jRCT ロゴ





滲出型加齢黄斑変性患者における SCD411 とアイリーア®の有効性、安全性、忍容性、薬物動態及び免疫原性を比較検討する、 第 III 相、無作為化、二重遮蔽、並行群間、多施設共同試験
滲出型加齢黄斑変性患者における SCD411の第III相試験
坂本 泰二
滲出型 AMD 患者を対象に、8 週間の治療後の最高矯正視力(BCVA)を用い、SCD411 のアイリーア(アフリベルセプト)に対する同等性を証明する。
独立行政法人地域医療機能推進機構 中京病院  治験審査委員会




2 結果の要約

/ 被験者の平均(SD:標準偏差)年齢は73.5(8.27)歳であった。ほとんどの被験者が65歳以上であった。本試験には男性277名(48.3%)、女性296名(51.7%)が参加した。すべての女性被験者は妊娠可能性のない女性であった。被験者の大半の人種は白人(382名[66.7%])またはアジア人(187名[32.6%])であり、ヒスパニック系またはラテン系民族ではなかった(554名[96.7%])。
全体で、試験眼の平均(SD)最高矯正視力(BCVA)スコアは59.3(10.69)文字、中心網膜厚(CRT)は490.1(172.65)µm、病変全体は5.5069(4.72374)mm2、脈絡膜新生血管(CVN)領域は4.5685(4.23108)mm2、漏出領域は6.6884(4.77559)mm2、眼圧 (IOP)は15.2(2.87)mmHgであった。
The mean (SD: standard deviation) age of the subjects was 73.5 (8.27) years. Most subjects were >= 65 years of age. There were 277 males (48.3%) and 296 females (51.7%) in the study; all females were of non-childbearing potential. Majority of subjects were of White (382 subjects [66.7%]) or Asian (187 subjects [32.6%]) race and not Hispanic or Latino (554 subjects [96.7%]) ethnicity.
The mean (SD) weight of the subjects was 72.32 (14.757) kg and BMI was 26.67 (4.424) kg/m2.
Overall, the mean (SD) Best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) score was 59.3 (10.69) letters; Central retinal thickness (CRT) was 490.1 (172.65) um, total lesion area was 5.5069 (4.72374) mm2; Choroidal neovascularization (CNV) area was 4.5685 (4.23108) mm2; leakage area was 6.6884 (4.77559) mm2; and intraocular pressure (IOP) was 15.2 (2.87) mmHg in the study eye.
Anterior chamber flare, anterior chamber cells, and vitreous cells in the study eye were of grade zero in all the subjects. The vitreous haze was also grade zero in 567 subjects (99.0%) and grade 1 in 6 subjects (1.0%). The overall slit lamp, vitreous, retina, and optic nerve assessments in the study eye were normal in most subjects. In line with the study indication, the overall macula assessment in the study eye was reported as abnormal in most subjects, with clinically significant (CS) abnormalities reported in 346 subjects (60.4%).
All subjects (573 [100%]) had at least one ocular medical history in the study eye. The most common were eye disorders including neovascular Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) reported in 562 subjects (98.1%) and cataract reported in 257 subjects (44.9%).
Ocular medical history in the fellow eye was reported in 442 subjects (77.1%). The most common were eye disorders including cataract reported in 250 subjects (43.6%) and dry AMD reported in 209 subjects (36.5%).
Non-ocular medical history was reported in 520 subjects (90.8%), most commonly in the system organ classes (SOCs) of vascular disorders (366 subjects [63.9%]), metabolism and nutrition disorders (297 subjects [51.8%]), musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders (194 subjects [33.9%]), and gastrointestinal disorders (152 subjects [26.5%]).
Most common medical histories (reported in >=10.0% of subjects) by preferred term (PT) included hypertension (339 subjects [59.2%]), hyperlipidemia (110 subjects [19.2%]), hypercholesterolemia (90 subjects [15.7%]), type 2 diabetes mellitus (79 subjects [13.8%]), osteoarthritis (74 subjects [12.9%]), and benign prostatic hyperplasia (73 subjects [12.7%]).
/ 14ヵ国132の実施医療機関で、合計914名の被験者の適格性が評価された。合計576名の被験者が、2つの治療群のいずれかに無作為に割り付けられた(SCD411群とEylea群に各288名)。合計515名(89.4%)が治験薬投与を完了し(SCD411群では259名[89.9%]およびEylea群では256名[88.9%])、61名[10.6%]が治験薬投与を中止した(SCD411群では29名[10.1%]およびEylea群では32名[11.1%])。両治療群を通じて最も多かった治験薬投与の中止の理由は、有害事象(AE)(14名[23.0%])、被験者の同意撤回(13名[21.3%])、その他(10名[16.4%])であった。
合計566名(98.3%)が試験のWeek 8を完了した(SCD411群では281名[97.6%]およびEylea群では285名[99.0%])。合計522名(90.6%)が試験を完了した(SCD411群およびEylea群で各261名[90.6%])。合計54名(9.4%)が試験を早期に中止した:SCD411群およびEylea群で各27名(9.4%)。

適格性を確認した患者数:日本 87名(グローバル827名)
組み入れられた被験者数、追跡調査を完了した被験者数:日本 56名(グローバル466名)
A total of 914 subjects were assessed for eligibility across 132 sites in 14 countries. A total of 576 subjects were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatment groups: 288 subjects each to the SCD411 group and Eylea group. A total of 515 subjects (89.4%) had completed the study treatment: 259 subjects (89.9%) in the SCD411 group and 256 subjects (88.9%) in the Eylea group, and 61 subjects (10.6%) had discontinued the study treatment: 29 subjects (10.1%) in the SCD411 group and 32 subjects (11.1%) in the Eylea group. The most common reasons for discontinuing study treatment across treatment groups were adverse event (AE) (14 subjects [23.0%]), withdrawal of consent by the subject (13 subjects [21.3%]), and other (10 subjects [16.4%]).
A total of 566 subjects (98.3%) had completed Week 8 of the study: 281 subjects (97.6%) in the SCD411 group and 285 subjects (99.0%) in the Eylea group. A total of 522 subjects (90.6%) had completed the study: 261 subjects (90.6%) each in the SCD411 group and Eylea group. A total of 54 subjects (9.4%) had prematurely discontinued the study: 27 subjects (9.4%) each in the SCD411 and Eylea groups. The most common reasons for discontinuing the study across treatment groups were withdrawal of consent by the subject (14 subjects [25.9%]), AE (9 subjects [16.7%]), and other (9 subjects [16.7%]).

<Subject Disposition>
Number of patients whose eligibility has been reviewed: Japan 87 (Global 827)
Number of subjects who have been confirmed as eligible: Japan 60 (Global 516)
Number of enrolled subjects, number of subjects who have completed follow-up: Japan 56 (Global 466)
Number of subjects who have been analyzed: Japan 60 (Global 513)
/ 1. 試験眼に治療中に発現した有害事象(TEAE)

2. 僚眼のTEAE

全体で、眼以外のTEAEが258名(45.0%)で報告された。治療中に発現したAEで治験薬に関連する事象が2名(0.3%)、注射に関連する事象が1名(0.2%)で報告された。眼以外のTEAEに関連する死亡はなかった。非致死的な眼以外の重篤なTEAEが54名(9.4%)で報告され、2名(0.3%)で発現した重篤なTEAEは治験薬と関連があった。投与中断に至った眼以外のTEAEが8名(1.4%)で報告された。眼以外のTEAEで投与中止に至った事象が7 名(1.2%)で報告され、試験中止に至った事象が3 名(0.5%)で報告された。眼以外のTEAEのほとんどが軽度であり、重度のTEAEが40名(7.0%)で報告された。
1. Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events (TEAE) of the Study Eye
Overall, TEAEs of the study eye were reported in 140 subjects (24.4%). There were no ocular TEAE-related deaths. Treatment-emergent AEs related to study drug and injection procedure were reported in 27 subjects (4.7%) and 39 subjects (6.8%), respectively. Non fatal ocular serious TEAEs of the study eye were reported in 8 subjects (1.4%), and serious TEAEs in 2 subjects (0.3%) each were related to the study drug and injection procedure. None of the TEAEs in the study eye led to dose interruption. Treatment-emergent AEs of the study eye leading to treatment discontinuation were reported in 9 subjects (1.6%) and leading to study discontinuation were reported in 4 subjects (0.7%). Most TEAEs of the study eye were mild or moderate in intensity and severe TEAEs were reported in 4 subjects (0.7%).

2. TEAE of the Fellow Eye
Overall, TEAEs of the fellow eye were reported in 102 subjects (17.8%). In the fellow eye, there were no fatal TEAEs or TEAEs that led to treatment or study discontinuation. Treatment emergent AEs related to study drug and injection procedure were reported in 1 subject (0.2%) and 3 subjects (0.5%), respectively. A non-fatal ocular serious TEAE of the fellow eye was reported in 1 subject (0.2%). Treatment emergent AE of the fellow eye leading to dose interruption were reported in 1 subject (0.2%). Almost all TEAEs of the fellow eye were mild or moderate in intensity and severe TEAEs were reported in 2 subjects (0.3%).

Non-Ocular TEAE
Overall, non-ocular TEAEs were reported in 258 subjects (45.0%). Treatment-emergent AEs related to study drug and injection procedure were reported in 2 subjects (0.3%) and 1 subject (0.2%), respectively. There were no non-ocular TEAE-related deaths. Non-fatal non-ocular serious TEAEs were reported in 54 subjects (9.4%), and serious TEAEs in 2 subjects (0.3%) were related to the study drug. Non-ocular TEAEs leading to dose interruption were reported in 8 subjects (1.4%). Non-ocular TEAEs leading to treatment discontinuation were reported in 7 subjects (1.2%) and leading to study discontinuation were reported in 3 subjects (0.5%). Most non-ocular TEAEs were mild in intensity and severe TEAEs were reported in 40 subjects (7.0%).
/ 主要評価項目:
Week 8時点のBCVAスコアのベースラインからの推定平均変化量の治療群間(SCD411とEylea)のLS(最小二乗)平均差は-0.4文字であり、90% CI(信頼区間)=-1.6~0.9、95% CI=-1.8~1.1であった。

Week52時点で、最大の解析対象集団(FAS)を対象としたBCVAスコアのベースラインからの推定平均変化量の治療群間(SCD411とEylea)のLS平均差は1.3文字であり、90% CI=-0.4~2.9、95% CI=-0.7~3.2であった。

CRTのベースラインからの推定平均変化量の治療群(SCD411とEylea)間のLS平均差は、Week8時点では0.5µm(90% CI =-11.8~12.9、95% CI=-14.2~15.2)であり、Week52時点では-10.7µm(90% CI=-22.8~1.5、95% CI =-25.1~3.8)であった。

CNV領域のベースラインからの推定平均変化量の治療群間(SCD411とEylea)のLS平均差は、Week8時点では0.2146mm2(90% CI=-0.1152~0.5444、95% CI=-0.1785~ 0.6078)であり、Week52時点では=-0.2837mm2(90% CI=-0.6593~0.0919、95% CI=-0.7313~0.1639)であった。
Primary Endpoint:
At Week 8, the LS (least square) mean difference between the treatment groups (SCD411-Eylea) for estimated mean change from baseline in BCVA score was - 0.4 letters with 90% CI (confidence interval) = - 1.6 to 0.9 and 95% CI = - 1.8 to 1.1.

Secondary Endpoint:
Change from Baseline in BCVA Score for Study Eye at Week 52:
At Week 52, for the full analysis set (FAS), the LS mean difference between the treatment groups (SCD411 Eylea) for estimated mean change from baseline in BCVA score was 1.3 letters with 90% CI = - 0.4 to 2.9 and 95% CI = - 0.7 to 3.2.

Mean change from baseline in CRT at Week 8 and Week 52:
The LS mean difference between the treatment groups (SCD411-Eylea) for estimated mean change from baseline in CRT at Week 8 was 0.5 um (90% CI = - 11.8 to 12.9 and 95% CI = - 14.2 to 15.2) and at Week 52 was - 10.7 um (90% CI = - 22.8 to 1.5 and 95% CI = - 25.1 to 3.8).

Mean change from baseline in CNV at Week 8 and Week 52:
The LS mean difference between the treatment groups (SCD411-Eylea) for estimated mean change from baseline in CNV area at Week 8 was 0.2146 mm2 (90% CI = - 0.1152 to 0.5444 and 95% CI = - 0.1785 to 0.6078) and at Week 52 was - 0.2837 mm2 (90% CI = - 0.6593 to 0.0919 and 95% CI = - 0.7313 to 0.1639).
/ ・SCD411は、Week8時点での試験眼のBCVAスコアのベースラインからの変化量に関して、Eyleaと同等の有効性を示した。
- SCD411 is efficacious, equivalent to Eylea with respect to the change from baseline in BCVA score for study eye at Week 8.
- SCD411 is well-tolerated with a favorable safety profile that is comparable with Eylea.

3 IPDシェアリング



研究の種別 企業治験
治験の区分 主たる治験と拡大治験のいずれにも該当しない
登録日 令和5年10月19日
jRCT番号 jRCT2041210008

1 試験等の実施体制に関する事項及び試験等を行う施設の構造設備に関する事項


滲出型加齢黄斑変性患者における SCD411 とアイリーア®の有効性、安全性、忍容性、薬物動態及び免疫原性を比較検討する、 第 III 相、無作為化、二重遮蔽、並行群間、多施設共同試験 A Phase III Randomized, Double-Masked, Parallel Group, Multicenter Study to Compare the Efficacy, Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, and Immunogenicity between SCD411 and Eylea in Subjects with Neovascular
Age-related Macular Degeneration
滲出型加齢黄斑変性患者における SCD411の第III相試験 A Phase III Study of SCD411 in Subjects with Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration


坂本 泰二 Sakamoto Taiji
/ 鹿児島大学病院 Kagoshima University Hospital
/ 鹿児島県鹿児島市桜ケ丘8丁目35番1号 8-35-1 Sakuragaoka, Kagoshima-shi, Kagoshima
Park Youngmi Youngmi Park
株式会社新日本科学PPD PPDSNBL K.K.
大阪府大阪市北区中之島3-3-23 3-3-23 Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka



多施設共同試験等の該当の有無 あり




Saga University Hospital






Sakai City Medical Center






Fukushima Medical University Hospital





独立行政法人 国立病院機構 東京医療センター

National Hospital Organization Tokyo Medical Center





医療法人社団研英会 林眼科病院

Hayashi Eye Hospital






Tokyo Medical University Hachioji Medical Center






Hyogo Prefectural Amagasaki General Medical Center






Kurume University Hospital






University of the Ryukyus Hospital






St. Lukes International Hospital






Niigata University Medical and Dental Hospital





独立行政法人 神戸市民病院機構 神戸市立神戸アイセンター病院

Kobe City Eye Hospital





独立行政法人地域医療機能推進機構 中京病院

Japan Community Health care Organization Chukyo Hospital



2 試験等の目的及び内容並びにこれに用いる医薬品等の概要


滲出型 AMD 患者を対象に、8 週間の治療後の最高矯正視力(BCVA)を用い、SCD411 のアイリーア(アフリベルセプト)に対する同等性を証明する。
介入研究 Interventional
無作為化比較 randomized controlled trial
二重盲検 double blind
実薬(治療)対照 active control
並行群間比較 parallel assignment
治療 treatment purpose
アメリカ/ハンガリー/大韓民国/オーストラリア/イスラエル/インド/ポーランド/ロシア/スロバキア/ブルガリア/スペイン/チェコ/ラトビア US/Hungary/The Republic of Korea/Australia/Israel/India/Poland/Russia/Slovakia/Bulgaria/Spain/Czech/Spain
・50 歳以上の患者。
・中央画像判定機関によるスクリーニング時の蛍光眼底造影検査(FA)の結果判定により、試験眼に AMD に伴う活動性の中心窩下、傍中心窩もしくは中心窩外脈絡膜血管新生病変が存在することが確認された患者。
- Age >=50 years.
- Active choroidal subfoveal, juxtafoveal, or extrafoveal neovascularization lesions secondary to AMD evidenced by fluorescein angiography (FA) in the study eye at screening and confirmed by the central reading center.
・滲出型 AMD に対する眼科治療歴(試験眼及び僚眼)あるいは全身治療歴又は手術歴がある患者(ただし、栄養補助食品又はビタミン剤は除く)。
・試験眼において滲出型 AMD の治療目的で別の治験薬を使った治療歴がある、又は現在併用している患者(ただし、栄養補助食品又はビタミン剤は除く)。
- Any prior ocular (in the study eye and fellow eye) or systemic treatment or surgery for neovascular AMD except dietary supplements or vitamins
- Any prior or concomitant therapy with another investigational agent to treat neovascular AMD in the study eye, except dietary supplements or vitamins
50歳 以上 50age old over
上限なし No limit
男性・女性 Both
滲出型加齢黄斑変性 Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration
生物製剤:SCD411 又はアイリーア (アフリベルセプト)、既に国内承認されているアイリーアと同様の用法・用量に従う Biological:SCD411 or Eylea (aflibercept), Dosage and administration are subject to those of Eylea, which has already been approved in Japan.
滲出型 AMD 患者を対象に、8 週間の治療後の最高矯正視力(BCVA)を用い、SCD411 のアイリーア(アフリベルセプト)に対する同等性を証明する。 To prove the equivalence of SCD411 as compared to Eylea (aflibercept) in best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) after 8 weeks of treatment among subjects with wet AMD.
• SCD411 とアフリベルセプトの安全性と忍容性を比較する。
• 8 週間及び 52 週間の治療後の、BCVA、中心網膜厚(CRT)、脈絡膜血管新生(CNV)を用い、SCD411 とアフリベルセプトの有効性を比較する。
• 抗 SCD411 抗体の発現状況を示し、SCD411 とアフリベルセプトの免疫原性を比較する。
- To compare the safety and tolerability of SCD411 and aflibercept
- To compare the efficacy of SCD411 and aflibercept after 8 weeks and 52 weeks of treatment demonstrated by BCVA, central retinal thickness (CRT), and choroidal neovascularization (CNV)
- To compare the immunogenicity of SCD411 and aflibercept by presenting information of the development of anti-SCD411 antibodies.



3 試験等の実施状況の確認に関する事項







4 試験等の対象者に健康被害が生じた場合の補償及び医療の提供に関する事項

5 依頼者等に関する事項


SamChunDang Pharm. Co. Ltd.
SamChunDang Pharm. Co. Ltd.



6 IRBの名称等

独立行政法人地域医療機能推進機構 中京病院  治験審査委員会 Japan Community Health care Organization Chukyo Hospital Institutional Review Board
愛知県名古屋市南区三条1-1-10 1-1-10, Sanjo, Minami-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi

7 その他の事項










SCD411-CP101 Protocol Amendment_Version 3.0 dated 24Jan2022_redacted_22Aug2023.pdf




種別 公表日
終了 令和5年10月19日 (当画面) 変更内容
変更 令和5年10月19日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和5年6月27日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和4年2月5日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和3年8月27日 詳細 変更内容
新規登録 令和3年4月16日 詳細