jRCT ロゴ





保木 寿文
キイトルーダ点滴静注 100mg 、なし
公益財団法人がん研究会有明病院 治験倫理審査委員会


研究の種別 企業治験
治験の区分 主たる治験と拡大治験のいずれにも該当しない
登録日 令和5年7月10日
jRCT番号 jRCT2031210025

1 試験等の実施体制に関する事項及び試験等を行う施設の構造設備に関する事項


A Phase 1 Open-Label, Multi-arm, Multicenter Study of MK-4830 as Monotherapy and in Combination with Pembrolizumab for Participants with Advanced Solid Tumors
Phase 1 Trial of MK-4830 as Monotherapy and Combination with Pembrolizumab


保木 寿文 Hoki Toshifumi
/ MSD株式会社 MSD K.K.
/ 東京都千代田区九段北一丁目13番12号 北の丸スクエア KITANOMARU SQUARE,1-13-12,Kudan-kita,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 102-8667,Japan
MSDJRCT問合せ窓口  MSDJRCT inquiry mailbox
MSD株式会社 MSD K.K.
東京都千代田区九段北一丁目13番12号 北の丸スクエア KITANOMARU SQUARE,1-13-12,Kudan-kita,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 102-8667,Japan



多施設共同試験等の該当の有無 あり




National Cancer Center Hospital East





公益財団法人がん研究会 有明病院

Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research



2 試験等の目的及び内容並びにこれに用いる医薬品等の概要


介入研究 Interventional
非無作為化比較 non-randomized controlled trial
非盲検 open(masking not used)
非対照 uncontrolled control
並行群間比較 parallel assignment
治療 treatment purpose
アメリカ合衆国/カナダ/イスラエル/スペイン/ギリシャ/ポーランド/南アフリカ共和国/韓国 the United States/Canada/Israel/Spain/Greece/ Poland/South Africa/South Korea
1) 用量漸増期の患者:病理報告により組織学的又は細胞学的に診断された進行又は転移性固形がんを有し、臨床的有用性が得られるすべての治療を受けた、又はその治療に不耐容、若しくは不適格であった患者。がん種を問わず、固形がんは組入れ可能とする。
2) 治験実施医療機関の治験担当医師又は放射線科医師の評価により、RECIST 1.1に基づく測定可能病変を有する患者
3) 解析のために評価可能なベースラインの腫瘍検体を提出可能な患者(新たに採取した腫瘍検体又は保存腫瘍検体)
4) 用量漸増期パートC及びback-fill患者:生検に適した孤立性腫瘍病変を1つ以上有する患者
5) Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group(ECOG)Performance Statusでperformance statusが0又は1の患者(B群には適用されない)
6) 適切な臓器機能を有する患者
7) 男性患者は、投与期間中及び治験薬の最終投与後少なくとも180日間、承認された避妊法を使用し、この期間中は精子を提供しないことに同意しなければならない。
8) 妊娠しておらず、授乳中でなく、かつ以下の条件のいずれかを満たす女性患者:
10) 拡大投与期B群:
-Karnofsky Performance Statusが70以上の患者
11) 拡大投与期C群:
12) 拡大投与期D群:
13) 拡大投与期E群及びF群:
14) 拡大投与期G群:
15) 拡大投与期H群:
16) 拡大投与期I群:
1) Dose escalation participants: Has any histologically- or cytologically-confirmed advanced/metastatic solid tumor by pathology report and has received, has been intolerant to, or has been ineligible for all treatment known to confer clinical benefit. Solid tumors of any type are eligible for enrollment.
2) Has measurable disease by Response Evaluation Criteria In Solid Tumors version 1.1 (RECIST 1.1) as assessed by the local site investigator/radiology.
3) Submits an evaluable baseline tumor sample for analysis (either a recent or archival tumor sample).
4) Dose Escalation Part C and Back-fill participants: Has 1 or more discrete malignant lesions that are amenable to biopsy
5) Has a performance status of 0 or 1 on the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) Performance Scale. This inclusion criterion does not apply to Expansion phase Arm B.
6) Demonstrates adequate organ function
7) A male participant must agree to use an approved contraception(s) during the treatment period and for at least 180 days after the last dose of study treatment and refrain from donating sperm during this period.
8) A female participant is eligible to participate if she is not pregnant, not breastfeeding, and either not a woman of childbearing potential (WOCBP) OR if a WOCBP agrees to follow the study contraceptive guidance during the treatment period and for at least 180 days after the last dose of study treatment.
9) Expansion phase Arm A participants:
-Has histologically or cytologically confirmed metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma.
-Received at least 1 prior line of therapy and no more than 3 prior lines of systemic therapy.
10) Expansion phase Arm B participants:
-Has histologically or cytologically confirmed unresectable GBM or its variants.
-Has a Karnofsky performance status (KPS) >=70.
-Has had no more than 1 prior line of therapy for GBM. Radiation with or without chemotherapy is acceptable as the prior treatment.
-Has shown unequivocal evidence for tumor progression by MRI or CT scan by contrast within 2 weeks prior to randomization.
-Has an interval of at least 3 weeks (to randomization) between prior surgical resection or one week for stereotactic biopsy.
-Has an interval of at least 12 weeks from the completion of radiation therapy to randomization unless there is unequivocal histologic confirmation of tumor progression or radiographic progression outside of the prior radiation field.
-Is neurologically stable (eg, without a progression of neurologic symptoms or requiring escalating doses of systemic steroid therapy within last 2 weeks) and clinically stable.
11) Expansion phase Arm C participants:
-Has histologically confirmed recurrent or metastatic head and neck squamous cell cancer (HNSCC) of the oral cavity, oropharynx, hypopharynx, and/or larynx that is considered incurable by local therapies.
-Has experienced disease progression at any time during or after treatment with a platinum-containing (eg, carboplatin or cisplatin) regimen with or without cetuximab.
12) Expansion phase Arm D participants:
-Has histologically confirmed advanced or metastatic HNSCC of the oral cavity, oropharynx, hypopharynx, and/or larynx that is considered incurable by local therapies.
-Should not have had any prior PD-1/PD-L1 therapy.
13) Expansion phase Arms E and F participants:
-Has a histologically or cytologically confirmed diagnosis of Advanced (Stage IIIb) or Stage IV metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
-Has received no prior systemic therapy for chemotherapy or other targeted or biological antineoplastic therapy treatment for Stage IIIb or Stage IV metastatic NSCLC. Treatment with chemotherapy and/or radiation as part of neoadjuvant/adjuvant therapy is allowed if therapy was completed at least 6 months prior to the diagnosis of advanced disease. Participants with prior treatment with an anti-PD-1 or PD-L1 agent are not eligible.
14) Expansion phase Arm G participants:
-Has a histologically or cytologically confirmed diagnosis of Advanced (Stage IIIb) or Stage IV metastatic non-squamous NSCLC (AJCC version 8).
-Is able to tolerate chemotherapy with carboplatin and pemetrexed.
-Has received no prior systemic therapy for advanced NSCLC.
15) Expansion phase Arm H participants:
-Has histologically confirmed diagnosis of renal cell cancer (RCC) with clear cell component with or without sarcomatoid features.
-Has locally advanced/metastatic disease or has recurrent disease.
-Has received no prior systemic therapy for advanced RCC.
16) Expansion phase Arm I participants:
-Has histologically confirmed diagnosis of recurrent and/or metastatic gastric or gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma that is considered incurable by local therapies.
-Has received and progressed on at least two prior chemotherapy regimens.
-If tumor was if HER2/neu positive, participant must have previously received treatment with trastuzumab.
1) 治験薬の初回投与前4週間(緩和的放射線療法の場合は2週間)以内に化学療法、根治的放射線療法又は生物学的がん治療を受けている、又は、4週間以上前に投与されたがん治療薬による有害事象から回復していない患者
2) 放射線療法に関連したすべての毒性からGrade 1以下まで回復していない患者、コルチコステロイドによる治療を必要とする患者、又は放射線性肺臓炎の既往歴を有する患者
3) 二次悪性腫瘍の既往歴がある患者。ただし、治癒の可能性がある治療が完了し、2年間悪性腫瘍の徴候が確認されていない場合は除く。
5) 免疫療法歴があり、Grade 3以上のirAEのためその治療を中止した患者
6) モノクローナル抗体の投与に対して重度の過敏症反応を発現したことがあるか、又はMK-3475の成分に対する過敏性を有する患者
7) 治療を必要とする活動性の感染症を有する患者
8) 間質性肺疾患/肺臓炎の既往を有する患者
9) 間質性肺疾患/肺臓炎を合併、若しくはステロイド投与が必要な(非感染性の)間質性肺疾患/肺臓炎の既往を有する患者
10) 過去2年以内に全身性の治療を要した活動性の自己免疫疾患を有する患者。ただし、白斑又は回復した小児喘息/アトピーは除く。
11) 臨床的に重要な心疾患(不安定狭心症、治験薬の初回投与前6ヵ月以内の急性心筋梗塞、New York Heart Association Class III又はIVのうっ血性心不全など)を有する患者
12) HIV感染の既往を有する患者
13) 活動性のB型又はC型肝炎を有する患者
14) 治験薬初回投与前7日以内に長期全身性ステロイド療法(プレドニゾロン換算で10 mg/日超)を受けている患者
15) 大手術の影響から十分に回復していない(検出可能な重大な感染症がある)患者。全身麻酔を必要とする手術は、治験薬初回投与の2週間以上前に完了していなければならない。局所/硬膜外麻酔を必要とする手術は、治験薬初回投与の72時間以上前に完了し、患者は回復していなければならない。
16) 治験薬投与開始予定前30日以内に生ワクチンの接種を受けた患者
17) 現在他の治験薬の治験に参加し治験治療を受けている、又はMK-4830の初回投与前28日以内に他の治験薬の治験に参加し治験治療を受けていた若しくは治験用の医療機器を用いた患者
18) 拡大投与期:
19) 拡大投与期A群:
20) 拡大投与期B群:
-最大径が6 cmを超える再発腫瘍を有する患者
21) 拡大投与期D群:
22) 拡大投与期E群及びF群:
23) 拡大投与期G群:
24) 拡大投与期H群:
25) 拡大投与期I群:
1) Has had chemotherapy, definitive radiation, or biological cancer therapy within 4 weeks (2 weeks for palliative radiation) prior to the first dose of study therapy, or has not recovered from any AEs that were due to cancer therapeutics administered more than 4 weeks earlier.
2) Has not recovered from all radiation-related toxicities to Grade 1 or less, requires corticosteroids, and had radiation pneumonitis.
3) Has a history of a second malignancy, unless potentially curative treatment has been completed with no evidence of malignancy for 2 years.
4) Has known untreated central nervous system metastases or known carcinomatous meningitis. This exclusion criterion does not apply to Expansion phase Arm B.
5) Has received any prior immunotherapy and was discontinued from that treatment due to a Grade 3 or higher immune-related AEs
6) Previously had a severe hypersensitivity reaction to treatment with a monoclonal antibody or has a known sensitivity to any component of pembrolizumab.
7) Has an active infection requiring therapy.
8) Has a history of interstitial lung disease.
9) Has a history of noninfectious pneumonitis that required steroids or current pneumonitis.
10) Has an active autoimmune disease that has required systemic treatment in the past 2 years except vitiligo or resolved childhood asthma/atopy.
11) Has clinically significant cardiac disease, including unstable angina, acute myocardial infarction within 6 months from Day 1 of study drug administration, or New York Heart Association Class III or IV congestive heart failure.
12) Known history of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
13) Known active hepatitis B or C.
14) Is taking chronic systemic steroids in doses >10 mg daily of prednisone or equivalent within 7 days prior to the first dose of trial treatment.
15) Has not fully recovered from any effects of major surgery without significant detectable infection. Surgeries that required general anesthesia must be completed at least 2 weeks before first study treatment administration. Surgery requiring regional/epidural anesthesia must be completed at least 72 hours before first study treatment administration and participants should be recovered.
16) Has received a live virus vaccine within 30 days of planned treatment start.
17) Is currently participating and receiving study therapy in a study of an investigational agent or has participated and received study therapy in a study of an investigational agent or has used an investigational device within 28 days of administration of MK-4830.
18) All Expansion phase participants:
-Tumor types with known MSI-high status are not eligible.
19) Expansion phase Arm A participants:
-Has received more than 3 lines of prior therapy for advanced disease (pancreatic cancer).
20) Expansion phase Arm B participants:
-Has tumor primarily localized to the brainstem or spinal cord.
-Has presence of diffuse leptomeningeal disease or extracranial disease.
-Has recurrent tumor greater than 6 cm in maximum diameter.
-Requires treatment with moderate or high dose systemic corticosteroids for at least 3 days within 2 weeks of randomization.
21) Expansion phase Arm D participants:
-Has received prior systemic chemotherapy or other targeted or biological antineoplastic therapy treatment for their advanced metastatic HNSCC
22) Expansion phase Arm E and F participants:
-Has received prior systemic chemotherapy or other targeted or biological antineoplastic therapy treatment for their Stage IIIb or Stage IV metastatic (Arms E and F).
23) Expansion phase Arm G participants:
-Has had prior treatment with any anti-PD-1, PD-L1, or programmed cell death-ligand 2 (PD-L2) agent.
24) Expansion phase Arm H participants:
-Has had prior treatment with any anti-PD-1, PD-L1, or PD-L2 agent or an antibody targeting any other immune-regulatory receptors or mechanisms.
-Has received prior systemic anticancer therapy for RCC.
-Has a clinically significant gastrointestinal (GI) abnormality.
-Has a history of untreated deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism within 6 months prior to screening.
-Has poorly controlled hypertension.
-Has active GI bleeding.
-Has evidence of inadequate wound healing.
-Has active bleeding disorder or other history of significant bleeding episodes within 30 days prior to randomization.
-Has hemoptysis within 6 weeks prior to randomization.
-Has radiographic evidence of encasement or invasion of a major blood vessel, or of intratumoral cavitation
25) Expansion phase Arm I participants:
-Has experienced weight loss > 10 % over 2 months prior to first dose of study therapy.
-Has clinical evidence of ascites.
-Has peritoneal metastases.
18歳 以上 18age old over
上限なし No limit
男性・女性 Both
進行固形がん Advanced solid tumor
MK-4830[MK-4830の用量はaccelerated titration design(ATD)に基づき決定]を3週間間隔(Q3W)で最大35コース(1コース21日間)まで静脈内投与する。

MK-4830[MK-4830の用量はmodified toxicity probability interval(mTPI)に基づき決定]をQ3Wで最大35コース(1コース21日間)まで静脈内投与する。

MK-4830(MK-4830の用量はmTPIに基づき決定)とMK-3475 200 mgを、最大35コース(1コース21日間)まで、Q3W(静脈内投与)で併用投与する。

MK-4830(予備的なRP2D)とMK-3475 200 mgを、最大35コース(1コース21日間)までQ3W(静脈内投与)で併用投与する。

MK-4830、MK-3475及びカルボプラチン/ペメトレキセドを併用投与する。MK-4830(予備的なRP2D)及びMK-3475 200 mgをQ3Wで静脈内投与する。カルボプラチン/ペメトレキセドをQ3W(静脈内投与)で4コース併用投与した後、3週間ごとにペメトレキセドを投与し、(MK-4830及びMK-3475とともに)最大35コース(1コース21日間)まで併用投与する。

MK-4830、MK-3475及びレンバチニブを併用投与する。MK-4830(予備的なRP2D)及びMK-3475 200 mgを、最大35コース(1コース21日間)までQ3W(静脈内投与)で併用投与する。レンバチニブは、最大35コース(1コース21日間)まで、1日1回経口投与する。
Dose Escalation, Part A
MK-4830 monotherapy (with MK-4830 doses determined by an accelerated titration design [ATD]) will be administered intravenously (IV), every 3 weeks (Q3W), for a maximum of 35 cycles. Each cycle is 21 days.

Dose Escalation, Part B:
MK-4830 monotherapy (with MK 4830 doses determined by a modified toxicity probability interval [mTPI] method) will be administered IV, Q3W, for a maximum of 35 cycles. Each cycle is 21 days.

Dose Escalation, Part C:
Combination therapy with MK-4830 and pembrolizumab (with MK-4830 doses determined by an mTPI design). MK-4830 will be administered IV, Q3W. Pembrolizumab will be dosed at 200 mg IV Q3W. Each cycle is 21 days. The combination may be administered for a maximum of 35 cycles.

Dose Expansion, Arm A to F, and I:
Combination therapy with the preliminary recommended phase 2 dose (RP2D) of MK-4830 and pembrolizumab. MK-4830 will be administered IV, Q3W. Pembrolizumab will be dosed at 200 mg IV Q3W. Each cycle is 21 days. The combination may be administered for a maximum of 35 cycles.

Dose Expansion, Arm G:
Combination therapy with the preliminary recommended phase 2 dose (RP2D) of MK-4830, pembrolizumab and Carboplatin/Pemetrexed. MK-4830 will be administered IV, Q3W. Pembrolizumab will be dosed at 200 mg IV Q3W. Carboplatin and pemetrexed will be administered IV Q3W, for 4 cycles, followed by pemetrexed Q3W continuous with MK-4830 and pembrolizumab, up to 35 cycles. Each cycle is 21 days.

Dose Expansion, Arm H:
Combination therapy with the preliminary recommended phase 2 dose (RP2D) of MK-4830, pembrolizumab and Lenvatinib. MK-4830 will be administered IV, Q3W. Pembrolizumab will be dosed at 200 mg IV Q3W. Each cycle is 21 days. The combination may be administered for a maximum of 35 cycles. Lenvatinib will be administered orally once daily for up to 35 cycles of 21 days.
1) 用量制限毒性(用量漸増期並びにG群及びH群)、有害事象及び治験薬投与中止に至った有害事象の発現例数/割合
2) 拡大投与期のA~F及び I群では、RECIST 1.1(B群ではRANO)に基づく奏効率
1) Dose-limiting toxicities in the dose escalation phase and Arms G and H, AEs and Discontinuations of study treatment due to an AE.
2) In the expansion phase for Arms A through F and I, the objective response rate based on RECIST 1.1 (RANO for Arm B).
MK-4830の薬物動態パラメータ(AUC、Cmin及び Cmax 等)
MK-4830 pharmacokinetic parameters including AUC, Cmin, and Cmax


キイトルーダ点滴静注 100mg

3 試験等の実施状況の確認に関する事項







4 試験等の対象者に健康被害が生じた場合の補償及び医療の提供に関する事項

5 依頼者等に関する事項





6 IRBの名称等

公益財団法人がん研究会有明病院 治験倫理審査委員会 Cancer Institute Hospital of JFCR IRB
東京都江東区 有明3-8-31 3-8-31, Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo

7 その他の事項





(4)IPD(individual clinical trial participant-level data)シェアリング(匿名化された臨床研究の対象者単位のデータの共有)

MSDの臨床試験データの利用制限を含む共有の指針はhttp://engagezone.msd.com/doc/ProcedureAccessClinicalTrialData.pdfに掲載しております。MSDの臨床試験データ開示は、本サイト(http://engagezone.msd.com/ds_documentation.php)又はメール(dataaccess@merck.com)にて英語で申請してください。 http://engagezone.msd.com/doc/ProcedureAccessClinicalTrialData.pdf







種別 公表日
変更 令和5年7月12日 (当画面) 変更内容
変更 令和3年9月2日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和3年6月18日 詳細 変更内容
新規登録 令和3年4月9日 詳細