jRCT ロゴ





河合 統介




2 結果の要約

/ 最大の解析対象集団(FAS)の治験参加者57例のうち,33例(57.9%)が男性であり,24例(42.1%)が女性であった。試験対象集団は,年齢,人種および民族の点で3つの用量群でおおむね類似していた。
1 mg/kg週1回(QW)投与群,2 mg/kg週2回(BIW)投与群および1.5 mg/kg 1日1回(QD)投与群の平均立位身長はそれぞれ92.53 cm,89.23 cmおよび93.24 cmであった。
平均体重はそれぞれ16.33 kg,16.01 kgおよび19.23 kgであった。平均体格指数はそれぞれ19.83 kg/m2,20.18 kg/m2,21.57 kg/m2であった。
Of the 57 participants in full analysis set (FAS), 33 (57.9%) were male participants and 24 (42.1%) were female participants. The study populations were generally comparable across the 3 dose groups with respect to age, race and ethnicity.
* The median (range) of age was 5.0 (1-10) years. Of the 57 participants in FAS, 3 participants were 1 year, 27 participants were 2-5 years, and 27 participants were 6-10 years of age. The number of participants of 2-10 years of age was 18 in each of the 3 dose groups.
* Most of the participants were White (84.2%) and not Hispanic or Latino (87.7%).
In recifercept 1 mg/kg once weekly (QW) group, recifercept 2 mg/kg twice weekly (BIW) group and recifercept 1.5 mg/kg once daily (QD) group, the mean standing height was 92.53 cm, 89.23 cm and 93.24 cm, respectively.
The mean weight was 16.33 kg, 16.01 kg and 19.23 kg, respectively. The mean body mass index was 19.83 kg/m2, 20.18 kg/m2 and 21.57 kg/m2, respectively.
/ 本試験は,安全性,忍容性,薬物動態(PK)および有効性に関する第2相無作為化3群(3用量のrecifercept実薬投与)並行群間用量設定試験であった。
主要コホート:本試験には2歳以上10歳以下の小児軟骨無形成症患者約54例を組み入れ,3用量のrecifercept投与群(1 mg/kg QW,2 mg/kg BIWまたは1.5 mg/kg QDの各投与群あたり18例)のいずれかに無作為に割り付け,約45例(各投与群あたり最大15例)の治験参加者が評価可能となるようにした。さらに,探索的コホートとして,生後3ヵ月~2歳の小児軟骨無形成症患者約9例(各投与群あたり3例)を,試験後半に組み入れる予定であった。計63例の治験参加者は12ヵ月間にわたってreciferceptの投与を受ける予定であった。
This was a phase 2, randomized, 3-arm (3 active doses of recifercept), parallel group dose-finding study of safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics (PK) and efficacy.
The main cohort: The study was planned to enroll approximately 54 children with achondroplasia aged 2-10 years (inclusive) who were enrolled and randomized to receive one of 3 doses of recifercept (1 mg/kg QW, 2 mg/kg BIW or 1.5 mg/kg QD, n=18 per dose) such that approximately 45 participants were evaluable (up to 15 participants per dose). Additionally, an exploratory cohort of approximately 9 children with achondroplasia, aged 3 months to 2 years, was planned to be enrolled later in the study (n=3 per dose). All these 63 participants in this part of the study were planned to receive recifercept for 12 months.
Enrollment followed an age and dose-staggered approach (descending age and ascending dose) with review of safety and PK data by the study team before progression to the next enrollment block.
An interim analysis was performed when approximately 45 participants (up to 15 participants per dose) aged >=2 to <11 years had received 6 months of treatment with recifercept. The external data monitoring committee reviewed safety, PK and efficacy data to confirm ongoing positive benefit:risk in participants. The decision of terminating this study was made by the sponsor based on the interim analysis results that the pre-specified 6-month efficacy criteria were not met. All participants who completed the study prior to the early termination and in the opinion of the investigator, continued to have a positive risk:benefit profile, were offered to enroll into an open-label extension study.
/ ほとんどの治験参加者に試験治療下で発現した有害事象が1件以上認められた(1 mg/kg QW群85.0%,2 mg/kg BIW群100%,1.5 mg/kg QD群88.9%)。治験薬に関連した有害事象は,1 mg/kg QW群35.0%,2 mg/kg BIW群78.9%,1.5 mg/kg QD群77.8%で認められた。


ほとんどの有害事象は軽度であった。本試験では死亡例は報告されなかった。1 mg/kg QW群の1例(5.0%)に洞性徐脈の重篤な有害事象が1件報告された(第50日に発現し,同日に回復)。本事象は重度であり,治験薬と関連なしと判断された。有害事象により試験または治験薬の投与を中止した治験参加者はいなかった。
注射部位反応は特に注目すべき有害事象とした。注射部位反応のほとんどは軽度であった。直近の投与から注射部位反応発現までの平均時間は,1 mg/kg QW群,2 mg/kg BIW群および1.5 mg/kg QD群でそれぞれ0.5日,0.3日および0.1日であった。注射部位反応の平均持続期間は,1 mg/kg QW群,2 mg/kg BIW群および1.5 mg/kg QD群でそれぞれ2.3日,2.8日および6.9日であった。

Most participants experienced at least 1 treatment-emergent adverse event (TEAE) (85.0% in recifercept 1 mg/kg QW group, 100% in recifercept 2 mg/kg BIW group, and 88.9% in recifercept 1.5 mg/kg QD group). Treatment-related adverse events (AEs) were reported in 35.0% in recifercept 1 mg/kg QW group, 78.9% in recifercept 2 mg/kg BIW group, and 77.8% in recifercept 1.5 mg/kg QD group.

* The most frequently reported all-causality TEAEs were severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) test positive (14 [24.6%] participants), Injection site erythema (13 [22.8%] participants), Nasopharyngitis (12 [21.1%] participants), and Injection site rash (10 [17.5%] participants). The most frequently reported treatment-related TEAEs were Injection site erythema (13 [22.8%] participants), and Injection site rash (10 [17.5%] participants).

Most of the TEAEs were mild in severity. No events of death were reported in the study. One serious adverse event of Sinus bradycardia was reported for 1 (5.0%) participant in recifercept 1 mg/kg QW group, with onset day on Day 50 and resolved on the same day. The event was severe and considered not related to treatment. No participants discontinued from study or study intervention due to AE.
Injection site reactions were considered AE of special interest. Most injection site reactions were mild in severity. The mean time from the most recent dosing to occurrence of injection site reaction was 0.5 day, 0.3 day, and 0.1 day in recifercept 1 mg/kg QW group, recifercept 2 mg/kg BIW group, and recifercept 1.5 mg/kg QD group, respectively. The mean duration for injection site reaction was 2.3 days, 2.8 days, and 6.9 days in recifercept 1 mg/kg QW group, recifercept 2 mg/kg BIW group, and recifercept 1.5 mg/kg QD group, respectively.

No clinically significant trends were noted for laboratory test. No clinically meaningful findings in the vital signs measurements, electrocardiograms, physical examination assessments, or other observations related to safety were observed in this study.
/ 参照集団で予想される身長成長の増加を上回る身長の増加:
身長成長は,立位身長のベースラインからの変化量の実測値と参照集団のベースラインからの変化量の予測値の比と定義した。FASを対象として,3,6,9および12ヵ月時点の身長成長を,mixed-effect repeated measures(MMRM)法を用いて解析し,参照集団と比較した。3ヵ月時点の身長成長の最小二乗(LS)平均値の参照集団との比は,1 mg/kg QW群が1.1,2 mg/kg BIW群が0.9,1.5 mg/kg QD群が0.6であった。12ヵ月時点の身長成長のLS平均値の参照集団との比は,1 mg/kg QW群が1.0,2 mg/kg BIW群が1.0および1.5 mg/kg QD群が0.9であった。身長成長のLS平均値は,6,9および12ヵ月時点で3つの投与群間で同程度であり,LS平均値の差で最も大きかったのは3つの投与群全体で0.1であった。

3つの投与群とも,第8,15日ならびに第1,2,3,6,9および12ヵ月の来院時にトラフ血清中濃度(投与前)として,未変化体のPKを評価した。また,1 mg/kg QW群および2 mg/kg BIW群についても,第2ヵ月の投与20時間後および第3ヵ月の投与40時間後にPK検体を採取した。予想どおり,recifercept濃度は1 mg/kg QWに比べ1.5 mg/kg QDで増加した。定常状態における投与前(トラフ)濃度[トラフ血清中濃度(Ctrough)]を調べたところ,12ヵ月間の投与期間を通して安定した濃度であった。軟骨無形成症患者に1 mg/kg QW,2 mg/kg BIWおよび1.5 mg/kg QDで投与したときの定常状態における血清中reciferceptの曝露量は,健康被験者のデータを用いて構築した母集団PKモデルにより以前に予測された曝露量(試験開始時)と一致した。
Increase in Height Growth Above Expected in Reference Population:
Height growth was defined as the ratio of observed change from baseline in standing height to the expected change from baseline in the reference population. An Mixed-Effect Repeated Measures (MMRM) method was used to analyze height growth at Months 3, 6, 9 and 12 relative to the reference population in the FAS. The least-square (LS) mean height growth compared to the reference population as the ratio was 1.1 in recifercept 1 mg/kg QW group, 0.9 in recifercept 2 mg/kg BIW group, and 0.6 in recifercept 1.5 mg/kg QD group at Month 3. At Month 12, the LS mean height growth compared to the reference population as the ratio was 1.0 in recifercept 1 mg/kg QW group, 1.0 in recifercept 2 mg/kg BIW group, and 0.9 in recifercept 1.5 mg/kg QD group. The LS mean height growth was comparable across the 3 dose groups at Months 6, 9 and 12, with the greatest LS mean difference of 0.1 across the dose groups.

PK Results:
Intact PK of recifercept were assessed as trough serum concentration (pre-dose) at visits of Day 8, Day 15 and Months 1, 2, 3, 6, 9 and 12 in all 3 dose groups. PK samples were also collected 20 hours post-dose at Month 2 and 40 hours post-dose at Month 3 for recifercept 1 mg/kg QW and 2 mg/kg BIW groups. As expected, recifercept concentration increased from 1 mg/kg QW to 1.5 mg/kg QD dose. Looking at the pre-dose (trough) concentration at steady-state (trough serum concentration [Ctrough]), it appeared that recifercept concentrations were stable over 12 months of dosing. Observed steady-state serum recifercept exposures in achondroplasia participants at dosing regimens of 1 mg/kg QW, 2 mg/kg BIW and 1.5 mg/kg QD were consistent with the exposures predicted earlier (at the start of the study) by a Population PK model developed using healthy participants data.
/ 3ヵ月以上11歳未満の軟骨無形成症患者において,recifercept 1 mg/kg QW,2 mg/kg BIWおよび1.5 mg/kg QDは安全であり忍容性も良好であった。
The 3 recifercept regimens were safe and well-tolerated in participants aged>=3 months to<11 years with achondroplasia.
The study did not meet the 6 month efficacy criteria at interim analysis. Recifercept did not demonstrate the efficacy endpoints at 12 months.
Observed steady-state serum recifercept exposures were consistent with the healthy participants study results.
Majority of the participants had anti-drug antibody and neutralizing antibody positive (>80% and >65%) at least 1 visit post baseline.

3 IPDシェアリング

ファイザーは,ある基準,条件,特例により適格とされる研究者からの要請に応じて、匿名化された個別治験参加者のデータおよび関連文書(治験実施計画書,統計解析計画書,総括報告書など)に研究者がアクセスできる環境を提供しています。当社の臨床試験データの共有に関する基準およびアクセス申請の詳細は,https://www.pfizer.com/science/clinical_trials/trial_data_and_results/data_requestsに掲載されています。 Pfizer will provide access to individual de-identified participant data and related study documents (e.g. protocol, Statistical Analysis Plan (SAP), Clinical Study Report (CSR)) upon request from qualified researchers, and subject to certain criteria, conditions, and exceptions. Further details on Pfizer's data sharing criteria and process for requesting access can be found at: https://www.pfizer.com/science/clinical_trials/trial_data_and_results/data_requests.


研究の種別 企業治験
治験の区分 主たる治験
登録日 令和6年3月21日
jRCT番号 jRCT2061220040

1 試験等の実施体制に関する事項及び試験等を行う施設の構造設備に関する事項


小児軟骨無形成症患者を対象としたreciferceptの安全性,忍容性および有効性を評価する臨床試験 A Study Of Safety, Tolerability And Effectiveness Of Recifercept In Children With Achondroplasia


河合 統介 Kawai Norisuke
/ ファイザーR&D合同会社 Pfizer R&D Japan G.K.
/ 東京都渋谷区代々木3丁目22-7 新宿文化クイントビル Shinjuku Bunka Quint Bldg., 3-22-7 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
治験情報窓口担当  Clinical Trials Information Desk
ファイザーR&D合同会社 Pfizer R&D Japan G.K.
東京都渋谷区代々木3丁目22-7 新宿文化クイントビル Shinjuku Bunka Quint Bldg., 3-22-7 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo



多施設共同試験等の該当の有無 あり




Osaka University Hospital







地方独立行政法人 大阪府立病院機構 大阪母子医療センター

Osaka Women's and Children's Hospital








Okayama University Hospital






2 試験等の目的及び内容並びにこれに用いる医薬品等の概要


介入研究 Interventional
無作為化比較 randomized controlled trial
単盲検 single blind
用量比較 dose comparison control
並行群間比較 parallel assignment
予防 prevention purpose
オーストラリア/ベルギー/デンマーク/イタリア/ポルトガル/スペイン/米国 Australia/Belgium/Denmark/Italy/Portugal/Spain/United States
Inclusion Criteria:
Main cohort: Aged >=2 years to <11 years (up to the day before 11th birthday inclusive) at time of enrollment; or exploratory cohort: aged >=3 months to <2 years (up to the day before 2nd birthday inclusive) at time of enrollment
Documented, confirmed genetic diagnosis of achondroplasia from historical medical records prior to entry into this trial (test must have been performed at a laboratory fully accredited for genetic testing under local regulations).
Completed the C4181001 natural history study with at least 2 valid height/length measurements (at least 3 months apart) prior to enrollment in this study. One of these measurement timepoints must be within the 3 months prior to enrollment in C4181005.
Tanner stage 1 based on investigator assessment during physical examination (must include assessment of breast development for females, testicular stage for males).
Able to stand independently for height measurements (if >=2 years of age at enrollment).
If aged <2 years at enrollment, has a documented historical MRI brain/cervical spine performed in the previous 12 months.
・体重が7 kg未満または30 kgを超える患者
・中等度あるいは重度の腎機能障害[推算糸球体濾過量(eGFR)が60 mL/分/1.73 m2未満(eGFRは小児患者用のupdated “bedside” Schwartz式:eGFR(mL/min/1.73 m2)= 0.413X身長(cm)/ 血清クレアチニン(mg/dL)で算出する)]または肝機能障害[アスパラギン酸アミノトランスフェラーゼ(AST)またはアラニンアミノトランスフェラーゼ(ALT)が基準値上限(ULN)の1.5倍超]がある患者
・成長に影響を与える可能性があることが知られている何らかの治療歴[過去6ヵ月間に5日間を超える経口ステロイド投与,高用量の吸入ステロイド(ベクロメタゾン800 mcg/日相当量を超える)投与,および注意欠陥/多動性障害に対する薬剤投与]がある患者
Exclusion Criteria:
*Presence of co-morbid conditions or circumstances that, in the opinion of the investigator, would affect interpretation of growth data or ability to complete the trial procedures.
*Other medical or psychiatric condition including recent (within the past year) or active suicidal ideation/behavior or laboratory abnormality that may increase the risk of study participation or, in the investigator's judgment, make the participant inappropriate for the study.
*Presence of severe obesity (BMI >95th percentile on Hoover-Fong BMI charts) [Hoover-Fong et al, 2008].14
*Known closure of long bone growth plates (cessation of height growth).
*Body weight <7 kg or >30 kg.
*Moderate or Severe renal impairment CrCL GFR <60 mL/min/1.73m2 (Calculated GFR based on updated "bedside" Schwartz formula for pediatric patients (CrCL (mL/min/1.73 m2) = 0.413 x Height (cms)/ Serum cr (mg/dL) or hepatic impairment (AST/ALT >1.5 ULN).
*History of hypersensitivity to study intervention or any excipients.
*History of any prior treatment with human growth hormone or related products (including insulin-like growth factor 1 [IGF-1]).
*History of receipt of any treatment that are known to potentially affect growth (including oral steroids >5 days in the last 6 months, high dose inhaled corticosteroids (>800 mcg/day beclametasone equivalent) and medication for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).
*History of limb lengthening surgery (defined as distraction osteogenesis/Ilizarov/callostasis technique following submetaphyseal osteotomy to extend bone length).
*Any limb lengthening/corrective orthopaedic surgery planned at any point during the trial period.
*Less than 6 months since fracture or surgical procedure of any bone determined from the screening visit date.
*Presence of any internal guided growth plates/devices.
*History of removal of internal guided growth plates/devices within less than 6 months.
*History of receipt of any investigational product for achondroplasia or that may affect growth/interpretation of growth parameters.
*History of receipt of an investigational product (not for achondroplasia/growth affecting) within the last 30 days or 5 half-lives (whichever is longer).
2歳 以上 2age old over
11歳 未満 11age old not
男性・女性 Both
軟骨無形成症 Achondroplasia
PKコホート:第2相試験用製剤(プロセス1c)3 mg/kg,第3相試験用製剤(プロセス2)3 mg/kg
Intervention: Recifercept
Arms: Low Dose, Medium Dose, High Dose,
PK cohort: Phase 2 formulation [process 1c] 3 mg/kg, Phase 3 formulation [process 2] 3 mg/kg
1.治験薬と関連のある有害事象を発現した治験参加者数[期間:ベースライン(Day 0)から治験薬の最終投与後365日まで]
3. PKコホート:2製剤の単回投与後の薬物動態[期間:ベースラインからDay 57まで]
Primary Outcome Measures :
1.Number of Participants With Treatment Emergent Treatment-Related Adverse Events (AEs) [ Time Frame: Baseline (Day 0) up to 365 days after last dose of study medication ]
Treatment-related AE was any untoward medical occurrence attributed to study drug in a participant who received study drug. Serious adverse event (SAE) was an AE resulting in any of the following outcomes or deemed significant for any other reason: death; initial or prolonged inpatient hospitalization; life-threatening experience (immediate risk of dying); persistent or significant disability/incapacity; congenital anomaly. Treatment-emergent are events between first dose of study drug and up to 365 days after last dose that were absent before treatment or that worsened relative to pretreatment state. Relatedness to Recifercept was assessed by the investigator (Yes/No). Participants with multiple occurrences of an AE within a category were counted once within the category.
2.Height [ Time Frame: Change in height from baseline up to 365 days after last dose ]
Increase in height growth above expected in reference population
3. PK Cohort: PK after single doses of 2 formulations [ Time Frame: Baseline to Day 57 ]
To evaluate the PK of single subcutaneous doses of 2 formulations (process 1c and process 2) of recifercept
1.バイタルサインについてベースラインから変化のあった治験参加者の数[期間:ベースラインから治療終了(Day 365)まで]
2.身体検査についてベースラインから変化のあった治験参加者の数[期間:ベースラインから治療終了(Day 365)まで]
3.臨床検査値異常があった治験参加者の数[期間:ベースラインから治療終了(Day 365)まで]
4.薬物動態-見かけのクリアランス(CL/F)[期間:Day(s) 4, 8, 15, 29, 61, 91, 183, 365]
5.抗薬物抗体を有する治験参加者の数[期間:ベースラインから治療終了(Day 365)まで]
6.立位身長および座高のベースラインからの変化[期間:ベースライン, 3,6,9,12ヵ月時]
7.指極のベースラインからの変化[期間:ベースライン, 3,6,9,12ヵ月時]
8.膝から下の長さのベースラインからの変化[期間:ベースライン, 3,6,9,12ヵ月時]
9.頭蓋顔面測定のベースラインからの変化[期間:ベースライン, 3,6,9,12ヵ月時]
10.頭蓋顔面測定のベースラインからの変化[期間:ベースライン, 3,6,9,12ヵ月時]
11.身長のベースラインからの変化[期間:ベースライン, 3,6,9,12ヵ月時]
12.肘関節可動域のベースラインからの変化[期間:ベースライン, 3,6,9,12ヵ月時]
13.肥満指数のベースラインからの変化[期間:ベースライン, 3,6,9,12ヵ月時]
肥満指数 (BMI)
14.胴囲および胸囲のベースラインからの変化[期間:ベースライン, 3,6,9,12ヵ月時]
15.CHAQ質問票のベースラインからの変化[期間:ベースラインから治療終了(Day 365)までのCHAQ要素および指数スコア]
The Childhood Health Assessment Questionnaire (CHAQ)は,36項目からなる健康状態および身体機能の尺度である。
16.QoLISSY Briefスコアのベースラインからの変化[期間:ベースラインから治療終了(Day 365)までのQoLISSY Briefスコア]
QoLISSY Briefでは,治験参加者および介護者の観点から,4~18歳の小児における健康関連の生活の質(HRQoL)を測定する。QoLISSY全編から,身体的,社会的および感情的HRQoL尺度9項目を選択した。QoLISSY Briefの質問では,治験参加者または介護者に現在の状態を尋ねる。治験参加者または介護者は,この質問票では「まったくそうは思わない(not at all)/そんなことはしない(never)」から「とてもそうだと思う(extremely)/いつもそうする(always)」までの5段階のリッカート尺度を使用する。QoLISSY Brief合計スコアは,9項目スコアの0~100の変換合計であり,スコアが高いほど生活の質が高いことを示す。
17.睡眠ポリグラフ検査のベースラインからの変化[期間:ベースライン, 3,6,9,12ヵ月時]
18. 睡眠ポリグラフ検査のベースラインからの変化[期間:ベースライン, 3,6,9,12ヵ月時]
19. 睡眠ポリグラフ検査のベースラインからの変化[期間:ベースライン, 3,6,9,12ヵ月時]
20. 睡眠ポリグラフ検査のベースラインからの変化[期間:ベースライン, 3,6,9,12ヵ月時]
21. 睡眠ポリグラフ検査のベースラインからの変化[期間:ベースライン, 3,6,9,12ヵ月時]
22. 睡眠ポリグラフ検査のベースラインからの変化[期間:ベースライン, 3,6,9,12ヵ月時]
呼気終末二酸化炭素が50 mmHg超であった時間の割合
23. 睡眠ポリグラフ検査のベースラインからの変化[期間:ベースライン, 3,6,9,12ヵ月時]
24.PKコホートにおける有害事象モニタリング[期間:ベースラインからDay 57まで]
Secondary Outcome Measures :
1.Number of Participants With Change From Baseline in Vital Signs [ Time Frame: Baseline up to end of treatment (Day 365) ]
Following parameters were analyzed for examination of vital signs: systolic and diastolic blood pressure, respiratory rate, radial pulse and body temperature.
2.Number of Participants With Change From Baseline in Physical Examination [ Time Frame: Baseline up to end of treatment (Day 365) ]
Following parameters were analyzed for examination of systems; A physical examination will include, at a minimum, assessments of the cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal systems and skin.
3.Number of Participants With Laboratory Abnormalities [ Time Frame: Baseline up to end of treatment (Day 365) ]
Following parameters were analyzed for laboratory examination: hematology (hemoglobin, hematocrit, red blood cell count, platelet count, white blood cell count, total neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes, basophils, lymphocytes); blood chemistry (blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, glucose, calcium, sodium, potassium, chloride, total bicarbonate, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, uric acid albumin, total protein)
4.Pharmacokinetics - Apparent Clearance (CL/F) [ Time Frame: Day(s) 4, 8, 15, 29, 61, 91, 183, 365 ]
Clearance of a drug is a measure of the rate at which a drug is metabolized or eliminated by normal biological processes. Clearance was estimated from population pharmacokinetic (PK) modeling. Drug clearance is a quantitative measure of the rate at which a drug substance is removed from the blood.
5.Number of Participants With Anti-Drug Antibody (ADA) [ Time Frame: Baseline up to end of treatment (Day 365) ]
The percentage of participants with positive ADA and neutralizing antibodies will be summarized for each treatment arm.
6.Change from Baseline in Standing & Sitting Height [ Time Frame: Baseline, 3, 6, 9 & 12 Months ]
Sitting height/standing height ratio
7.Change from Baseline in Arm Span [ Time Frame: Baseline, 3, 6, 9 & 12 Months ]
Arm span to height/length difference
8.Change from Baseline in Lower Leg Length [ Time Frame: Baseline, 3, 6, 9 & 12 Months ]
Knee height:lower segment ratio
9.Change from Baseline in Cranial Face Measurements [ Time Frame: Baseline, 3, 6, 9 & 12 Months ]
Occipito-frontal circumference
10.Change from Baseline in Cranial Face Measurements [ Time Frame: Baseline, 3, 6, 9 & 12 Months ]
Ratio of occipito-frontal distance to occipito-mid-face measurements
11.Change from Baseline in Height [ Time Frame: Baseline, 3, 6, 9 & 12 Months ]
z-score of the above height to arm span proportionality and skull morphology where achondroplasia reference datasets exist
12.Change from Baseline in Elbow Range of Motion [ Time Frame: Baseline, 3, 6, 9 & 12 Months ]
Fixed flexion angles at elbow
13.Change from Baseline in Body Mass Index [ Time Frame: Baseline, 3, 6, 9 & 12 Months ]
Body mass index (BMI)
14.Change from Baseline in Waist & Chest Circumference [ Time Frame: Baseline, 3, 6, 9 & 12 Months ]
Waist:chest circumference ratio
15.Change from baseline CHAQ questionnaire [ Time Frame: Baseline up to end of treatment (Day 365) in CHAQ component and index scores ]
The Childhood Health Assessment Questionnaire (CHAQ) is a 36-item measure of health status and physical function.
16.Change from baseline QoLISSY Brief Questionnaire [ Time Frame: Baseline up to end of treatment (Day 365) in QoLISSY Brief total score ]
QoLISSY Brief measures health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in children 4-18 years old from the participant and parent perspectives.The 9 items on the QoLISSY Brief were selected from the full QoLISSY physical, social and emotional HRQoL dimensions. The QoLISSY Brief questions ask the participant or caregiver about their status currently. Intended for children or caregivers of children, the instrument uses a 5-point Likert Scale ranging from 'not at all/never' to 'extremely/always'. The QoLISSY Brief total score is the 0-100 transformed sum of the 9 item scores, with higher scores representing better quality of life.
17.Change from Baseline in Polysomnography [ Time Frame: Baseline, 3, 6, 9 & 12 Months ]
Clinical summary of findings (including reported diagnosis);
18.Change from Baseline in Polysomnography [ Time Frame: Baseline, 3, 6, 9 & 12 Months ]
Whether study was performed in room air/oxygen/on continuous positive airway pressure;
19.Change from Baseline in Polysomnography [ Time Frame: Baseline, 3, 6, 9 & 12 Months ]
Apnea-hypopnea index (obstructive and total)
20.Change from Baseline in Polysomnography [ Time Frame: Baseline, 3, 6, 9 & 12 Months ]
Desaturation index (number of desaturations per hour >3% from baseline)
21.Change from Baseline in Polysomnography [ Time Frame: Baseline, 3, 6, 9 & 12 Months ]
Percentage time spent <90% oxygen saturation (SaO2)
22.Change from Baseline in Polysomnography [ Time Frame: Baseline, 3, 6, 9 & 12 Months ]
Percentage time spent with end-tidal carbon dioxide >50 mmHg
23.Change from Baseline in Polysomnography [ Time Frame: Baseline, 3, 6, 9 & 12 Months ]
SaO2 nadir
24. PK Cohort Adverse Event Monitoring [ Time Frame: Baseline to Day 57 ]
To assess the safety and tolerability of single SC doses of 2 formulations (process 1c and process 2) of recifercept



3 試験等の実施状況の確認に関する事項







4 試験等の対象者に健康被害が生じた場合の補償及び医療の提供に関する事項

5 依頼者等に関する事項


Pfizer Japan Inc.



6 IRBの名称等

岡山大学病院治験審査委員会 IRB of Okayama University Hospital
岡山県岡山市北区鹿田町二丁目5番1号 2-5-1 Shikata-cho, Kita-ku,Okayama-city, Okayama

7 その他の事項
















種別 公表日
終了 令和6年3月27日 (当画面) 変更内容
変更 令和5年11月11日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和5年2月23日 詳細 変更内容
新規登録 令和4年7月7日 詳細