jRCT ロゴ





鹿村 光宏


研究の種別 企業治験
治験の区分 主たる治験
登録日 令和6年11月29日
jRCT番号 jRCT2031230714

1 試験等の実施体制に関する事項及び試験等を行う施設の構造設備に関する事項


汎発型膿疱性乾癬又は乾癬性紅皮症の成人患者を対象にTAK-279の有効性、安全性及び忍容性を評価する第3相、非盲検、多施設共同試験 A Phase 3, Open-Label, Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of TAK-279 in Adult Subjects With Generalized Pustular Psoriasis or Erythrodermic Psoriasis
汎発型膿疱性乾癬又は乾癬性紅皮症の成人患者を対象としたTAK-279の試験 A Study of TAK-279 in Adult Participants With Generalized Pustular Psoriasis or Erythrodermic Psoriasis


鹿村 光宏 Shikamura Mitsuhiro
/ 武田薬品工業株式会社 Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited
/ 大阪府大阪市中央区道修町四丁目1番1号 1-1, Doshomachi 4-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka
臨床試験情報 お問合せ窓口  Contact for Clinical Trial Information
武田薬品工業株式会社 Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited
大阪府大阪市中央区道修町四丁目1番1号 1-1, Doshomachi 4-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka



多施設共同試験等の該当の有無 あり




Nagoya City University Hospital






Teikyo University Hospital






Fukuoka University Hospital






Tokyo Medical University Hospital






Hospital of the University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan






Okayama University Hospital






Isesaki Municipal Hospital






Kobe University Hospital






Fujita Health University Hospital






St.Luke's International Hospital






Saitama Medical University Hospital






Tokai University Hospital






Juntendo University Urayasu Hospital






Mie University Hospital






Kimitsu Chuo Hospital






University Hospital, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine






Osaka Metropolitan University Hospital






Nippon Life Hospital






Kansai Medical University Hospital










2 試験等の目的及び内容並びにこれに用いる医薬品等の概要


介入研究 Interventional
非無作為化比較 non-randomized controlled trial
非盲検 open(masking not used)
非対照 uncontrolled control
並行群間比較 parallel assignment
治療 treatment purpose
なし none
1. スクリーニング来院前にGPP又はEPの診断を受けている者。
2. 光線療法又は全身療法の対象となる者。
1. A diagnosis of GPP or EP prior to the screening visit.
2. Candidate for phototherapy or systemic therapy.
Other protocol defined inclusion criteria apply.
1. 他の病型の乾癬の者。
2. 最近発生した感染症の既往歴がある者。
3. TAK-279、その他のTYK2阻害剤の投与歴がある者又はTYK2阻害剤を対象とした試験の参加歴のある者。

1. Other forms of psoriasis.
2. History of recent infection.
3. Any prior exposure to TAK-279, or participation in any study that included a TYK2 inhibitor.
Other protocol defined exclusion criteria apply.

18歳 以上 18age old over
上限なし No limit
男性・女性 Both
汎発型膿疱性乾癬又は乾癬性紅皮症 Generalized Pustular Psoriasis or Erythrodermic Psoriasis
汎発型膿疱性乾癬の被験者はDay 1からWeek 52までTAK-279を投与する。

乾癬性紅皮症の被験者はDay 1からWeek 52までTAK-279を投与する。
TAK-279 for Generalized Pustular Psoriasis
Participants with generalized pustular psoriasis will receive TAK-279 from Day 1 up to Week 52.

TAK-279 for Erythrodermic Psoriasis
Participants with erythrodermic psoriasis will receive TAK-279 from Day 1 up to Week 52.
1. Week 16のsPGAスコアが「消失」(0)又は「ほぼ消失」(1)を達成し、かつ、ベースラインから2ポイント以上改善した被験者の割合
評価期間:ベースライン及びWeek 16

2. Week 16のPsoriasis Area and Severity Index(PASI)スコアがベースラインから75%以上の改善(PASI-75)を達成した被験者の割合
評価期間:ベースライン及びWeek 16
1. Percentage of Participants Achieving a Static Physician's Global Assessment (sPGA) of Clear (0) or Almost Clear (1) With a >=2-Point Decrease from Baseline at Week 16
Time Frame: Baseline, Week 16
The sPGA is a 5-point scale of an average assessment of all psoriatic lesions based on erythema, scaling, and induration. The average of the 3 scales, rounded to the nearest whole number, is the final sPGA score. The sPGA score ranges from 0 to 4 (0 = Clear; 1 = Almost clear; 2 = Mild; 3 = Moderate; 4 = Severe). Higher scores indicate more severe disease activity. 'Clear' and 'Almost clear' will include all participants who score a 0 or 1.

2. Percentage of Participants Achieving >=75% Improvement from Baseline in Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) Score at Week 16
Time Frame: Baseline, Week 16
PASI is a measure of the average redness, thickness, and scaliness of psoriatic skin lesions (each graded on a 0 to 4 scale; 0 = none to 4 = very severe), weighted by the area of involvement (head, upper extremities, trunk, and lower extremities). The PASI produces a numeric score that can range from 0 to 72, with higher PASI scores denoting more severe disease activity. Percentage of participants showing at least 75% improvement in PASI score relative to baseline PASI score will be reported.
1. Week 52のsPGAスコアが「消失」(0)又は「ほぼ消失」(1)を達成し、かつ、ベースラインから2ポイント以上改善した被験者の割合
評価期間:ベースライン及びWeek 52

2. Week 16及びWeek 52の両時点でsPGA 0/1を達成し、かつ、ベースラインから2ポイント以上改善した被験者の割合
評価期間:ベースライン、Week 16及びWeek 52

3. Week 16及びWeek 52の時点でsPGAが「消失」(0)を達成した被験者の割合
評価期間:Week 16及びWeek 52

4. Week 16及びWeek 52の時点でsPGAが「消失」(0)又は「ほぼ消失」(1)を達成した被験者の割合
評価期間:Week 16及びWeek 52

5. Week 16及びWeek 52の両時点で、sPGAが「消失」(0)又は「ほぼ消失」(1)を達成した被験者の割合
評価期間:Week 16及びWeek 52

6. Week 52の時点でPASI-75を達成した被験者の割合
評価期間:Week 52

7. Week 16及びWeek 52の時点でPASI-90を達成した被験者の割合
評価期間:Week 16及びWeek 52

8. Week 16及びWeek 52の時点でPASI-100を達成した被験者の割合
評価期間:Week 16及びWeek 52

9. Week 16及びWeek 52の両時点でPASI-75を達成した被験者の割合
評価期間:Week 16及びWeek 52

10. Week 16及びWeek 52の両時点でPASI-90を達成した被験者の割合
評価期間:Week 16及びWeek 52

11. Week 16及びWeek 52時点で、頭部病変の医師総合評価(ssPGA)スコアが「病変なし」(0)又は、「非常に軽度」(1)を達成し、かつ、ベースラインから2ポイント以上改善した被験者の割合
評価期間:Week 16及びWeek 52

12. ssPGAのWeek 16及びWeek 52時点でのベースラインからの変化量
評価期間:Week 16及びWeek 52

13. Week 16及びWeek 52時点で、手掌及び/又は足蹠のPGAスコアが「消失」(0)又は、「ほぼ消失」(1)を達成し、かつ、ベースラインから2ポイント以上改善した被験者の割合
評価期間:Week 16及びWeek 52
PGAは5段階の尺度であり、被験者の掌蹠の活動性乾癬の重症度を最もよく表すカテゴリーに基づいて0~4(0:消失、4:重度)のスコアを割り当てる。スコアが高いほど重症度が高いことを示す。Day 1に手掌又は足蹠の乾癬病変が認められた被験者について評価する。

14. Week 16及びWeek 52の時点でDermatology Life Quality Index(DLQI)スコアが0又は1を達成した被験者の割合
評価期間:Week 16及びWeek 52

15. DLQIのWeek 16及びWeek 52時点でのベースラインからの変化量
評価期間:Week 16及びWeek 52

16. ベースライン時に爪病変を有する被験者のWeek 16及びWeek 52時点でのNail psoriasis severity index(NAPSI)のベースラインからの変化量
評価期間:ベースライン、Week 16及びWeek 52
NAPSIは、爪母病変(点状陥凹、爪甲白斑、爪甲半月紅斑、爪崩壊)の有無、及び爪床病変[爪甲剥離、裂片状出血、爪甲下角質増殖、油滴状(サーモンパッチ)変色]の有無を評価することによる、爪乾癬のグレード分類法である。爪の各四分円について、爪母病変及び爪床病変をスコア化する(0:乾癬なし~4:四分円すべてに乾癬あり)。NAPSIスコアは評価したすべての爪のスコアの合計であり、 0から80の範囲である。スコアが高いほど重症度が高いことを示す。

17. Week 16及びWeek 52時点での乾癬病変が占める体表面積の割合(BSA)のベースラインからの変化量
評価期間:ベースライン、Week 16及びWeek 52

18. Week 16及びWeek 52時点でGeneralized Pustular Psoriasis Global Assessment(GPPGA)膿疱サブスコアが、「目に見える膿疱なし」(0)を達成したGPPの被験者の割合
評価期間:Week 16及びWeek 52

19. Week 16及びWeek 52時点でのGPPGAスコアが「消失」(0)又は「ほぼ消失」(1)(GPPGA 0/1)を達成したGPPの被験者の割合
評価期間:Week 16及びWeek 52

20. Week 16及びWeek 52時点でのGPPGAスコアが「消失」(0)を達成したGPPの被験者の割合
評価期間:Week 16及びWeek 52

21. :Week 16及びWeek 52時点でGeneralized Pustular Psoriasis Area and Severity Index(GPPASI)スコアのベースラインから75%以上の改善(GPPASI-75)を達成したGPPの被験者の割合
評価期間:Week 16及びWeek 52

22. GPPの被験者におけるWeek 16及びWeek 52時点での日本皮膚科学会(JDA)GPP重症度判定合計スコアのベースラインからの変化量
評価期間:Week 16及びWeek 52
1. Percentage of Participants Achieving an sPGA of Clear (0) or Almost Clear (1) With a >=2-Point Decrease from Baseline at Week 52
Time Frame: Baseline, Week 52

2. Percentage of Participants Achieving an sPGA of Clear (0) or Almost Clear (1) With a >=2-Point Decrease from Baseline at Both Week 16 and Week 52 Visits
Time Frame: Baseline, Week 16 and Week 52

3. Percentage of Participants Achieving an sPGA of Clear (0) at Week 16 and Week 52
Time Frame: Week 16 and Week 52

4. Percentage of Participants Achieving an sPGA of Clear (0) or Almost Clear (1) at Week 16 and Week 52
Time Frame: Week 16 and Week 52

5. Percentage of Participants Achieving an sPGA of Clear (0) or Almost Clear (1) at Week 16 and Week 52 Visits
Time Frame: Week 16 and Week 52

6. Percentage of Participants Achieving PASI-75 at Week 52
Time Frame: Week 52

7. Percentage of Participants Achieving PASI-90 at Week 16 and Week 52
Time Frame: Week 16 and Week 52

8. Percentage of Participants Achieving PASI-100 at Week 16 and Week 52
Time Frame: Week 16 and Week 52

9. Percentage of Participants Achieving PASI-75 at Both the Week 16 and Week 52 Visits
Time Frame: Week 16 and Week 52

10. Percentage of Participants Achieving PASI-90 at Both the Week 16 and Week 52 Visits
Time Frame: Week 16 and Week 52

11. Percentage of Participants Achieving a Scalp-specific Physician's Global Assessment (ssPGA) of Absence of Disease (0) or Very Mild Disease (1) With a >=2-Point Decrease from Baseline at Week 16 and Week 52
Time Frame: Week 16 and Week 52
ssPGA assesses the overall severity of active psoriasis on the participant's scalp. Scalp lesions will be evaluated in terms of clinical signs of erythema, induration, and scaling and scored on 5-point ssPGA scale where 0=absence of disease and 4=severe disease. Higher scores indicate worsening.

12. Change from baseline in ssPGA at Weeks 16 and 52
Time Frame: Baseline, Week 16 and Week 52

13. Percentage of Participants Achieving a PGA of the Hands and/or Feet of Clear (0) or Almost Clear (1) With a >=2-Point Decrease from Baseline at Weeks 16 and Week 52
Time Frame: Baseline, Week 16 and Week 52
PGA is a 5-point scale and a score of 0 to 4 should be assigned, based on the category that best describes the severity of active psoriasis of the participant's hands and feet, where 0=clear and 4=severe. Higher scores indicate worsening of severity. It will be evaluated for participants with the presence of active hand or foot psoriasis on Day 1.

14. Percentage of Participants with a Baseline Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) Score >=2 who Achieve DLQI Score of 0 or 1 at Week 16 and Week 52
Time Frame: Week 16 and Week 52
The DLQI is a 10-item validated questionnaire completed by the participant or caregiver used to assess the impact of skin disease on the participant's quality of life (QoL) during the previous week. The 10 questions cover the following topics: symptoms, embarrassment, shopping and home care, clothes, social and leisure, sport, work or study, close relationships, sex, and treatment. Each question is scored from 0=not at all, 1=a little, 2=a lot, and 3=very much, giving a total score ranging from 0 to 30. A high score is indicative of a poor QoL. DLQI scores indicate: 0-1 (no effect on participant's life), 2-5 (small effect on participant's life), 6-10 (moderate effect on participant's life), 11-20 (very large effect on participant's life), 21-30 (extremely large effect on participant's life).

15. Change from Baseline in DLQI at Week 16 and Week 52
Time Frame: Baseline, Week 16 and Week 52

16. Change from Baseline in Nail Psoriasis Severity Index (NAPSI) at Week 16 and Week 52 Among Participants with Nail Involvement at Baseline
Time Frame: Baseline, Week 16 and Week 52
The NAPSI quantifies severity of nail psoriasis by evaluating the presence or absence of psoriatic manifestations on the nail matrix (pitting, leukonychia, red spots on lunula, crumbling) and nail bed (onycholysis, splinter hemorrhages, subungual hyperkeratosis, oil drop [salmon patch dyschromia]). Each nail will be scored for both nail matrix and nail bed psoriasis for each quadrant (ranging from 0 [absence of psoriasis] to 4 [presence of psoriasis in all 4 quadrants]). The total NAPSI score equals the sum of scores for all of the finger nails evaluated and ranges from 0 to 80. Higher scores indicate more severe psoriasis.

17. Change from Baseline in Body Surface Area (BSA) Affected by Psoriasis at Week 16 and Week 52
Time Frame: Baseline, Week 16 and Week 52
Psoriasis BSA will be assessed by means of the handprint method, where the surface of the palm and 5 digits of the participant's hand represents 1% BSA. The sum of handprints equates to the total surface area of involvement.

18. Percentage of Participants with GPP Who Achieve a Generalized Pustular Psoriasis Global Assessment (GPPGA) Pustulation Subscore of No Visible Pustules (0) at Week 16 and Week 52
Time Frame: Week 16 and Week 52
GPPGA is common endpoints in clinical studies of Generalized Pustular Psoriasis (GPP), and is skin-based scoring systems. The GPPGA is a clinician assessment of overall GPP severity based on a modified PGA, and the severity of pustules, erythema, and scaling of GPP lesions will be assessed. The five grades of severity for erythema, scaling, and pustulation correspond to 0 = clear, 1 = almost clear, 2 = mild, 3 = moderate, and 4 = severe. The GPPGA score is based on averaging the individual scores for erythema, scaling, and pustulation ranging from 0 to 4. Higher scores indicate more severe GPP.

19. Percentage of Participants with GPP Who Achieve a GPPGA of Clear (0) or Almost Clear (1) at Weeks 16 and Week 52
Time Frame: Week 16 and Week 52

20. Percentage of Participants with GPP Who Achieve a GPPGA of Clear (0) at Week 16 and Week 52
Time Frame: Week 16 and Week 52

21. Percentage of Participants with GPP Who Achieve >=75% Improvement from Baseline in Generalized Pustular Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (GPPASI) Score at Week 16 and Week 52
Time Frame: Weeks 16 and Week 52
GPPASI is common endpoints in clinical studies of GPP and is skin-based scoring systems. GPPASI is a modified composite index and an adaptation of the PASI score. The induration component has been substituted with a pustule component, with an overall score range from 0 (least severe) to 72 (most severe). Higher scores indicate more severe GPP.

22. Change from Baseline in Japanese Dermatological Association Severity Index (JDASI) Score at Week 16 and Week 52 for Participants with GPP
Time Frame: Week 16 and Week 52
The Japanese Dermatological Association severity index (JDASI) assesses the systemic symptoms by laboratory changes. With the JDASI the skin is evaluated using three criteria (1) erythema area (overall), (2) erythema area with pustules and (3) oedema area. Scoring ranges from 3 to 0 (severe, moderate, mild, none) with a maximum of nine points. For systemic involvement pyrexia, white blood cell count, C reactive protein (CRP) and serum albumin with scores ranging from 2 to 0 (maximum 8 points) are assessed. The total JDASI score of GPP is the sum of both categories and categorizes as severe (17-11 points), moderate (10-7 points) or mild (0-6 points). Higher scores indicate more severe GPP.



3 試験等の実施状況の確認に関する事項







4 試験等の対象者に健康被害が生じた場合の補償及び医療の提供に関する事項

5 依頼者等に関する事項


Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited



6 IRBの名称等

君津中央病院治験審査委員会 Kimitsu Chuo Hospital IRB
千葉県木更津市桜井1010 1010, Sakurai Kisarazu-shi, Chiba

7 その他の事項






(4)IPD(individual clinical trial participant-level data)シェアリング(匿名化された臨床研究の対象者単位のデータの共有)

タケダは、適格な研究者の科学的で正当な活動を支援するため、基準を満たす試験の非特定化した被験者レベルのデータ(IPD)へのアクセスを提供します(タケダのデータの共有(Data Sharing)ポリシー:https://clinicaltrials.takeda.com/takedas-commitment?commitment=5)。これらのIPDは活動内容の承認を得た後に、データ共有に関する契約のもと、情報セキュリティの高い研究環境内で提供されます。 Takeda provides access to the de-identified individual participant data (IPD) for eligible studies to aid qualified researchers in addressing legitimate scientific objectives (Takeda's data sharing commitment is available on https://clinicaltrials.takeda.com/takedas-commitment?commitment=5). These IPDs will be provided in a secure research environment following approval of a data sharing request, and under the terms of a data sharing agreement.


Takeda Study ID: TAK-279-PsO-3005





種別 公表日
変更 令和6年11月29日 (当画面) 変更内容
変更 令和6年4月5日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和6年3月20日 詳細 変更内容
新規登録 令和6年3月15日 詳細