jRCT ロゴ





重度フォンウィルブランド病(VWD)小児患者を対象とした、遺伝子組換え型von Willebrand因子(rVWF)(TAK-577)の試験
河村 栄美子
本研究の主な目的は、小児患者を対象に遺伝子組換え型von Willebrand因子(rVWF)の定期補充療法の有効性を評価することである。


研究の種別 企業治験
治験の区分 主たる治験
登録日 令和6年8月30日
jRCT番号 jRCT2051240117

1 試験等の実施体制に関する事項及び試験等を行う施設の構造設備に関する事項


重度VWDと診断された小児患者を対象にrVWFの定期補充療法の有効性及び安全性を評価する第3相、前向き、非盲検、非対照、多施設共同試験 A Phase 3, Prospective, Open-label, Uncontrolled, Multicenter Study on Efficacy and Safety of Prophylaxis With rVWF in Children Diagnosed With Severe Von Willebrand Disease
重度フォンウィルブランド病(VWD)小児患者を対象とした、遺伝子組換え型von Willebrand因子(rVWF)(TAK-577)の試験 A Study of Recombinant Von Willebrand Factor (rVWF) (TAK-577) in Children With Severe Von Willebrand Disease (vWD)


河村 栄美子 Koumura Emiko
/ 武田薬品工業株式会社 Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited
/ 大阪府大阪市中央区道修町四丁目1番1号 1-1, Doshomachi 4-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka
臨床試験情報 お問合せ窓口  Contact for Clinical Trial Information
武田薬品工業株式会社 1-1, Doshomachi 4-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka
大阪府大阪市中央区道修町四丁目1番1号 1-1, Doshomachi 4-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka



多施設共同試験等の該当の有無 あり




Nara Medical University Hospital





2 試験等の目的及び内容並びにこれに用いる医薬品等の概要


本研究の主な目的は、小児患者を対象に遺伝子組換え型von Willebrand因子(rVWF)の定期補充療法の有効性を評価することである。
介入研究 Interventional
非無作為化比較 non-randomized controlled trial
非盲検 open(masking not used)
非対照 uncontrolled control
並行群間比較 parallel assignment
治療 treatment purpose
アメリカ/フランス/スペイン/イタリア/アイルランド United States/France/Spain/Italy/Ireland
1. 重度VWD(ベースラインのVWF:RCoが20 IU/dL未満)と診断され、出血管理のためのVWF濃縮製剤による補充療法の治療歴を有する1型、2型(2A、2B、2M、2N)又は3型VWDの患者。診断は、該当する場合、遺伝子検査及び/又はマルチマー分析により確認する(患者の病歴に記録されているか、スクリーニング時に検査する)。
2. スクリーニング時の年齢が18歳未満の患者。
3. スクリーニング前の治療要件:
- スクリーニング前の12ヵ月間以上、VWF製剤によるODを受けており(2歳以上の被験者)、過去12ヵ月間以内に1回以上のVWFで治療済みの出血事象[該当する場合、月経過多/多量の月経出血(HMB)を除く]を発現しており、治験責任医師によりProphyが推奨されている患者(前OD被験者)。又は
- スクリーニング前の12ヵ月間以上、pdVWF製剤のProphyを受けており(2歳以上の被験者)、治験責任医師によりrVWFによるProphyへの切替えが推奨されている患者(切替え被験者)。
- 2歳未満の被験者の場合、VWF製剤によるOD期間又はpdVWF製剤によるProphy期間が6ヵ月以上である患者。2歳未満の前OD被験者では、診療記録に基づき、過去6ヵ月間にVWFで治療済みの出血事象を1件以上発現し、治験責任医師によりProphyが推奨されている患者。
4. 2歳以上の被験者は、BEの種類、発現頻度、重症度及び治療の評価に利用可能な記録を、少なくとも登録前の12ヵ月にわたり保持する患者。2歳未満の被験者は、BEの種類、発現頻度、重症度及び治療の評価に利用可能な記録を、少なくとも登録前の6ヵ月にわたり保持する患者。
5. 体格指数(BMI)は、スクリーニング時の年齢が、12歳以上:15~40 kg/m^2未満、2歳以上12歳未満:5パーセンタイル以上95パーセンタイル未満[米国疾病対策予防センター(CDC)の臨床チャートに基づく]である患者。2歳未満の被験者では、CDCが提供する「年齢別体重」臨床チャート(5~95パーセンタイル)を用いて、被験者の体重が性別に基づき5パーセンタイル以上95パーセンタイル未満であることを確認する(CDCが提供する臨床チャートは、https://www.cdc.gov/growthcharts/clinical_charts.htmを参照)。
6. 妊娠可能な女性(すなわち、月経が始まった/思春期に達した)は、スクリーニング時の血液/尿妊娠検査が陰性であり、本試験参加期間中、治験実施計画書に規定した効果の高い避妊法を使用することに同意する患者。
7. 被験者の自由意思によるアセント(該当する場合)及び代諾者による同意が得られている。
8. 治験実施計画書の要件を遵守する意思及び能力のある患者及び/又は代諾者。治験責任医師及び治験依頼者によるスクリーニング前評価で試験に参加するうえで問題がないと判断された患者。
1. The participant has a documented diagnosis of severe VWD (baseline von Willebrand factor ristocetin cofactor activity [VWF:RCo] <20 internal units per deciliter [IU/dL]) with a history of substitution therapy with VWF concentrate required to control bleeding and a diagnosis of VWD type 1, type 2 (2A, 2B, 2M, 2N), or type 3. Diagnosis is confirmed, when applicable, by genetic testing and/or by multimer analysis, which may be documented in participant's history or at screening.
2. The participant is <18 years of age at the time of screening.
3. Prescreening treatment requirements:
- The participant has been receiving OD therapy with VWF products for at least 12 months (for participants >=2 years of age) prior to screening, has experienced at least 1 VWF-treated bleeding event during (excluding menorrhagia/heavy menstrual bleeding [HMB], as applicable) in the last 12 months, and prophylactic treatment is recommended by the investigator (Prior OD participants); or
- The participant has been receiving prophylactic treatment with pdVWF products for at least 12 months prior to screening (for participants >=2 years of age) and switching to prophylaxis with rVWF is recommended by the investigator (Switch participants).
- For participants <2 years of age, the required duration for prior OD therapy with VWF products or for prior prophylactic treatment with pdVWF products is at least 6 months. Prior OD participants <2 years of age should have experienced at least 1 VWF-treated bleeding event during the last 6 months based on medical records and be recommended to receive prophylactic treatment by the investigator.
4. For participants >=2 years of age, the participant has available records that reliably evaluate type, frequency, severity, and treatment of BEs for at least 12 months preceding enrollment. For participants <2 years of age, the participant has available records that reliably evaluate type, frequency, severity and treatment of BEs for at least 6 months preceding enrollment.
5. If >=12 years old at the time of screening, the participant has a body mass index (BMI) >=15 but <40 kilogram per square meter (kg/m^2). If >=2 to <12 years old at the time of screening, the participant has a BMI of >=5th and <95th percentile (per Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] clinical charts). For younger participants who are <2 years old, the "weight-for-age" clinical charts (5th to 95th percentile) provided by the CDC should be utilized to ensure the participant has a body weight of >=5th and <95th percentile based on gender (for clinical charts provided by CDC, refer to: https://www.cdc.gov/growthcharts/clinical_charts.htm).
6. Female participants of childbearing potential (that is, had onset of menses/reached puberty) must have a negative blood/urine pregnancy test result at screening and agree to employ highly effective birth control measures for the duration of their participation in the study.
7. The participant has voluntarily provided assent (if appropriate) and the legally authorized representative(s) has provided informed consent.
8. The participant and/or legally authorized representative is willing and able to comply with the requirements of the protocol, which should also be confirmed based on a prescreening evaluation held between the investigator and the sponsor to ensure no eminent risk is present that could challenge the participant's compliance with the study requirements.
1. 偽性VWD、又はVWD以外の他の遺伝性、若しくは後天性の凝固障害と診断された患者(例、定性的及び定量的な血小板異常又はプロトロンビン時間/国際標準比1.4超>の上昇)。
2. スクリーニング時にVWFインヒビターの発現又は発現歴がある者。
3. FVIIIインヒビターの発現又は発現歴があり、抗体価が0.4ベセスダ単位(BU)(ベセスダ法を改良したナイメゲン変法)以上、又は0.6 BU(ベセスダ法)以上である者。
4. マウス又はハムスターのタンパク質など、治験薬の成分に対し過敏症の既往がある者。
5. 季節性アレルギー性鼻炎/結膜炎、軽度喘息、食物アレルギー又は動物アレルギーを除く免疫疾患の既往歴がある者。
6. 血栓塞栓症の既往歴がある者。
7. ヒト免疫不全ウイルス(HIV)陽性でCD4数が200/mm^3未満の者。
8. 治験責任医師による現病歴、若しくは既往歴の医学的評価、又は次のいずれかにより重大な肝疾患と診断された者(ただし、これらに限定されない):血清アラニンアミノトランスフェラーゼ(ALT)値が基準値上限(ULN)の5倍を超える、低アルブミン血症、門脈圧亢進症(例、原因不明の脾腫がある、食道静脈瘤の既往歴)又はChild-Pugh分類B又はCに分類される肝硬変を有する者。
9. 血清クレアチニンが2.5 mg/dL以上で腎疾患と診断された者。
10. スクリーニング時の血小板数が10万/mL未満の者(2B型VWD患者は本試験に適格と考えられるため、2B型VWD患者については、スクリーニング時の血小板数は、血小板数の過去の推移及び治験責任医師による患者の状態に関する医学的評価を考慮し、治験依頼者と協議し評価する)。
11. 同意取得[又はアセント(該当する場合)]前30日以内に、局所療法(例、軟膏、鼻腔スプレー)を除く免疫調節薬による治療を受けた者。
12. 登録時に妊娠している又は授乳中の者。
13. 子宮頸部又は子宮に月経過多又は不正子宮出血(感染症、異形成を含む)の原因となる疾患を有する者。
14. 本試験への登録前30日以内に、他の治験薬又は治験機器を用いた別の臨床試験に参加した者、又は本試験期間中に治験薬又は治験機器を用いた別の臨床試験への参加を予定している者。
15. 本試験開始前にVWF製剤によるOD又はProphyを受けていない者。
16. 進行性の致死的疾患を有する者、及び/又は平均寿命が15ヵ月未満の者。
17. 試験期間中に外科的処置を受ける予定である者。
18. 治験責任医師と治験依頼者の間で実施された共同のプレスクリーニング評価に基づき、スクリーニング手順を完了できない者、及び/又は治験責任医師が治験実施計画書の要件を遵守できないと判断した者。
19. 試験の性質、範囲及び起こりうる結果を理解できない精神状態にある者、及び/又は非協力的な態度を示す証拠がある者。
20. 試験の性質、範囲及び起こりうる結果を理解できない精神状態にある者、及び/又は非協力的な態度を示す証拠がある者。
1. The participant has been diagnosed with pseudo VWD or another hereditary or acquired coagulation disorder other than VWD (example, qualitative and quantitative platelet disorders or elevated prothrombin time/international normalized ratio 1.4).
2. The participant has a history or presence of a VWF inhibitor at screening.
3. The participant has a history or presence of an factor VIII (FVIII) inhibitor with a titer >=0.4 Bethesda units (BU) (by the Nijmegen-modified Bethesda assay) or >=0.6 BU (by the Bethesda assay).
4. The participant has a known hypersensitivity to any of the components of the study drugs, such as mouse or hamster proteins.
5. The participant has a medical history of immunological disorders, excluding seasonal allergic rhinitis/conjunctivitis, mild asthma, food allergies, or animal allergies.
6. The participant has a medical history of a thromboembolic event.
7. The participant is human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive with an absolute helper T cell (CD4) count <200 per cubic millimeter or microliter (/mm^3).
8. The participant has been diagnosed with significant liver disease per the investigator's medical assessment of the participant's current condition or medical history or as evidenced by, but not limited to, any of the following: serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) greater than 5 times the upper limit of normal (ULN), hypoalbuminemia, portal vein hypertension (example, presence of otherwise unexplained splenomegaly, history of esophageal varices), or liver cirrhosis classified as Child-Pugh class B or C.
9. The participant has been diagnosed with renal disease, with a serum creatinine level >=2.5 milligram per deciliter (mg/dL).
10. The participant has a platelet count <100,000 per milliliter (/mL) at screening (because participants with type 2B VWD are considered eligible for this study, for participants with type 2B VWD, platelet count[s] at screening will be evaluated in consultation with the sponsor, taking into consideration historical trends in platelet counts and the investigator's medical assessment of the participants condition).
11. The participant has been treated with an immunomodulatory drug, excluding topical treatment (example, ointments, nasal sprays), within 30 days prior to signing the informed consent (or assent, if appropriate).
12. The participant is pregnant or lactating at the time of enrollment.
13. The participant has cervical or uterine conditions causing menorrhagia or metrorrhagia (including infection, dysplasia).
14. The participant has participated in another clinical study involving another IP or investigational device within 30 days prior to enrollment or is scheduled to participate in another clinical study involving an IP or investigational device during the course of this study.
15. The participant has not received OD or prophylactic treatment with a VWF product prior to this study.
16. The participant has a progressive fatal disease and/or life expectancy of less than 15 months.
17. The participant is already scheduled for a surgical intervention that will have to be performed while the participant is participating in the study.
18. The participant is unable to complete screening procedures and/or comply with the requirements of the protocol in the opinion of the investigator, based on the joint prescreening evaluation held between the investigator and the sponsor.
19. The participant has a mental condition rendering him/her unable to understand the nature, scope, and possible consequences of the study and/or evidence of an uncooperative attitude.
20. The participant is member of the study team or in a dependent relationship with one of the study team members, which includes close relatives (that is, children, partner/spouse, siblings, and parents) as well as employees.
下限なし No limit
17歳 以下 17age old under
男性・女性 Both
フォンウィルブランド病(VWD) Von Willebrand Disease (VWD)
OD又は血漿由来VWF(pdVWF)製剤によるProphyのいずれかを受けていた12歳以上18歳未満の被験者は、40~60 IU/kgの範囲内で選択されたrVWFの静脈内投与を週2回12か月間受ける。必要に応じて(破綻出血エピソードの治療及び周術期の出血管理に必要と判断された場合)、アドベイトの併用/非併用下でrVWFを投与することができる。

OD又は血漿由来VWF(pdVWF)製剤によるProphyのいずれかを受けていた6歳以上12歳未満の被験者は、40~60 IU/kgの範囲内で選択されたrVWFの静脈内投与を週2回12か月間受ける。必要に応じて(破綻出血エピソードの治療及び周術期の出血管理に必要と判断された場合)、アドベイトの併用/非併用下でrVWFを投与することができる。

OD又は血漿由来VWF(pdVWF)製剤によるProphyのいずれかを受けていた6歳未満の被験者は、40~60 IU/kgの範囲内で選択されたrVWFの静脈内投与を週2回12か月間受ける。必要に応じて(破綻出血エピソードの治療及び周術期の出血管理に必要と判断された場合)、アドベイトの併用/非併用下でrVWFを投与することができる。
Cohort 1: Participants With Age >=12 to <18 years
Participants with age greater than or equal to (>=) 12 to less than (<) 18 years who have received on-demand (OD) therapy or prophylactic treatment with a pdVWF product will receive rVWF with an initial dose selected within the range of 40 to 60 international units per kilogram (IU/kg) rVWF, intravenous infusions, twice-weekly for 12 months. Participants may receive rVWF with or without ADVATE intravenous infusions, when indicated (as deemed necessary for breakthrough bleeding episode treatment and perioperative bleeding management).

Cohort 2: Participants With Age >=6 to <12 years
Participants with age >=6 to <12 years who have received OD therapy of VWF product or prophylactic treatment with a pdVWF product will receive rVWF with an initial dose selected within the range of 40 to 60 IU/kg rVWF, intravenous infusions, twice-weekly for 12 months. Participants may receive rVWF with or without ADVATE intravenous infusions, when indicated (as deemed necessary for breakthrough bleeding episode treatment and perioperative bleeding management).

Cohort 3: Participants With Age <6 years
Participants with age <6 years who have received OD therapy of VWF product or prophylactic treatment with a pdVWF product will receive rVWF with an initial dose selected within the range of 40 to 60 IU/kg rVWF, intravenous infusions, twice-weekly for 12 months. Participants may receive rVWF with or without ADVATE intravenous infusions, when indicated (as deemed necessary for breakthrough bleeding episode treatment and perioperative bleeding management).
1. rVWFのProphy中に治験責任医師が評価した、自然出血又は外傷性出血事象の年間出血率(ABR)
1. Annualized Bleeding Rate (ABR) for Spontaneous or Traumatic Bleeding Episodes as Assessed by Investigator During Prophylactic Treatment With rVWF
Time Frame: 12 months
ABR during the study compared to historical ABR for each participant for both spontaneous and traumatic bleeding episodes as classified by the investigator during prophylactic treatment with rVWF will be reported.
1. Treatment-emergent adverse event(TEAE)及び重篤な有害事象(SAE)が発現した被験者数

2. TEAEが発現した被験者数(重症度別)

3. TEAE及びSAEが発現した被験者数(因果関係別)

4. 血栓塞栓症、過敏症反応及び注入に伴う反応(IRR)が発現した被験者数

5. VWF及び血液凝固第VIII因子(FVIII)に対する中和抗体が発現した被験者数

6. VWF及びFVIIIに対する総結合抗体が発現した被験者数

7. チャイニーズハムスター卵巣(CHO)タンパク質、マウス免疫グロブリンG(IgG)及び遺伝子組換え型ヒトフーリン(rFurin)に対する結合抗体が発現した被験者数

8. バイタルサインパラメータに臨床的に有意なベースラインからの変化が認められた被験者数

9. 臨床検査パラメータに臨床的に有意なベースラインからの変化が認められた被験者数

10. ABR分類別の被験者数

11. 本試験への登録前にオンデマンド治療を受けていた被験者においてABR減少に成功した被験者数

12. pdVWF切替え被験者においてABR維持に成功した被験者数

13. rVWFのProphy中のABR(出血部位別)

14. 過去及びrVWFのProphy中の自然出血事象のABR(原因別)

15. 過去の治療及びrVWFのProphyによる自然出血事象又は外傷性出血事象のABR

16. rVWFのProphy中の1週間あたりの総投与回数

17. rVWFのProphy中の1週間あたりの平均投与回数

18. Prophy中の1ヵ月あたりのrVWFの体重調整後の総投与量

19. 出血事象消失時の破綻出血治療の止血効果に関する総合評価

20. 出血事象ごとのrVWF及びアドベイト(rFVIII、オクトコグアルファ)の投与回数

21. 出血事象ごとのrVWF及びアドベイトの体重調整後の投与量

22. von Willebrand因子リストセチンコファクター活性(VWF:Rco)に基づく血漿中rVWF濃度

23. von Willebrand因子抗原(VWF:Ag)に基づく血漿中rVWF濃度

24. von Willebrand因子コラーゲン結合(VWF:CB)に基づく血漿中rVWF濃度

25. von Willebrand因子糖タンパク質1b結合活性(VWF:GP1bM)に基づく血漿中rVWF濃度

26. 血漿中の血液凝固第Ⅷ因子(FVIII:C)濃度

27. VWF:Rcoに基づく増分回収率

28. VWF:Agに基づく増分回収率

29. VWF:CBに基づく増分回収率

30. VWF:GP1bMに基づく増分回収率

31. VWF:Rcoに基づく、投与間隔における血漿中濃度-時間曲線下面積(AUC 0-Tau;ss)及び0時間から96時間までの血漿中濃度-時間曲線下面積(AUC0-96;ss)の比

32. VWF:Rcoに基づく終末相半減期(t1/2)

33. VWF:Rcoに基づく投与間隔における最高血漿中濃度(Cmax;ss)

34. VWF:Rcoに基づく定常状態で最大血漿中濃度に到達するまでの最短時間(Tmax;ss)

35. VWF:Rcoに基づく分布容積(Vss)

36. VWF:Rcoに基づくクリアランス(CL)

37. FVIII:Cに基づく投与間隔における最高血漿中濃度(Cmax;ss)

38. FVIII:Cに基づく定常状態で最大血漿中濃度に到達するまでの最短時間(Tmax;ss)

39. FVIII:Cに基づく、投与間隔における血漿中濃度-時間曲線下面積(AUC 0-Tau;ss)及び0時間から96時間までの血漿中濃度-時間曲線下面積(AUC0-96;ss)の比

40. FVIII:Cに基づく0時間から96時間までの血漿中濃度-時間曲線下面積(AUC0-96; ss)
1. Number of Participants With Treatment-emergent Adverse Events (TEAEs) and Serious Adverse Events (SAEs)
Time Frame: 12 months

2. Number of Participants With TEAEs by Severity
Time Frame: 12 months

3. Number of Participants With TEAEs and SAEs by Causality
Time Frame: 12 months

4. Number of Participants With Thromboembolic Events, Hypersensitivity Reactions and Infusion-Related Reactions (IRR)
Time Frame: 12 months

5. Number of Participants Who Develop Neutralizing Antibodies to VWF and Factor VIII (FVIII)
Time Frame: 12 months

6. Number of Participants Who Develop Total Binding Antibodies to VWF and FVIII
Time Frame: 12 months

7. Number of Participants Who Develop Binding Antibodies to Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) Proteins, Mouse Immunoglobulin G (IgG), and Recombinant Furin (rFurin)
Time Frame: 12 months
CHO, mouse IgG, and rFurin are proteins that may be potentially present in trace amount in final drug product. Number of participants who develop binding antibodies to CHO proteins, mouse IgG, and rFurin will be reported.

8. Number of Participants With Clinically Significant Change From Baseline Values in Vital Sign Parameters
Time Frame: 12 months
Number of participants with clinically significant change from baseline values in vital sign parameters per investigator assessment will be reported.

9. Number of Participants With Clinically Significant Change From Baseline Values in Laboratory Parameters
Time Frame: 12 months
Number of participants with clinically significant change from baseline values in laboratory parameters per investigator assessment will be reported.

10. Number of Participants With Categorized ABR
Time Frame: 12 months
ABR categorized as 0, 0-2, 2-5, or >5 bleeding episodes during rVWF prophylaxis. Number of participants with categorized ABR will be reported.

11. Number of Participants Previously Receiving On-demand Treatment who will Achieve ABR Percent Reduction Success
Time Frame: 12 months
ABR percent reduction success is defined as at least 25% reduction of ABR during rVWF prophylaxis relative to the participant's own historical ABR during OD treatment prior to enrollment in this study. Number of participants previously receiving on-demand treatment who will achieve ABR percent reduction success will be reported.

12. Number of pdVWF Switch Participants With Spontaneous ABR Preservation Success
Time Frame: 12 months
ABR preservation success defined as achieving an ABR for spontaneous bleeding episodes during rVWF prophylaxis that is no greater than the participant's own historical ABR during prophylactic treatment with pdVWF prior to enrollment in this study. Number of pdVWF switch participants with spontaneous ABR preservation success will be reported.

13. Number of Spontaneous ABR During Prophylactic Treatment With rVWF by Location of Bleeding
Time Frame: 12 months

14. ABR for Bleeding Episodes by Bleeding Cause Historically and While on Prophylactic Treatment With rVWF
Time Frame: 12 months

15. ABR for Bleeding Episodes Spontaneous, or Traumatic by Treatment Given Historically and While on Prophylactic Treatment With rVWF
Time Frame: 12 months

16. Total Number of Infusions Administered Per Week During Prophylactic Treatment With rVWF
Time Frame: 12 months

17. Average Number of Infusions Per Week During Prophylactic Treatment With rVWF
Time Frame: 12 months

18. Total Weight Adjusted Consumption of rVWF Per Month During Prophylactic Treatment
Time Frame: 12 months

19. Overall Hemostatic Efficacy Rating of Breakthrough Bleed Treatment at Resolution of the Bleeding Episode
Time Frame: 12 months

20. Number of Infusions of rVWF and ADVATE (rFVIII, octocog alfa) per Bleeding Episode
Time Frame: 12 months

21. Weight-adjusted Consumption of rVWF and ADVATE per Bleeding Episode
Time Frame: 12 months

22. Plasma Level of rVWF based on Von Willebrand Factor: Ristocetin Cofactor (VWF:Rco)
Time Frame: Within 30 minutes pre-infusion and at multiple timepoints (up to 96 hours) post-infusion

23. Plasma Level of rVWF based on Von Willebrand Factor Antigen (VWF:Ag)
Time Frame: Within 30 minutes pre-infusion and at multiple timepoints (up to 96 hours) post-infusion

24. Plasma Level of rVWF based on Von Willebrand Factor Collagen Binding (VWF:CB)
Time Frame: Within 30 minutes pre-infusion and at multiple timepoints (up to 96 hours) post-infusion

25. Plasma Level of rVWF based on Von Willebrand Factor Glycoprotein 1b Binding (VWF:GP1bM)
Time Frame: Within 30 minutes pre-infusion and at multiple timepoints (up to 96 hours) post-infusion

26. Plasma Level of Factor VIII Clotting (FVIII:C)
Time Frame: Within 30 minutes pre-infusion and at multiple timepoints (up to 96 hours) post-infusion

27. Incremental Recovery Based on VWF:Rco
Time Frame: 12 months

28. Incremental Recovery Based on VWF:Ag
Time Frame: 12 months

29. Incremental Recovery Based on VWF:CB
Time Frame: 12 months

30. Incremental Recovery Based on VWF:GP1bM
Time Frame: 12 months

31. Ratio of Area Under the Plasma Level Versus Time Curve From Time 0 to End of the Partial Dosing Interval (AUC0- Tau;ss) and Area Under the Level Versus Time Curve From 0 to 96 Hours (AUC0-96; ss) for VWF:Rco
Time Frame: Within 30 minutes pre-infusion and at multiple timepoints (up to 96 hours) post-infusion

32. Terminal Half-life (T1/2) for VWF:Rco
Time Frame: Within 30 minutes pre-infusion and at multiple timepoints (up to 96 hours) post-infusion

33. Maximum Plasma Level During the Partial Dosing Interval at Steady State (Cmax;ss) for VWF:Rco
Time Frame: Within 30 minutes pre-infusion and at multiple timepoints (up to 96 hours) post-infusion

34. Minimum Time to Reach the Maximum Plasma Level at Steady State (Tmax;ss) for VWF:Rco
Time Frame: Within 30 minutes pre-infusion and at multiple timepoints (up to 96 hours) post-infusion

35. Volume of Distribution at Steady State (Vss) for VWF:Rco
Time Frame: Within 30 minutes pre-infusion and at multiple timepoints (up to 96 hours) post-infusion

36. Clearance (CL) for VWF:Rco
Time Frame: Within 30 minutes pre-infusion and at multiple timepoints (up to 96 hours) post-infusion

37. Maximum Plasma Level During the Partial Dosing Interval at Steady State (Cmax;ss) for FVIII:C
Time Frame: Within 30 minutes pre-infusion and at multiple timepoints (up to 96 hours) post-infusion

38. Minimum Time to Reach the Maximum Plasma Level at Steady State (Tmax;ss) for FVIII:C
Time Frame: Within 30 minutes pre-infusion and at multiple timepoints (up to 96 hours) post-infusion

39. Ratio of Area Under the Plasma Level Versus Time Curve From Time 0 to End of the Partial Dosing Interval (AUC0- Tau;ss) and Area Under the Level Versus Time Curve From 0 to 96 Hours (AUC0-96; ss) for FVIII:C
Time Frame: Within 30 minutes pre-infusion and at multiple timepoints (up to 96 hours) post-infusion

40. Area Under the Level Versus Time Curve From 0 to 96 Hours (AUC0-96; ss) for FVIII:C
Time Frame: Within 30 minutes pre-infusion and at multiple timepoints (up to 96 hours) post-infusion



3 試験等の実施状況の確認に関する事項







4 試験等の対象者に健康被害が生じた場合の補償及び医療の提供に関する事項

5 依頼者等に関する事項


Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited



6 IRBの名称等

奈良県立医科大学附属病院治験審査委員会 Nara Medical University Hospital Institutional Review Board
奈良県橿原市四条町840番地 840 Shijo-cho, Kashihara-shi, Nara, Nara

7 その他の事項



ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier



(4)IPD(individual clinical trial participant-level data)シェアリング(匿名化された臨床研究の対象者単位のデータの共有)

タケダは、適格な研究者の科学的で正当な活動を支援するため、基準を満たす試験の非特定化した被験者レベルのデータ(IPD)へのアクセスを提供します(タケダのデータの共有(Data Sharing)ポリシー:https://clinicaltrials.takeda.com/takedas-commitment?commitment=5)。これらのIPDは活動内容の承認を得た後に、データ共有に関する契約のもと、情報セキュリティの高い研究環境内で提供されます。 Takeda provides access to the de-identified individual participant data (IPD) for eligible studies to aid qualified researchers in addressing legitimate scientific objectives (Takeda's data sharing commitment is available on https://clinicaltrials.takeda.com/takedas-commitment?commitment=5). These IPDs will be provided in a secure research environment following approval of a data sharing request, and under the terms of a data sharing agreement.


Takeda Study ID: TAK-577-3001


