events related to magrolimab were experienced by 26.0% [32 of 123 patients] in the pooled magrolimab+azacitidine treatment arm. Overall, 17.1% [21 of 123 patients] in the pooled magrolimab+azacitidine arm compared with 19.4% [19 of 98 patients] and 8.7% [2 of 23 patients] of patients in the venetoclax+azacitidine arm and 7+3 chemotherapy arm, respectively, had AEs leading to death, of which 3.3% of patients (4 of 123 patients) died due to AEs that were considered related to magrolimab.
Adverse events leading to discontinuation of magrolimab, azacitidine, and venetoclax were reported in 8.9% (11 of 123 patients), 9.2% (9 of 98 patients), and 9.2% (9 of 98 patients) of patients, in pooled magrolimab+azacitidine treatment and venetoclax+azacitidine arm, respectively.
The higher incidence of Grade 3 or higher anemia (30.9% vs 25.5%) and infusion-related reaction (8.1% vs 3.1%) were seen in pooled magrolimab+azacitidine armwhile higher incidence of serious infection (39.8% vs 43.9%) and severe neutropenia (54.5% vs 73.5%) were observed in venetoclax+azacitidine arm.
/ ・非強力療法適応の患者における全生存期間:非強力療法適応の患者では、ベネトクラクス+アザシチジン併用療法と比較してmagrolimab+アザシチジン併用療法でOSの改善は認められなかった(層別ハザード比:1.132;95%信頼区間:0.783, 1.637;P=0.5070)。
・全患者集団における全生存期間:同様に、magrolimab+アザシチジン群の全患者集団において、ベネトクラクス+アザシチジン又は7+3化学療法群と比較してOSの改善は認められなかった(層別ハザード比:1.183;95%信頼区間:0.845, 1.654;P=0.3237)。
・全患者集団における無イベント生存期間:Magrolimab+アザシチジンの投与は、ベネトクラクス+アザシチジン又は7+3化学療法と比較してEFSに優位性は認められなかった(層別ハザード比:1.389;95%信頼区間:1.043, 1.848;P=0.0661)。
・全患者集団における6ヵ月以内(7+3化学療法を投与する患者では2ヵ月以内)のCR率:全患者集団では、magrolimab+アザシチジンの投与を受けた患者の9.4%(128例中12例)、ベネトクラクス+アザシチジン又は7+3化学療法のいずれかの投与を受けた患者の29.5%(129例中38例)が治験薬投与後6ヵ月以内にCRを達成した。CRMRDを達成した患者は、magrolimab+アザシチジン群で1例(0.8%)、ベネトクラクス+アザシチジン群で13例(10.1%)であった。全患者集団では、治験薬投与後6ヵ月以内に達成されたCR期間の中央値(95% CI)は、magrolimab+アザシチジン群で9.5ヵ月(2.0、NE)、ベネトクラクス+アザシチジン群又は7+3化学療法群で4.9ヵ月(3.1、6.5)であった。非強力療法適応の患者のうち、magrolimab+アザシチジン群の7.9%(101例中8例)及びベネトクラクス+アザシチジン群の30.8%(104例中32例)で治験薬投与後6ヵ月以内にCRが達成された。
・全患者集団における6ヵ月以内(7+3化学療法を投与する患者では2ヵ月以内)のCR+CRh率:全患者では、magrolimab+アザシチジンの投与を受けた患者の10.2%(128例中13例)、ベネトクラクス+アザシチジン又は7+3化学療法のいずれかの投与を受けた患者の34.1%(129例中44例)が治験薬投与後6ヵ月以内にCR+CRhを達成した。全患者集団において、治験薬投与後6ヵ月以内に達成されたCR+CRhの期間の中央値(95% CI)は、magrolimab+アザシチジン群で9.5ヵ月(2.0、NE)、ベネトクラクス+アザシチジン群又は7+3化学療法群のいずれかで4.9ヵ月(3.1、6.5)であった。
・本試験では、患者95例からmagrolimabのPKデータが得られた。事前に規定した時点でPK用検体を採取した。本試験ではスパースPK用検体採取計画のため、正式なノンコンパートメント解析は実施しなかった。Cycle 3 Day 1のトラフ(投与前)濃度は1.94–1060 μg/mLであった。トラフ濃度の中央値は355 μg/mL,平均値は402 μg/mLであった。
- Overall Survival in Patients Appropriate for Nonintensive Therapy : There was no improvement in OS for patients who were appropriate for nonintensive therapy treated with magrolimab+azacitidine versus venetoclax+azacitidine (stratified hazard ratio: 1.132; 95% CI: 0.783, 1.637; P = 0.5070)
- Overall Survival in All Patients : Similarly, there was no improvement in OS for all patients treated with magrolimab+azacitidine versus venetoclax+azacitidine or 7 + 3 chemotherapy (stratified hazard ratio: 1.183; 95% CI: 0.845, 1.654; P = 0.3237)
- Event-Free Survival in All Patients : Treatment with magrolimab+azacitidine did not confer an advantage in EFS versus treatment with venetoclax+azacitidine or 7 + 3 chemotherapy (stratified hazard ratio: 1.389; 95% CI: 1.043, 1.848; P = 0.0661)
- Rate of CR Within 6 months in All Patients (2 months for Patients Receiving 7 + 3 Chemotherapy) : For all patients, 9.4% (12 of 128 patients) of those treated with magrolimab+azacitidine and 29.5% (38 of 129 patients) of those treated with either venetoclax+azacitidine or 7 + 3 chemotherapy achieved CR within 6 months of study treatment. One patient (0.8%) treated with magrolimab+azacitidine and 13 patients (10.1%) treated with venetoclax+azacitidine achieved CRMRD. For all patients, median (95% CI) duration of CR, achieved within 6 months of study treatment, for those treated with magrolimab+azacitidine and for those treated with either venetoclax+azacitidine or 7 + 3 chemotherapy was 9.5 months (2.0, NE) and 4.9 months (3.1, 6.5), respectively. Of patients appropriate for nonintensive therapy, 7.9% (8 of 101 patients) patients treated with magrolimab+azacitidine and 30.8% (32 of 104 patients) treated with venetoclax+azacitidine achieved CR within 6 months of study treatment.
- Rate of CR + CRh Within 6 months in All Patients (2 months for Patients Receiving 7 + 3 Chemotherapy) : For all patients, 10.2% (13 of 128 patients) of those treated with magrolimab+azacitidine and 34.1% (44 of 129 patients) of those treated with either venetoclax+azacitidine or 7 + 3 chemotherapy achieved CR + CRh within 6 months of study treatment. For all patients, median (95% CI) duration of CR + CRh, achieved within 6 months of study treatment of those treated with magrolimab+azacitidine and those treated with either venetoclax+azacitidine or 7 + 3 chemotherapy was 9.5 months (2.0, NE) and 4.9 months (3.1, 6.5), respectively.
- Magrolimab PK data were available for 95 patients in this study. The PK samples were collected at prespecified time points. No formal noncompartmental analysis was conducted due to the sparse PK sampling scheme in this study. The trough (predose) concentrations at Cycle 3 Day 1 range from 1.94 to 1060 ug/mL. The median and mean trough concentrations are 355 and 402 ug/mL, respectively.
- The immunogenicity d ata included a total of 120 patients who received magrolimab treatment and were tested and reported for the presence of ADA to magrolimab. Among the 120 patients, 95 patients with at least 1 baseline ADA sample and at least 1 posttreatment ADA sample were evaluable for ADA incidence. The overall ADA prevalence was 13.3%, where 16 out of 120 patients had at least 1 positive ADA result. The ADA incidence of magrolimab was 10.5% (10 of 95 patients), with none of the patients having treatment-boosted ADA, 7 patients having persistent ADA, and 3 patients having transient ADA. One of the positive ADA samples had NAbs incidence.
/ 非強力療法適応の患者では、ベネトクラクス+アザシチジン併用療法と比較してmagrolimab+アザシチジン併用療法でOSの改善は認められなかった(層別ハザード比:1.132;95%信頼区間:0.783, 1.637;P=0.5070)。同様に、magrolimab+アザシチジン併用療法の全患者集団では、ベネトクラクス+アザシチジン又は7+3化学療法と比較してOSの改善は認められなかった(層別ハザード比:1.183;95%信頼区間:0.845, 1.654;P=0.3237)。
本試験の安全性データから、magrolimab+アザシチジン群とベネトクラクス+アザシチジン群の安全性プロファイルは同様同等であることが示唆示されされ、Grade 3以上の有害事象の発現率頻度はmagrolimab+アザシチジン併用群及びベネトクラクス+アザシチジン併用群でそれぞれ95.9%及び95.9%であった。Magrolimab又はベネトクラクスの投与中止に至った有害事象(8.9%及び9.2%)、アザシチジンの投与中止に至った有害事象(10.6%及び9.2%)及び死亡に至った有害事象(17.1%及び19.4%)。
There was no improvement in OS for patients who were appropriate for nonintensive therapy treated with magrolimab+azacitidine versus venetoclax+azacitidine (stratified hazard ratio: 1.132; 95% CI: 0.783, 1.637; P = 0.5070). Similarly, there was no improvement in OS for all patients treated with magrolimab+azacitidine versus venetoclax+azacitidine or 7 + 3 chemotherapy (stratified hazard ratio: 1.183; 95% CI: 0.845, 1.654; P = 0.3237)

3 IPDシェアリング



研究の種別 企業治験
治験の区分 主たる治験
登録日 令和6年10月8日
jRCT番号 jRCT2071220076

1 試験等の実施体制に関する事項及び試験等を行う施設の構造設備に関する事項


未治療のTP53変異陽性の急性骨髄性白血病患者を対象とした、Magrolimabとアザシチジンの併用療法の安全性及び有効性を、治験担当医師選択によるベネトクラクスとアザシチジンの併用療法、又は強力化学療法と比較する第3相、無作為化、非盲検試験 A Phase 3, Randomized, Open-Label Study Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of Magrolimab in Combination With Azacitidine Versus Physician's Choice of Venetoclax in Combination With Azacitidine or Intensive Chemotherapy in Previously Untreated Patients With TP53 Mutant Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Study of Magrolimab in Combination With Azacitidine Versus Physician's Choice of Venetoclax in Combination With Azacitidine or Intensive Chemotherapy in Patients With TP53 Mutant Acute Myeloid Leukemia That Have Not Been Treated (ENHANCE-2)


表 雅之 Omote Masayuki
/ ギリアド・サイエンシズ株式会社 Gilead Sciences, K.K.
/ 東京都千代田区丸の内1-9-2 1-9-2, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
クリニカル オペレーションズ Clinical Operations
ギリアド・サイエンシズ株式会社 Gilead Sciences K.K.
東京都千代田区丸の内1-9-2 1-9-2, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo



多施設共同試験等の該当の有無 あり




Hospital of the University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan





地方独立行政法人 神戸市民病院機構 神戸市立医療センター中央市民病院

Kobe City Medical Center General Hospital






Japanese Red Cross Aichi Medical Center Nagoya Daini Hospital






Okayama University Hospital






University of Fukui Hospital






Chiba Aoba Municipal Hospital





NTT東日本 関東病院

NTT Medical Center Tokyo






National Cancer Center Hospital East





医療法人菊郷会 愛育病院

Aiiku Hospital






Fukushima Medical University Hospital






Ehime Prefectural Central Hospital






Kanazawa University Hospital





国立大学法人東北大学 東北大学病院

National University Corporation Tohoku University Tohoku University Hospital






Japanese Red Cross Aichi Medical Center Nagoya Daiichi Hospital






Yamagata University Hospital






Osaka Metropolitan University Hospital






Kindai University Hospital






Hyogo Prefectural Amagasaki General Medical Center






Kyushu University Hospital






University of Yamanashi Hospital






Nagasaki University Hospital






Tokai University Hospital





社会福祉法人恩賜財団済生会支部 群馬県済生会前橋病院

Gunmaken Saiseikai Maebashi Hospital



2 試験等の目的及び内容並びにこれに用いる医薬品等の概要


介入研究 Interventional
無作為化比較 randomized controlled trial
非盲検 open(masking not used)
実薬(治療)対照 active control
並行群間比較 parallel assignment
治療 treatment purpose
オーストラリア/ベルギー/カナダ/フランス/ドイツ/香港/イタリア/スペイン/スウェーデン/スイス/英国/米国/オーストリア/デンマーク Australia/Belgium/Canada/France/Germany/Hong Kong/Italy/Spain/Sweden/Switzerland/United Kingdom/United States/Austria/Denmark
世界保健機関の基準によりAMLが確認されており、AMLの治療歴がなく、かつ、以下が認められる患者。中央検査機関の評価又は既承認の治験実施医療機関による臨床検査(骨髄TP53変異の次世代シークエンシング検査結果に関する中央検査機関でのレビュー後)のいずれかに基づき、非良性とされる又は良性の可能性が低いTP53遺伝子変異を1つ以上有する。治験実施医療機関で評価された細胞遺伝学的検査/核型検査/蛍光in situハイブリダイゼーション(FISH)報告書に基づき、17p両アレル欠失を有する。

無作為割付け前の白血球数(WBC)が20 × 103/μL以下の患者。無作為割付け前の患者のWBCが20 × 103/μLを上回る場合、他の全ての適格性基準を満たしていることを条件に組入れ可とする。ただし、治験薬の初回投与前及び最初の4週間の各回のmagrolimab投与前(患者が被験群に無作為割付けされた場合)にWBCが20 × 103/μL以下であることを要する。注:治験薬投与に適格とするために、治験期間中又は無作為割付け前にヒドロキシカルバミドの投与及び/又は白血球除去を行い、WBCを20 × 103/μL以下に減少させてもよい。

治験薬の初回投与前のヘモグロビン値は9 g/dL以上でなければならない。注:ヘモグロビンに関する適格性基準を満たすための輸血は許容される。



Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group(ECOG)パフォーマンスステータスが0~2の患者。ただし、 75歳未満で非集中的治療が適切な者は除く。これらの患者のECOG パフォーマンスステータススコアは0~3である。

Cockcroft Gault式により算出したクレアチニンクリアランスが30 mL/min以上であることにより示される十分な腎機能を有する者。






Individuals with confirmation of AML by World Health Organization criteria, previously untreated for AML, and who have presence of at least 1 TP53 gene mutation that is not benign or likely benign based on evaluation by either central laboratory or an approved local laboratory (after central review of the bone marrow TP53 mitigation next-generation sequencing test results) (individuals with biallelic 17p deletions, loss of both 17p alleles, are eligible based on locally evaluated cytogenetics/karyotype/fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) report)

Individuals with white blood cell (WBC) count <= 20x10^3/microliter prior to randomization. If the individual's WBC is > 20x10^3/microliter prior to randomization, the individual can be enrolled, assuming all other eligibility criteria are met. However, the WBC should be >= 20x10^3/ microliter prior to the first dose of study treatment and prior to each magrolimab dose the first 4 weeks (if the individual is randomized to the experimental arm) Note: Individuals can be treated with hydroxyurea and/or leukapheresis throughout the study or prior to randomization to reduce the WBC to <= 20x10^3/ microliter to enable eligibility for study drug dosing.

The hemoglobin must be >= 9 grams per deciliter (g/dL) prior to initial dose of study treatment Notes:Transfusions are allowed to meet hemoglobin eligibility

Individual has provided informed consent

Individual is willing and able to comply with clinic visits and procedure outlined in the study protocol

Individuals must have an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status of 0 to 2, except for individuals less than 75 years of age and appropriate for non-intensive treatment. For these individuals, the ECOG performance status score may be 0 to 3

Individuals must have adequate renal function as demonstrated by a creatinine clearance >= 30 milliliters per minute calculated by the Cockcroft Gault formula

Adequate cardiac function as demonstrated by:
Lack of symptomatic congestive heart failure and clinically significant cardiac arrhythmias and ischemic heart disease
LVEF > 50% for individuals appropriate for intensive therapy

Adequate liver function as demonstrated by:
Aspartate aminotransferase <= 3.0 x upper limit of normal (ULN)
Alanine aminotransferase <= 3.0 x ULN
Total bilirubin <= 1.5 x ULN, or primary unconjugated bilirubin <= 3.0 x ULN if individual has a documented history of Gilbert's syndrome or genetic equivalent

Pretreatment blood cross-match completed

Males and females of childbearing potential who engage in heterosexual intercourse must agree to use protocol-specified method(s) of contraception

Individuals must be willing to consent to mandatory pretreatment and ontreatment bone marrow biopsies (aspirate and trephines).

Note: Other protocol defined Inclusion/Exclusion criteria may apply.



表面抗原分類47(CD 47)又はシグナル調節タンパク質α(SIRPα)を標的とする薬剤














Positive serum pregnancy test

Breastfeeding female

Known hypersensitivity to any of the study drugs, the metabolites, or formulation excipient

Prior treatment with any of the following:
Cluster of differentiation 47 (CD47) or signal regulatory protein alpha (SIRP-alpha)-targeting agents
Antileukemic therapy for the treatment of AML (excluding hydroxyurea), hypomethylating agent (HMA), low dose cytarabine and/or venetoclax Note: Individuals with prior myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) who have not received prior HMAs or chemotherapeutic agents for MDS are allowed on study. Other prior MDS therapies including, but not limited to, lenalidomide, erythroid stimulating agents, or similar RBC-direct therapies, are allowed. Localized non-central nervous system (CNS) radiotherapy, erythroid and/or myeloid growth factors, hormonal therapy with luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonists for prostate cancer, hormonal therapy or maintenance for breast cancer, and treatment with bisphosphonates and receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand inhibitors are also not criteria for exclusion.
Individuals who are appropriate for intensive treatment but who have been previously treated with maximum cumulative doses of idarubicin and/or other anthracyclines and anthracenediones will be excluded.

Individuals receiving any live vaccine within 4 weeks prior to initiation of study treatments.

For individuals appropriate for intensive therapy, individuals treated with trastuzumab within 7 months prior to initiation of study treatments.

Current participation in another interventional clinical study

Known inherited or acquired bleeding disorders

Individuals appropriate for non-intensive therapy, who have received treatment with strong and/or moderate cytochrome P450 enzyme 3A (CYP3A) inducers within 7 days prior to the initiation of study treatments

Individuals appropriate for non-intensive therapy who have consumed grapefruit, grapefruit products, Seville oranges (including marmalade containing Seville oranges) or starfruit within 3 days prior to the initiation of study treatment

Individuals appropriate for non-intensive therapy who have malabsorption syndrome or other conditions that preclude enteral route of administration

Clinical suspicion of active CNS involvement with AML

Individuals who have acute promyelocytic leukemia

Significant disease or medical conditions, as assessed by the Investigator and Sponsor, that would substantially increase the risk-benefit ratio of participating in the study. This includes, but is not limited to, acute myocardial infarction within the last 6 months, unstable angina, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, significant active infections, and congestive heart failure New York Heart Association Class III-IV

Second malignancy, except MDS, treated basal cell or localized squamous skin carcinomas, localized prostate cancer, or other malignancies for which individuals are not on active anti-cancer therapies and have had no evidence of active malignancy for at least >= 1 year Note: Individuals on maintenance therapy alone who have no evidence of active malignancy for at least >= 1 year are eligible.

Known active or chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in medical history

Active HBV, and/or active HCV, and/or HIV following testing at screening:
Individuals who test positive for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg). Individuals who test positive for hepatitis B core antibody (anti-HBc) will require HBV deoxyribose nucleic acid (DNA) by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for confirmation of active disease
Individuals who test positive for HCV antibody. These individuals will require HCV ribose nucleic acid (RNA) quantitative PCR for confirmation of active disease
Individuals who test positive for HIV antibody
Individuals not currently receiving antiviral therapy and who have an undetectable viral load in the prior 3 months may be eligible for the study.

Note: Other protocol defined Inclusion/Exclusion criteria may apply.
18歳 以上 18age old over
上限なし No limit
男性・女性 Both
急性骨髄性白血病 Acute Myeloid Leukemia
各サイクル(サイクル=28日間)のDay 1,200に100 mgをDay 2,400に経口投与した後、Day 1~28に400 mgを経口投与する。
各サイクル(サイクル=28日間)のDay 1~7又はDay 1~5、8及び9に75 mg/m 2(mg/m^2)の用量で皮下(SC)又はIV投与する。
寛解導入療法:サイクル中のDay 1~7(7+3寛解導入療法)及び必要に応じてDay 1~5(5+2寛解導入療法)に100又は200 mg/m^2の持続投与を行う(サイクル=最長42日間)。

地固め療法:4サイクルまで、12時間ごとに1回、Day 1、3、及び5に1500又は3000 mg/m^2をIV投与する。

サイクル中のDay 1~3(7+3誘導)及び必要に応じてDay 1~2(5+2誘導)に60 mg/m^2を末梢(IVP)静脈内投与(サイクル=最長42日間)。
12 mg/m^2を各サイクルのDay 1~3(7+3寛解導入療法)及び必要に応じてDay 1~2(5+2寛解導入療法)に静脈内投与(サイクル=最長42日間)。
Biological: Magrolimab
Administered intravenously (IV).
Other Name: GS-4721
Drug: Venetoclax
Administered orally at a dose of 100 milligrams (mg) on Day 1, 200 mg on Day 2, 400 mg on Days 3-28 during Cycle 1, followed by 400 mg on Days 1-28 during every cycle (Cycle=28 days).
Drug: Azacitidine
Administered either subcutaneously (SC) or IV, 75 milligrams per square meter (mg/m^2) on Days 1-7 or Days 1-5, 8 and 9 during every cycle (Cycle=28 days).
Drug: Cytarabine
Induction: administered continuous infusion, 100 or 200 mg/m^2 on Days 1-7 (7+3 induction) and if needed Days 1-5 (5+2 induction) during a cycle (Cycle=Up to 42 Days).

Consolidation: administered IV, 1500 or 3000 mg/m^2 on Days 1, 3, and 5 once every 12 hours for up to 4 cycles.

Drug: Daunorubicin
Administered IV peripherally (IVP), 60 mg/m^2 on Days 1-3 (7+3 induction) and if needed Days 1-2 (5+2 induction) during a cycle (Cycle=Up to 42 days).
Drug: Idarubicin
Administered IV, 12 mg/m^2 on Days 1-3 (7+3 induction) and if needed Days 1-2 (5+2 induction) during a cycle (Cycle=Up to 42 days).
Drug: Steroidal Eye Drops
Administered per institutional standard during consolidation.
1. 非集中治療が適切な被験者における全生存期間(OS)
1. Overall Survival (OS) in Participants Appropriate for Non-intensive Therapy
The OS is measured from the date of randomization to the date of death from any cause. Those whose deaths are not observed during the study will be censored at their last known alive date.
[Time Frame: Randomization up to death or end of study (up to 27 months) whichever occurs first]
・全患者集団 の全生存期間



CR率は、新たな抗AML療法又は幹細胞移植(SCT)を開始する前に、治験中に微小残存病変を伴わない完全寛解(CR MRD-)及び修正を加えたAMLに対するEuropean Leukemia Net 2017の勧告(ELN 2017 AML)に基づき治験責任(分担)医師が定義した陽性又は不明の微小残存病変を伴う完全寛解(CR MRD+/unk)を含むCRを達成した被験者の割合とする。

・全患者集団における微小残存病変を伴わないCR(CR MRD-)率
CR MRD-率は、新たな抗AML療法又はSCTの開始前に治験中に、修正を加えたELN 2017 AMLに基づいて治験責任(分担)医師が定義したCR MRD-を達成した被験者の割合である。

・全患者集団におけるEORTC QLQ-C30身体機能尺度のTUDD
EORTC QLQ-C 30 physical functioning scaleのTUDDは、ランダム化日から、スコアがベースラインより一貫して10ポイント以上悪化した又は死亡した日のいずれか早い方までの期間と定義する。身体機能尺度は、EORTC QLQ-C 30質問票の5つの機能尺度の1つである。線形変換後、スコアの範囲は0~100とする。機能尺度のスコアが高いほど、機能が良好で生活の質が高いことを意味する。スコアが意味のある明確な悪化に達しておらず、治験中に死亡が認められない被験者は、身体機能スケールの最終評価日で打ち切りとする。

CR+CRh率は、新たな抗AML療法又はSCTの開始前に、治験中にCR(CR MRD-及びCR MRD+/unkを含む)又はCRh(血小板数及び好中球絶対数[ANC]の部分的回復を伴うCRと定義)を達成した被験者の割合である。

DCRは、CR(CR MRD-及びCR MRD+/unkを含む)の評価基準を最初に満たした時点から、AMLの再発又は死亡の初日(SCT後の評価を含む)まで測定する。治験中に再発又は死亡が確認されなかった被験者は、再発のエビデンスが認められなかった最後の効果判定日をもって打ち切りとする。

CR+CRh期間は、CR(CR MRD-及びCR MRD+/unkを含む)又はCRhの評価基準を最初に満たした時点から、AMLの再発又は死亡の最初の日(SCT後の評価を含む)までとする。治験中に再発又は死亡が確認されなかった被験者は、再発のエビデンスが認められなかった最後の効果判定日をもって打ち切りとする。

・米国国立がん研究所有害事象共通用語規準Version 5.0に従ったグレード3以上の試験治療下でに発現した有害事象(TEAE)を発現した被験者の割合

・NCI CTCAE Version 5.0に基づくグレード3以上の治験薬投与後に発現した臨床検査値異常


- Overall Survival in All Participants
The OS is measured from the date of randomization to the date of death from any cause. Those whose deaths are not observed during the study will be censored at their last known alive date.
[Time Frame: Randomization up to death or end of study (up to 27 months) whichever occurs first]

- Event-Free Survival (EFS) in All Participants
The EFS is defined as time from the date of randomization to the earliest date of documented relapse from complete remission (CR), treatment failure (defined as failure to achieve CR within 6 months of treatment with magrolimab + azacitidine or venetoclax + azacitidine, or up to 2 months of treatment with 7 + 3 chemotherapy), or death from any cause. Those who are not observed to have one of these events during the study will be censored at the date of their last response assessment with clear documentation of no relapse during the study. The date of randomization will be assigned as the event date for participants with treatment failure.
[ Time Frame: Randomization up to end of study (up to 27 months) ]

- Transfusion Independence Conversion Rate in All Participants
The transfusion independence conversion rate is the percentage of participants who have a 56-day or longer period with no RBC or whole blood or platelet transfusions at any time between the date of first dose of study treatment and discontinuation of study treatment among all participants who are RBC transfusion dependent at baseline. The transfusion dependence at baseline is defined as having received a transfusion within the 28 days prior to the first dose of study treatment.
[Time Frame: First dose date up to last dose date (Maximum: 24 months)]

- Rate of Complete Remission (CR) in All Participants The rate of CR is the percentage of participants who achieve a CR, including complete remission without minimal residual disease (CR MRD-) and complete remission with positive or unknown minimal residual disease (CR MRD+/unk) as defined by investigators based on European Leukemia Net 2017 recommendations for AML (ELN 2017 AML) with modifications, while on study prior to initiation of any new anti-AML therapy or stem cell transplant (SCT).
[ Time Frame: 6 months for the Magrolimab + Azacitidine; Control Arm: Venetoclax + Azacitidine arm, and 2 months for Control Arm: 7+3 Chemotherapy ]

- Rate of CR Without Minimal Residual Disease (CR MRD-) in All Participants
The rate of CR MRD- is the percentage of participants who achieve a CR MRD- as defined by investigators based on ELN 2017 AML with modifications, while on study prior to initiation of any new anti-AML therapy or SCT.
[ Time Frame: 6 months for the Magrolimab + Azacitidine; Control Arm: Venetoclax + Azacitidine arm, and 2 months for Control Arm: 7+3 Chemotherapy ]

- Time Until Meaningful Definitive Deterioration (TUDD) on the EORTC QLQ-C30 GHS/QoL Scale in All Participants
TUDD on European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire-Core Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-C30) Global Health Status/Quality of Life (GHS/QoL) scale is defined as time from randomization date to earlier date that score is consistently at least 10 points worse than baseline score/death. Questionnaire includes 30 questions resulting in 5 functional scales (physical functioning, role functioning, emotional functioning, cognitive functioning, social functioning), 1 GHS/QoL scale, 3 symptom scales (fatigue, nausea and vomiting, pain), and 6 single items (dyspnea, insomnia, loss of appetite, constipation, diarrhea, financial difficulties). After linear transformation, all scales and single item measures range in score from 0-100. Higher score on GHS/QoL scale means better GHS/QoL. Those whose score does not reach meaningful definitive deterioration and whose deaths are not observed during study will be censored at their last GHS/QoL scale assessment.
[ Time Frame: Day 1 of each cycle (up to 24 months); Cycle=28 days ]

- TUDD on the EORTC QLQ-C30 Physical Functioning Scale in All Participants [ Time Frame: Day 1 of each cycle (up to 24 months); Cycle=28 days ] TUDD on the EORTC QLQ C30 physical functioning scale is defined as time from the date of randomization to the earlier date that the score is consistently at least 10 points worse than the baseline score or death. Physical functioning scale is one of the five functional scales of the EORTC QLQ C30 questionnaire. After linear transformation, scale range in score from 0-100. A higher score on functional scales means better functioning and better quality of life. Those whose score does not reach meaningful definitive deterioration and whose deaths are not observed during the study will be censored at their last physical functioning scale assessment date.

- Rate of CR and Complete Remission with Partial Hematologic Recovery (CR+CRh) in All Participants
The CR+CRh rate is the percentage of participants who achieve a CR (including CR MRD- and CR MRD+/unk) or CRh as defined by CR with partial platelet and absolute neutrophil count (ANC) recovery while on study prior to initiation of any new anti-AML therapy or SCT.
[ Time Frame: 6 months for the Magrolimab + Azacitidine; Control Arm: Venetoclax + Azacitidine arm, and 2 months for Control Arm: 7+3 Chemotherapy ]

- Duration of Complete Remission (DCR) [ Time Frame: First CR achieved within 6 months for the Magrolimab + Azacitidine; Control Arm: Venetoclax + Azacitidine arm, and 2 months for Control Arm: 7+3 Chemotherapy up to the end of study (up to 27 months) ] The DCR is measured from the time the assessment criteria are first met for CR (including CR MRD- and CR MRD+/unk) until the first date of AML relapse or death (including assessments post SCT). Those who are not observed to have relapsed disease or death while on study will be censored at the date of their last response assessment with no evidence of relapse.

- Duration of CR+CRh
The duration of CR+CRh is measured from the time the assessment criteria are first met for CR (including CR MRD- and CR MRD+/unk) or CRh until the first date of AML relapse or death (including assessments post SCT). Those who are not observed to have relapsed disease or death while on study will be censored at the date of their last response assessment with no evidence of relapse.
[ Time Frame: First CR or CRh achieved within 6 months for the Magrolimab + Azacitidine; Control Arm: Venetoclax + Azacitidine arm, and 2 months for Control Arm: 7+3 Chemotherapy up to the end of study (up to 27 months) ]

- Percentage of Participants Experiencing Grade >= 3 Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events (TEAEs) According to the National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (NCI CTCAE) Version 5.0
[ Time Frame: First dose date up to last dose date (Maximum: 24 months) plus 70 days ]

- Percentage of Participants Experiencing Grade >= 3 Treatment-Emergent Laboratory Abnormalities According to the NCI CTCAE Version 5.0
[ Time Frame: First dose date up to last dose date (Maximum: 24 months) plus 70 days ]

- Serum Concentration of Magrolimab
[ Time Frame: Within 72 hours predose on Day 1 of Cycle 1, within 12 hours predose on Day 8 of Cycle 1 and Day 1 of Cycles 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 13, and end of treatment (EOT) EOT=Maximum: 24 months (Cycle=28 days) ]

- Rate of Anti-Magrolimab Antibody Incidence
Rate of anti-magrolimab antibody incidence is defined as the percentage of participants with anti-magrolimab antibodies.
[Time Frame: Within 72 hours predose on Day 1 of Cycle 1, within 12 hours predose on Day 1 of Cycles 2, 3, 5, 7, 10,
13 and end of treatment (EOT) EOT=Maximum: 24 months (Cycle=28 days)]


Magrolimab (GS-4721)
Venclyxto 10/50/100 mg film-coated tablets (ドイツ)
Vidaza 25 mg/mL powder for suspension for injection (アイルランド)
Cytarabine 100 mg/ml Solution for Injection (アイルランド)
Cerubidin 20 mg Powder for Concentrate for Solution for Infusion (アイルランド)
Zavedos 10 mg Powder for Solution for Injection (アイルランド)
Cytarabine 1000mg/10mg
Cytarabine 2000mg/20mg

3 試験等の実施状況の確認に関する事項







4 試験等の対象者に健康被害が生じた場合の補償及び医療の提供に関する事項

5 依頼者等に関する事項


Gilead Sciences K.K.



6 IRBの名称等

産業医科大学病院治験審査委員会(複数の委員会の中で最初の審査を行った委員会を掲載) Hospital of the University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan IRB
福岡県北九州市八幡西区医生ケ丘1番1号 1-1 Iseigaoka, Yahata-nishi-ku, Kitakyushu city, Fukuoka, 807-8556, Japan, Fukuoka

7 その他の事項










マスキング済み_Prot GS-US-546-5857 amd-5_f-redact.pdf




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新規登録 令和4年11月29日 詳細