jRCT ロゴ





河村 栄美子
神戸大学医学部附属病院 医薬品及び医療機器の臨床研究審査委員会




2 結果の要約

/ - 本試験に登録された被験者の大半は女性[59例(80.8%)]であった。ほとんどの被験者は白人[64例(87.7%)]であり、非ヒスパニック系又は非ラテン系[63例(86.3%)]であった。被験者の年齢は19~73歳であり、平均年齢[標準偏差(SD)]は43.7(12.63)歳であった。40歳以上65歳未満の年齢群は集団の半数をわずかに超えていた[40例(54.8%)]。被験者の平均BMI(SD)は29.23(7.972)kg/m2であり、19例(26.0%)は過体重、29例(39.7%)は肥満であった。
- 本試験では、これらの先行試験からの移行例について、SHP643-303試験のベースライン観察期間におけるHAE発作発生率をベースラインとした。SHP643-303試験の観察期間中における、TAK-743-3001試験に移行した被験者の平均血管性浮腫発作発生率(SD)は1ヵ月当たり3.6(2.58)回であった。観察期間全体で、平均発作持続時間(SD)は23.8(28.10)時間であった。発作持続時間が12時間未満の被験者が最も多く[34例(46.6%)]、多くの被験者は発作の最大重症度が中等度であった[43例(58.9%)]。主な発作の発生部位は、多くの被験者は末梢[49例(67.1%)]であり、次いで腹部[34例(46.6%)]及び喉頭[33例(45.2%)]であった。全ての被験者が救済治療としてイカチバントを使用した[73例(100.0%)、239回]。補助的治療は10%未満の被験者で高頻度に使用された。
- Overall, majority of subjects (59 [80.8%] subjects) enrolled in the study were females. Most of the subjects were white (64 [87.7%] subjects) and not Hispanic or Latino (63 [86.3%] subjects). Subjects ranged from 19 to 73 years of age, with a mean (standard deviation [SD]) age of 43.7 (12.63) years, and slightly above half of the population (40 [54.8%] subjects) were in the age group of 40 to below 65 years. The mean (SD) body mass index of subjects was 29.23 (7.972) kg/m2, 19 (26.0%) subjects were overweight, and 29 (39.7%) subjects were obese.
- In this study, for these rollover subjects, the SHP643-303 study baseline observation period HAE attack rate was used as the baseline. During the observation period of Study SHP643-303, subjects who entered Study TAK-743-3001 reported a mean (SD) angioedema attack rate of 3.6 (2.58) attacks/month. Overall during the observation period, the mean (SD) attack duration was 23.8 (28.10) hours; maximum number of subjects (34 [46.6%] subjects) had attack duration of <12 hours and majority of subjects (43 [58.9%] subjects) had attacks of moderate maximum severity. The primary attack location was peripheral for the majority (49 [67.1%]) of subjects, followed by abdominal (34 [46.6%] subjects), and laryngeal (33 [45.2%] subjects). All of the subjects used icatibant as the rescue medication (73 [100.0%] subjects with 239 events). Supportive treatment was frequently used by <10% of subjects.
/ - SHP643-303試験を完了した75例のうち計73例がTAK-743-3001非盲検継続投与試験に登録され、その内訳はSHP643-303試験でlanadelumabを投与された47例及びSHP643-303試験でプラセボを投与された26例であった。本試験では73例全例がlanadelumab 300 mg を2週ごと(q2wks)に投与され、そのうち2例は試験期間中に投与頻度を変更しlanadelumab 300 mgを4週ごと(q4wks)に投与された。
- 全体として、被験者は試験期間中に平均(SD)12.2(2.14)回のlanadelumab投与を受けた。総投与量の平均値(SD)は3649.1(642.21)mgであり、lanadelumabへの曝露期間の平均値(SD)は5.7(1.05)ヵ月であった。
- 先行試験でlanadelumab投与群であった被験者(N=47)は、2週ごと(q2wks)での投与として平均(SD)12.4(1.94)回のlanadelumab投与を受けた。総投与量の平均値(SD)は3721.3(582.33)mgであり、lanadelumabへの曝露期間の平均値(SD)は5.8(0.97)ヵ月であった。先行試験でプラセボ投与群であった被験者(N=26)は、試験期間中に平均(SD)11.7(2.44)回のlanadelumab投与を受けた。総投与量の平均値(SD)は3518.7(732.37)mgであり、lanadelumabへの曝露期間の平均値(SD)は5.6(1.19)ヵ月であった。先行試験でプラセボ投与群であり、lanadelumab 300 mgの4週ごと(q4wks)での投与を受けた2例は、試験期間中に平均10.0回のlanadelumab投与を受けた。これら2例の総投与量の平均値は3000.0 mgであり、lanadelumabへの曝露期間の平均値(SD)は6.1(0.08)ヵ月であった。
- A total of 73 subjects among the 75 subjects who completed the SHP643-303 study were enrolled in the TAK-743-3001 open-label extension study, including 47 subjects who received lanadelumab and 26 subjects who received placebo in the Study SHP643-303. All 73 subjects received lanadelumab 300 mg q2wks in this study, of whom 2 subjects received lanadelumab 300 mg at a reduced frequency of q4wks during the study.
- Of the 73 subjects in the Safety analysis set (SFAS), 64 (87.7%) subjects completed the treatment period and the study, and 9 (12.3%) subjects discontinued the study. The most common reason for discontinuation was withdrawal by subject (5 [55.6%] subjects) followed by AEs and lost to follow-up (2 [22.2%] subjects each).
- Overall, subjects received a mean (SD) of 12.2 (2.14) doses of lanadelumab during the study. The mean (SD) total dose was 3649.1 (642.21) mg and the mean (SD) duration of exposure to lanadelumab was 5.7 (1.05) months.
- In the prior lanadelumab-treated group (N=47), subjects received a mean (SD) of 12.4 (1.94) doses of lanadelumab during the study for the q2wks treatment. The mean (SD) total dose was 3721.3 (582.33) mg and the mean (SD) duration of exposure to lanadelumab was 5.8 (0.97) months. In the prior placebo-treated group (N=26), subjects received a mean (SD) of 11.7 (2.44) doses of lanadelumab during the study. The mean (SD) total dose was 3518.7 (732.37) mg and the mean (SD) duration of exposure to lanadelumab was 5.6 (1.19) months. The 2 subjects from the prior placebo-treated group who received lanadelumab 300 mg at q4wks dosing, received 10.0 mean doses of lanadelumab during the study. The mean total dose for these 2 subjects was 3000.0 mg and the mean (SD) duration of exposure to lanadelumab was 6.1 (0.08) months.
/ - 試験期間中に死亡は報告されなかった。
- 先行試験でプラセボ投与群であった1例(3.8%)が末梢性浮腫のTEAEのため治験薬を中止した。本事象は治験薬と関連ありと判断され、重症度は軽度であった。本被験者は末梢性浮腫が持続したため、最終的に追跡調査期間中に試験を中止した。先行試験でlanadelumab投与群であった1例(2.1%)が悪心及び浮動性めまいのTEAEのため試験を中止した。いずれも治験薬と関連ありと判断され、重症度は中等度であった。

- 血管性浮腫発作以外のTEAE:
-- 投与期間中(Day 0~Day 182)、登録された73例中55例(75.3%)に295件の血管性浮腫発作以外のTEAEが報告された。2週ごと(q2wks)での投与中、先行試験でlanadelumab投与群であった37例(78.7%)に186件、先行試験でプラセボ投与群であった18例(69.2%)に104件の血管性浮腫発作以外のTEAEが報告された。4週ごと(q4wks)での投与では、先行試験でプラセボ投与群であった1例(50.0%)に5件の血管性浮腫発作以外のTEAEが報告された。
-- 投与期間全体で、6例(8.2%)に8件の重篤なTEAEが報告された。いずれの事象についても入院を要し、また、治験責任医師により治験薬と関連ありと判断されたものはなかった。これら6例のうち、先行試験でlanadelumab投与群であった5例(10.6%)で7件の重篤なTEAEが2週ごと(q2wks)での投与において報告され、先行試験でプラセボ投与群であった1例(50.0%)で1件の重篤なTEAEが4週ごと(q4wks)での投与において報告された。先行試験でプラセボ投与群であった被験者では、2週ごと(q2wks)での投与において重篤なTEAEは報告されなかった。
-- 投与期間中、計15例(20.5%)に94件の治験薬投与と関連ありと判断された血管性浮腫発作以外のTEAEが報告された。そのうち、先行試験でlanadelumab投与群であった10例(21.3%)に58件、及び先行試験でプラセボ投与群であった4例(15.4%)に35件の治験薬投与と関連のあるTEAE が2週ごと(q2wks)での投与において報告された。先行試験でプラセボ投与群であった1例(50.0%)に1件の治験薬と関連ありと判断されたTEAEが4週ごと(q4wks)での投与において報告された。
-- 投与期間中、10例(13.7%)に13件の重度の血管性浮腫発作以外のTEAEが報告された。これらの10例のうち、先行試験でlanadelumab投与群であった7例(14.9%)に10件、先行試験でプラセボ投与群であった2例(7.7%)に2件の重度のTEAEが2週ごと(q2wks)での投与において報告された。先行試験でプラセボ投与群であった1例(50.0%)に1件の重度のTEAEが4週ごと(q4wks)での投与において報告された。先行試験でプラセボ投与群であった1例(3.8%)に治験薬投与と関連のある重度の血管性浮腫発作以外のTEAEである筋肉痛が2週ごと(q2wks)での投与において認められた。
-- 2週ごと(q2wks)での投与において、先行試験でlanadelumab投与群であった被験者群及び先行試験でプラセボ投与群であった被験者群のいずれにおいても、最も多く報告されたSOCは感染症および寄生虫症であった[先行試験でlanadelumab投与群であった21例(44.7%)に34件、先行試験でプラセボ投与群であった14例(53.8%)に20件告された]。4週ごと(q4wks)での投与において、1例(50.0%)に血管性浮腫発作以外のTEAEが5件報告され、その内訳は上腹部痛、眼部腫脹、頭痛、疲労及び倦怠感であった。
- 血管性浮腫発作のTEAE:
-- 全体として、投与期間中に62例(84.9%)に651件の血管性浮腫発作のTEAEが報告された。そのうち、2週ごと(q2wks)での投与において、先行試験でlanadelumab投与群であった被験者群の42例(89.4%)に490件の血管性浮腫発作のTEAEが報告され、先行試験でプラセボ投与群であった被験者群の19例(73.1%)に159件の血管性浮腫発作のTEAEがに報告された。4週ごと(q4wks)での投与では、血管性浮腫発作のTEAEは1例(50.0%)に2件のみ報告された。治験薬と関連ありと判断された事象はなかった。
-- 投与期間中、計24例(32.9%)に98件の重度の血管性浮腫発作のTEAEが認められた。そのうち、先行試験でlanadelumab投与群であった16例(34.0%)に71件、先行試験でプラセボ投与群であった8例(30.8%)に27件の重度の血管性浮腫発作のTEAEが2週ごと(q2wks)での投与において報告された。
-- 投与期間中、先行試験でlanadelumab投与群であった3例(4.1%)に3件の重篤な血管性浮腫発作のTEAEが報告され、全ての事象で入院を要した。治験責任医師により治験薬と関連ありと判断された重篤な血管性浮腫発作のTEAEはなかった。
- 投与期間中、先行試験でlanadelumab投与群であった1例(1.4%)に治験責任医師の報告によるAESIである口腔ヘルペスが発現したが、治験責任医師により治験薬と関連なしと判断され、重症度は軽度であった。
- 投与期間中、登録された73例中62例(84.9%)にMedDRA標準検索式(SMQ)で定義された過敏症反応のTEAEが663件報告された[血管性浮腫発作651件、及び注射部位反応(ISR)を含む血管性浮腫発作以外の事象12件]。
-- 全てのSMQで定義された過敏症のTEAEのうち、蕁麻疹2件が治験薬と関連ありと判断された。全体として、先行試験でlanadelumab投与群であった3例(6.4%)に3件のSMQで定義された過敏症の重篤なAESIが発現し、全ての事象で入院を要した。3例全てがINHAのサブタイプであった。治験薬と関連ありと判断されたSMQで定義された過敏症の重篤なAESIはなかった。2週ごと(q2wks)での投与において、重度のAESIは、先行試験でlanadelumab投与群であった被験者群及び先行試験でプラセボ投与群であった被験者群でそれぞれ16例(34.0%)に71件、8例(30.8%)に27件報告された。治験責任医師により治験薬と関連ありと判断されたSMQで定義された過敏症の重度のAESIはなかった。
- 2週ごと(q2wks)での投与において、11例(15.1%)に73件のISR TEAEが報告され、そのうち先行試験でlanadelumab投与群であった8例(17.0%)に45件、先行試験でプラセボ投与群であった3例(11.5%)に28件のISR TEAEが報告された。それらの11例のうち、先行試験でlanadelumab投与群であった7例(14.9%)に43件、先行試験でプラセボ投与群であった2例(7.7%)に24件の治験薬と関連のあるISR TEAEが発現した。4週ごと(q4wks)での投与ではISR TEAEは報告されなかった。重篤なISR、重度のISR、ISRによる入院又は試験中止は認められなかった。
- 臨床検査、バイタルサイン又は心電図に臨床的に意義のある安全性所見は認められなかった。
- ベースライン時に1例(1.4%)が抗薬物抗体(ADA)陽性であった。ADA陽性の被験者の割合は試験期間中にわずかに増加した。ADA陽性の検査結果のうち、先行試験でプラセボ投与群であった1例で中和抗体活性が認められ(Visit 11)、残りの症例では認められなかった。
- C1-INH正常の被験者におけるlanadelumabの長期使用の安全性及び忍容性は良好であることが本試験から裏付けられる。本試験で報告された有害事象は、lanadelumabの過去の試験で認められたものと類似していた。本試験でのlanadelumabの安全性プロファイルはこれまでに確立された安全性プロファイルと一致しており、新たな安全性シグナルは認められなかった。

- 全体として、Visit 1では49例(67.1%)が院内での自己投与を選択したのに対し、その後の来院では、院内で自己投与したVisit 3、7及び11を除き、多くの被験者が自宅又は院外での自己投与を選択した(注:治験実施計画書に従い、Visit 1、3、7及び11のみ治験実施医療機関への来院が必須であった)。
- 試験期間を通して最も多かった注射部位は腹部であった。多数の被験者が注射部位の皮膚をつまんだと報告した、一方、少数の被験者(各来院時5例以下)は注射中の中断を報告した。中断の主な理由は疼痛及び灼熱感であった。
- 多くの注射は60秒以内に完了し、注射全体で712/882回であった。
- No deaths were reported during the study.
- One (3.8%) subject from the prior placebo-treated group discontinued the study treatment due to a TEAE of oedema peripheral; the event was considered related to study treatment and was mild in severity. This subject eventually discontinued the study during the follow-up period due to the persistence of the oedema peripheral. Another subject (2.1%) in the prior lanadelumab-treated group discontinued the study due to TEAEs of nausea and dizziness, both were related to study treatment and moderate in severity.

- Non-angioedema attack TEAEs:
-- Overall, out of 73 enrolled subjects, 55 (75.3%) subjects reported 295 non-angioedema attack TEAEs during the treatment period (Day 0 to Day 182). During the q2wks treatment, 37 (78.7%) prior lanadelumab group subjects reported 186 events and 18 (69.2%) prior placebo group subjects reported 104 events. One (50.0%) subject from prior placebo group reported 5 non-angioedema attack TEAEs during the q4wks treatment.
-- A total of 8 serious TEAEs were reported in 6 (8.2%) subjects in the overall treatment period, all of which required hospitalization, and none were considered related to study treatment by the investigator. Of those 6 subjects, 5 (10.6%) subjects reported 7 serious events in the prior lanadelumab-treated group in the q2wks treatment; 1 (50.0%) subject reported 1 serious event in the prior placebo-treated group during the q4wks treatment. None of the subjects in the prior placebo-treated group reported any serious TEAE during the q2wks treatment.
-- A total of 15 (20.5%) subjects reported 94 treatment-related non-angioedema attack TEAEs during the treatment period. Among them, 10 (21.3%) subjects (58 related TEAEs) in the prior lanadelumab-treated group and 4 (15.4%) subjects (35 related TEAEs) in the prior placebo-treated group reported events in the q2wks treatment. One (50.0%) subject in the prior placebo-treated group reported 1 related TEAE during q4wks dosing.
-- Overall, 10 (13.7%) subjects reported 13 severe non-angioedema attack TEAEs during the treatment period. Of these 10 subjects, 7 (14.9%) subjects reported 10 severe events in the prior lanadelumab-treated group and 2 (7.7%) subjects reported 2 severe events in the prior placebo-treated group in the q2wks treatment; 1 (50.0%) subject in the prior placebo-treated group reported 1 severe event in the q4wks treatment. One (3.8%) subject in the prior placebo-treated group had treatment-related severe non-angioedema attack TEAE of myalgia in the q2wks treatment.
-- During the q2wks treatment, the most frequently reported SOC in both the prior lanadelumab-treated and the prior placebo-treated groups was infections and infestations (21 [44.7%] subjects reported 34 events and 14 [53.8%] subjects reported 20 events in the prior lanadelumab-treated and the placebo-treated groups, respectively). During the q4wks treatment, 1 (50.0%) subject reported 5 non-angioedema attack TEAEs, including abdominal pain upper, eye swelling, headache, fatigue, and malaise.
- Angioedema attack TEAEs
-- Overall, 62 (84.9%) subjects reported 651 angioedema attack TEAEs during the treatment period. Among them, 42 (89.4%) subjects of prior lanadelumab-treated group reported 490 angioedema attack TEAEs and 19 (73.1%) subjects of prior placebo-treated group reported 159 angioedema attack TEAEs in q2wks treatment. Only 2 angioedema attack TEAEs were reported by 1 (50.0%) subject during q4wks dosing. None of the events were considered related to the study treatment.
-- There were total of 24 (32.9%) subjects with 98 severe angioedema attack TEAEs during the treatment period. Of them, 16 (34.0%) subjects reported 71 TEAEs and 8 (30.8%) subjects reported 27 TEAEs, in the prior lanadelumab-treated and placebo-treated groups, respectively during q2wks dosing.
-- Three (4.1%) subjects in the prior lanadelumab-treated group reported 3 serious angioedema attack TEAEs during the treatment period, all of which required hospitalization. None of the serious angioedema attack TEAEs were considered related to the study treatment by the investigator.
- Overall, 1 (1.4%) subject from prior lanadelumab-treated group experienced an investigator-reported AESI of oral herpes during the treatment period, which was assessed as not treatment-related by the investigator and was mild in severity.
- Overall, 62 (84.9%) of the 73 enrolled subjects reported 663 TEAEs of standard MedDRA Queries (SMQ)-defined hypersensitivity reaction (including 651 angioedema attack and 12 non-angioedema attack events, and including injection site reactions [ISR]) during the treatment period.
-- Among all SMQ-defined hypersensitivity TEAEs, 2 events of urticaria were considered as related to treatment. Overall, 3 (6.4%) subjects in the prior lanadelumab-treated group had 3 serious SMQ-defined hypersensitivity AESIs, all of which required hospitalization. All 3 subjects were of INHA subtype. None of the serious SMQ-defined hypersensitivity AESIs were considered treatment related. Severe AESIs were reported in 16 (34.0%) subjects (71 events) and 8 (30.8%) subjects (27 events) during q2wks treatment in prior lanadelumab-treated group and prior placebo-treated group respectively. None of the severe SMQ-defined hypersensitivity AESI was considered related to study treatment by the investigator.
- Overall, 11 (15.1%) subjects reported 73 ISR TEAEs of which 8 (17.0%) subjects from the prior lanadelumab-treated group reported 45 ISR TEAEs and 3 (11.5%) subjects from the prior placebo-treated group reported 28 ISR TEAEs during q2wks treatment. Of those 11 subjects, 7 (14.9%) prior lanadelumab-treated subjects had 43 related ISR TEAEs and 2 (7.7%) prior placebo-treated subjects had 24 related ISR TEAEs. No ISR TEAEs were reported in q4wks treatment. There were no serious ISRs, severe ISRs, hospitalizations, or study discontinuations due to ISRs.
- There were no clinically meaningful safety findings identified in terms of any clinical laboratory tests, vital signs, or ECG.
- At baseline, 1 (1.4%) subject was antidrug antibody (ADA) positive. Proportion of subjects with positive ADA result increased slightly over the study period. Of the positive ADA results, only 1 subject in the prior placebo-treated group had a reactive neutralizing ADA result (at Visit 11), the rest were non-reactive.
- The study supports that long-term use of lanadelumab had favorable safety and tolerability in subjects with normal C1-INH. Adverse events reported in this study were similar in nature to those observed in previous studies of lanadelumab. The safety profile of lanadelumab remains consistent with the established safety profile and no new safety signals were identified.

Subject Experience of Injection:
- Overall, at Visit 1, 49 (67.1%) subjects opted for self-administration in-clinic while at subsequent visits, the majority of subjects opted for self-administration at home or outside clinic, except for Visits 3, 7, and 11, where subjects self-administered in-clinic (note: per protocol, only Visits 1, 3, 7, and 11 were mandatory on-site visits).
- The most common injection site was abdomen throughout the study. The majority of subjects reported skin pinched at the site of injection while only a few subjects (=<5 at each visit) reported pause during injection. Common reasons for pause included pain and burning sensation.
- The majority of injections were completed with duration of =<60 seconds, reported for 712/882 injections overall.
/ 安全性の結果:

- 投与期間(Day 0~Day 182)において治験責任医師が確認した血管性浮腫発作の回数
-- 2週ごと(q2wks)での投与において報告された発作の総数は595回であり、被験者の投与期間は451.5ヵ月であった(先行試験でlanadelumab投与群であった被験者では447回、先行試験でプラセボ投与群であった被験者では148回の発作が報告された)。
-- 全体として、治験責任医師が確認した血管性浮腫発作の平均発生率(SD)は、観察期間中の3.6(2.58)回/月から2週ごと(q2wks)での投与期間中の1.3(1.46)回/月に低下し、投与期間中のベースラインからの平均低下率(SD)は-60.8%(44.84)(95% CI:-71.3, -50.4)であった。
-- 先行試験でlanadelumab投与群であった被験者(N=47)において、治験責任医師が確認した血管性浮腫発作の平均発生率(SD)は、観察期間中の4.0(2.92)回/月から2週ごと(q2wks)での投与期間中の1.5(1.62)回/月に低下し、投与期間中のベースラインからの平均低下率(SD)は-64.1%(34.40)(95% CI:-74.2, -54.0)であった。
-- 先行試験でプラセボ投与群であった被験者(N=26)において、治験責任医師が確認した血管性浮腫発作の平均発生率(SD)は、観察期間中の2.8(1.58)回/月から2週ごと(q2wks)での投与期間中の1.0(1.05)回/月に低下し、投与期間中のベースラインからの平均低下率(SD)は-55.1%(59.66)(95% CI:-79.1, -31.0)であった。
-- 先行試験でプラセボ投与群であった26例において、推定定常状態期間中に治験責任医師が確認した血管性浮腫発作の総数は86回であり、被験者の投与期間は91.5ヵ月であった。治験責任医師が確認した血管性浮腫発作の平均発生率(SD)は、観察期間中の2.8(1.58)回/月から2週ごと(q2wks)での投与期間中の0.9(1.02)回/月に低下した。血管性浮腫発作の発生率の観察期間からの平均低下率(SD)は-54.6%(68.48)であった(95% CI:-82.9, -26.3)。
-- 登録された計73例のうち、先行試験でプラセボ投与群であった2例は、投与頻度を変更してlanadelumab 300 mgを4週ごと(q4wks)で投与された。4週ごと(q4wks)での投与において、治験責任医師が確認した血管性浮腫発作の総数は2回であり、被験者の投与期間は7.1ヵ月であった。この2例の2週ごと(q2wks)での投与期間は6.1ヵ月であり、その期間に発作は報告されなかった。
-- 4週ごと(q4wks)での投与中、治験責任医師が確認した血管性浮腫発作の平均発生率(SD)は、観察期間中の3.5(3.54)回/月から0.3(0.40)回/月に低下し、平均低下率(SD)は-71.7%(40.00)(95% CI:-100, 287.7)であった。
-- q4wksレジメンにおいて、推定定常状態期間中に治験責任医師が確認した血管性浮腫発作は報告されなかった。

- 投与期間中において治験責任医師が確認した血管性浮腫発作が発生しなかった症例
-- 投与期間中、73例中11例(15.1%)の被験者で治験責任医師が確認した血管性浮腫発作は認められなかった。

- 投与期間中において血管性浮腫発作がない日の割合
-- 全体として、2週ごと(q2wks)での投与期間中に被験者が無発作であった日は平均(SD)93.5%(11.32)であった。4週ごと(q4wks)での投与期間中に被験者が無発作であった日は平均(SD)98.8%(1.71)であった。

- 治験責任医師が確認した血管性浮腫発作の特徴
-- 全体として、lanadelumab 300 mgの2週ごと(q2wks)での投与期間中、治験責任医師が確認した血管性浮腫発作が計61例に595回認められた。多くの血管性浮腫発作は発生部位が末梢であり、多くの被験者は救済治療としてイカチバントを使用した。
-- 2週ごと(q2wks)での投与では多くの被験者は発作の最大重症度が中等度であり、発作の平均持続時間(SD)は27.4(30.67)時間であった(先行試験でlanadelumab投与群であった被験者及び先行試験でプラセボ投与群であった被験者の平均値はそれぞれ26.1時間及び30.5時間)。
-- lanadelumab 300 mg q4wksの投与を受けていた被験者において、投与期間中に治験責任医師が確認した血管性浮腫発作が1例に2回発現し、平均発作持続時間は29.3時間、最大重症度は中等度であった。
-- 全体として、治療期間中最も多かった血管性浮腫発作の発生部位は末梢であり[44例(60.3%)、274件]、多くの被験者は救済治療としてイカチバントを使用した[48例(65.8%)、320件]。

- lanadelumab 300 mgの2週ごと(q2wks)での投与後に観察されたlanadelumab濃度の平均値(SD)は一貫しており、ベースラインで14419(13208)ng/mL(SHP643-303試験の最終来院Day 182から引き継いだ値)、Visit 7(Day 84)で17021(10117)ng/mL、Visit 11(Day 140)で21138(12077)ng/mL、早期中止を含むVisit 14(Day 182)で18800(12054)ng/mLであった。

- cHMWK活性
-- cHMWK活性(%)の平均値は全ての評価時点で一貫しており、ベースラインで15.306%、Visit 7(Day 84)で17.586%、Visit 11(Day 140)で17.238%、早期中止を含むVisit 14(Day 182)で15.515%であった。cHMWK活性の被験者間変動(%CV)は、ベースライン時(99.6%)に高い%CVが観察されたことを除き、全ての来院で52.6%~59.3%であった。

- pKal活性
-- 平均すると、被験者は全ての評価時点において定常状態で約16%~20%のpKal活性阻害を達成した。阻害は持続的であり、観察されたPKプロファイルと経時的に一致したが、被験者間変動(%CV)は182%~306%であった。

- 評価時点ごとの結果を全般的に比較したところ、先行試験でlanadelumab投与群であった被験者及び先行試験でプラセボ投与群であった被験者において、試験の進捗と共に全項目において顕著な改善が継続的に認められた。ベースラインから治療期間終了時までに最も大きな改善が認められたのは機能ドメインであり、変化量の平均値(SD)は-15.28(28.194)であった。
Safety results:
Refer to "Adverse events".

Efficacy Results:
The attack rate in the observation period of parent study(SHP643-303) served as the baseline for this study.
- Number of Investigator-confirmed Angioedema Attacks During the Treatment Period(Day 0 through Day 182)
-- During the treatment period, 595 attacks were reported over a subject-time of 451.5 months in q2wks treatment(447 attacks were reported in prior lanadelumab-treated group and 148 attacks were reported in prior placebo-treated group).
-- Overall, the mean(SD) rate of investigator-confirmed angioedema attacks decreased from 3.6(2.58) attacks/month during the observation period to 1.3(1.46) attacks/month during the q2wks treatment, which represented a mean(SD) percentage reduction of -60.8% (44.84) (95% CI: -71.3, -50.4) during the treatment period from baseline.
-- For prior lanadelumab-treated subjects(N=47), the mean(SD) rate of investigator-confirmed angioedema attacks decreased from 4.0(2.92) attacks/month during the observation period to 1.5(1.62) attacks/month during the q2wks treatment, which represented a mean(SD) percentage reduction of -64.1%(34.40) (95% CI: -74.2, -54.0) during the treatment period from baseline.
-- For prior placebo-treated subjects(N=26), the mean(SD) rate of investigator-confirmed angioedema attacks decreased from 2.8(1.58) attacks/months during the observation period to 1.0(1.05) attacks/month during the q2wks treatment, which represented a mean(SD) percentage reduction of -55.1%(59.66)(95% CI: -79.1, -31.0) during the treatment period from baseline.
-- During the presumed steady-state period, a total of 86 investigator-confirmed angioedema attacks were reported over a subject-time of 91.5 months among the 26 subjects in prior placebo-treated group. The mean(SD) rate of investigator-confirmed angioedema attacks decreased from 2.8(1.58) attacks/month during the observation period to 0.9(1.02) attacks/month during the q2wks treatment. The mean(SD) percentage reduction in angioedema attack rate from observation period was -54.6% (68.48)(95% CI: -82.9, -26.3).
-- Two prior placebo-treated subjects out of the 73 total enrolled subjects received lanadelumab 300 mg at a reduced frequency of q4wks. A total of 2 investigator-confirmed angioedema attacks were reported over a subject-time of 7.1 months in q4wks treatment. No attack was reported during a subject-time of 6.1 months in q2wks treatment by these 2 subjects.
-- During q4wks treatment, the mean(SD) rate of investigator-confirmed angioedema attacks decreased from 3.5(3.54) attacks/month during the observation period to 0.3(0.40) attacks/month, which represented the mean(SD) percentage reduction of -71.7%(40.00)(95% CI: -100, 287.7).
-- During the presumed steady-state period, no investigator-confirmed angioedema attack was reported in the q4wks regimen.

- Achievement of Investigator-confirmed Angioedema Attack-free Status for the Treatment Period
-- Out of 73 subjects, a total of 11(15.1%) subjects had no investigator-confirmed angioedema attack during the treatment period.

- Percentage of Angioedema Attack-free Days During the Treatment Period
-- Overall, subjects were attack-free for a mean(SD) of 93.5%(11.32) of days during the q2wks treatment. During the q4wks treatment, subjects were attack-free for a mean(SD) of 98.8%(1.71) of days.

- Characteristics of Investigator-confirmed Angioedema Attacks
-- Overall, a total of 61 subjects had 595 investigator-confirmed angioedema attacks during the treatment period while receiving lanadelumab 300 mg q2wks. The majority of angioedema attacks were peripheral in location and the majority of the subjects used icatibant as the rescue medication.
-- The maximum severity of attacks for majority of the subjects was moderate severity with a mean(SD) duration of attack being 27.4(30.67) hours (mean of 26.1 hours and 30.5 hours in the prior lanadelumab-treated group and the prior placebo-treated group, respectively) in q2wk dosing.
-- One subject had 2 investigator-confirmed angioedema attacks during the treatment period while receiving lanadelumab 300 mg q4wks dosing with a mean attack duration of 29.3 hours and moderate maximum severity.
-- Overall, during the treatment period, the most common location for angioedema attacks was peripheral (44[60.3%] subjects with 274 events); and the majority of the subjects used icatibant as the rescue medication (48[65.8%] subjects with 320 events).

PK Results:
- The observed mean(SD) lanadelumab concentrations following lanadelumab 300 mg q2wks were consistent, 14419(13208) ng/mL at Baseline (carried over from the last study visit Day 182 from Study SHP643-303), 17021(10117) ng/mL at Visit 7(Day 84), 21138(12077) ng/mL at Visit 11(Day 140), and 18800(12054) ng/mL at Visit 14(Day 182) including early termination, respectively.

PD Results:
- cHMWK activity
-- The observed mean cHMWK activity (%) was consistent at all visits, 15.306% at baseline, 17.586% at Visit 7(Day 84), 17.238% at Visit 11(Day 140), and 15.515% at Visit 14(Day 182) including early termination, respectively. Intersubject variability (%CV) for cHMWK activity across all visits ranged from 52.6% to 59.3%, except the high %CV observed at baseline (99.6%).

- pKal activity
-- On average, subjects achieved a steady-state pKal inhibition of approximately 16% to 20% across all visits. The inhibition was sustained and consistent with the observed PK profile over time, but with intersubject variability (%CV) ranged from 182% to 306%.

Angioedema Quality of Life:
- Briefly, a general comparison of the results by visit showed that remarkable improvements were continually noted across all items in the prior lanadelumab and placebo-treated subjects as the study progressed. The greatest improvement from baseline to the end of the treatment period was observed in the domain of functioning with mean(SD) change of -15.28(28.194).
/ 全体として、C1-INH正常の被験者におけるlanadelumabの長期使用の安全性及び忍容性が良好であることが本試験から裏付けられる。本試験でのlanadelumabの安全性プロファイルはこれまでに確立された安全性プロファイルと一致しており、新たな安全性シグナルは認められなかった。 Overall, the study supports that long-term use of lanadelumab is safe and well tolerated in subjects with normal C1-INH. The safety profile of lanadelumab remains consistent with the established safety profile and no new safety signals were identified.

3 IPDシェアリング

タケダは、適格な研究者の科学的で正当な活動を支援するため、基準を満たす試験の非特定化した被験者レベルのデータ(IPD)へのアクセスを提供します(タケダのデータの共有(Data Sharing)ポリシー:https://clinicaltrials.takeda.com/takedas-commitment?commitment=5)。これらのIPDは活動内容の承認を得た後に、データ共有に関する契約のもと、情報セキュリティの高い研究環境内で提供されます。 Takeda provides access to the de-identified individual participant data (IPD) for eligible studies to aid qualified researchers in addressing legitimate scientific objectives (Takeda's data sharing commitment is available on https://clinicaltrials.takeda.com/takedas-commitment?commitment=5). These IPDs will be provided in a secure research environment following approval of a data sharing request, and under the terms of a data sharing agreement.


研究の種別 企業治験
治験の区分 主たる治験と拡大治験のいずれにも該当しない
登録日 令和6年4月22日
jRCT番号 jRCT2051220001

1 試験等の実施体制に関する事項及び試験等を行う施設の構造設備に関する事項


C1インヒビター(C1-INH)正常の非ヒスタミン性血管性浮腫の急性発作に対する予防として、lanadelumabの長期安全性及び有効性を評価する非盲検試験 An Open-Label Study to Evaluate the Long-Term Safety and Efficacy of Lanadelumab for Prevention Against Acute Attacks of Non-histaminergic Angioedema With Normal C1-Inhibitor (C1-INH)
C1インヒビター正常の非ヒスタミン性血管性浮腫の急性発作の予防におけるlanadelumabの長期安全性及び有効性の非盲検試験 A Study of Long-Term Safety and Efficacy of Lanadelumab for Prevention of Acute Attacks of Non-histaminergic Angioedema With Normal C1-Inhibitor


河村 栄美子 Koumura Emiko
/ 武田薬品工業株式会社 Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited
/ 大阪府大阪市中央区道修町四丁目1番1号 1-1, Doshomachi 4-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka
臨床試験情報 お問合せ窓口 Contact for Clinical Trial Information
武田薬品工業株式会社 Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited
大阪府大阪市中央区道修町四丁目1番1号 1-1, Doshomachi 4-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka



多施設共同試験等の該当の有無 あり




Hiroshima University Hospital






Clover Hospital






Kobe University Hospital



2 試験等の目的及び内容並びにこれに用いる医薬品等の概要


介入研究 Interventional
単一群 single arm study
非盲検 open(masking not used)
非対照 uncontrolled control
単群比較 single assignment
治療 treatment purpose
米国/ポーランド/カナダ/スペイン/イタリア/フランス/ドイツ/オランダ/ハンガリー United States/Poland/Canada/Spain/Italy/France/Germany/Netherlands/Hungary
1. 先行試験(SHP643-303 [NCT04206605])の登録時点で、C1-INH正常の非ヒスタミン性血管性浮腫と診断されている12歳以上の男女。
2. 被験者は、SHP643-303試験(NCT04206605)の投与期間(Visit 26/Day 182まで)を完了していなければならず、かつその後のlanadelumab投与の妨げとなるような臨床的に重大な治験薬投与下で発現した有害事象(TEAE)の報告があってはならない。
3. 治験実施計画書に規定された投与、評価及び手順スケジュールを遵守することに同意している。
4. 男性、あるいは妊娠中及び授乳中でない妊娠可能な女性の場合は、試験期間にわたって性交渉を行わないこと(禁欲法)に合意した者又は本治験実施計画書に規定した避妊要件を遵守することに合意した者。若しくは、避妊手術を受けた(子宮摘出術、両側卵巣摘除術又は両側卵管結紮術の施術歴がある)あるいは閉経後12ヵ月以上経過している女性と定義する、妊娠する可能性のない女性。
5. 試験開始前のいずれかの時点で、被験者(又は該当する場合は被験者の親/法的保護者)により、治験審査委員会/研究倫理委員会/倫理委員会(IRB/REB/EC)が承認済みの同意文書に対して書面での同意が得られている。未成年(18歳未満)被験者の場合、親/法的保護者が試験の性質について説明を受け、あらゆる試験手順の実施前に、当該未成年者が試験に参加することについて書面により同意(すなわち許可)している。未成年の被験者からはアセントを取得する。
1. Males and females, 12 years of age and older diagnosed with non-histaminergic normal C1-INH angioedema at the time of enrollment into the antecedent Study SHP643-303 (NCT04206605).
2. Participants must have completed the treatment period (through Visit 26/Day 182) of Study SHP643-303 (NCT04206605) without reporting a clinically significant TEAE that would preclude subsequent exposure to lanadelumab.
3. Agree to adhere to the protocol-defined schedule of treatments, assessments, and procedures.
4. Males, or non-pregnant, non-lactating females who are of child-bearing potential and who agree to be abstinent or agree to comply with the applicable contraceptive requirements of this protocol for the duration of the study; or females of non-childbearing potential, defined as surgically sterile (status post hysterectomy, bilateral oophorectomy, or bilateral tubal ligation) or post-menopausal for at least 12 months.
5. The participant (or the participant's parent/legal guardian, if applicable) has provided written informed consent approved by the institutional review board/research ethics board/ethics committee (IRB/REB/EC) at any time prior to study start. If the participant is a minor (i.e. less than (<) 18 years of age), have a parent/legal guardian who is informed of the nature of the study provide written informed consent (i.e. permission) for the minor to participate in the study before any study-specific procedures are performed. Assent will be obtained from minor participants.
1. 登録後からVisit 26の前までに、理由を問わずSHP643-303試験(NCT04206605)を中止した。
2. SHP643-303試験(NCT04206605)において、本試験への参加の妨げとなるような重大な安全性上の懸念の存在が確認された。
3. Day 0前4週間以内に、治験薬[IP, 先行試験(SHP643-303 [NCT04206605])で規定されたIPは含まれない]を投与された又は治験医療機器を使用している。
4. 治験薬又はその成分に対する既知の過敏症がある。
5. 安全性又は遵守状況を損なう、本試験の円滑な実施を妨げ、あるいは結果の解釈に支障を来す(例:試験結果の解釈に交絡を生じると治験責任医師が考える重大な基礎疾患又はその他の重大な併存疾患を有する)可能性があると治験責任医師又は治験依頼者により判断される(外科的又は内科的)状態にある。
1. Discontinued from Study SHP643-303 (NCT04206605) after enrollment but before Visit 26 for any reason.
2. Presence of important safety concerns identified in Study SHP643-303 (NCT04206605) that would preclude participation in this study.
3. Dosing with an investigational product (IP, not including IP defined in antecedent Study SHP643-303 [NCT04206605]) or exposure to an investigational device within 4 weeks prior to Day 0.
4. Participants have a known hypersensitivity to the investigational product or its components.
5. Have any condition (surgical or medical) that, in the opinion of the investigator or sponsor, may compromise their safety or compliance, preclude the successful conduct of the study, or interfere with interpretation of the results (e.g. significant pre-existing illness or other major comorbidities that the investigator considers may confound the interpretation of study results).
12歳 以上 12age old over
上限なし No limit
男性・女性 Both
血管性浮腫 Angioedema
Lanadelumab 300 mg 2週間ごと
被験者はlanadelumab 300 mgを2週ごと(q2wks)に26週にわたり皮下投与した。発作のコントロールが良好な場合には、治験責任医師の判断及び治験依頼者のメディカルモニターとの協議に基づいて4週間ごと(q4wks)の投与への変更が可能であった。
Lanadelumab 300 mg Every 2 Weeks
Participants received 300 milligram (mg) lanadelumab subcutaneous (SC) injection, every 2 weeks (Q2W) for up to 26 weeks with an option to switch to lanadelumab 300 mg every 4 weeks (Q4W) if attacks were well-controlled based on the investigator's discretion and consultation with the sponsor's medical monitor.
1. 投与期間における、特に注目すべき有害事象(AESI)及び重篤な有害事象(SAE)を含む有害事象(TEAE)の発現症例数
評価期間:Day 0からDay 182まで

2. 追跡調査期間における、特に注目すべき有害事象(AESI)及び重篤な有害事象(SAE)を含む有害事象(TEAE)の発現症例数
評価期間:Day 183からDay 196まで
1. Number of Participants with Treatment Emergent Adverse Events (TEAEs) Including Adverse Events of Special Interest (AESI) and Serious Adverse Events (SAEs) During Treatment Period
Time Frame: From Day 0 up to Day 182
TEAE: Any event emerging or manifesting at or after the initiation of treatment with an investigational product (IP) or medicinal product or any existing event that worsens in either intensity or frequency following exposure to the IP or medicinal product including clinically meaningful findings in laboratory safety tests, vital signs, weight, and electrocardiogram (ECG) findings. SAE: Any untoward clinical manifestation of signs, symptoms or outcomes (whether considered related to investigational product or not and at any dose: results in death, is life-threatening, requires inpatient hospitalization or prolongation of hospitalization, results in persistent or significant disability/incapacity, congenital abnormality/birth defect, an important medical event. AESI included hypersensitivity reactions, events of disordered coagulation such as bleeding AESI, hypercoagulable AESI. TEAEs were classified and reported as angioedema attack and non-angioedema attack adverse events in this outcome measure.

2. Number of Participants with Treatment Emergent Adverse Events (TEAEs) Including Adverse Events of Special Interest (AESI) and Serious Adverse Events (SAEs) During Follow-up
Time Frame: From Day 183 up to Day 196
TEAE: Any event emerging or manifesting at or after the initiation of treatment with an investigational product (IP) or medicinal product or any existing event that worsens in either intensity or frequency following exposure to the IP or medicinal product including clinically meaningful findings in laboratory safety tests, vital signs, weight, and electrocardiogram (ECG) findings. SAE: Any untoward clinical manifestation of signs, symptoms or outcomes (whether considered related to investigational product or not and at any dose: results in death, is life-threatening, requires inpatient hospitalization or prolongation of hospitalization, results in persistent or significant disability/incapacity, congenital abnormality/birth defect, an important medical event. AESI included hypersensitivity reactions, events of disordered coagulation such as bleeding AESI, hypercoagulable AESI. TEAEs were classified and reported as angioedema attack and non-angioedema attack adverse events in this outcome measure.
1. 投与期間(Day 0からDay 182まで)において治験担当医師が確認した血管性浮腫発作の回数
評価期間:Day 0からDay 182まで
血管性浮腫発作と確定するためには、次の部位のうち1つ以上において発作と一致する症状又は徴候が認められなければならない。末梢血管性浮腫:四肢、顔面、頚部、体幹及び/又は泌尿生殖器領域の皮膚腫脹、腹部血管性浮腫:腹部膨満、悪心、嘔吐又は下痢を合併する又は合併しない腹痛、 喉頭血管性浮腫:上気道性喘鳴、呼吸困難、発声困難、嚥下困難、咽喉絞扼、又は舌、口蓋、口蓋垂、あるいは喉頭の腫脹。投与期間(Day 0からDay 182まで)において治験担当医師が確認した血管性浮腫発作の回数を評価した。

2. 投与期間中(Day 0からDay 182まで)に発生した中等度又は重度の血管性浮腫発作の回数
評価期間:Day 0からDay 182まで
血管性浮腫発作の重症度は次の尺度で判定する。軽度:一過性又は軽度の不快感、中等度:活動が軽度~中程度に制限される、重度:活動が大きく制限される。投与期間(Day 0からDay 182まで)において治験担当医師が確認した中等度又は重度血管性浮腫発作の回数を評価した。

3. 投与期間中(Day 0からDay 182まで)に発生した死亡率の高い血管性浮腫発作の回数
評価期間:Day 0からDay 182まで
死亡率の高い血管性浮腫発作とは、以下の特徴のうち1つ以上を有する発作と定義される:重度である、入院に至った(24時間未満の観察目的の入院は除く)、血行動態的に重大である(収縮期血圧が90 mmHg未満、静注による水分補給が必要、又は失神若しくは失神に近い状態を伴う)、又は喉頭発作が生じた。

4. 薬物動態解析:Lanadelumabの血漿中濃度
評価期間:Day 0、84、140の投与前及びDay 182の投与後

5. 血漿カリクレイン(pKal)活性
評価期間:Day 0、84、140の投与前及びDay 182の投与後

6. 血漿中に抗薬物抗体(ADA)が確認された症例数(中和抗体の評価を含む)
評価期間:Day 0、84、140の投与前及びDay 182の投与後

7. 血管性浮腫患者の生活の質(AE-QoL)質問票総スコアのベースラインから治療期終了時までの変化量
評価期間:Day 0からDay 182まで

8. 投与中に中断した被験者数
評価期間:Day 0、14、28、42、56、70、84、98、112、126、140、154、168

9. 投与レジメンを変更した被験者における、特に注目すべき有害事象(AESI)及び重篤な有害事象(SAE)を含む有害事象(TEAE)の発現症例数
評価期間:Day 0からDay 196まで

10. 投与レジメンを変更した被験者における、投与期間(Day 0からDay 182まで)に治験担当医師が確認した血管性浮腫発作の回数
評価期間:Day 0からDay 182まで
血管性浮腫発作と確定するためには、次の部位のうち1つ以上において発作と一致する症状又は徴候が認められなければならない。末梢血管性浮腫:四肢、顔面、頚部、体幹及び/又は泌尿生殖器領域の皮膚腫脹、腹部血管性浮腫:腹部膨満、悪心、嘔吐又は下痢を合併する又は合併しない腹痛、 喉頭血管性浮腫:上気道性喘鳴、呼吸困難、発声困難、嚥下困難、咽喉絞扼、又は舌、口蓋、口蓋垂、あるいは喉頭の腫脹。投与期間(Day 0からDay 182まで)において治験担当医師が確認した血管性浮腫発作の回数を評価した。

11. 投与レジメンを変更した被験者における、投与期間中(Day 0からDay 182まで)に発生した中等度又は重度の血管性浮腫発作の回数
評価期間:Day 0からDay 182まで
血管性浮腫発作の重症度は次の尺度で判定する。軽度:一過性又は軽度の不快感、中等度:活動が軽度~中程度に制限される、重度:活動が大きく制限される。投与期間(Day 0からDay 182まで)において治験担当医師が確認した中等度又は重度血管性浮腫発作の回数を評価した。

12. 投与レジメンを変更した被験者における、投与期間中(Day 0からDay 182まで)に発生した死亡率の高い血管性浮腫発作の回数
評価期間:Day 0からDay 182まで
死亡率の高い血管性浮腫発作とは、以下の特徴のうち1つ以上を有する発作と定義される:重度である、入院に至った(24時間未満の観察目的の入院は除く)、血行動態的に重大である(収縮期血圧が90 mmHg未満、静注による水分補給が必要、又は失神若しくは失神に近い状態を伴う)、又は喉頭発作が生じた。
1. Number of Investigator-Confirmed Angioedema Attacks During the Treatment Period of Day 0 Through Day 182
Time Frame: Day 0 up to Day 182
An angioedema attack was defined as the symptoms or signs consistent with an attack in at least 1 of the following locations: peripheral angioedema (cutaneous swelling involving an extremity, the face, neck, torso, and/or genitourinary region), abdominal angioedema (abdominal pain, with or without abdominal distention, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea), laryngeal angioedema (stridor, dyspnea, difficulty speaking, difficulty swallowing, throat tightening, or swelling of the tongue, palate, uvula, or larynx). Number of investigator-confirmed angioedema attacks during the treatment period of Day 0 through Day 182 was assessed.

2. Number of Moderate or Severe Angioedema Attacks During the Treatment Period of Day 0 Through Day 182
Time Frame: Day 0 up to Day 182
The overall severity of angioedema attack was determined by the site using following definitions: mild (transient or mild discomfort), moderate (mild to moderate limitation in activity), severe (marked limitation in activity). Number of moderate or severe angioedema attacks during the treatment period of Day 0 through Day 182 was assessed.

3. Number of High-Morbidity Angioedema Attacks During the Treatment Period of Day 0 Through Day 182
Time Frame: Day 0 through Day 182
A high morbidity angioedema attack was defined as any attack that has at least 1 of the following characteristics: severe, results in hospitalization (except hospitalization for observation less than (<) 24 hours), hemodynamically significant (systolic blood pressure less than < 90, requires intravenous (IV) hydration, or associated with syncope or near syncope) or laryngeal.

4. Pharmacokinetic (PK) Plasma Concentrations of Lanadelumab
Time Frame: Predose on Day 0, 84, 140 and postdose on 182
The data was partitioned by dosing regimen and reported accordingly to appropriately attribute to each dosing regimen.

5. Plasma Kallikrein (pKal) Activity
Time Frame: Predose on Day 0, 84, 140 and postdose on 182
Plasma Kallikrein activity was measured by biomarker cleaved high molecular weight kininogen (cHMWK) with factor XIIa activation level to assess pharmacodynamics of lanadelumab. The data was partitioned by dosing regimen and reported accordingly to appropriately attribute to each dosing regimen.

6. Number of Participants With ADA in Plasma including evaluation of neutralizing antibodies
Time Frame: Predose on Day 0, 84, 140 and postdose 182
Number of participants with positive ADA including evaluation of neutralizing antibodies in plasma was assessed. As pre-specified in the statistical analysis plan (SAP), data for this outcome measure was collected and analyzed as a single group irrespective of dosing regimen.

7.Change in Total Angioedema Quality of life (AE-QoL) Questionnaire Total Score From Baseline to End of Treatment Period
Time Frame: From Day 0 up to Day 182
The AE-QoL questionnaire is a self-administered validated instrument to assess health related (HR) QoL among participants with recurrent angioedema [including hereditary angioedema (HAE)]. It consists of 17 disease-specific QOL items, to produce a total AE-QoL score and 4 domain scores (functioning, fatigue/mood, fear/shame, and nutrition) and each of the 17 items has a five-point response scale ranging from 1 (Never) to 5 (Very Often). The questionnaire was scored according to developers' guidelines to produce 4 domain scores yielding total score. The raw total score (mean of all item scores) was rescaled using linear transformations into final percentage scores ranging 0 to 100, based on maximum possible score, where higher score, greater QoL impairment. Negative change from Baseline indicates better QoL. Baseline: Last non-missing value prior to first exposure to study drug (based on date or date/time). As pre-specified in the SAP, data for this outcome measure was collected and analyzed as a single group irrespective of dosing regimen.

8. Number of Participants with Any Pause During Injection
Time Frame: Days 0, 14, 28, 42, 56, 70, 84, 98, 112, 126, 140, 154, and 168
An injection report was completed by the participant (or parent/caregiver) following each dose administration of lanadelumab injection used during the treatment period and any kind of pause during injection was captured.

9. Number of Participants with Treatment Emergent Adverse Events (TEAEs) Including Adverse Events of Special Interest (AESI) and Serious Adverse Events (SAEs) in Participants who Switched Dosing Regimen
Time Frame: From Day 0 up to Day 196
TEAE: Any event emerging or manifesting at or after initiation of treatment with investigational product (IP) or medicinal product or any existing event that worsens in either intensity or frequency following exposure to IP or medicinal product including clinically meaningful findings in laboratory safety tests, vital signs, weight, and electrocardiogram (ECG) findings. SAE: Any untoward clinical manifestation of signs, symptoms or outcomes (whether considered related to IP or not and at any dose: results in death, is life-threatening, requires inpatient hospitalization or prolongation of hospitalization, results in persistent or significant disability/incapacity, congenital abnormality/birth defect, an important medical event. AESI included hypersensitivity reactions, events of disordered coagulation such as bleeding AESI, hypercoagulable AESI. TEAEs were classified and reported as angioedema attack and non-angioedema attack adverse events in this outcome measure.

10. Number of Investigator-Confirmed Angioedema Attacks During the Treatment Period of Day 0 Through Day 182 in Participants who Switched Dosing Regimen
Time Frame: From Day 0 up to Day 182
An angioedema attack was defined as the symptoms or signs consistent with an attack in at least 1 of the following locations: peripheral angioedema (cutaneous swelling involving an extremity, the face, neck, torso, and/or genitourinary region), abdominal angioedema (abdominal pain, with or without abdominal distention, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea), laryngeal angioedema (stridor, dyspnea, difficulty speaking, difficulty swallowing, throat tightening, or swelling of the tongue, palate, uvula, or larynx). Number of investigator-confirmed angioedema attacks during the treatment period of Day 0 through Day 182 was assessed.

11. Number of Moderate or Severe Angioedema Attacks During the Treatment Period of Day 0 Through Day 182 in Participants who Switched Dosing Regimen
Time Frame: From Day 0 up to Day 182
The overall severity of angioedema attack was determined by the site using following definitions: mild (transient or mild discomfort), moderate (mild to moderate limitation in activity), severe (marked limitation in activity). Number of moderate or severe angioedema attacks during the treatment period of Day 0 through Day 182 was assessed.

12. Number of High-Morbidity Angioedema Attacks During the Treatment Period of Day 0 through Day 182 in Participants who Switched Dosing Regimen
Time Frame: From Day 0 up to Day 182
A high-morbidity angioedema attack was defined as any attack that has at least one of the following characteristics: severe, results in hospitalization (except hospitalization for observation <24 hours), hemodynamically significant (systolic BP <90 mmHg, requires intravenous hydration, or associated with syncope or near-syncope) or laryngeal.



3 試験等の実施状況の確認に関する事項







4 試験等の対象者に健康被害が生じた場合の補償及び医療の提供に関する事項

5 依頼者等に関する事項


Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited



6 IRBの名称等

神戸大学医学部附属病院 医薬品及び医療機器の臨床研究審査委員会 Kobe University Hospital
兵庫県神戸市中央区楠町7丁目5-2 Kusunoki-cho 7-5-2, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo

7 その他の事項







Takeda Study ID: TAK-743-3001









種別 公表日
終了 令和6年4月22日 (当画面) 変更内容
変更 令和6年4月17日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和5年6月25日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和5年6月18日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和5年5月15日 詳細 変更内容
新規登録 令和4年4月6日 詳細