jRCT ロゴ





抗TNF薬投与歴のない活動性乾癬性関節炎患者を対象にチルドラキズマブの有効性及び安全性を実証する第III相、無作為化、二重盲検、プラセボ対照試験II(INSPIRE 2)
三宅 綾子
IQVIAサービシーズ ジャパン合同会社


研究の種別 企業治験
治験の区分 主たる治験
登録日 令和5年12月28日
jRCT番号 jRCT2031210401

1 試験等の実施体制に関する事項及び試験等を行う施設の構造設備に関する事項


抗TNF薬投与歴のない活動性乾癬性関節炎患者を対象にチルドラキズマブの有効性及び安全性を実証する第III相、無作為化、二重盲検、プラセボ対照試験II(INSPIRE 2) A Phase III, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study to Demonstrate the Efficacy and Safety of Tildrakizumab in Anti-TNF Naive Subjects with Active Psoriatic Arthritis II (INSPIRE 2)
抗TNF薬投与歴のない活動性乾癬性関節炎患者を対象としたチルドラキズマブの試験 A Study of Tildrakizumab in Anti-TNF Naive Subjects with Active Psoriatic Arthritis


三宅 綾子 Miyake Ryoko
/ IQVIAサービシーズ ジャパン合同会社 IQVIA Services Japan G.K.
/ 東京都港区高輪四丁目10番18号 4-10-18 Takanawa, Minato-ku, Tokyo
IQVIA サービシーズ ジャパン合同会社 RCT 問い合わせ受付センター IQVIA Services Japan G.K. jRCT Callcenter
IQVIAサービシーズ ジャパン合同会社 IQVIA Services Japan G.K.
東京都港区高輪四丁目10番18号 4-10-18 Takanawa, Minato-ku, Tokyo




多施設共同試験等の該当の有無 あり




Kyorin University Hospital





国立大学法人東北大学 東北大学病院

Tohoku University Hospital






Osaka Metropolitan University Hospital





国立大学法人熊本大学 熊本大学病院

Kumamoto University Hospital





地方独立行政法人北九州市立病院機構 北九州市立医療センター

Kitakyushu Municipal Medical Center






Teikyo University Hospital






Tokyo Medical University Hospital





国立大学法人 三重大学医学部付属病院

Mie University Hospital






Nagoya City University Hospital





国立大学法人 宮崎大学医学部附属病院

University of Miyazaki Hospital



2 試験等の目的及び内容並びにこれに用いる医薬品等の概要


介入研究 Interventional
無作為化比較 randomized controlled trial
二重盲検 double blind
プラセボ対照 placebo control
並行群間比較 parallel assignment
治療 treatment purpose
アメリカ/オーストラリア/チェコ/韓国 USA/Australia/Czech Republic/Korea
6.活動性局面型PsOの診断を受け、スクリーニング時点で直径2 cm以上の乾癬プラークが1つ以上認められる又は局面型PsOの既往がある。
9.非薬物療法(理学療法、マッサージ、食事、運動、皮膚軟化薬、関節テーピングなど。ただし、これらに限定されない)を実施している場合は、治験薬開始の4週間前から二重盲検期間(Week 24)まで安定して受けている必要がある。
10.メトトレキサート(MTX)又はレフルノミドを投与している患者。3ヵ月以上投与を受けており、治験薬開始前の8週間以上用量及び用法が安定しており(メトトレキサート:経口投与又は皮下投与、レフルノミド:経口投与)(MTXは25 mg/週以下、レフルノミドは20 mg/日以下)、治験開始から24週間は安定用量が維持できると考えられる。ただし、毒性により用量の変更が必要となった場合は除く。レフルノミドとMTXは併用できない。
11.経口コルチコステロイドを投与している患者。治験薬開始前の4週間以上用量が安定しており(prednisone換算で10 mg/日以下)、治験開始から24週間は安定用量が維持できると考えられる必要がある。
Subjects may be included in the study if they meet all of the following criteria:
1.Subject has provided written informed consent.
2.Subject is >= 18 years of age at time of Screening.
3.Subject has a diagnosis of active PsA (by the Classification of PsA criteria, APPENDIX 1) for at least 6 months before the first administration of the study agent and has active PsA confirmed at Screening or Baseline.
4.Subject has >= 3 tender and >= 3 swollen joints at Screening and Baseline
Note: Dactylitis of a digit counts as one joint for the purpose of eligibility assessment. However, the individual joints will be counted for the efficacy assessments of Tender joint count (TJC) or Swollen joint count (SJC).
5.Rheumatoid factor (RF) and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies (anti-CCP Ab) negative.
6.Diagnosis of active plaque PsO, with at least one psoriatic plaque of >= 2 cm diameter at Screening or a documented history of plaque PsO.
7.Subjects must have no prior exposure to anti-tumor necrosis factor (anti-TNF) agent(s) use for the treatment of PsO or PsA.
8.For subjects receiving non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or low potency opioids (e.g. only tramadol, meperidine, and codeine allowed), including as needed (PRN) use: the subject must be on a stable dose for ? 4 weeks prior to initiation of IMP and be expected to maintain a stable dose for the first 24 weeks of the study, unless a change in dosage is required due to toxicity. Stable dose and PRN use are defined as subjects taking an NSAID or low potency opioids on average 4 days per week over the 4-week period prior to Screening.
9.For subjects receiving non-drug therapy (including but not limited to physical therapy, massage, diet, exercise, emollients, and joint taping), must be stable for the 4week period prior to IMP initiation through to the end of double blinded study period (Week 24).
10.For subjects receiving methotrexate (MTX) or leflunomide: subject has received treatment for at least 3 months, with a stable dose and method of dosing (methotrexate: oral or subcutaneous injection; leflunomide: oral) (not to exceed 25 mg MTX per week or 20 mg leflunomide per day) for at least 8 weeks prior to initiation of IMP, and be expected to maintain a stable dose for the first 24 weeks of the study, unless change in dosage is required due to toxicity. Subjects may not be receiving both leflunomide and MTX concomitantly.
11.For subjects receiving oral corticosteroids: the subject must be on a stable dose (not to exceed the equivalent of 10 mg of prednisone per day) for >= 4 weeks prior to initiation of IMP, and be expected to maintain a stable dose for the first 24 weeks of the study.
12.Subject has a negative evaluation for tuberculosis (TB) within 4 weeks before initiating IMP, defined as a negative QuantiFERON test. Subjects with a positive or 2 successive indeterminate QuantiFERON tests are allowed if they have all of the following:
-no history of active TB or symptoms of TB,
-a posterior-anterior (PA) chest radiograph (with associated report available at the site) performed within 3 months of Screening with no evidence of active TB (or of any other pulmonary infectious diseases),
-if prior latent TB infection, must have history of adequate prophylaxis (per local standard of care),
-if presence of latent TB is established, then treatment according to local country guidelines must have been followed for at least 4 weeks, prior to dosing in the study at visit 2-week 0..
-A maximum of 2 QuantiFERON tests of no more than 3 weeks apart are allowed. A re-test is only permitted if the first is indeterminate; the result of the second test will then be used.
1.ベースラインからWeek 24の評価までの間に治療前の症状に対する外科的処置が予定されている患者。
-血清直接ビリルビン1.5 mg/dL以上
-白血球数3.0 × 103/μL未満
-筋肉内投与、関節内投与などの外用(治験薬開始前14日以内)及び非経口のコルチコステロイド[点眼用、鼻腔内投与用、吸入用のコルチコステロイド、並びに顔面及び鼠径部の乾癬病変に塗布するウィーク~ミディアム(low potency)外用コルチコステロイドは可]
-セクキヌマブ、ウステキヌマブ、イキセキズマブ、ブロダルマブなどインターロイキン(IL)-17、IL-23又はIL-12/IL-23 p40を標的とする薬剤の使用歴
16.異性との性行為を控えること、又は2種類の避妊法を併用することに同意しない妊娠可能な女性患者。避妊法には、例えば以下の併用が挙げられる:(1)経口避妊薬、depo progesterone、子宮内避妊器具及び(2)バリア法(コンドーム又はペッサリー)。妊娠可能で上記の避妊法を用いない女性パートナーのいる男性患者では、避妊手術(精管切除術)を受けていない場合、バリア法(例:コンドーム)を使用しなければならない。避妊は、治験に参加してから治験薬の最終投与後17週間が経過するまで実施する必要がある。治験薬を早期に中止した場合は、治験薬の最終投与から17週間避妊しなければならない。無月経が1年未満の女性では、閉経の有無(治験実施医療機関の検査室の基準値による)を確認するために、卵胞刺激ホルモン(FSH)検査を実施する。
22.治験薬の初回投与前8週間以内の400 mL以上の献血又は失血している患者。
Subjects should be excluded from the study if they meet any of the following criteria:
1.Subject has a planned surgical intervention between Baseline and the Week 24 evaluation for a pretreatment condition.
2.Subject has an active infection or history of infections as follows:
-any active infection for which systemic anti-infectives were used within 28 days prior to first IMP dose, with the last dose having been received within 7 days of Screening,
-a serious infection, defined as requiring hospitalization or intravenous (IV) anti-infectives within 8 weeks prior to the first IMP dose, with the last dose having been received within 7 days of Screening,
-recurrent or chronic infections, e.g., chronic pyelonephritis, chronic osteomyelitis, bronchiectasis, or other active infection that, in the opinion of the Investigator, might cause this study to be detrimental to the subject.
3.Major chronic inflammatory or connective tissue disease other than PsA (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis (RA), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), ankylosing spondylitis, Lyme disease, Sjogren's disease, mixed connective tissue disease, scleroderma, or gout that might confound the evaluation of the benefit of tildrakizumab therapy as judged by the investigator); PsA with spondylitis and/or sacroiliitis is permitted.
4.Subject has any concurrent medical condition or uncontrolled, clinically significant systemic disease (e.g., renal failure, heart failure, hypertension, liver disease, diabetes, or anemia) that, in the opinion of the Investigator, could cause this study to be detrimental to the subject.
5.Subject has a known history of infection with hepatitis B, hepatitis C, or human immunodeficiency virus.
6.Subject had myocardial infarction, unstable angina pectoris, or ischemic stroke within the past 6 months prior to the first IMP dose.
7.Subject has any active malignancy, including evidence of cutaneous basal or squamous cell carcinoma or melanoma.
8.Subject has a history of malignancy within 5 years from the time of Screening EXCEPT treated and considered cured cutaneous basal or squamous cell carcinoma, in situ cervical carcinoma, OR in situ breast ductal carcinoma.
9.Subjects with a history of alcohol or drug abuse in the previous 2 years.
10.Significant risk of suicidality at the Screening assessment based on the Investigator's judgment or, if appropriate, as indicated by a response of "yes" within the last 12 months to question 4 or 5 in the suicidal section, or any response in the behavioral section of the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS).
11.Subject has laboratory abnormalities at Screening, including any of the following (Subjects are allowed to have 1 re-testing should the Principal Investigator find the result incongruent with the subject's medical history or highly suspicious of laboratory error):
-aspartate aminotransferase (AST) or alanine aminotransferase (ALT) >= 2 times the upper limit of normal (ULN),
-creatinine >= 1.5 times,
-serum direct bilirubin >= 1.5 mg/dL,
-white blood cell count < 3.0 x 103/uL,
-positive test result for RF and/or anti-CCP Ab,
-any other laboratory abnormality, which, in the opinion of the Investigator, will prevent the subject from completing the study or will interfere with the interpretation of the study results.
Washouts and non-permitted drugs:
12.Subject has used any of the following within 28 days of IMP initiation:
-high potency opioid analgesics (e.g., hydrocodone, methadone, hydromorphone, oxycodone, morphine, or fentanyl), recreational marijuana, medical marijuana, and CBD;
-systemically administered calcineurin inhibitors (e.g., cyclosporine, tacrolimus),
-topical (within 14 days of IMP initiation)and parenteral corticosteroids including intramuscular or intra-articular administration (ophthalmic, intra-nasal, inhaled corticosteroids, and low potency topical corticosteroid applied to psoriatic lesions in the face and groins are permitted),
-topical coal tar,
-live vaccines (inactivated flu vaccine injection allowed, but not live flu nasal spray vaccine),
-has a need for use of a live vaccine within 10 weeks of final anticipated dose of IMP.
Vaccination for COVID-19: Vaccination with a non-live vaccine is allowed. This vaccination should preferably be completed at least 2 weeks before the first dose of the study drug administration. Administration of a COVID-19 vaccine during blinded part of the study should preferably be avoided. The CRO/sponsor MM should be consulted before administration of COVID-19 vaccine to the subject. The prescribing information of the vaccine and local requirements on use of the vaccine should be followed.
13.Use of commercially available or investigational biologic therapies for PsO and/or PsA as follows:
-any use of anti-TNF therapy prior to IMP initiation,
-prior use of B-cell depleting agent or T-cell inhibitor within 12 months of Screening,
-use of apremilast or other approved or investigational medications for the treatment of PsA which are not identified as permitted therapies within 5 half-lives or 30 days (whichever is longer) prior to IMP initiation,
-any prior use of secukinumab, ustekinumab, ixekizumab, brodalumab, or any drugs targeting interleukin (IL)-17, IL-23, or the IL-12/IL-23-shared p40 molecule.
14.14. Subject use of Apremilast or other approved or investigational medications for the treatment of PsA and/or PsO which are not identified as permitted therapies within 5 half-lives or 15 days (whichever is longer) prior to IMP initiation.
15.Subject has known sensitivity to any of the products or any excipients to be administered during dosing (histidine, polysorbate 80, and sucrose).
16.Female subjects of childbearing potential who do not agree to abstain from heterosexual activity or practice a dual method of contraception, for example, a combination of the following: (1) oral contraceptive, depo progesterone, or intrauterine device; and (2) a barrier method (condom or diaphragm). Male subjects with female partners of childbearing potential who are not using birth control as described above must use a barrier method of contraception (e.g., condom) if not surgically sterile (i.e., vasectomy). Contraceptive methods must be practiced upon entering the study and through 17 weeks after the last dose of IMP. If a subject discontinues prematurely, the contraceptive method must be practiced for 17 weeks following final administration of IMP. A follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) test should be performed to confirm menopause (per reference values of the laboratory) for those women with no menses for less than 1 year.
17.Female is pregnant or breast feeding, or planning to become pregnant or initiate breastfeeding while enrolled in the study or up to 17 weeks after the last dose of IMP.
18.Subject will not be available for protocol-required study visits, to the best of the subject's and Investigator's knowledge.
19.Subject currently enrolled in another investigational device/procedure or drug study, or Baseline of this study is less than 30 days or 5 half-lives (whichever is longer) since ending another investigational device/procedure or drug study(s), or receiving other investigational agent(s).
20.Subject previously has been enrolled (randomized) in this study.
21.Subject has any kind of disorder that, in the opinion of the Investigator, may compromise the ability of the subject to give written informed consent and/or to comply with all required study procedures.
22.Donation or loss of 400 milliliter (mL) or more of blood within 8 weeks before first dose of IMP.
23.Subjects who have been placed in an institution on official or judicial orders.
24.Subjects who are related to or dependent on the Investigator, Sponsor, or study site such that a conflict of interest could arise.
18歳 以上 18age old over
上限なし No limit
男性・女性 Both
関節症性乾癬 Psoriatic Arthritis
Drug: Tildrakizumab
Administered SC
・Week 24時点でACR20を達成している被験者の割合
・Week 24時点でACR50を達成している被験者の割合
・Week 24時点でACR70を達成している被験者の割合
・ベースライン時にBSAの3%以上に病変を有し、Week 24時点でPASI75の効果判定基準を達成している被験者の割合
・Week 16時点でのvan der Heijde modified total Sharp scoreのベースラインからの変化量
・Week 24時点でのvan der Heijde modified total Sharp scoreのベースラインからの変化量
・Week 24時点でのHAQ-DIのベースラインからの変化量
Primary Endpoint:
-The proportion of subjects who achieve ACR20 at Week 24

Key Secondary Efficacy Endpoints:
-The proportion of subjects achieving ACR50 at Week 24
-The proportion of subjects achieving ACR70 at Week 24
-The proportion of subjects achieving PASI75 response at Weeks 24 among subjects with BSA ?3% at baseline
-The change from Baseline in the van der Heijde modified total Sharp score at Week 24
-The change from Baseline in the van der Heijde modified total Sharp score at Week 16
・Week 24時点でACR20を達成している被験者の割合
・Week 24時点でACR50を達成している被験者の割合
・Week 24時点でACR70を達成している被験者の割合
・ベースライン時にBSAの3%以上に病変を有し、Week 24時点でPASI75の効果判定基準を達成している被験者の割合
・Week 16時点でのvan der Heijde modified total Sharp scoreのベースラインからの変化量
・Week 24時点でのvan der Heijde modified total Sharp scoreのベースラインからの変化量
・Week 24時点でのHAQ-DIのベースラインからの変化量
Primary Endpoint:
- The proportion of subjects who achieve ACR20 at Week 24
Key Secondary Efficacy Endpoints:
- The proportion of subjects achieving ACR50 at Week 24
- The proportion of subjects achieving ACR70 at Week 24
- The proportion of subjects achieving PASI75 response at Weeks 24 among subjects with BSA >= 3% at baseline
- The change from Baseline in the van der Heijde modified total Sharp score at Week 16
- The change from Baseline in the van der Heijde modified total Sharp score at Week 24
- The change from baseline in HAQ-DI at week 24.



3 試験等の実施状況の確認に関する事項







4 試験等の対象者に健康被害が生じた場合の補償及び医療の提供に関する事項

5 依頼者等に関する事項


Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited



6 IRBの名称等

杏林大学医学部付属病院治験審査委員会 Institutional Review Board of Kyorin University Hospital
東京都三鷹市新川6-20-2 6-20-2, Shinkawa, Mitaka-shi, Tokyo

7 その他の事項




(4)IPD(individual clinical trial participant-level data)シェアリング(匿名化された臨床研究の対象者単位のデータの共有)







種別 公表日
変更 令和6年1月9日 (当画面) 変更内容
変更 令和5年4月11日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和5年1月30日 詳細 変更内容
新規登録 令和3年10月29日 詳細