jRCT ロゴ





河村 栄美子




2 結果の要約

/ 5例のうち3例が男性、2例が女性であり、5例はいずれも日本人であった。年齢の中央値は77.0歳であった。体重の中央値は51.70 kg、身長の中央値は159.0 cmであった。AHAと初めて診断されてからの期間の中央値は0.1ヵ月であった。
3例はrFVIIaの投与歴があり、1例は同意取得前6ヵ月以内にpd-FVIIa/FXの投与歴があった。ベースライン時のhFVIIIインヒビターの中央値は52.0 BU/mLであった。3例でベースライン時にpFVIIIインヒビター力価が検出された。5例のpFVIIIインヒビター力価の中央値は0.90 BU/mLであり、このうち2例は力価が検出不能であった。
Of the 5 subjects, 3 subjects were male, 2 subjects were female, and all of 5 subjects were Japanese. The median age was 77.0 years. The median weight was 51.70 kg and the median height was 159.0 cm. The median time since first diagnosis of AHA was 0.1 months.
Three subjects had history of rFVIIa treatment and 1 subject had history of pd-FVIIa/FX treatment within 6 months prior to obtaining informed consent. The median hFVIII inhibitor at baseline was 52.0 BU/mL. Three subjects had a detectable pFVIII inhibitor titer at baseline. The median pFVIII inhibitor titer for 5 subjects was 0.90 BU/mL, while 2 of those subjects were with undetectable titers.
/ 合計6例が同意書に署名し、5例が投与期間へ移行した。治験薬投与期間に移行した5例のうち、すべての被験者が初回の重大な出血エピソードに対するTAK-672の投与を完了した。初回の投与期間後に、1例がエミシズマブ(遺伝子組換え)の予防投与が必要と判断され、治験参加を中止した。残りの4例は治験を完了した。その後の重大な出血エピソードに対してTAK-672の投与を受けた被験者はいなかった。 A total of 6 subjects signed the informed consent form and 5 subjects were eligible for entrance to the treatment period. Of the 5 subjects who entered the study treatment period, all subjects completed TAK-672 treatment for initial qualified bleeding episode. After initial treatment period, 1 subject discontinued the study participation because the subject was judged to be required to receive prophylactic treatment with emicizumab (genetical recombination). The remaining 4 subjects completed the study. No subject received the TAK-672 treatment for subsequent qualified bleeding episode.
/ - 5例に計49件のTEAEが報告された。3例以上に認められたTEAE(器官別大分類)は、皮膚および皮下組織障害(4例)及び胃腸障害(3例)であった。2例以上に報告されたTEAE(基本語別)は皮下出血(3例)及び尿路感染(2例)であった。
- TEAEのほとんどが軽度又は中等度であった。重度のTEAEは1例に2件(尿路感染及び皮下出血)認められた。TAK-672と関連のある重度のTEAEは報告されなかった。
- TEAEの発現頻度が高い特定の期間は認められなかった。
- 本治験のAEの収集期間中に、死亡又は治験薬の投与中止に至ったTEAEは報告されなかった。
- 2例に5件のSAEが報告された。1例に発現した3件のSAE(皮下出血、出血性素因、尿路感染)は、治験責任医師又は治験分担医師によりTAK-672と関連なしと判断された。他の1例に発現した2件のSAE(中枢性甲状腺機能低下症及びクリオグロブリン血症)は、因果関係を完全に否定できないことから、治験責任医師又は治験分担医師によりTAK-672と関連ありと判断された。しかし、いずれの事象も、治験薬と事象との直接的な関連性を示す説得力のあるエビデンスがなかったため、治験依頼者はTAK-672と「おそらく関連なし」と判断した。その他のAE(重篤又は非重篤)は、治験責任医師又は治験分担医師によりTAK-672と関連なしと判断された。
- 治験責任医師又は治験分担医師より特に注目すべきAEは報告されなかった。治験依頼者が特に注目すべきAE(過敏症反応)に分類したAEは紅斑の1件のみであった。
- 臨床検査値又はバイタルサインに臨床的に意義のある変化は認められなかった。

- A total of 49 TEAEs were reported in 5 subjects. Treatment-emergent AEs by System Organ Class reported in >=3 subjects were skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders (4 subjects), and gastrointestinal disorders (3 subjects). Treatment-emergent AEs by Preferred Term reported in >=2 subjects were haemorrhage subcutaneous (3 subjects) and urinary tract infection (2 subjects).
- Most of TEAEs were mild or moderate in intensity. Two severe TEAEs (urinary tract infection and haemorrhage subcutaneous) were reported in 1 subject. No severe TEAEs related to TAK-672 were reported.
- There was no particular period of which a high incidence of TEAEs was observed.
- No deaths or TEAEs leading to study drug discontinuation were reported through the AE collection period of this study.
- Five SAEs were reported in 2 subjects. The 3 SAEs (haemorrhage subcutaneous, haemorrhagic diathesis, and urinary tract infection) occurred in 1 subject were considered by the investigator to be not related to TAK-672. The 2 SAEs (central hypothyroidism and cryoglobulinaemia) occurred in the other subject were considered by the investigator to be related to TAK-672 because a causal relationship cannot be completely denied. However, both events were considered by the sponsor to be unlikely related to TAK-672 because there was no compelling evidence to directly implicate the study medication with the events. Other AEs (serious or nonserious) were considered by the investigator to be not related to TAK-672.
- No AEs of special interest were reported by investigators. Only 1 AE of erythema was classified by the sponsor as an AE of special interest (hypersensitivity reactions).
There were no AEs classified as de novo inhibitor to pFVIII, anamnestic reaction with increase of inhibitor titer to pFVIII and/or hFVIII, or thromboembolic events.
- No clinically significant changes in laboratory parameters or vital signs.

Brief summary (continued):
TAK-672 treatment was well tolerated and showed a positive response for the treatment of serious bleeding events in Japanese subjects with AHA in the study. Furthermore, individualized treatment courses with FVIII:C monitoring can be tailored to account for individual responses to TAK-672 for efficacy and safety considerations, which fulfills an unmet need in the treatment of bleeds in AHA patients.
/ - 本治験の有効性の主要評価項目は、TAK-672の投与開始から24時間後に、治療に対する反応が認められたと判断された重大な出血エピソードの割合とした。治験責任医師又は治験分担医師により、5例全例(100%、95%CI:47.818~100.000)が投与から24時間後の時点でTAK-672に対して反応が認められたと判断された。
- 治験責任医師又は治験分担医師により、5例(100%、95% CI:47.818~100.000)の重大な出血エピソードがコントロールされたと判断された。
- 5例中1例で初回投与30分後にTAK-672に対して反応が認められなかった。初回投与8時間後、16時間後及び24時間後、追跡調査来院時(84日後の追跡調査を除く)並びに試験終了来院時に、評価可能な4例又は5例のすべての被験者でTAK-672に対して反応が認められた。
- TAK-672投与開始後24時間以内に重大な出血エピソードに対する反応が認められたと判断された被験者では、最終的にコントロールされた。
- 初回投与期間の被験者あたりの総投与量の中央値は548.4 U/kgであった。1例に1回、4例に3回TAK-672を投与した。
- pFVIII及び/又はhFVIIIに対するインヒビター力価の増加を伴う既往反応は認められなかった。3例では初回投与前にpFVIIIインヒビターが検出されたものの、5例全例でTAK-672投与開始24時間後に出血エピソードに対する反応が認められ、最終的にコントロールされた。初回投与前にpFVIIIインヒビターが検出されなかった2例については、投与開始後にpFVIIIインヒビターの発現は認められなかった。
- 1例に重大な出血エピソードが新たに発現したが、TAK-672による治療は受けていない。
- Primary efficacy endpoint in this study was the proportion of severe bleeding episodes with demonstrated response to TAK-672 therapy at 24 hours after the initiation of treatment. All of 5 subjects (100%, 95% CI: 47.818-100.000) were assessed by the investigators to have a positive response to TAK-672 at 24 hours after initiation of treatment.
- Severe bleeding episodes of 5 subjects (100%, 95% CI: 47.818-100.000) were assessed by the investigators to be successfully controlled.
- Response to TAK-672 was negative in 1 of 5 subjects at 30 minutes after the initial dose of TAK-672. At 8 hours, 16 hours, and 24 hours after the initial dose, follow-up visits except follow-up at 84 days, and the end of study visit, all of assessable 4 or 5 subjects showed positive responses to TAK-672.
- Subjects who were assessed to have a positive response to TAK-672 treatment earlier than 24 hours after initiation of treatment achieved eventual control of severe bleeding episodes.
- Total median dose per subject was 548.4 U/kg for initial treatment period. One subject received 1 infusion and 4 subjects received 3 infusions of TAK-672. Median duration of initial treatment period was 1.0 day. Median number of infusions per day was 1.5 infusions. Compliance for initial treatment period was 100% in all of 5 subjects.
- There were no anamnestic reactions with an increase of inhibitor titers against pFVIII and/or hFVIII. Despite the fact that 3 subjects had a detectable pFVIII inhibitor prior to initial dose, all of 5 subjects were assessed to have a positive response to TAK-672 at 24 hours after initiation of treatment and achieved eventual control of the bleeding episode. Regarding the 2 subjects in whom pFVIII inhibitors were not detected prior to initial dose, there were no development of pFVIII inhibitors after initiation of treatment.
- One subject had new qualified severe bleeding episodes, which have not been treated by TAK-672.
/ 本治験の結果から、重大な出血エピソードを有する日本人AHA患者に対する第一選択治療として、TAK-672の忍容性及び有効性は良好であることが示唆された。 The results of this study have suggested that treatment with TAK-672 can be well tolerated and effective as a first-line therapy for Japanese patients with AHA who have serious bleeding events.

3 IPDシェアリング

本試験の非特定化した被験者レベルのデータ(IPD)については、参加被験者の再特定のおそれがあるため提供しません(限られた症例数、実施医療機関で実施されるため) De-identified individual participant data from this particular study will not be shared as there is a reasonable likelihood that individual patients could be re-identified (due to the limited number of study participants/study sites.


研究の種別 企業治験
治験の区分 主たる治験と拡大治験のいずれにも該当しない
登録日 令和5年11月20日
jRCT番号 jRCT2051200066

1 試験等の実施体制に関する事項及び試験等を行う施設の構造設備に関する事項


日本人の後天性血友病A(AHA)患者を対象として、Bドメイン欠損遺伝子組換えブタ第VIII因子製剤(rpFVIII、TAK-672)を重大な出血エピソードの治療薬として投与したときの有効性及び安全性を評価する第2/3相非盲検非対照試験 A Phase 2/3, Open-Label, Non-controlled Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of B-Domain Deleted Recombinant Porcine Factor VIII (rpFVIII, TAK-672), in the Treatment of Serious Bleeding Episode in Japanese Subjects with Acquired Hemophilia A (AHA)
日本人のAHA患者を対象としたTAK-672の試験 Study of TAK-672 in Participants With Acquired Hemophilia A


河村 栄美子 Koumura Emiko
/ 武田薬品工業株式会社 Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited
/ 大阪府大阪市中央区道修町四丁目1番1号 1-1, Doshomachi 4-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka, Osaka
臨床試験情報 お問合せ窓口 Clinical Trial Information Contact for
武田薬品工業株式会社 Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited
大阪府大阪市中央区道修町四丁目1番1号 1-1, Doshomachi 4-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka, Osaka



多施設共同試験等の該当の有無 あり




Jichi Medical University Hospital






Gunma University Hospital






Nagoya University Hospital






Nara Medical University Hospital






Uonuma Kikan Hospital






Chiba University Hospital






Fukushima Medical University Hospital






Tokyo Saiseikai Central Hospital






Yamagata University Hospital



2 試験等の目的及び内容並びにこれに用いる医薬品等の概要


介入研究 Interventional
単一群 single arm study
非盲検 open(masking not used)
非対照 uncontrolled control
単群比較 single assignment
治療 treatment purpose
なし none
1. 日本人の男女でかつ18歳以上の男女
2. 治験関連の手順を開始する前及び治験薬の投与前に、患者本人又はその代諾者から書面による同意が得られていること
3. 臨床評価及び実施医療機関で行われた臨床検査に基づき、AHAと診断された患者であること
・第VIII 因子活性(FVIII:C)の低値が確認されている
・FVIIIインヒビター陽性(実施医療機関又は中央検査機関で測定した結果が0.6 BU以上)である
4. 治験責任医師又は治験分担医師によって、重大な出血エピソードに対する治療が必要であると判断され、かつ、以下に示す基準に1つでも該当する出血が認められた患者
5. 抗血小板剤や抗凝固薬などの抗血栓剤を服用しているが、具体的なFVIIIインヒビター力価が臨床検査で確認され、かつ、これらの抗血栓薬の最終投与から半減期の3倍の期間が経過している患者であること
6. 出血エピソードが認められる前の余命が90日以上あると推定される患者であること
8. 治験実施計画書の要件を遵守することができる/遵守する意思がある患者であること
1. Male or female Japanese participants of >=18 years of age.
2. Participants who (or their legally authorized representatives) have provided his/her written informed consent form prior to any study-related procedures and study product administration.
3. Participants with a diagnosis of AHA based on clinical evaluation and supportive local laboratory testing as shown below:
- Presentation with spontaneous bleeding without anatomical cause and without prior known bleeding disorder.
- Prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) without explanation.
- Abnormal aPTT cross mixing test consistent with FVIII inhibitors
- Confirmation of a low factor VIII activity ( FVIII:C).
- Positive FVIII inhibitor (>=0.6 BU) as measured either in the local or central laboratory
4. Participants with a severe bleeding episode which the investigator finds necessary to treat and whose severe bleeding episode meets at least 1 of the following criteria:
- Bleeds that pose a threat to a vital organ that could threaten life (e.g. intracranial bleed, or any site that could obstruct the airway).
- Bleeds that pose a threat to a vital organ where life is not threatened but the organ function could be impaired (e.g., intraspinal bleed threatening the spinal cord and/or nerve conduction; a continual bleed into the kidney or bladder that could result in an obstructive uropathy, testicular bleed, bleed in and around the eye).
- Bleeds requiring a blood transfusion to maintain the Hgb level at above-life or organ threatening levels (e.g. post-surgical, gastro-intestinal, retro-peritoneal, and thigh bleeds).
- Intramuscular bleeds where muscle viability and/or neurovascular integrity is significantly compromised or at risk of being compromised.
- Intra-articular bleeds impacting a major joint associated with severe pain, swelling and severe loss of joint mobility (reduced >70%) or where a bleed could result in joint destruction (e.g. in and around the femoral head).
5. Participants who are taking anti-thrombotics, (including anti-platelet agents and anticoagulants)with confirmatory laboratory testing documenting specific FVIII inhibitor titer and with 3 half-lives of the agent have elapsed since the last dose.
6. Participants with expected life expectancies of at least 90 daysprior to the onset of the hemorrhagic episode.
7. Participants of reproductive age who have agreed to use acceptable methods of contraception during the study and if female who have agreed to undergo pregnancy testing as part of the screening process.
8. Participant who are able to and willing and able to comply with the requirements of the protocol.
1. 止血治療を行っても出血のコントロールができないことが明確に分かっている患者
2. 出血エピソードが認められたが、未治療のままでも自然治癒する可能性があると判断された患者
3. これまでに、ブタ又はハムスター由来の治療薬に対して重度の過敏症(アナフィラキシー様反応)を示したことが分かっている患者。例として、ブタ由来のFVIII製剤(Hyate:C、販売中止)、ハムスター細胞から作製した遺伝子組換え治療薬(例:Humira、Advate、Enbrel)等が挙げられる。
4. TAK-672の投与前に以下のいずれかに該当する条件で血友病治療薬を使用していた患者:(1)遺伝子組換え活性型第VII因子(rFVIIa)をTAK-672を投与する3時間前までに使用していた患者、(2)活性型プロトロンビン複合体製剤(aPCC)をTAK-672の投与6時間前までに使用していた患者、(3)血漿由来のFX/FVIIa複合体製剤(pd-FX/FVIIa)をTAK-672の投与8時間前までに使用していた患者
5. 治験中に、TAK-672の安全性又は有効性の評価を妨げるおそれのある医薬品の投与又は医療機器の使用が予測される、あるいはTAK-672が、投与中の医薬品又は使用中の医療機器の安全性又は有効性に影響を与えるおそれがあると予測される患者
6. 現在妊娠中又は授乳中、若しくは治験期間中に妊娠すること又は父親になることを予定している患者
7. 本治験への登録前30日以内に別の臨床試験に参加し、治験薬又は治験医療機器を使用している患者
8. 治験期間中に治験薬又は治験医療機器を使用する別の非観察(介入)臨床試験への参加を予定している患者
9. 治験デザイン、治験実施計画書の要件、追跡調査の手順を遵守することができない、又はその意思がない患者
10. 成人年齢に達しているがその大部分の年齢で法的保護を必要とした患者
11. 治験実施医療機関の従業員、その家族又は本治験の実施にかかわる治験実施医療機関の従業員と依存した関係にある者(例:夫婦、親、子供、兄弟姉妹)、若しくは強制の下に同意するおそれがある患者
12. その他、治験責任医師又は治験分担医師が治験の対象として不適当と判断した患者
1. Participants with an established reason for bleeding that is not correctable even with hemostatic therapy.
2. Participants presenting a bleeding episode that is assessed likely to resolve on its own, even if left untreated.
3. Participants with a known major sensitivity (anaphylactoid reactions) to therapeutic products of porcine or hamster origin; examples include therapeutics of porcine origin (e.g. previously marketed porcine FVIII, Hyate: C) and recombinant therapeutics prepared from hamster cells (e.g. Humira, Advate, and Enbrel).
4. Participants with the use of hemophilia medication prior to the administration of TAK-672 under one of the following conditions: (1) use of "recombinant activated factor VII (rFVIIa)" within 3 hours prior to TAK-672 administration (2) use of " activated prothrombin complex concentrate (aPCC)" within 6 hours prior to TAK-672 administration or (3) use of "plasma-derived FX/FVIIa complex concentrate (pd-FX/FVIIa)" within 8 hours prior to TAK-672 administration.
5. Participants with an anticipated need for treatment or device during the study that may interfere with the evaluation of the safety or efficacy of TAK-672, or whose safety or efficacy may be affected by TAK-672.
6. Participants who are currently pregnant or breastfeeding, or planning to become pregnant or father a child during the study
7. Participants who have participated in another clinical study and has been exposed to an investigational product or device within 30 days prior to the study enrollment.
8. Participants who are scheduled to participate in another non-observational (interventional) clinical study involving an investigational product or device during the course of the study.
9. Participants who are unable to or unwilling to comply with the study design, protocol requirements, and/or the follow-up procedures.
10. Participants whose majority of age are under legal protection.
11. Participants who are an immediate family member, study site employee, or are in a dependent relationship with a study site employee who is involved in the conduct of this study (e.g. spouse, parent, child, sibling) or may consent under duress.
12. Participants who are judged by the investigator as being ineligible for any other reason.
18歳 以上 18age old over
上限なし No limit
男性・女性 Both
後天性血友病A Acquired Hemophilia A
TAK-672 の初回用量は200 U/kg で、静脈内注入し、その投与速度は1~2 mL/分とする。2 回目以降の用量は、直近の投与後に得られたFVIII:C、目標FVIII:C 及びブタ第VIII 因子(pFVIII) インヒビター力価(利用可能である場合)に基づき決定する。 TAK-672 will be administered at an initial dose of 200 U/kg with intravenous infusion at a rate of 1-2 mL/min. Subsequent doses will be determined based on the post-infusion FVIII:C achieved after the most recent dose given, the target FVIII:C, and porcine FVIII(pFVIII) inhibitor titer (when available)
1. 投与開始24 時間後にTAK-672 の投与による重大な出血エピソードに対する治療反応が認められた被験者の割合
評価期間:TAK-672の初回投与24 時間後
投与開始24 時間後にTAK-672 の投与による治療反応が認められた重大な出血エピソードの割合は4 段階の順序尺度を用いて評価した。「反応あり」は、「効果あり」(出血停止で臨床的にコントロールされており、FVIII:Cレベルが50%以上)または「部分的に効果あり」(出血量減少で臨床的安定化又は改善されており、FVIII:Cレベルが20%以上)と定義される。「効果不良」は出血量がやや減少又は変化なしで、FVII:C Iレベルが50%未満、「効果なし」は出血悪化でFVIII:Cレベルが20%未満と定義された。
1. Percentage of Participants With Severe Bleeding Episodes Who Demonstrated Response to TAK-672 Therapy at 24 Hours after the Initiation of Treatment
Time Frame: 24 hours after the initial dose of TAK-672
Percentage of severe bleeding episodes with demonstrated response to TAK-672 therapy at 24 hours after the initiation of treatment was assessed by using a well-defined 4-point ordinal scale - A 'positive response' was defined as 'effective' (bleeding stopped with clinical control and FVIII:C levels of 50% or higher ) or 'partially effective' (bleeding reduced with clinical stabilization and FVIII:C levels of 20% or higher) control of bleeding, as determined by the investigator using a 4-point rating scale (effective - partially effective - poorly effective - not effective). 'Poorly effective' was defined as 'bleeding slightly reduced or unchanged and FVIII:C levels of less than 50%'. 'Not effective' is defined as 'bleeding worsening and FVIII:C levels of less than 20%'.
1. 治験責任医師又は治験分担医師により、TAK-672 の投与で重大な出血エピソードがコントロールされたと判断された被験者の割合

2. 事前に規定された投与開始後の評価時点で、治験責任医師又は治験分担医師により、TAK-672の投与による出血エピソードに対する反応があったと判断された被験者の割合

3. 投与基準を満たす出血エピソードのコントロールに必要となったTAK-672の被験者ごとの投与頻度

4. 投与基準を満たす出血エピソードのコントロールに必要となったTAK-672の被験者ごとの総投与量

5. 投与基準を満たす出血エピソードのコントロールに必要となったTAK-672の被験者ごとの総投与回数

6. 特定の時点でAK-672の投与による治療反応が認められ、最終的に重大な出血エピソードがコントロールされた被験者の割合

7. 投与前のpFVIII インヒビター力価と出血エピソードの最終的なコントロールとの相関性
投与前のpFVIIIインヒビター力価と出血エピソードの最終的なコントロールとの相関性を検討するため、出血エピソードが最終的にコントロールされた被験者の投与前のpFVIII インヒビター力価を評価した。

8. TAK-672 の総投与量と出血エピソードの最終的なコントロールとの相関性
TAK-672の総投与量と出血エピソードの最終的なコントロールとの相関性を検討するため、出血エピソードが最終的にコントロールされた被験者の、被験者ごとのTAK-672 の総投与量を評価した。

9. 投与から24 時間後に治療反応が認められ、出血エピソードが最終的にコントロールされた被験者数

10. hFVIII に対するインヒビター力価

11. pFVIII に対するインヒビター力価

12. TAK-672の終末相半減期(t1/2)

13. TAK-672のクリアランス(CL)

14. TAK-672の分布容積(Vd)

15. TAK-672の血中濃度-時間曲線下面積(AUC)及び投与量当たりの最高血中濃度(Cmax/Dose)

16. TAK-672の投与量当たりの最高血中濃度(Cmax/Dose)

17. TAK-672 の初回投与から止血管理の完了までの被験者ごとの投与期間

18. TAK-672 の初回投与から止血管理の完了までの被験者ごとの総投与量

19. 治験薬の投与基準を満たす重大な出血エピソードが新たに発生した被験者の数
1. Percentage of Participants With Severe Bleeding Episodes Successfully Controlled with TAK-672 Therapy, as Assessed by the Investigator
Time Frame: From first dose of study drug up to 90 days after the last dose of study drug or until discontinued (up to 19 months 21 days)
If the status assessed by the investigator at the end of study treatment of initial treatment period was "successfully controlled", the participant's initial severe bleeding episode was considered as successfully controlled.

2. Percentage of Participants With Bleeding Episodes Responsive to TAK-672 Therapy at Designated Assessment Time Points After the Initiation of Therapy, as Assessed by the Investigator
Timeframe; At 0.5, 8, 16, 24, 48, 60, 96, and 120 hours post dose and at 1, 14, 28, 42, 56, 70, and 90 day follow-up
A 'positive response' was defined as 'effective' (bleeding stopped with clinical control and FVIII:C levels of 50% or higher) or 'partially effective' (bleeding reduced with clinical stabilization and FVIII:C levels of 20% or higher) control of bleeding, as determined by the investigator using a 4-point rating scale (effective - partially effective - poorly effective - not effective). 'Poorly effective' was defined as 'bleeding slightly reduced or unchanged and FVIII:C levels of less than 50%'. 'Not effective' is defined as 'bleeding worsening and FVIII:C levels of less than 20%'.

3. Frequency of Infusions Per Participant of TAK-672 Required to Successfully Control Qualifying Bleeding Episodes
Time Frame: From first dose of study drug up to 90 days after the last dose of study drug or until discontinued (up to 19 months 21 days)
'Frequency of infusions' was calculated as the 'average number of infusions per day'. 'Qualifying bleeding episode' was defined as the 'initial, severe bleeding episode'

4. Total Dose of Infusions Per Participant of TAK-672 Required to Successfully Control Qualifying Bleeding Episodes.
Time Frame: From first dose of study drug up to 90 days after the last dose of study drug or until discontinued (up to 19 months 21 days)
'Qualifying bleeding episode' was defined as the 'initial, severe bleeding episode'. Total dose of infusions is sum of doses from start of treatment with TAK-672 for qualifying bleeding episodes until completion of the management of the bleeding.

5. Total Number of Infusions Per Participant of TAK-672 Required to Successfully Control Qualifying Bleeding Episodes.
Time Frame: From first dose of study drug up to 90 days after the last dose of study drug or until discontinued (up to 19 months 21 days)
'Qualifying bleeding episode' was defined as the 'initial, severe bleeding episode'. If the status assessed by the investigator at the end of study treatment of initial treatment period was "successfully controlled", the participant's initial severe bleeding episode was considered as successfully controlled.

6. Percentage of Participants With Response to TAK-672 Therapy at Specified Time Points and Eventual Control of Severe Bleeding Episodes
Timeframe; At 0.5, 8, 16, 24, 48, 60, 96,120, and 144 hours post dose and at 1, 14, 28, 42, 56, 70, and 90 day follow-up
Percentage of participants with response to TAK-672 therapy at specified time points and eventual control of severe bleeding episodes was assessed to determine the correlation between response to TAK-672 therapy and eventual control of severe bleeding episodes.

7. Correlation among the Pre-infusion Anti-TAK-672 Antibody Titers and the Eventual Control of the Bleeding Episode
Timeframe; From first dose of study drug up to 90 days after the last dose of study drug or until discontinued (up to 19 months 21 days)
The pre-infusion anti-TAK-672 antibody titers and the eventual control of the bleeding episode was assessed to determine the correlation among the pre-infusion pFVIII inhibitor titers and the eventual control of the bleeding episode.

8. Correlation among the Total Dose Per Participant of TAK-672 and the Eventual Control of the Bleeding Episode.
Timeframe; From first dose of study drug up to 90 days after the last dose of study drug or until discontinued (up to 19 months 21 days)
The total dose per participant of TAK-672 and the eventual control of the bleeding episode was assessed to determine the correlation among the total dose of TAK-672, and the eventual control of the bleeding episode.

9. Number of Participants With Response at 24 Hours and the Eventual Control of the Bleeding Episode
Timeframe; From first dose of study drug up to 90 days after the last dose of study drug or until discontinued (up to 19 months 21 days)
Number of participants with response at 24 hours and the eventual control of the bleeding episode was assessed to determine the correlation among the response at 24 hours, and the eventual control of the bleeding episode.

10. Anti-hFVIII Inhibitor Titers
Timeframe: Baseline, 72 hours postdose, and at 14, 28, 42, 56, 70, and 90 days follow-up (up to 19 months 21 days)

11. Anti-pFVIII Inhibitor Titer
Timeframe: Baseline, 72 hours postdose, and at 14, 28, 42, 56, 70, and 90 days follow-up (up to 19 months 21 days)

12. Terminal Half-life (t1/2) for TAK-672
Timeframe: Pre-dose and at multiple time points post-dose (up to 24 hours) after over 48 hours from the last treatment with TAK-672

13. Clearance (CL) for TAK-672
Timeframe: Pre-dose and at multiple time points post-dose (up to 24 hours) after over 48 hours from the last treatment with TAK-672

14. Volume of Distribution (Vd) for TAK-672
Timeframe: Pre-dose and at multiple time points post-dose (up to 24 hours) after over 48 hours from the last treatment with TAK-672

15. Area Under the Concentration-Time Curve (AUC) for TAK-672
Timeframe: Pre-dose and at multiple time points post-dose (up to 24 hours) after over 48 hours from the last treatment with TAK-672

16. Maximum Drug Concentration (Cmax) per Dose (Cmax/Dose) for TAK-672
Timeframe: Pre-dose and at multiple time points post-dose (up to 24 hours) after over 48 hours from the last treatment with TAK-672

17. Duration Period Per Participant from Initial Dose of TAK-672 until Completion of Hemostasis Control
Timeframe: From first dose of study drug up to 90 days after the last dose of study drug or until discontinued (up to 19 months 21 days)

18. Total Dose Per Participant from Initial Dose of TAK-672 until Completion of Hemostasis Control
Timeframe: From first dose of study drug up to 90 days after the last dose of study drug or until discontinued (up to 19 months 21 days)
Total dose is sum of doses from start of treatment with TAK-672 until completion of hemostasis control.

19. Number of Participants With New Qualified Severe Bleeding Episodes
Timeframe; From first dose of study drug up to 90 days after the last dose of study drug or until discontinued (up to 19 months 21 days)



3 試験等の実施状況の確認に関する事項







4 試験等の対象者に健康被害が生じた場合の補償及び医療の提供に関する事項

5 依頼者等に関する事項


Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited



6 IRBの名称等

奈良県立医科大学附属病院 Nara Medical University Hospital IRB
奈良県橿原市四条町840 840, Shijo-cho, Kashihara-city, Nara

7 その他の事項



WHO Universal Trial Number
WHO Universal Trial Number
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier




Takeda Study ID: TAK-672-3001









種別 公表日
終了 令和5年11月21日 (当画面) 変更内容
変更 令和5年11月11日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和5年1月7日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和4年10月4日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和3年12月14日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和3年10月18日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和3年7月9日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和3年2月5日 詳細 変更内容
新規登録 令和2年10月20日 詳細