jRCT ロゴ





DS-5670a(COVID-19 vaccine) 第II相試験
DS-5670a 第II相試験
井ノ口 明裕
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2)による感染症の予防
博多クリニック 臨床試験審査委員会




2 結果の要約

/ [パート1及びパート2]
 平均年齢(標準偏差)は30 μg 群で42.6(13.00)歳、60 μg 群で41.9(11.91)歳であり、男性は30 μg 群で21名(52.5%)、60 μg 群で19名(47.5%)であった。平均BMI(標準偏差)は30 μg 群で22.72(3.143)kg/m^2、60 μg 群で22.13(2.339)kg/m^2 であった。既往歴ありの被験者が60 μg 群で多かったものの、その他の背景因子に投与群間で大きな偏りはみられなかった。

 平均年齢(標準偏差)は43.2(11.75)歳、男性は15名(51.7%)であり、平均BMI(標準偏差)は22.18(1.939)kg/m^2 であった。
[Part 1 and Part 2]
The mean (standard deviation [SD]) age was 42.6 (13.00) years in the 30 ug group and 41.9 (11.91) years in the 60 ug group. The percentage of males was 52.5% (21/40) in the 30 ug group and 47.5% (19/40) in the 60 ug group. The mean (SD) BMI was 22.72 (3.143) kg/m^2 in the 30 ug group and 22.13 (2.339) kg/m^2 in the 60 ug group. Although the presence of prior medical history and/or underlying conditions was imbalanced between the 30 and 60 ug group in Part 2, there were no appreciable differences in the other demographic factors.
The demographic data of the immunogenicity analysis set and the pharmacokinetic analysis set were the same as those of the safety analysis set.

[3rd administration part]
The mean (SD) age of subjects was 43.2 (11.75) years, the percentage of males was 51.7% (15/29), and the mean (SD) BMI was 22.18 (1.939) kg/m^2.
The demographic data of the immunogenicity analysis set were similar to those of the safety analysis set.
/ [パート1及びパート2]
80名(30 μg群40 名、60 μg群 40名)の被験者に治験薬が投与され、そのうち20名(30 μg群10 名、60 μg群10 名)で薬物動態を検討した。
80名のうち、79 名が観察期間(Day 57まで)を終了し(30 μg群40名、60 μg群39名)、1名の被験者(60 μg群)が同意撤回により治験を中止した。

パート1又はパート2でDS-5670a 60 µgを2回投与された被験者は39名であり、そのうち再同意を取得し3回目投与パートに登録された29名全員が治験薬を投与された。観察期間(Day 29まで)に治験を中止した被験者はいなかった。1年間のフォローアップ期間を完了した被験者は93.1%(27/29)、中止した被験者は6.9%(2/29)であった。
[Part 1 and Part 2]
A total of 80 subjects (30 ug group 40 subjects, 60 ug group 40 subjects) were administered the investigational drug, and pharmacokinetics were evaluated in 20 of them (30 ug group 10 subjects, 60 ug group 10 subjects).
Out of the 80 subjects, 79 completed the observation period (up to Day 57) (30 ug group 40 subjects, 60 ug group 39 subjects), and one subject (60 ug group) withdrew consent and discontinued the clinical trial.
The completion rate of the one-year follow-up period was 58.8% (47/80) for the subjects who completed, and 41.3% (33/80) for the subjects who discontinued. Among the 33 subjects who discontinued, 29 discontinued due to transitioning to the 3rd administrationpart.

[3rd administration part]
Out of the 39 subjects who were administered DS-5670a 60 ug twice in Part 1 or Part 2, all 29 subjects who gave re-consent were enrolled in the 3rd administration part and were administered the investigational drug. There were no subjects who discontinued the clinical trial during the observation period (up to Day 29). The completion rate of the one-year follow-up period was 93.1% (27/29) for the subjects who completed, and 6.9% (2/29) for the subjects who discontinued.
/ [パート1及びパート2]
 有害事象の発現率は、30 μg 群92.5%(37/40)及び60 μg 群100.0%(40/40)であり、副反応の発現率は30 μg 群92.5%(37/40)及び60 μg 群100.0%(40/40)であった。
 注射部位有害事象の発現率は30 μg 群90.0%(36/40)及び60 μg 群90.0%(36/40)であった。主な注射部位有害事象は注射部位疼痛(30 μg 群92.5%及び60 μg 群90.0%)であった。
 全身性有害事象の発現率は30 μg 群62.5%(25/40)及び60 μg 群80.0%(32/40)であった。主な全身性有害事象は筋肉痛(30 μg 群50.0%及び60 μg 群57.5%)であった。

 3 回目投与パートの観察期間(Day 29)までに、すべての被験者で有害事象及び副反応が認められた。注射部位の特定有害事象は96.6%、全身性の有害事象は72.4%の被験者で認められた。注射部位の特定有害事象及び全身性の特定有害事象は、いずれの事象も副反応であった。
[Part 1 and Part 2]
The incidence of adverse events was 92.5% (37/40) in the 30 ug group and 100.0% (40/40) in the 60 ug group, and the incidence of adverse reactions was 92.5% (37/40) in the 30 ug group and 100.0% (40/40) in the 60 ug group.
The incidence of injection-site adverse events was 90.0% (36/40) in both the 30 ug group and the 60 ug group. The main injection-site adverse event was injection-site pain (92.5% in the 30 ug group and 90.0% in the 60 ug group).
The incidence of systemic adverse events was 62.5% (25/40) in the 30 ug group and 80.0% (32/40) in the 60 ug group. The main systemic adverse event was myalgia (50.0% in the 30 ug group and 57.5% in the 60 ug group).
There were no deaths, other serious adverse events, or adverse events leading to discontinuation.
During the follow-up period, there was no safety concerns.

[3rd administration part]
By Day 29 after the third administration of the investigational drug in the 3rd administration part, all participants experienced adverse events and adverse reactions. Solicited injection-site adverse events were observed in 96.6% of participants, and solicited systemic adverse events were observed in 72.4% of participants. All solicited injection-site adverse events and solicited systemic adverse events were considered adverse reactions.
The main solicited injection site adverse events were injection-site pain and injection-site warmth. Severe solicited injection-site adverse events were observed in 3 participants, all of which were injection-site erythema.
The main solicited systemic adverse events were fatigue, myalgia, and headache. There were no severe solicited systemic adverse events.
There were no deaths, other serious adverse events, or adverse events leading to discontinuation.
During the follow-up period, there was no safety concerns.
/ [パート1及びパート2]

 血中抗SARS-CoV-2 中和活性の幾何平均抗体価(geometric mean titer: GMT) は、いずれの株でもDay 43 (2回目投与14日後)では30 μg 群よりも60 μg 群の方が高く、Day 57 では30 μg 群と60 μg 群で同程度であった。Day43及びDay57の中和活性の抗体陽転率(4倍以上の上昇が認められた被験者の割合)は、オリジナル株では92%以上、デルタ株では94%以上、オミクロン株では39%以上であった。血中抗RBD IgG 価の幾何平均濃度(geometric mean concentration: GMC)、 は、投与後いずれの時点でも30 μg 群よりも60 μg 群の方が高かった。
 血中抗SARS-CoV-2 中和活性と血中抗RBD IgG 価の相関が認められた。
 血中抗SARS-CoV-2(オリジナル株)中和活性は、パート1 及びパート2 ではいずれの投与群でも2 回目治験薬投与14 日後で最高値を示した後に経時的に低下し、フォローアップ期間を通じて概ねDS-5670a 30 μg 群の血中抗SARS-CoV-2(オリジナル株)中和活性の値と比べて、DS-5670a 60 μg 群の値が大きかった。

 MAFB-7566a(DS-5670 mRNA)のTmax の中央値は、1 回目投与後では各投与群で約14~23 時間、2 回目投与後ではいずれの投与群も約23 時間であった。MAFB-7566a のCmax 及びAUClast の平均値は、1 回目及び2 回目投与後ともにDS-5670a の用量の増加に伴い上昇し、2 回目投与後は1 回目投与後に比べて低下した。
 血漿中カチオン性脂質濃度は、1 回目及び2 回目投与後ともに、30 μg 群ではほとんどの時点で検出限界未満、60 μg 群でも半数以上の時点で検出限界未満であった。血漿中カチオン性脂質のTmax の中央値は、1 回目及び2 回目投与後ともにいずれの投与群でも約23~24 時間であった。血漿中カチオン性脂質のCmax 及びAUClast の平均値は、1 回目及び2 回目投与後ともにDS-5670a の用量の増加に伴い上昇し、2 回目投与後は1 回目投与後に比べて低下した。
 血漿中PEG 脂質濃度は測定したすべての時点で定量下限値以下であった。


 いずれの株でも、2 回目治験薬投与28 日後と比較して3 回目治験薬投与前の血中抗SARS-CoV-2 中和活性のGMT が低下していた。3 回目治験薬投与前と比較して、Day 15(3 回目治験薬投与14日後) 及びDay 29(3 回目治験薬投与28日後) にGMT は上昇した。3 回目治験薬投与前、2 回目治験薬投与14 日後、及び2 回目治験薬投与28 日後を基準として算出したGMFR の95% CI の下限は、Day 15 及びDay 29 ともに、いずれの株でも1.0 を上回った。抗体陽転率はオリジナル株では95%以上、デルタ株では90%以上、オミクロン株では85%以上であった。
 2 回目治験薬投与28 日後と比較して3 回目治験薬投与前の血中抗RBD IgG 価のGMC が低下していた。また、3 回目治験薬投与前と比較して、Day 15 及びDay 29 にGMC は上昇した。3 回目治験薬投与前及び2 回目治験薬投与28 日後を基準として算出したGMFR の95% CI の下限は、Day 15 及びDay 29 のいずれでも1.0 を上回った。2 回目治験薬投与14 日後を基準として算出したGMFR は、Day 15 及びDay 29のいずれでも1 に近似しており、95% CI は1.0 をまたいでいた。抗体陽転率はDay 15 及びDay 29 のいずれでも100.0%であった。
 3 回目治験薬投与12 ヵ月後での血中抗SARS-CoV-2(オリジナル株)中和活性の値も、パート1 及びパート2 の2 回目治験薬投与6 ヵ月後での値よりも大きかった。
[Part 1 and Part 2]

Safety Evaluation
Refer to "Adverse events" section.

Immunogenicity Evaluation
The serum SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing activity geometric mean titers (GMTs) was higher in the 60 ug group compared to the 30 ug group on Day 43 (14 days after the second administration) for all strains, and on Day 57, the GMTs were similar between the 30 ug and 60 ug groups. The seroconversion rates (defined as proportion of subjects with >=4-fold rise) in the neutralizing activity on Day 43 and Day 57 were 92% or higher for the original strain, 94% or higher for the Delta strain, and 39% or higher for the Omicron strain. The geometric mean concentration (GMC) of receptor binding domain (RBD)-binding IgG antibody was higher in the 60 ug group than the 30 ug group at all time points after administration.
There was a correlation between the serum neutralization titers and the serum RBD-binding IgG concentration.
The serum SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing activity (against the original strain) reached its peak on Day 43 (14 days after the second administration) in both Part 1 and Part 2, and then gradually declined over time. Throughout the follow-up period, the values of the serum SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing activity were generally higher in the DS-5670a 60 ug group compared to the DS-5670a 30 ug group.

Pharmacokinetic Evaluation
The median Tmax of MAFB-7566a was approximately 14 to 23 hours after the first administration and approximately 23 hours in both groups after the second administration. The mean Cmax and AUClast of MAFB-7566a increased with the dose of DS-5670a after both the first and second administrations. The mean Cmax and AUClast of MAFB-7566a after the second administration were lower than those after the first administration.
The plasma concentration of cationic lipid was below the limit of quantification in most time points in the 30 ug group and in more than half of the time points in the 60 ug group after both the first and second administrations. The median Tmax of cationic lipid was approximately 23 to 24 hours in both groups after both the first and second administrations. The mean Cmax and AUClast of cationic lipid increased with the dose of DS-5670a after both the first and second administrations. The mean Cmax and AUClast of MAFB-7566a after the second administration were lower than those after the first administration.
The plasma concentration of PEG lipid was below the lower limit of quantification at all measured time points.

[3rd administration part]

Safety Evaluation
Refer to "Adverse events" section.

Immunogenicity Evaluation
For all staints, the GMT of serum neutralizing activity decreased before the third administration compared to 28 days after the second administration. GMT increased on Day 15 and Day 29 compared to before the third dose. The lower limits of the 95% confidence interval (CI) of the geometric mean fold rise (GMFR) on Day 15 and Day 29 based on before the third administration, 14 days after the second administration and 28 days after the second administration were above 1.0 for all strains. The seroconversion rates were above 95% for the original strain, above 90% for the Delta variant, and above 85% for the Omicron strain.
The GMC of anti-RBD IgG antibody titer decreased before the third administration compared to 28 days after the second administration. GMC increased on Day 15 and Day 29 compared to before the third administration. The lower limits of the 95% CI of the GMFR based on Day 15 and Day 29 based on before the third administration and 28 days after the second administration were above 1.0 for all strains. The GMFR based on 14 days after the second administration was close to 1.0 on Day 15 and Day 29, with the 95% CI crossing 1.0. The seroconversion rates were 100.0% on both Day 15 and Day 29.
The serum neutralizing activity against SARS-CoV-2 (original strain) 12 months after the third administration were higher than those 6 months after the second administration in Part 1 and Part 2.
/ DS-5670a 30 μg 又は60 μg を2 回投与した際の忍容性は良好であり、より高い血中抗SARS-CoV-2 中和活性を示す60 μg を初回免疫の推奨用量とすることが妥当と考える。
また、DS-5670a 60 μg の追加投与によりSARS-CoV-2 感染予防効果の増強が期待される。
It is considered appropriate to select DS-5670a 60 ug as the recommended dose for initial vaccination, as the tolerability was good with both 30 ug and 60 ug doses administered twice intramuscularly and DS-5670a 60 ug demonstrated higher serum neutralizing activity against SARS-CoV-2.
Furthermore, additional administration of DS-5670a 60 ug is expected to enhance the preventive effect against SARS-CoV-2 infection.

3 IPDシェアリング



研究の種別 企業治験
治験の区分 主たる治験と拡大治験のいずれにも該当しない
登録日 令和6年7月26日
jRCT番号 jRCT2071210086

1 試験等の実施体制に関する事項及び試験等を行う施設の構造設備に関する事項


DS-5670a(COVID-19 vaccine) 第II相試験
A Phase 2 study to assess the safety, immunogenicity and recommended dose of DS-5670a (COVID-19 vaccine) in Japanese healthy adults
DS-5670a 第II相試験
A Phase 2 study to assess the safety, immunogenicity and recommended dose of DS-5670a in Japanese healthy adults


井ノ口 明裕 Inoguchi Akihiro
/ 第一三共株式会社 DAIICHI SANKYO Co.,Ltd.
/ 東京都品川区広町1-2-58 1-2-58, Hiromachi, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
臨床試験情報公開窓口  Contact for Clinical Trial Information
第一三共株式会社 DAIICHI SANKYO Co.,Ltd.
東京都品川区広町1-2-58 1-2-58, Hiromachi, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo



多施設共同試験等の該当の有無 あり



医療法人相生会 博多クリニック

SOUSEIKAI Hakata Clinic







医療法人社団 信濃会 信濃坂クリニック

Medical Corporation Shinanokai Shinanozaka Clinic






2 試験等の目的及び内容並びにこれに用いる医薬品等の概要


介入研究 Interventional
無作為化比較 randomized controlled trial
二重盲検 double blind
非対照 uncontrolled control
並行群間比較 parallel assignment
予防 prevention purpose
なし none
3)スクリーニング検査時の体格指数(body mass index: BMI)が17.5以上30.0 kg/m2未満の者
5)本治験のパート1又はパート2にて、DS-5670a 60 μgを2回筋肉内投与され、6ヵ月を経過した被験者(3回目投与パート)
1) Japanese
2) Healthy adults aged >=20 and <65 years at the time of informed consent (Part 1 and Part 2)
3) Body Mass Index (BMI) is >=17.5 and <30.0 kg/m^2 (at screening )
4) Subjects who can follow the compliance requirements during clinical trials, undergo medical examinations and tests specified by the protocol, and report symptoms, etc
5) Subjects who received DS-5670a 60 ug twice intramuscularly in Part 1 or Part 2 of this study and 6 months have passed (3rd administration part)
1) 食物、化粧品、医薬品、又はワクチン接種などにより、過去にアナフィラキシー又は重度のアレルギーの既往歴を有する者
2) アルコール又は薬物依存者 
3) 過去に免疫不全の診断がされている者又は近親者に先天性免疫不全症の者がいる者
4) 過去に新型コロナウイルス感染症: COVID-19に罹患した者
5) 過去の予防接種で、接種後2日以内に39.0°C以上の発熱又は全身性の発疹などのアナフィラキシーを疑う症状を認めた者
1) Having a history of anaphylaxis or severe allergies due to food, cosmetics, medicines, or vaccination.
2) Having alcohol or drug dependence.
3) Having a history of immunodeficiency or having a close relative with congenital immunodeficiency.
4) Having a history of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
5) Having fever of >=39.0 C or symptoms of suspected anaphylaxis such as systemic rash within 2 days after past vaccination.
20歳 以上 20age old over
65歳 未満 65age old not
男性・女性 Both
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2)による感染症の予防 Prevention of infectious disease by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2)
パート1及びパート2:DS-5670a 30もしくは60 µgを、2回筋肉内投与する。
3回目投与パート:DS-5670a 60 µgを、1回筋肉内投与する。

Part 1 and Part 2: Administer 30 or 60 ug of DS-5670a intramuscularly twice.
3rd administration part: Administer 60 ug of DS-5670a intramuscularly once.
Safety: Adverse events, specific adverse events, laboratory data, weight, vital signs and 12-lead ECGs
免疫原性:血中抗SARS-CoV-2中和活性、血中抗RBD IgG価
薬物動態:血漿中MAFB-7566a及びLipid nanoparticle(LNP)構成脂質濃度、及び薬物動態パラメータ
Immunogenicity: Neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 levels in blood, Anti-IgG levels in blood
Pharmacokinetics: Plasma concentration of MAFB-7566a and constituent lipids of LNP



3 試験等の実施状況の確認に関する事項







4 試験等の対象者に健康被害が生じた場合の補償及び医療の提供に関する事項

5 依頼者等に関する事項




国立研究開発法人日本医療研究開発機構 (AMED) Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development

6 IRBの名称等

博多クリニック 臨床試験審査委員会 Hakata Clinic Institutional Review Board
福岡県福岡市博多区店屋町6番18号 6-18, Tenyamachi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka

7 その他の事項





Other Study ID Numbers: DS5670-116





DS5670-116_Protocol redacted.pdf




種別 公表日
終了 令和6年7月30日 (当画面) 変更内容
変更 令和6年7月14日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和5年8月5日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和4年7月7日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和4年1月8日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和3年11月27日 詳細 変更内容
新規登録 令和3年10月29日 詳細