jRCT ロゴ





症候性子宮内膜症患者を対象としたP2X3拮抗薬(BAY 1817080)3用量の有効性と安全性を、プラセボ及びelagolix 150 mg投与と比較して評価する無作為化、二重盲検、プラセボ対照及び非盲検、実薬対照、並行群間、多施設共同、第IIb相試験
症候性子宮内膜症患者を対象としたP2X3拮抗薬(BAY 1817080)3用量の有効性と安全性を評価する臨床試験
明石 雅史
症候性子宮内膜症患者に対するBAY 1817080の安全性と有効性をプラセボ及びelagolixと比較して評価すること。




2 結果の要約

/ elagolix 150 mg群の被験者の大多数(94.6%)が白人であったが、これは日本及び中国の被験者をelagolix群に無作為に割付けることができなかったためである。年齢及びボディ・マス・インデックス(BMI)については、全投与群で概ね均衡が取れていた。平均年齢〔標準偏差(SD)〕は34.64(7.22)歳であり、被験者の26.8%が30歳未満、50.3%が30~40歳、23.0%が40歳超~55歳であった。BMIの平均値(SD)は25.54(5.89)kg/m2であった。最大の痛み、非月経時の骨盤痛(NMPP)、及び月経困難症の平均値には、投与群間でわずかな不均衡が見られた。最大の痛み、NMPP、及び月経困難症の平均(SD)値は、eliapixant 150 mg 1日2回(BID)群〔6.63(1.62)、6.45(1.78)、及び7.38(1.39)〕及びelagolix 150 mg群〔6.38(1.78)、6.18(1.86)、及び7.29(1.84)〕がその他の群に比べて高かった。その他の子宮内膜症に特異的な患者背景は全投与群で概ね同様であった。 The majority (94.6%) of participants in the elagolix 150 mg arm were white since participants from Japan and China could not be randomized to elagolix. Age and body mass index (BMI) were generally well-balanced across treatment arms. The mean (SD) age was 34.64 (7.22) years, with 26.8% of participants in the age group <30 years, 50.3% of participants in the age group 30-40 years, and 23.0% of participants in the age group >40-55 years. The mean (SD) BMI was 25.54 (5.89) kg/m2. Slight imbalances between treatment groups were observed in mean worst pain, nonmenstrual pelvic pain (NMPP), and dysmenorrhea. The mean (SD) of mean worst pain, NMPP, and dysmenorrhea in the eliapixant 150 mg twice daily [BID] arm (6.63 [1.62], 6.45 [1.78], and 7.38 [1.39]) and elagolix 150 mg arm (6.38 [1.78], 6.18 [1.86], and 7.29 [1.84]) were higher compared to the other arms. Other endometriosis-specific baseline characteristics were generally comparable across treatment arms.
/ 被験者計215例を5つの投与群に無作為に割付けた(44例がeliapixant 25 mg BID群、44例がeliapixant 75 mg BID群、43例がeliapixant 150 mg BID群、43例がプラセボ群、41例がelagolix 150 mg群)。

A total of 215 participants were randomized to 5 treatment arms (44 to eliapixant 25 mg BID, 44 to eliapixant 75 mg BID, 43 to eliapixant 150 mg BID, 43 to placebo, and 41 to elagolix 150 mg).
Number of participants in each analysis set was as follows:

Full analysis set (FAS) includes all 215 participants who were randomized to 5 treatment arms, which is less than planned in the protocol.
Safety analysis set (SAF) includes 190 participants (88.4%) since 25 participants (11.6%) did not receive any study intervention and were excluded from SAF.
Primary full analysis set (pFAS) includes 187 participants, which is 87.0% of the FAS population.
Per protocol set (PPS) includes 183 participants, which is 85.1% of the FAS population.
Primary per protocol set (pPPS) includes 160 participants, which is 74.4% of the FAS population.
Pharmacokinetic Analysis Set (PKS) includes 189 participants, which is 87.9% of the FAS population.
/ 死亡例はなく、重篤な有害事象(SAE)の発現例数は少なかった(eliapixant 25 mg BID群で1例、eliapixant 75 mg BID群で2例、eliapixant 150 mg BID群で3例、プラセボ群で1例、elagolix 150 mg群で2例)。SAEのうち2例が治験責任(分担)医師により治験薬と関連ありと判定された。eliapixantと関連のあるSAEは、中等度の薬物性肝細胞障害性肝障害1件のみ(eliapixant 150 mg BID群)であった。治験薬の投与が永続的に中止となった被験者の割合は2.6%であった。治験薬の投与中止に至った治験薬投与下で発現した有害事象(TEAE)はいずれも被験者からの申し出によるものであった。
TEAEの発現割合は、eliapixantの2つの低用量群よりもeliapixant 150 mg BID群(76.3%)、プラセボ群(73.0%)、及びelagolix 150 mg群(73.7%)で高かった。投与群間でこの差を生じさせるような特定の事象はなかった。
味覚及び嗅覚に関連する有害事象(AE)が、eliapixant 150 mg BID群(6例、15.8%)及びプラセボ群(3例、8.1%)にのみ認められた。
There were no deaths and the number of participants with serious adverse event (SAEs) was low (1 participant in the eliapixant 25 mg BID arm, 2 participants in the eliapixant 75 mg BID arm, 3 participants in the eliapixant 150 mg BID arm, 1 participant in the placebo arm, and 2 participants in the elagolix 150 mg arm). 2 of these cases were assessed as related to study intervention by the investigator. The only eliapixant-related SAE was a case of moderate drug-induced liver injury of hepatocellular pattern (in the eliapixant 150 mg BID arm). The percentage of participants who permanently discontinued the study intervention was 2.6%. All the treatment emergent adverse events (TEAEs) leading to discontinuation of study intervention were reported by individual participants only.
The overall frequency of participants with TEAEs was higher in the eliapixant 150 mg BID arm (76.3%), the placebo arm (73.0%), and the elagolix 150 mg arm (73.7%) than in the 2 lower-dosed eliapixant treatment arms. There was no specific event driving this difference across the treatment arms.
Taste- and smell-related AEs were only observed in the eliapixant 150 mg BID arm (6 participants, 15.8%) and the placebo arm (3 participants, 8.1%).
No mean increase in transaminases was observed in this study. A mean and median increase in antithrombin activity was observed in the eliapixant arms compared with the placebo arm, in line with similar findings from other Phase 1 and Phase 2 studies with eliapixant. However, no differences were observed in bleeding TEAEs between the treatment arms. A mean increase in alkaline phosphatase and fibrinogen was seen in the eliapixant arms, but not in the placebo arm, confirming similar changes in other Phase 2 studies with eliapixant. The clinical relevance of these findings remains unclear, as there was no difference between eliapixant and placebo with regard to potential clinical manifestations of such changes (e.g. frequency of TEAEs related to bleeding or thromboembolic events).
No relevant mean changes were observed for vital signs (BMI, heart rate, diastolic and systolic blood pressure, weight).
/ pPPSにおいて、最大の子宮内膜症に伴う骨盤痛(EAPP)のベースラインの平均値からWeek 12〔治験薬投与終了(EOI)〕時点の平均値の変化量(SD)は、eliapixant 25 mg BID群で-1.56(1.35)、eliapixant 75 mg BID群で-2.12(2.66)、eliapixant 150 mg BID群で-1.88(2.03)、及びプラセボ群で-1.89(1.91)であった。
Mixed model repeated measures(MMRM)により求めたベースラインからWeek 12(EOI)時点の変化量の最小二乗平均〔LS mean、標準誤差(SE)〕は、eliapixant 25 mg BID群で-1.63(0.38)、eliapixant 75 mg BID群で-2.13(0.41)、eliapixant 150 mg BID群で-1.96(0.41)、及びプラセボ群で-1.94(0.38)であった。全体的に、有意な投与群間差は認められなかった。
Week 12(EOI)時点において、候補モデルであるEmax 1、Emax 2、SigEmax 1、及びSigEmax 2の調整済みp値は、0.5266、0.4679、0.4052、及び0.4082であった。有意な用量反応モデルは得られなかった。

PPSにおいて、最大のEAPPのベースラインからWeek12(EOI)時点の変化量のLS mean(SE)は、elagolix 150 mg群〔-2.69(0.41)〕であり、その他の投与群〔eliapixant 25 mg BID群:-1.60(0.40)、eliapixant 75 mg BID群:-2.07(0.42)、eliapixant 150 mg BID群:-1.97(0.42)、プラセボ群:-1.89(0.40)〕よりも低かった。EOI来院時点では、elagolix 150 mg群はその他の投与群よりも良好な疼痛緩和が認められた。
MMRMにより求めた最大のEAPPのベースラインからWeek 12(EOI)時点の平均値の変化量のLS mean(SE)(各投与群とプラセボ群の対比較)は、プラセボ群と比較して、eliapixant 25 mg BID群で0.29(0.54)、eliapixant 75 mg BID群で-0.18(0.55)、及びeliapixant 150 mg BID群で-0.08(0.56)であった。
At Week 12 (end of intervention [EOI]), the mean (SD) changes in mean worst EAPP from baseline were -1.56 (1.35) in the eliapixant 25 mg BID arm, -2.12 (2.66) in the eliapixant 75 mg BID arm, -1.88 (2.03) in the eliapixant 150 mg BID arm, and -1.89 (1.91) in the placebo arm (pPPS).
The least square-mean (LS-mean, SE) of change obtained by mixed model repeated measures (MMRM) from baseline to Week 12 (EOI) were -1.63 (0.38) in the eliapixant 25 mg BID arm, -2.13 (0.41) in the eliapixant 75 mg BID arm, -1.96 (0.41) in the eliapixant 150 mg BID arm, and -1.94 (0.38) in the placebo arm. Overall, no significant difference was observed across treatment arms.
At Week 12 (EOI) the adjusted p-value for Emax 1, Emax 2, SigEmax 1, and SigEmax2 candidate models were 0.5266, 0.4679, 0.4052, and 0.4082. No significant dose response model was found.

The least square-mean (SE) of change in worst EAPP from baseline to Week 12 (EOI) in the elagolix 150 mg arm (-2.69 [0.41]) was lower than other treatment arms (-1.60 [0.40] in the eliapixant 25 mg BID arm, -2.07 [0.42] in the eliapixant 75 mg BID arm, -1.97 [0.42] in the eliapixant 150 mg BID arm, and -1.89 [0.40] in the placebo arm), which means that elagolix 150 mg arm showed a better pain reduction at EOI visit than other treatment arms (PPS).
Difference of least square-mean (SE) of change (pairwise comparison between treatment arms and placebo arm) obtained by MMRM in mean worst EAPP from baseline to Week 12 (EOI) were 0.29 (0.54) in the eliapixant 25 mg BID arm, -0.18 (0.55) in the eliapixant 75 mg BID arm, and -0.08 (0.56) in the eliapixant 150 mg BID arm compared with the placebo arm.
Overall, no significant difference was observed between eliapixant treatment arms compared with placebo arm.
/ 早期中止となったため、本試験の完了例数は計画時の50%を下回った。すべての投与群において、Week 12時点で、最大のEAPPの平均値の減少が認められたが、有意な投与群間差は認められなかった。有意な用量反応モデルはどの時点においても得られなかった。結果として、本試験は主要目的を達成しなかった。
Number of completers of this study was <50% of the planned number due to early termination. Mean worst EAPP reductions were observed at Week 12 for all treatment groups and no significant differences were observed across treatment arms. No significant dose response model was found at any time point. Thus, the study did not meet the primary objective.
No new safety signals relative to the known safety profile of eliapixant were observed and eliapixant was generally well tolerated in the study.

3 IPDシェアリング



研究の種別 企業治験
治験の区分 主たる治験
登録日 令和5年7月10日
jRCT番号 jRCT2031210001

1 試験等の実施体制に関する事項及び試験等を行う施設の構造設備に関する事項


症候性子宮内膜症患者を対象としたP2X3拮抗薬(BAY 1817080)3用量の有効性と安全性を、プラセボ及びelagolix 150 mg投与と比較して評価する無作為化、二重盲検、プラセボ対照及び非盲検、実薬対照、並行群間、多施設共同、第IIb相試験 A Randomized, Double-blind, Open for Active Comparator, Parallel-group, Multicenter Phase 2b Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of Three Different Doses of P2X3 Antagonist (BAY1817080) Versus Placebo and Elagolix 150 mg in Women With Symptomatic Endometriosis (SCHUMANN)
症候性子宮内膜症患者を対象としたP2X3拮抗薬(BAY 1817080)3用量の有効性と安全性を評価する臨床試験 Assess efficacy and safety of three different doses of P2X3 antagonist in women with symptomatic endometriosis (SCHUMANN)


明石 雅史 Myoishi Masashi
/ バイエル薬品株式会社 Bayer Yakuhin, Ltd.
/ 大阪府大阪市北区梅田2-4-9 2-4-9 Umeda, Kita-ku, Osaka, Osaka
お問い合わせ窓口  Contact Dedicated
バイエル薬品株式会社 Bayer Yakuhin, Ltd.
大阪府大阪市北区梅田2-4-9 2-4-9 Umeda, Kita-ku, Osaka, Osaka



多施設共同試験等の該当の有無 あり




Social Medical Corporation Tokeidai Memorial Hospital






Teine Keijinkai Hospital






Nishikawa Women's Health Clinic





医療法人社団みずたに会 愛育レディースクリニック

Aiiku-ladies clinic






Tokyo Bay Urayasu Ichikawa Medical Center






NTT Medical Center Tokyo






Fujisawa City Hospital






Kashiwazaki ladies clinic






Ibaraki Prefectural Central Hospital






Hitachi General Hospital






Toyama Rosai Hospital





社会医療法人 誠光会 草津総合病院

Kusatsu General Hospital






Suita Tokushukai Hospital






Kurashiki Medical Clinic





独立行政法人地域医療機能推進機構 徳山中央病院

Japan Community Health care Organization Tokuyama Central Hospital






Nagasaki University Hospital





社会福祉法人恩賜財団済生会支部 済生会長崎病院

Saiseikai Nagasaki Hospital





国家公務員共済組合連合会 横須賀共済病院

Yokosuka Kyosai Hospital






Japanese Red Cross Kumamoto Hospital



2 試験等の目的及び内容並びにこれに用いる医薬品等の概要


症候性子宮内膜症患者に対するBAY 1817080の安全性と有効性をプラセボ及びelagolixと比較して評価すること。
介入研究 Interventional
無作為化比較 randomized controlled trial
二重盲検 double blind
プラセボ対照 placebo control
並行群間比較 parallel assignment
治療 treatment purpose
オーストリア/ベルギー/ブルガリア/カナダ/中国/チェコ/エストニア/フィンランド/ドイツ/ギリシャ/ハンガリー/イタリア/ラトビア/リトアニア/ノルウエー/ポーランド/スロバキア/スペイン/米国 Austria/Belgium/Bulgaria/Canada/China/Czechia/Estonia/Finland/Germany/Greece/Hungary/Italy/Latvia/Lithuania/Norway/Poland/Slovakia/Spain/United States
-Participant must be => 18 years of age at the time of signing the informed consent
-Visually-confirmed endometriosis: detection of endometriotic lesions during laparoscopy or laparotomy (with or without pathological diagnosis) within 10 years but no less than 8 weeks from Visit 1a (surgically diagnosed endometriosis). For Japan only and limited to no more than half of all randomized Japanese participants: the diagnosis can be based on previous imaging (i.e. endometriosis lesion detected by ultrasound or MRI). If the participant was diagnosed by ultrasound, the lesion must be visualized again by ultrasound at the screening visit. If the participant was diagnosed by MRI, the diagnosis must have been made within 12 months before Visit 1a (clinically diagnosed endometriosis).
-Both sub-criteria regarding pain symptoms must be fulfilled:
--At Visit 1a, participant presents self-reported moderate to severe pain which - based on the judgement of the investigator - carries a reasonable likelihood to translate into a severity of pain symptoms sufficient to fulfil the eligibility criterion and be caused by endometriosis, and
--During the screening period at least 24 daily ESD entries during the 28 consecutive days starting on the first day with menstrual bleeding at or after Visit 1a and entries in the ESD item 1a ('worst pain' on the daily numerical rating scale) sum up to 98 or more.
-Willingness to use standardized rescue pain medications for EAPP (i.e. ibuprofen, acetaminophen and tramadol) and not use any prophylactic pain medication, according to investigator's instruction
-Ability to swallow the study intervention, i.e., the different kinds of tablets, as complete units
-Good general health (except for findings related to endometriosis) as proven by medical history, physical and gynecological examinations and laboratory test results
-Normal or clinically insignificant cervical cytology not requiring further follow-up:
--A cervical cytology sample has to be obtained during screening, or
--A documented normal result has to be available from cervical cytology conducted within 12 months prior to Visit 1a.
--Human papilloma virus (HPV) testing in participants with atypical squamous cells of unknown significance (ASCUS) will be used as an adjunctive test automatically. Participants with ASCUS can be included if they are negative for high-risk HPV strains.
-Current pregnancy or less than 3 months since delivery, abortion or stop of lactation before Visit 1a
-Hypersensitivity to any ingredient of the study intervention and/or the standardized rescue medications
-Known osteoporosis
-History of a low trauma fracture
-Contraindications for elagolix or the standardized rescue medications
-Current malignancy or history of cancer (exception: basal cell or squamous cell carcinoma of the skin) within the last 5 years prior to Visit 1a
-Any other disease or condition that, according to the investigator, can compromise the function of the body systems and could result in altered absorption, excessive accumulation, impaired metabolism, or altered excretion of the study intervention (e.g. chronic bowel diseases, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis)
-Menopause or signs of menopausal transition, such as absence of regular menstrual cycles based on investigator's judgment (absence of information regarding menstrual bleeding pattern e.g. due to long term use of hormonal contraception is not an exclusion criterion)
-Any disease or condition that may worsen during the study period according to the assessment and opinion of the investigator
-Abnormal uterine bleeding in terms of regularity or heaviness (with the exception of heavy menstrual bleeding that does not require treatment)
-Any findings that require further diagnostic procedures to avoid harm to the participant (e.g. ovarian tumors of uncertain origin or pelvic masses of unclear etiology)
-Any serious or unstable diseases or medical conditions,
including psychiatric disorders, that might interfere with the

conduct of the study or the interpretation of the result, including for example:
--history of hysterectomy and/or bilateral oophorectomy
--any conditions considered to contribute significantly to pelvic pain by the investigator, e.g. fibromyalgia, uterine fibroids, irritable bowel syndrome or other bowel disorders
--any other underlying diseases requiring regular use of pain medication (e.g. migraine)
--history of or current anxiety or depression unless stable with or without medical treatment>= 6 months before Visit 1a
-Major surgery scheduled during the study period
-Non-responsiveness of EAPP to earlier treatment with GnRH-agonists or GnRH-antagonists, based on the judgement of the investigator
-SARS-CoV-2- positive virus RNA test within 4 weeks prior to Visit 1a reported by participant, regardless of whether the participant had symptoms
-History of COVID-19 infection with persistent/ongoing symptoms
-Contact with SARS-CoV-2- positive or COVID-19 patient within the last 4 weeks prior to Visit 1a
-Intake of medication prohibited due to potential drug-drug interaction
-Use of other treatments that might interfere with the conduct of the study or the interpretation of the results, including:
--hormonal medications
--other treatments intended for endometriosis/pelvic pain during participation in the study, including the use of herbal products or traditional Chinese medicine for symptom relief, with the exception of the standardized rescue pain medications
-Simultaneous participation in another clinical trial with investigational medicinal product(s). Participation in another trial 3 months prior to Visit 1a that might have an impact on the study objectives, at the discretion of the investigator
-Previous assignment to study intervention (randomization) in this study (allowing previously randomized participants to be re-included into the study may lead to bias)
-Laboratory values outside the inclusion range (specified in the laboratory manual) and considered clinically relevant
18歳 以上 18age old over
上限なし No limit
女性 Female
 症候性子宮内膜症 symptomatic endometriosis
各被験者はBAY 1817080の3用量(150 mg、75 mg、25 mg)、プラセボ 又はelagolix 150 mgのいずれかを1日2回(elagolixは1日1回)12週間経口投与される。 Each participant will receive one of three oral doses (150 mg, 75 mg, 25 mg) of BAY 1817080, placebo or 150 mg of elagolix twice daily (elagolix: once daily) over a 12-week intervention period.
最大のEAPPのベースラインの平均値から治験薬投与終了時の平均値の絶対変化量 [期間:ベースライン(治験薬投与来院開始前の直近28日間) 、治験薬投与終了時(Day 57-84 (+3) )] Absolute change in mean worst EAPP from baseline to end of intervention [ Time Frame: At baseline (last 28 days before start of study drug) and at day 57-84 (+3) ]
治験薬投与下で発現した有害事象を有する被験者数 [期間:最大98日間] Number of participants with treatment-emergent adverse events [ Time Frame: Up to 98 days ]



3 試験等の実施状況の確認に関する事項







4 試験等の対象者に健康被害が生じた場合の補償及び医療の提供に関する事項

5 依頼者等に関する事項


Bayer Yakuhin, Ltd.



6 IRBの名称等

NTT東日本関東病院治験審査委員会 NTT Medical Center Tokyo Review Board
東京都品川区東五反田5丁目9番22号 5-9-22 Higashigotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo

7 その他の事項







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20584_Study Protocol.pdf




種別 公表日
終了 令和5年7月12日 (当画面) 変更内容
変更 令和4年5月17日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和4年3月10日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和3年9月22日 詳細 変更内容
新規登録 令和3年4月1日 詳細