jRCT ロゴ





小児及び若年成人ドラベ症候群患者を対象とした補助療法としてZX008(Fenfluramine hydrochloride)経口液剤の長期安全性を評価する非盲検継続試験
小児及び若年成人ドラベ症候群患者を対象とした補助療法としてZX008(Fenfluramine hydrochloride)経口液剤の長期安全性を評価する非盲検継続試験
山本 秀一郎
fenfluramine hydrochloride
独立行政法人国立病院機構静岡てんかん・神経医療センター  治験審査委員会




2 結果の要約

/ このOLE試験には、合計375例の被験者が登録され、そのうち343例は3つのコア試験のいずれかに参加した後に登録され、新規被験者32例も登録された(新規被験者1例は治験薬投与開始前に同意撤回した)。
A total of 375 subjects were enrolled in this OLE study, 343 of them were enrolled following participation in 1 of the 3 core studies, and 32 de novo subjects were also enrolled (1 de novo subject withdrew consent prior to starting dosing with study drug).
The mean (standard deviation [SD]) age of 374 subjects at the time of entry was 10.3 (6.12) years, with the majority in the 6 to 18 years age group (250 [66.8%] subjects); 202 (54.0%) were male and 172 (46.0%) were female.
/ 試験1、試験2コホート2及び試験3から登録された被験者は、0.2mg/kg/日の用量に移行し、1カ月間その用量で投与された。新規被験者及び試験2コホート1から登録された被験者も、ZX008 0.2mg/kg/日の用量でOLE治療期間を開始し、1カ月間その用量で投与された。その後、安全性、安全性及び忍容性のバランスを取りながら、各被験者が至適用量に到達できるよう、高用量へ漸増した。
Subjects enrolling from Study 1, Study 2 Cohort 2, and Study 3 were transitioned to the 0.2 mg/kg/day dose and kept on that dose for Month 1. De novo subjects and Subjects enrolling from Study 2 Cohort 1 also began the OLE Treatment Period at a dose of ZX008 0.2 mg/kg/day and kept on that dose for Month 1. Thereafter, titration to higher doses was permitted to enable each subject to reach their optimal dose, balancing effectiveness, safety and tolerability.
A total of 375 subjects were enrolled in this OLE study and 374 had received >= 1 dose of ZX008. The majority of subjects (225 [60.0%]) who discontinued the OLE Treatment period early did so to transition to OLE Study 1900 and continue treatment with open-label ZX008. Forty eight (12.8%) subjects discontinued study participation due to lack of efficacy. Eleven (2.9%) subjects discontinued study participation due to a TEAE. Sixteen (4.3%) subjects withdrew from the study early due to subject's decision, 1 subject withdrew due to caregiver's decision and 2 subjects withdrew due to physician's decision. A total of 3 subjects experienced SAEs of SUDEP with fatal outcomes during the OLE treatment period.
/ ZX008は、今回のOLE試験の被験者の最終解析で評価されたように、許容できる安全性プロファイルを有し、ドラベ症候群に伴う発作の長期治療に十分耐えうることが示された。ほとんどのTEAEは、食欲減退や体重減少など、本薬剤に関連する既知のものであり、臨床でモニターするのに容易なものであった。心毒性の徴候は観察されず、この長期試験から報告された他のデータとも一致した。
・OLE治療期間中に10%以上の被験者に報告された最も一般的なTEAEは、発熱(112 [29.9%])、鼻咽頭炎(104 [27.8%])、食欲減退(100 [26.7%])、痙攣(58 [15.5%])、血糖値低下(89 [23.8%])、下痢(73[19.5%])、心エコー異常(生理的逆流に限る)(67[17.9%])、上気道感染(66[17.6%])、インフルエンザ(51[13.6%])、嘔吐(39[10.4%])及び耳感染(39[10.4%])であった。
ZX008, as assessed in final analysis for subjects in this OLE study, demonstrates it to have an acceptable safety profile and be well tolerated for the long-term treatment of seizures associated with Dravet syndrome. Most TEAEs were known AEs associated with fenfluramine, such as decreased appetite and weight loss, which are straightforward to monitor in clinical practice. No signs of cardiotoxicity were observed, consistent with other cuts of data reported from this long-term study.
- A total of 3 deaths occurred during the OLE. All 3 deaths were due to sudden unexplained death in epilepsy (SUDEP) and were assessed by the Investigators as not related to the study drug.
- 99 (26.5%) subjects experienced treatment-emergent SAEs during the study of which 9 (2.4%) subjects' SAEs were assessed as related to study drug.
- 13 (3.5%) subjects discontinued study participation due to a TEAE.
- The most common TEAEs reported for >= 10% subjects during the OLE Treatment Period included pyrexia (112 [29.9%]), nasopharyngitis (104 [27.8%]), decreased appetite (100 [26.7%]), seizure (58 [15.5%]), blood glucose deceased (89 [23.8%]), diarrhoea (73 [19.5%]), echocardiogram abnormal (limited to physiologic regurgitation 67 [17.9%]), upper respiratory tract infection (66 [17.6%]), influenza (51 [13.6%]), vomiting (39 [10.4%]), and ear infection (39 [10.4%]).
- 87 (23.3%) subjects had at least 1 treatment-emergent AESI of decreased blood glucose, and 31 (8.3%) subjects had at least 1 treatment-emergent AESI of hypoglycemia. For 13 subjects, the events were assessed as related to study drug. There were no AESI reported for suicidal thoughts, ideation, or gestures during the OLE Treatment Period.
- Few sporadic clinically significant abnormalities were observed in hematology, chemistry, and urinalysis parameters and measures of growth, precocious puberty, and thyroid function.
- At the EOS, 30 (8.0%) subjects experienced weight loss from OLE Baseline of >= 7% and had not regained the body weight loss. This is not unexpected given the anorectic effects of fenfluramine.
- No subject in this study experienced any clinically meaningful cardiovascular changes, VHD, or PAH as measured by ECGs, ECHOs, or clinical symptoms.
- No trends were observed over the OLE Treatment Period to indicate alteration in physical maturation or puberty.
- No negative effects on executive function were observed, as measured by the BRIEF-P, BRIEF, and BRIEF-A.
/ 主要評価項目

mITT集団(エンドポイント1:1日目~試験終了時[EOS])におけるOLE治療期間全体のCSFのベースラインからの変化率の中央値は-66.81%であった(p < 0.001)。
OLE 2ヵ月目からEOS(エンドポイント2:31日目~EOS)までの期間のCSF変化率中央値は、コア試験から1503試験への移行期間中にZX008を減量した被験者に生じた可能性のある有効性の低下を考慮するため、コア試験のベースライン期間と比較した。OLE 2ヵ月目からEOSまでの期間のCSF変化率中央値(-67.82%、p < 0.001)は、OLE治療期間全体と同様であり、1ヵ月目を除外しても発作制御の改善を示すものではなかった。CSFの減少率も1、2、3ヵ月目、その後33~36ヵ月目までの3ヵ月間ごとに算出した。CSFのベースラインからの減少率の中央値は、1ヵ月目に統計学的に有意に認められ、36ヵ月目まで維持された。
すべての副次的有効性評価項目において、臨床的に意味のある持続的な発作の改善が認められた。ZX008の痙攣発作の減少に対する長期有効性は強固であった:EOS(すなわち、本中間報告のカットオフ日までの最終来院)における髄液の大幅な減少(75%以下)は、被験者の39.8%で観察された。EOS時に25%以上及び50%以上の減少を達成した被験者の割合は、それぞれ76.5%及び64.2%であった。2例(0.6%)が参加期間中痙攣発作を起こさなかったが、1例目は81日間、2例目は試験終了時点で456日間であった。この期間は、被験者がZX008 0.2mg/kg/日の投与を継続する必要があった1ヵ月間を考慮したものである。2ヵ月目以降の発作の自由度を評価したところ、3例(0.9%)が発作を起こさなかった。
コア試験のベースラインと比較して、OLE治療期間の非痙攣発作頻度に統計学的に有意な変化が認められた。OLE治療期間全体の非痙攣発作頻度のベースラインからの変化率の中央値は-84.3%(p < 0.001)であった。同様に、CSFと非痙攣発作頻度を合計すると、OLE治療期間中のCSF+非痙攣発作頻度は、コア試験のベースラインと比較して統計学的に有意な変化が認められた。OLE治療期間全体のCSF+非痙攣発作頻度のベースラインからの変化率の中央値は-64.0%(p < 0.001)であった。
Primary Outcome
Overview of number of subjects with a TEAE during the OLE treatment period (Safety population is 374 subjects) as follows;
- A total of 367 (98.1%) subjects experienced at least 1 TEAE.
- A total of 99 (26.5%) subjects experienced at least 1 Serious TEAE.
- A total of 13 (3.5%) subjects discontinued study treatment due to a TEAE.

Secondary Outcome
The key effectiveness outcome was the change in CSF per 28 days between the core Baseline and OLE Treatment Period. Data from this OLE study demonstrate that the robust effect observed during the core studies was durable and long-lasting - the reduction in convulsive seizures for subjects in the open-label study was maintained throughout study participation.
The median percentage change from Baseline in CSF during the overall OLE Treatment Period in the mITT Population (Endpoint 1: Day 1 to end of study [EOS]) was -66.81% (p < 0.001).
The median percentage change in CSF for the OLE Month 2 to EOS (Endpoint 2: Day 31 to EOS) period was compared with that of the core study Baseline period to account for any loss of efficacy that may have occurred in subjects who down-titrated ZX008 during the transition from the core studies to Study 1503. The median percentage change in CSF for the OLE Month 2 to EOS period (-67.82% [p < 0.001]) was similar to the overall OLE Treatment Period and did not indicate better seizure control when Month 1 was removed from the calculation. The reduction in CSF was also calculated during Months 1, 2, 3, and then in 3-month periods up to Months 33 - 36. A statistically significant median percentage reduction from Baseline in CSF was observed in Month 1 and was maintained through Month 36.
All secondary effectiveness outcome measures demonstrated clinically meaningful and durable improvement in seizures. The long-term effectiveness of ZX008 in reducing convulsive seizures was robust: a profound (>=75%) reduction in CSF at EOS (ie, the last visit by the cut-off date for this interim report) was observed in 39.8% of subjects. The percentage of subjects who achieved >= 25% and >= 50% reductions at EOS was 76.5% and 64.2%, respectively. 2 (0.6%) subjects were convulsive seizure-free during their entire participation, 81 days for one subject and 456 days for the second subject at the end of the study. This period takes into account a 1-month period in which subjects were required to stay on the ZX008 0.2 mg/kg/day dose. When assessing seizure freedom from Month 2 and beyond, 3 (0.9%) subjects were seizure free.
A total of 276 (85.2%) subjects in the mITT Population used at least 1 rescue medication during the entire OLE Treatment Period. However, the mean (SD) number of days rescue medication was used per 28 days during the OLE Treatment Period was only 1.38 (3.145) days, and the mean number of days that rescue medication was used as subjects progressed through the OLE trended downward.
Subjects on the lowest mean daily dose of ZX008 experienced a slightly greater percentage reduction in CSF than subjects on higher doses: the median percentage reduction compared with Baseline CSF was -70.17%, -64.31%, and -66.70% in the ZX008 0 to < 0.4 mg/kg/day, 0.4 to < 0.6 mg/kg/day and >= 0.6 mg/kg/day mean daily dose groups, respectively. Thus, some subjects may respond well on the lowest ZX008 dose of 0.2 mg/kg/day, while other's optimal dose may be at the highest dose of 0.8 mg/kg/day, supporting the dosing algorithm for ZX008 in which therapy is initiated at 0.2 mg/kg/day and the dose is titrated to effect based upon individual response.
A statistically significant change in non-convulsive seizure frequency for the OLE Treatment Period compared with core study Baseline was observed. The median percentage change from Baseline in non-convulsive seizure frequency for the overall OLE Treatment Period (ie, Day 1 to EOS) was -84.3% (p < 0.001). Likewise, when CSF and non-convulsive seizure frequency were combined, a statistically significant change in CSF + nonconvulsive seizure frequency for the OLE Treatment Period compared with core study Baseline was observed. The median percentage change from Baseline in CSF + non-convulsive seizure frequency for the overall OLE Treatment Period (ie, Day 1 to EOS) was -64.0% (p < 0.001).
In the mITT Population, 86 (26.5%) subjects had a change in antiepileptic drug medication during the first 6 months of the OLE Treatment Period.
/ 本1503試験の最終報告は、ドラベ症候群に伴う痙攣発作の併用療法におけるZX008の継続的かつ長期的な臨床的ベネフィットと安全性を強く支持するものである。確実かつ持続的な臨床的に意味のある発作の減少は、予想される管理可能な有害事象を伴い、身体機能への悪影響はなく、心血管系にも異常はかった。以上から、1503試験は、ZX008の持続的な高い有効性と良好なベネフィット:リスクプロファイルを裏付けている。 This final report of Study 1503 strongly supports the continued, long-term clinical benefit and safety of ZX008 for the adjunctive treatment of convulsive seizures associated with Dravet syndrome. Robust and sustained, clinically meaningful reductions in seizures were accompanied by expected and manageable TEAEs, no negative effects on executive function, and no cardiovascular abnormalities. Study 1503 thus far supports the persistent profound effectiveness of ZX008 with a favorable benefit: risk profile.

3 IPDシェアリング

本臨床試験のデータは、適格な研究者であれば、米国及び/又は欧州における製品承認又は国際共同開発の中止から6ヶ月後、及び臨床試験終了から18ヶ月後に要求することができる。治験責任医師等は、匿名化された個々の患者レベルのデータ及び編集された臨床試験文書(解析可能なデータセット、治験実施計画書、注釈付き症例報告書、統計解析計画書、データセット仕様書、総括報告書など)へのアクセスを要求することができる。データを使用する前に、申請はwww.Vivli.orgの独立審査委員会による承認を受ける必要があり、署名されたデータ共有契約を締結する必要がある。全ての文書は、パスワードで保護されたポータルサイトで、あらかじめ指定された期間(通常12ヶ月間)、英語のみで利用可能である。試験終了後、試験参加者を再特定するリスクが高すぎると判断された場合、この計画は変更される可能性がある。 Data from this trial may be requested by qualified researchers six months after product approval in the US and/or Europe, or global development is discontinued, and 18 months after trial completion. Investigators may request access to anonymized individual patient-level data and redacted trial documents which may include: analysis-ready datasets, study protocol, annotated case report form, statistical analysis plan, dataset specifications, and clinical study report. Prior to use of the data, proposals need to be approved by an independent review panel at www.Vivli.org and a signed data sharing agreement will need to be executed. All documents are available in English only, for a prespecified time, typically 12 months, on a password protected portal. This plan may change if the risk of re-identifying trial participants is determined to be too high after the trial is completed; in this case and to protect participants, individual patient-level data would not be made available.


研究の種別 企業治験
治験の区分 主たる治験と拡大治験のいずれにも該当しない
登録日 令和5年10月10日
jRCT番号 jRCT2041200095

1 試験等の実施体制に関する事項及び試験等を行う施設の構造設備に関する事項


小児及び若年成人ドラベ症候群患者を対象とした補助療法としてZX008(Fenfluramine hydrochloride)経口液剤の長期安全性を評価する非盲検継続試験 An Open-Label Extension Trial to Assess the Long-Term Safety of ZX008 (Fenfluramine Hydrochloride) Oral Solution as an Adjunctive Therapy in Children and Young Adults with Dravet Syndrome
小児及び若年成人ドラベ症候群患者を対象とした補助療法としてZX008(Fenfluramine hydrochloride)経口液剤の長期安全性を評価する非盲検継続試験 An Open-Label Extension Trial to Assess the Long-Term Safety of ZX008 (Fenfluramine Hydrochloride) Oral Solution as an Adjunctive Therapy in Children and Young Adults with Dravet Syndrome


山本 秀一郎 YAMAMOTO Hideichiro
/ サイネオス・ヘルス・クリニカル株式会社 Syneos Health Clinical K.K.
/ 大阪府大阪市北区梅田3-3-10 梅田ダイビル10階 10F Umeda Daibiru, 3-3-10, Umeda, Kita-ku, Osaka
山本 秀一郎 YAMAMOTO Hideichiro
サイネオス・ヘルス・クリニカル株式会社 Syneos Health Clinical K.K.
大阪府大阪市北区梅田3-3-10 梅田ダイビル10階 10F Umeda Daibiru, 3-3-10, Umeda, Kita-ku, Osaka



多施設共同試験等の該当の有無 あり



独立行政法人国立病院機構 静岡てんかん・神経医療センター

National Epilepsy Center NHO Shizuoka Institute of Epilepsy and Neurological Disorders






Okayama University Hospital





地方独立行政法人埼玉県立病院機構 埼玉県立小児医療センター

Saitama Children's Medical Center






Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital



2 試験等の目的及び内容並びにこれに用いる医薬品等の概要


介入研究 Interventional
単一群 single arm study
非盲検 open(masking not used)
非対照 uncontrolled control
単群比較 single assignment
治療 treatment purpose
オーストラリア/ベルギー/カナダデンマーク/フランス/ドイツ/イタリア/韓国/オランダ/ノルウェー/スペイン/スウェーデン/英国/米国 Australia/Belgium/Canda/Denmark/France/Germany/Italy/Korea/Netherland/Norway/Spain/Sweeded/UK/US
・ コア試験のスクリーニング来院日時点の年齢が2歳から18歳の男性又は妊娠中 及び授乳中ではない女性患者。
・ コア試験を適切に完了したと治験担当医師及び治験依頼者が判断した患者。
・ 現在の抗てんかん薬では痙攣発作を十分にコントロールできないDSと診断され、その臨床診断を支持する既往歴を文書で確認できること。
・ 患者の介護者に日誌の記録、規定来院及び治験薬の管理記録を行う意思及び能力があること。
・ 患者の親/介護者がコア試験参加中に日誌の記録 作成を遵守(少なくとも 90 以上)したと、 治験担当医師が判断していること。
- Male or non-pregnant, non-lactating female, age 2 to 18 years, inclusive as of the day of the core study Screening Visit.
- Satisfactory completion of the core study in the opinion of the investigator and the sponsor.
- A documented medical history to support a clinical diagnosis of Dravet syndrome, where convulsive seizures are not completely controlled by current antiepileptic drugs.
- Parent/caregiver is willing and able to be compliant with diary completion, visit schedule and study drug accountability.
- Subject's parent/caregiver has been compliant with diary completion during the core study, in the opinion of the investigator (eg, at least 90% compliant).
・ 心筋梗塞又は脳卒中などの 心血管若しくは脳血管疾患 の合併又は既往を有する患者
・ 緑内障の合併又は既往を有する患者
・ 中等度又は重度の肝機能障害を有する患者
・ 次のいずれかの薬剤を併用中の患者:中枢性食欲抑制剤、モノアミン酸化酵素阻害剤、セロトニンアゴニスト又はアンタゴニスト作用を有する 薬物を臨床的に影響のある量で含有する中枢作用薬(セロトニン再取り込み阻害薬を含む)、アトモキセチンを含むその他の中枢性ノルアドレナリン作動薬、シプロヘプタジン及び/又はチトクローム P450 (CYP) 2D6/3A4/2B6阻害剤/基質
・ カルバマゼピン、オクスカルバゼピン、 eslicarbazepine、フェノバルビタール、フェニトイン の いずれかを維持療法として現在服用中又は過去 30日以内に服用した患者。
・ てんかん以外に、 本治験への参加及び治験データ収集に悪影響を及ぼす、あるいは 当該患者を危険にさらす可能性のある臨床的に重要な症状又は病状が Visit 1において認められた患者
- Current or past history of cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease, myocardial infarction or stroke.
- Current or past history of glaucoma.
- Moderate or severe hepatic impairment.
- Receiving concomitant therapy with: centrally-acting anorectic agents; monoamineoxidase inhibitors; any centrally-acting compound with clinically appreciable amount of serotonin agonist or antagonist properties, including serotonin reuptake inhibition; atomoxetine, or other centrally-acting noradrenergic agonist; cyproheptadine, and/or cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2D6/3A4/2B6 inhibitors/substrates.
- Currently taking carbamazepine, oxcarbamazepine, eslicarbazepine, phenobarbital, or phenytoin, or has taken any of these within the past 30 days, as maintenance therapy.
- A clinically significant condition, or has had clinically relevant symptoms or a clinically significant illness at Visit 1, other than epilepsy, that would negatively impact study participation, collection of study data, or pose a risk to the subject.
2歳 以上 2age old over
35歳 以下 35age old under
男性・女性 Both
ドラベ症候群 Dravet syndrome
ZX008(fenfluramine hydrochloride)経口液剤
初期投与量:0.2mg/kg 最大投与量 30mg/日
ZX008 (Fenfluramine Hydrochloride) Oral Solution
Initial dose: 0.2mg/kg, Max daily dose: 30mg
長期安全性及び忍容性を、臨床検査、バイタルサイン及び検査所見を含む治験治療下で有害事象をもとに評価する Long-term safety and tolerability as measured by treatment emergent adverse events, including clinical labs, vital signs, and examination findings.


fenfluramine hydrochloride

3 試験等の実施状況の確認に関する事項







4 試験等の対象者に健康被害が生じた場合の補償及び医療の提供に関する事項

5 依頼者等に関する事項


Zogenix International Limited
Zogenix International Limited



6 IRBの名称等

独立行政法人国立病院機構静岡てんかん・神経医療センター  治験審査委員会 National Epilepsy Centre Shizuoka Institute of Epilepsy and Neurological Disorders Institutional Review Board
静岡県静岡市葵区漆山866 866, Urushiyama, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka-city, Shizuoka

7 その他の事項











EP0212 (ZX008-1503)-protocol-amend-5.8-jp-public.pdf




種別 公表日
終了 令和5年10月12日 (当画面) 変更内容
変更 令和3年5月18日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和3年3月3日 詳細 変更内容
新規登録 令和3年1月29日 詳細