jRCT ロゴ





既承認SARS-CoV-2 ワクチンの初回接種完了者を対象としたDS-5670a による追加免疫効果を検討する第I/II/III 相、無作為化、実薬対照、評価者盲検試験
既承認SARS-CoV-2 ワクチンの初回接種完了者を対象としたDS-5670a による追加免疫効果を検討する第I/II/III 相、無作為化、実薬対照、評価者盲検試験
井ノ口 明裕
既承認SARS-CoV-2 ワクチンの初回接種完了者を対象として、DS-5670a を追加投与した際の安全性及び免疫原性を確認し、DS-5670a 追加投与の推奨用量を決定する。また、DS-5670a の追加投与4 週間後の血中抗SARS-CoV-2 中和活性が対照薬と比較して非劣性であることを検証する。
SARS-CoV-2 による感染症の予防
DS-5670a、コロナウイルス修飾ウリジンRNA ワクチン(SARS-CoV-2)、コロナウイルス修飾ウリジンRNA ワクチン(SARS-CoV-2)
博多クリニック 臨床試験審査委員会




2 結果の要約

/ 1)用量漸増パート
プラセボ群、DS-5670a 10µg、30µg、60µg群の参加者の平均(標準偏差[SD])年齢は、成人でそれぞれ48.3(10.50)、43.0(16.09)、36.3(15.01)、49.7(14.74)歳、高齢者でそれぞれ69.0(3.61)、70.7(4.93)、70.0(4.36)、67.7(2.08)歳であった。成人の参加者はプラセボ群及びDS-5670a 60µg群でそれぞれ男性2名(66.7%)、女性1名(33.3%)、DS-5670a 10µg及び30µg群でそれぞれ男性1名(33.3%)、女性2名(66.7%)であった。高齢者の参加者はプラセボ群、DS-5670a 10µg、60µg群でそれぞれ男性3名(100.0%)、女性0名、DS-5670a 30µg群で男性2名(66.7%)、女性1名(33.3%)であった。
プラセボ群、DS-5670a 10µg、30µg、60µg群の参加者の平均(標準偏差[SD])年齢は、成人でそれぞれ47.7(17.10)、45.3(12.06)、52.7(13.65)、55.3(3.79)歳、高齢者でそれぞれ70.3(2.31)、67.7(0.58)、71.0(2.00)、68.3(2.52)歳であった。成人の参加者はプラセボ群、DS-5670a 10µg、60µg群でそれぞれ男性3名(100.0%)、女性0名、DS-5670a 30µg群で男性2名(66.7%)、女性1名(33.3%)であった。高齢者の参加者はプラセボ群及びDS-5670a 30µg群でそれぞれ男性2名(66.7%)、女性1名(33.3%)、DS-5670a 10µg及び60µg群でそれぞれ男性1名(33.3%)、女性2名(66.7%)であった。

コミナティ筋注群、DS-5670a 10µg、30µg、60µg群の参加者の平均(標準偏差[SD])年齢は、成人でそれぞれ51.7(10.18)、50.2(8.99)、49.4(12.26)、43.5(12.23)歳、高齢者でそれぞれ68.3(3.53)、68.5(3.35)、69.4(3.05)、68.5(2.99)歳であった。成人の参加者はコミナティ筋注群で男性12名(40.0%)、女性18名(60.0%)、DS-5670a 10µg及び30µg群でそれぞれ男性8名(26.7%)、女性22名(73.3%)、DS-5670a 60µg群で男性14名(46.7%)、女性16名(53.3%)であった。高齢者の参加者はコミナティ筋注群及びDS-5670a 30µg群でそれぞれ男性14名(46.7%)、女性16名(53.3%)、DS-5670a 10µg群で男性16名(53.3%)、女性14名(46.7%)、DS-5670a 60µg群で男性15名(50.0%)、女性15名(50.0%)であった。
スパイクバックス筋注群、DS-5670a 10µg、30µg、60µg群の参加者の平均(標準偏差[SD])年齢は、成人でそれぞれ50.3(9.24)、50.5(8.46)、45.4(9.95)、48.8(8.94)歳、高齢者でそれぞれ68.4(2.57)、67.7(2.42)、68.2(3.22)、68.2(2.60)歳であった。成人の参加者はスパイクバックス筋注群で男性16名(51.6%)、女性15名(48.4%)、DS-5670a 10µg群で男性20名(66.7%)、女性10名(33.3%)、DS-5670a 30µg群で男性14名(48.3%)、女性15名(51.7%)、DS-5670a 60µg群で男性14名(46.7%)、女性16名(53.3%)であった。高齢者の参加者はスパイクバックス筋注群で男性14名(73.7%)、女性5名(26.3%)、DS-5670a 10µg群で男性12名(63.2%)、女性7名(36.8%)、DS-5670a 30µg群で男性18名(94.7%)、女性1名(5.3%)、DS-5670a 60µg群で男性17名(85.0%)、女性3名(15.0%)であった。

1) Dose escalation part:
i) Subjects who have completed the initial series of Comirnaty
24 subjects (12 adults and 12 elderly) were randomised and administered the investigational product.
The average age (standard deviation [SD]) of participants in the placebo, DS-5670a 10ug, 30ug, and 60ug group were as follows: For adults, 48.3 (10.50), 43.0 (16.09), 36.3 (15.01), and 49.7 (14.74) years, while for elderly, 69.0 (3.61), 70.7 (4.93), 70.0 (4.36), and 67.7 (2.08) years, respectively. Among adults, in the placebo and DS-5670a 60ug group, there were 2 males (66.7%) and 1 female (33.3%) each, while in DS-5670a 10ug and 30ug groups, there were 1 male (33.3%) and 2 females (66.7%) each. Among elderly, in the placebo, DS-5670a 10ug, and 60ug group, there were 3 males (100.0%) and 0 females each, while in DS-5670a 30ug group, there were 2 males (66.7%) and 1 female (33.3%).
ii) Subjects who have completed the initial series of Spikevax
24 subjects (12 adults and 12 elderly) were randomised and administered the investigational product.
The average age (standard deviation [SD]) of participants in the placebo, DS-5670a 10ug, 30ug, and 60ug group were as follows: For adults, 47.7 (17.10), 45.3 (12.06), 52.7 (13.65), and 55.3 (3.79) years, while for elderly, 70.3 (2.31), 67.7 (0.58), 71.0 (2.00), and 68.3 (2.52) years, respectively. Among adults, in the placebo, DS-5670a 10ug, and 60ug group, there were 3 males (100.0%) and 0 females each, while in DS-5670a 30ug group, there were 2 males (66.7%) and 1 female (33.3%). Among elderly, in the placebo and DS-5670a 30ug group, there were 2 males (66.7%) and 1 female (33.3%) each, while in DS-5670a 10ug and 60ug group, there were 1 male (33.3%) and 2 females (66.7%) each.
There were no significant differences in baseline characteristics based on demographics and other criteria between adults and the elderly, regardless of the type of initial vaccine series.

2) Parallel comparison part:
i) Subjects who have completed the initial series of Comirnaty
240 subjects (120 adults and 120 elderly) were randomised and administered the investigational product.
The average age (standard deviation [SD]) of participants in the Comirnaty, DS-5670a 10ug, 30ug, and 60ug group were as follows: For adults, 51.7 (10.18), 50.2 (8.99), 49.4 (12.26), and 43.5 (12.23) years, while for elderly, 68.3 (3.53), 68.5 (3.35), 69.4 (3.05), and 68.5 (2.99) years, respectively. Among adults, in the Comirnaty group, there were 12 males (40.0%) and 18 females (60.0%), in DS-5670a 10ug and 30ug group, there were 8 males (26.7%) and 22 females (73.3%) each, and in DS-5670a 60ug group, there were 14 males (46.7%) and 16 females (53.3%). Among elderly, in the Comirnaty and DS-5670a 30ug group, there were 14 males (46.7%) and 16 females (53.3%) each, in DS-5670a 10ug group, there were 16 males (53.3%) and 14 females (46.7%), and in DS-5670a 60ug group, there were 15 males (50.0%) and 15 females (50.0%).
ii) Subjects who have completed the initial series of Spikevax
197 subjects (120 adults and 77 elderly) were randomised and administered the investigational product.
The average age (standard deviation [SD]) of participants in the Spikevax, DS-5670a 10ug, 30ug, and 60ug group were as follows: For adults, 50.3 (9.24), 50.5 (8.46), 45.4 (9.95), and 48.8 (8.94) years, while for elderly, 68.4 (2.57), 67.7 (2.42), 68.2 (3.22), and 68.2 (2.60) years, respectively. Among adults, in the Spikevax group, there were 16 males (51.6%) and 15 females (48.4%), in DS-5670a 10ug group, there were 20 males (66.7%) and 10 females (33.3%), in DS-5670a 30ug group, there were 14 males (48.3%) and 15 females (51.7%), and in DS-5670a 60ug group, there were 14 males (46.7%) and 16 females (53.3%). Among elderly, in the Spikevax group, there were 14 males (73.7%) and 5 females (26.3%), in DS-5670a 10ug group, there were 12 males (63.2%) and 7 females (36.8%), in DS-5670a 30ug group, there were 18 males (94.7%) and 1 female (5.3%), and in DS-5670a 60ug group, there were 17 males (85.0%) and 3 females (15.0%).
Comparing adults and the elderly, apart from differences in age distribution and average age between the treatment groups, as well as a higher proportion of males among the elderly who completed the initial series of Spikevax, there were no significant differences in baseline characteristics based on demographics and other criteria between adults and the elderly, regardless of the type of initial vaccine series.

3) Non-inferiority verification part
i) Subjects who have completed the initial series of Comirnaty
2311 subjects (1540 in the DS-5670a group and 771 in the Comirnaty group) were randomized and 2307 were administered the investigational product excluding 2 subjects each from the DS-5670a group and the Comirnaty group.
The average age (standard deviation [SD]) of participants in the Comirnaty and the DS-5670a group were 44.9 (12.50) and 45.1 (12.89) years, respectively. In the Comirnaty group, there were 391 males (50.8%) and 378 females (49.2%), while in the DS-5670a group, there were 749 males (48.7%) and 789 females (51.3%).
ii) Subjects who have completed the initial series of Spikevax
2207 subjects (1473 in the DS-5670a group and 734 in the Spikevax group) were randomized and 2204 were administered the investigational product excluding 3 subjects from the DS-5670a group.
The average age (standard deviation [SD]) of participants in the Spikevax and the DS-5670a group were 40.9(12.75) and 41.2(12.84) years, respectively. In the Spikevax group, there were 436males (59.3%) and 299 females (40.7%), while in the DS-5670a group, there were 848 males (57.7%) and 621 females (42.3%).
Regardless of the type of initial series, there were no significant differences in baseline characteristics based on demographics and other criteria between adults and the elderly, regardless of the type of initial vaccine series.
/ 1)用量漸増パート

197名(成人120名、高齢者77名)が無作為化され、全員がFASに採用された。DS-5670a 30μg群に割り付けられた成人1名に、他の被験者に割り付けられたスパイクバックス筋注が誤投与された。当該被験者は、FASでは割り付けられたDS-5670a 30μg群に採用され、PPSからは除外された。

2311名(DS-5670a群1540名、コミナティ筋注群771名)が無作為化され、そのうち治験薬が投与されなかったDS-5670a群及びコミナティ筋注群の各2名を除く2307名がEfficacy Evaluable FASに採用された。そのうち、DS-5670a群の7名及びコミナティ筋注群の3名が、重大な治験実施計画書違反のためEfficacy Evaluable PPSから除外された。無作為化された2311名のうち、211名(DS-5670a群142名、コミナティ筋注群69名)がImmunogenicity Evaluable FASに採用された。そのうち、DS-5670a群の2名が重大な治験実施計画書違反のためImmunogenicity Evaluable PPSから除外された。
2207名(DS-5670a群1473名、スパイクバックス筋注群734名)が無作為化され、そのうち治験薬が投与されなかったDS-5670a群の3名を除く2204名がEfficacy Evaluable FASに採用された。そのうちDS-5670a群の2名及びスパイクバックス筋注群の3名が、重大な治験実施計画書違反のためEfficacy Evaluable PPSから除外された。無作為化された2207名のうち、212名(DS-5670a群142名、スパイクバックス筋注群70名)がImmunogenicity Evaluable FAS及びImmunogenicity Evaluable PPSに採用された。
1) Dose escalation part:
i) Subjects who have completed the initial series of Comirnaty
24 subjects (12 adults and 12 elderly) were randomised and all were included in the Full Analysis Set (FAS). One from the placebo group in adults was excluded from the Per Protocol Set (PPS), while all elderly were included in the PPS.
ii) Subjects who have completed the initial series of Spikevax
24 subjects (12 adults and 12 elderly) were randomised and all were included in the FAS. One from the placebo group in adults was excluded from the PPS, while all elderly were included in the PPS.

2) Parallel comparison part:
i) Subjects who have completed the initial series of Comirnaty
240 subjects (120 adults and 120 elderly) were randomised and all were included in both the FAS and PPS.
ii) Subjects who have completed the initial series of Spikevax
197 subjects (120 adults and 77 elderly) were randomised and all were included in the FAS. One adult randomised to the DS-5670a 30ug group administered the Spikevax prepared for another subject by mistake. This subject was included in the DS-5670a 30ug group in the FAS but excluded from the PPS.

3) Non-inferiority verification part:
i) Subjects who have completed the initial series of Comirnaty
2311 subjects (1540 in the DS-5670a group and 771 in the Comirnaty group) were randomized. 2307 subjects excluding 2 subjects each from the DS-5670a group and the Comirnaty group who did not be administered the investigational product were included in the Efficacy Evaluable FAS. Among them, 7 from the DS-5670a group and 3 from the Comirnaty group were excluded from the Efficacy Evaluable PPS due to serious protocol deviations. Out of the randomised 2311 subjects, 211 (142 in the DS-5670a group and 69 in the Comirnaty group) were included in the Immunogenicity Evaluable FAS. Among them, 2 from the DS-5670a group were excluded from the Immunogenicity Evaluable PPS due to serious protocol deviations.
ii) Subjects who have completed the initial series of Spikevax
2207 subjects (1473 in the DS-5670a group and 734 in the Spikevax group) were randomized. 2204 subjects excluding 3 subjects from the DS-5670a group who did not be administered the investigational product were included in the Efficacy Evaluable FAS. Among them, 2 subjects from the DS-5670a group and 3 subjects from the Spikevax group were excluded from the Efficacy Evaluable PPS due to serious protocol deviations. Out of the randomised 2207 subjects, 212 (142 in the DS-5670a group and 70 in the Spikevax group) were included in both the Immunogenicity Evaluable FAS and Immunogenicity Evaluable PPS.
/ 非劣性検証パート
DS-5670a群1名で死亡(事象名: 死亡)が認められた。時間的な推移から治験薬との因果関係は「関連なし」と判定された。


重篤な有害事象の発現割合は、DS-5670a群全体で1.6%(47/3007)、コミナティ筋注群1.7%(13/769)、スパイクバックス筋注群0.8%(6/735)であり、投与群間で発現割合に明らかな差はなかった。重篤な有害事象のうち、初回接種ワクチン別に評価したとき、いずれかの投与群で2名以上認められた事象及び発現割合は、コミナティ筋注初回接種完了者ではCOVID-19(DS-5670a群0.1%[2/1538])及び脳梗塞(DS-5670a群0.1%[2/1538])であり、スパイクバックス筋注初回接種完了者では憩室炎(DS-5670a群0.1%[2/1469])及び乳癌(DS-5670a群0.1%[2/1469])であった。初回接種ワクチンは異なるがDS-5670aの追加投与を受けた被験者で2名以上認められた事象は網膜剥離、鼡径ヘルニア、肩回旋筋腱板症候群、肩腱板断裂関節症、卵巣嚢腫、下肢骨折、及び腱断裂であった(いずれの事象もコミナティ筋注初回接種完了者の1名及びスパイクバックス筋注初回接種完了者の1名に認められた)。コミナティ筋注初回接種完了者のコミナティ筋注群1名で認められた入院(事象名: 入院)は、治験薬との因果関係は「関連あり」と判定されたが、それ以外の事象は治験薬との因果関係は「関連なし」と判定された。
Non-inferiority verification part:
i) Subjects who have completed the initial series of Comirnaty
The incidence of adverse events was 95% or higher in both the DS-5670a group and the Comirnaty group.
The incidence of severe adverse events was 7.1% (109/1538) in the DS-5670a group and 5.9% (45/769) in the Comirnaty group. Except for 1 subject in the DS-5670a group and 2 subjects in the Comirnaty group, all severe adverse events were considered to be related to the investigational product.
There were no deaths or adverse events leading to discontinuation of the investigational product.
The incidence of solicited injection site adverse events was not different significantly between the DS-5670a group and the Comirnaty group. There were no significant differences in the incidence of individual solicited injection site adverse events between the two treatment groups. The most commonly observed solicited injection site adverse events in both groups were injection site pain and injection site warmth. The results were consistent for all side effects.
The incidence of severe solicited injection site adverse events was 2.8% (43/1538) in the DS-5670a group and 1.8% (14/769) in the Comirnaty group. The most commonly observed events in the DS-5670a group were injection site warmth and injection site erythema (15 participants each), while in the Comirnaty group, injection site warmth (7 participants) was the most common.
The incidence of solicited systemic adverse events was not different significantly between the DS-5670a group and the Comirnaty group. There were no significant differences in the incidence of individual solicited systemic adverse events between the two treatment groups. The most commonly observed solicited systemic adverse events in both groups were malaise, headache, and fever. The results were consistent for all side effects.
The incidence of severe solicited systemic adverse events was 4.4% (68/1538) in the DS-5670a group and 4.3% (33/769) in the Comirnaty group. The most commonly observed event in the DS-5670a group was fever (42 subjects), while in the Comirnaty group, fever and malaise (17 subjects each).
The incidence of unsolicited adverse events was not different significantly between the DS-5670a group and the Comirnaty group. The most commonly observed unsolicited adverse events in the DS-5670a group were injection site erythema, injection site swelling, injection site induration, and fever. The results were consistent for all side effects.
The incidence of severe specific non-local adverse events was 0.7% (10/1538) in the DS-5670a group and 0.4% (3/769) in the Comirnaty intramuscular injection group. The most commonly observed event in the DS-5670a group was injection site erythema (5 subjects), while in the Comirnaty intramuscular injection group, axillary pain, chills, and meniscus injury (1 subject each) were observed. Among them, injection site erythema in the DS-5670a group and axillary pain and chills in the Comirnaty group were considered to be related to the investigational product.
One subject in the DS-5670a group died (event: death). Based on the temporal relationship, this event was determined to be "not related" with the investigational product.

ii) Subjects who have completed the initial series of Comirnaty
The incidence of adverse events was 95% or higher in both the DS-5670a group and the Spikevax group.
The incidence of severe adverse events was 10.1% (149/1469) in the DS-5670a group and 10.9% (80/735) in the Spikevax group. Except for 5 in the DS-5670a group and 1 in the Spikevax group, all severe adverse events were considered to be related to the investigational product.
There were no deaths or adverse events leading to discontinuation of the investigational product.
The incidence of solicited injection site adverse events was not different significantly between the DS-5670a group and the Spikevax group. There were no significant differences in the incidence of individual solicited injection site adverse events between the two treatment groups. The most commonly observed solicited injection site adverse events in both groups were injection site pain and injection site warmth. The results were consistent for all side effects.
The incidence of severe solicited injection site adverse events was 3.8% (56/1469) in the DS-5670a group and 5.3% (39/735) in the Spikevax group. The most commonly observed solicited injection site adverse events were injection site warmth (21 subjects) in DS-5670a group and injection site warmth, injection site erythema, injection site pain (13 subjects each) in the Spikevax group.
The incidence of solicited systemic adverse events was not different significantly between the DS-5670a group and the Spikevax group. There were no significant differences in the incidence of individual solicited systemic adverse events between the two treatment groups. The most commonly observed solicited systemic adverse events in both groups were fatigue, headache, and fever. The results were consistent for all side effects.
The incidence of severe solicited systemic adverse events was 5.6% (82/1469) in the DS-5670a group and 7.2% (53/735) in the Spikevax group. The most commonly observed solicited systemic adverse event in both groups was fever (44 subjects in the DS-5670a group and 30 subjects in the Spikevax group).
The incidence of unsolicited adverse events was not different significantly between the DS-5670a group and the Spikevax group. The most commonly observed unsolicited adverse events in the DS-5670a group were injection site erythema, injection site swelling, injection site induration, and fever. The results were consistent for all side effects.
The incidence of severe unsolicited adverse events was 1.9% (28/1469) in the DS-5670a group and 0.4% (3/735) in the Spikevax group. The most commonly observed unsolicited adverse event in the DS-5670a group was injection site erythema (23 subjects), while in the Spikevax group, floating dizziness, nausea, joint pain, and injection site pain (1 subject each). Among them, injection site erythema (22 subjects in the DS-5670a group) and joint pain (1 subject in the Spikevax group) were considered to be related to the investigational product.
No deaths were reported.

The incidence of serious adverse events was 1.6% (47/3007) in the overall DS-5670a group, 1.7% (13/769) in the Comirnaty group, and 0.8% (6/735) in the Spikevax group, with no significant differences between the treatment groups. Among the serious adverse events evaluated separately for each initial vaccine, the events and incidence in at least 2 subjects in any treatment group were COVID-19 (0.1% [2/1538]) and cerebral infarction (0.1% [2/1538]) in the Comirnaty group, and diverticulitis (0.1% [2/1469]) and breast cancer (0.1% [2/1469]) in the Spikevax group. Events that occurred in at least 2 subjects who administered a booster dose of DS-5670a, regardless of the initial series, included retinal detachment, inguinal hernia, rotator cuff syndrome, shoulder tendon rupture arthropathy, ovarian cyst, lower limb fracture, and tendon rupture (each event occurred in 1 subject from the Comirnaty group and 1 subject from the Spikevax group). Hospitalization (event: hospitalization) in 1 subject from the Comirnaty group was considered to be related to the investigational product, while the other events were determined to be "not related" with the investigational product.
/ 非劣性検証パート
- 主要評価項目である治験薬投与4週間後(Day 29)の血中抗SARS-CoV-2(オリジナル株)中和活性のGMFRについて、ANCOVAモデルに基づき算出したDS-5670a群の対照薬群に対するGMFRの比(95% CI、97.5% CI)は、コミナティ筋注初回接種完了者で1.464(1.152~1.861、1.112~1.927)、スパイクバックス筋注初回接種完了者で1.772(1.383~2.270、1.335~2.353)であった。GMFRの比の両側97.5% CIの下限は、初回接種ワクチンの種類に関わらず非劣性マージンである0.67を上回り、DS-5670a群の対照薬群に対する非劣性が検証された。
- 治験薬投与4週間後(Day 29)の血中抗SARS-CoV-2(オリジナル株)中和活性のGMTについて、DS-5670a群の対照薬群に対するGMTの比(95% CI)は、DS-5670a群/コミナティ筋注群で1.414(1.085~1.843)、DS-5670a群/スパイクバックス筋注群で1.896(1.466~2.452)であり、初回接種ワクチンの種類に関わらず、治験薬投与4週間後のGMTは、DS-5670a群で対照薬群を上回った。
- 治験薬投与4週間後(Day 29)の血中抗SARS-CoV-2(オリジナル株)中和活性の抗体陽転率について、DS-5670a群と対照薬群との差は、DS-5670a群−コミナティ筋注群で−1.4%(−5.9%~5.4%)、DS-5670a群−スパイクバックス筋注群で2.1%(−4.4%~11.1%)であり、初回接種ワクチンの種類に関わらず、DS-5670a群と対照薬群で抗体陽転率は同程度であった。
- 治験薬投与4週間後の血中抗RBD IgGについて、DS-5670a群の対照薬群に対するGMCの比(95% CI)は、DS-5670a群/コミナティ筋注群で2.260(1.878~2.719)、DS-5670a群/スパイクバックス筋注群で2.596(2.178~3.094)であり、初回接種ワクチンの種類に関わらず、治験薬投与4週間後のGMCは、DS-5670a群で対照薬群を上回った。
- Day 8から治験薬投与52週間後までの投与群間の発症率及び累積発症割合に明らかな差は認められなかった。試験期間でのCOVID-19発症率の比について、DS-5670a群の発症率/コミナティ筋注群の発症率は1.06(0.86~1.31)、DS-5670a群の発症率/スパイクバックス筋注群の発症率は0.83(0.68~1.02)であった。いずれの時点間でも、COVID-19発症率に投与群間で明らかな差は認められなかった
Non-inferiority verification part:
- For the primary endpoint, the geometric mean fold rise (GMFR) of serum neutralizing activity against SARS-CoV-2 (original strain) after 4 weeks from the administration of the investigational product (Day 29), the ratio of GMFR in the DS-5670a to the active-comparator (95% CI, 97.5% CI) was 1.464 (1.152-1.861, 1.112-1.927) in Comirnaty group and 1.772 (1.383-2.270, 1.335-2.353) in Spikevax group. The lower limit of the two-sided 97.5% CI for the ratio of GMFR exceeded the non-inferiority margin of 0.67, demonstrating non-inferiority of the DS-5670a to the active-comparator regardless of the type of initial series.
- For the geometric mean titer (GMT) of serum neutralizing activity against SARS-CoV-2 (original strain) after 4 weeks from the administration of the investigational product (Day 29), the ratio of GMT in the DS-5670a to the active-comparator (95% CI) was 1.414 (1.085-1.843) in the Comirnaty group and 1.896 (1.466-2.452) in the Spikevax group, indicating that the GMT after 4 weeks from administration of the investigational product was higher in the DS-5670a compared to the active-comparator regardless of the type of initial series.
- For the seroconversion rate of serum neutralizing activity against SARS-CoV-2 (original strain) after 4 weeks from the administration of the investigational product (Day 29), the difference between the DS-5670a group and the active-comparator group was -1.4% (-5.9% to 5.4%) in the Comirnaty group and 2.1% (-4.4% to 11.1%) in the Spikevax group, indicating that the seroconversion rates were similar between the DS-5670a and the active-comparator regardless of the type of initial series.
- For the anti-RBD IgG in serum after 4 weeks from the administration of the investigational product, the ratio of geometric mean concentration (GMC) in the DS-5670a group to the active-comparator group (95% CI) was 2.260 (1.878-2.719) in the Comirnaty group and 2.596 (2.178-3.094) in the Spikevax group, indicating that the GMC after 4 weeks from the administration of the investigational product was higher in the DS-5670a compared to the active-comparator regardless of the type of initial series.
- There were no significant differences in the incidence and cumulative incidence of adverse events between the treatment groups from Day 8 to 52 weeks after the administration of the investigational product. The ratio of the incidence rate of COVID-19 between the DS-5670a group and the active-comparator group was 1.06 (0.86-1.31) in the Comirnaty group and 0.83 (0.68-1.02) in the Spikevax group. There were no significant differences in the incidence rate of COVID-19 between the treatment groups at any point.
/ 既承認SARS-CoV-2ワクチンの初回接種を完了した日本人健康成人及び高齢者にDS-5670a 60µg又は対照薬(コミナティ筋注又はスパイクバックス筋注)を追加投与した。初回接種ワクチンの種類に関わらず、DS-5670a 60µgの対照薬に対する血中抗SARS-CoV-2(オリジナル株)中和活性の非劣性が検証され、安全性上の懸念がないことが示された。
DS-5670a 60ug or an active-comparator (Comirnaty or Spikevax) was administered as a booster dose to healthy Japanese adults and elderly subjects who had completed the initial series of an approved SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. Regardless of the type of initial series, the booster dose of DS-5670a 60ug demonstrated non-inferiority of serum neutralizing activity against SARS-CoV-2 (original strain) to the active-comparators and showed no safety concerns.

3 IPDシェアリング



研究の種別 企業治験
治験の区分 主たる治験
登録日 令和6年8月29日
jRCT番号 jRCT2071210106

1 試験等の実施体制に関する事項及び試験等を行う施設の構造設備に関する事項


既承認SARS-CoV-2 ワクチンの初回接種完了者を対象としたDS-5670a による追加免疫効果を検討する第I/II/III 相、無作為化、実薬対照、評価者盲検試験 A Randomized, Active-comparator, Observer-blind, Phase I/II/III Study to Demonstrate the Immunogenicity of a Single Booster Dose of DS-5670a in Adults and Elderly Received a Primary Series of Approved COVID-19 Vaccine
既承認SARS-CoV-2 ワクチンの初回接種完了者を対象としたDS-5670a による追加免疫効果を検討する第I/II/III 相、無作為化、実薬対照、評価者盲検試験
A Randomized, Active-comparator, Observer-blind, Phase I/II/III Study to Demonstrate the Immunogenicity of a Single Booster Dose of DS-5670a in Adults and Elderly Received a Primary Series of Approved COVID-19 Vaccine


井ノ口 明裕 Inoguchi Akihiro
/ 第一三共株式会社 DAIICHI SANKYO Co.,Ltd.
/ 東京都品川区広町1-2-58 1-2-58, Hiromachi, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
臨床試験情報公開窓口  Contact for Clinical Trial Information
第一三共株式会社 DAIICHI SANKYO Co.,Ltd.
東京都品川区広町1-2-58 1-2-58, Hiromachi, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo



多施設共同試験等の該当の有無 あり



医療法人相生会 博多クリニック

SOUSEIKAI Hakata Clinic







医療法人相生会 にしくまもと病院

SOUSEIKAI Nishikumamoto Hospital







医療法人相生会 墨田病院

SOUSEIKAI Sumida Hospital







医療法人相生会 福岡みらい病院

SOUSEIKAI Fukuoka Mirai Hospital







医療法人社団信濃会 信濃坂クリニック

Medical Corporation Shinanokai Shinanozaka Clinic







医療法人社団 裕健会 神田クリニック

Yukenkai Kanda Clinic








Aijinkai Shinai Clinic








Den-en-tyofu Family Clinic








Himawarikai Kanagawa Himawari Clinic








Dojinkinenkai Meiwa Hospital








Tokyo Asbo Clinic







一般財団法人公衆保健協会 診療所

Public Health Insurance Association Clinic








Sapporo Odori Endoscopy Clinic








Higashi Shinjuku Clinic








Adachi Kyosai Hospital








Nihonbashi Sakura Clinic








Sakura Jyuji Hospital








Tenjin Sogo Clinic






2 試験等の目的及び内容並びにこれに用いる医薬品等の概要


既承認SARS-CoV-2 ワクチンの初回接種完了者を対象として、DS-5670a を追加投与した際の安全性及び免疫原性を確認し、DS-5670a 追加投与の推奨用量を決定する。また、DS-5670a の追加投与4 週間後の血中抗SARS-CoV-2 中和活性が対照薬と比較して非劣性であることを検証する。
介入研究 Interventional
無作為化比較 randomized controlled trial
二重盲検 double blind
実薬(治療)対照 active control
並行群間比較 parallel assignment
予防 prevention purpose
なし none
2)過去に同一の既承認SARS-CoV-2ワクチン(コミナティ筋注、スパイクバックス筋注[旧販売名: COVID-19ワクチンモデルナ筋注〕)の初回接種を完了し、かつ2回目投与から6ヵ月を経過した者
1)Adults aged 18 to 64 years at the time of consent, or elderly subjects aged 65 years or older at the time of consent.
2)Subjects who had received the 2nd dose of the initial series of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines (either Comirnaty or Spikevax[previously Moderna]) at least 6 months prior to signing consent.
1)Subjects who have a history of seizure or epilepsy after vaccination.
2)Subjects who have had symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection and been diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test, SARS-CoV-2 antigen test, or SARS-CoV-2 antibody test in the past.
3)Subjects who have suggestive symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection (respiratory symptoms, headache, malaise, olfactory dysfunction, or taste disorder, etc.) at the time of consent.
4)Subjects who have a positive SARS-CoV-2 antigen test or SARSCoV-2 antibody test at the time of eligibility assessment.
5)Subjects who have a history of anaphylaxis or severe allergy to food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, vaccination, etc.
18歳 以上 18age old over
上限なし No limit
男性・女性 Both
SARS-CoV-2 による感染症の予防 Prevention of infectious disease by SARS-CoV-2
DS-5670aを10、30、60 μgのうち1用量又はプラセボ、コミナティ筋注、スパイクバックス筋注のいずれかを、1 回筋肉内投与する。
A intramuscular injection of DS-5670a (10, 30 or 60 ug) , placebo, Comirnaty, or Spikevax once in total
有効性: 治験薬投与4 週間後(Day 29)の血中抗SARS-CoV-2 中和活性の幾何平均上昇倍率(geometric mean fold rise:GMFR)
安全性:重篤な有害事象、特定有害事象(注射部位及び全身性)、特定外有害事象、臨床検査値、標準12 誘導心電図(用量漸増パートのみ)
Efficasy: Geometric mean fold rise (GMFR) of neutralizing antibody titer against SARS-CoV-2 in blood after 4 weeks (Day 29) of treatment with the study drug
Safety: Specific adverse events (injection site and systemic) and adverse reactions, unspecified adverse events and adverse reactions, serious adverse events and adverse reactions, laboratory data, 12-lead ECG (dose escalation part only)
- 治験薬投与4 週間後の血中抗SARS-CoV-2 中和活性のGMT、抗体陽転率
- 治験薬投与4 週間後の血中抗RBD IgG価のGMT
- 治験薬投与から52 週間後までのSARS-CoV-2感染症発症率
- 重篤な有害事象、特定有害事象(注射部位及び全身性)、特定外有害事象、臨床検査値、標準12 誘導心電図(用量漸増パートのみ)
- GMT and seroconversion rate of serum neutralizing activities against SARS-CoV-2 after 4 weeks from the administration of study drug
- GMT of serum anti-RBD IgG titers after 4 weeks from the administration of study drug
- The incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection within 52 weeks from the administration of study drug
- Serious adverse events
- Solicited adverse events (injection site and systemic)
- Unsolicited adverse events


コロナウイルス修飾ウリジンRNA ワクチン(SARS-CoV-2)
コロナウイルス修飾ウリジンRNA ワクチン(SARS-CoV-2)

3 試験等の実施状況の確認に関する事項







4 試験等の対象者に健康被害が生じた場合の補償及び医療の提供に関する事項

5 依頼者等に関する事項




厚生労働省 Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

6 IRBの名称等

博多クリニック 臨床試験審査委員会 Hakata Clinic Institutional Review Board
福岡県福岡市博多区店屋町6番18号 6-18, Tenyamachi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka

7 その他の事項





Other Study ID Numbers: DS5670-146






DS5670-146 Protocol redacted.pdf




種別 公表日
終了 令和6年8月30日 (当画面) 変更内容
変更 令和6年7月16日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和5年9月6日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和5年8月2日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和4年9月2日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和4年3月30日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和4年3月5日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和4年2月3日 詳細 変更内容
新規登録 令和3年12月28日 詳細