jRCT ロゴ





中等症から重症の化膿性汗腺炎患者治療のためのbermekimab(JNJ-77474462)の安全性及び有効性を評価する,第2a/2b 相,多施設共同,ランダム化,プラセボ及び実薬対照,二重盲検,用量範囲探索試験
西川 和子




2 結果の要約

/ ベースライン特性は投与群間で同様であった。68例(45%)が男性であった。被験者の大半(101例,69.7%)は白人であった。年齢の中央値は35(範囲:18~74)歳であり,被験者の大半(93例,61.6%)が40歳未満であった。ボディマスインデックス(BMI)の平均値(SD)は36.0(10.44)kg/m^2であった。人口統計学的特性は投与群間で同様であった。
Baseline characteristics were balanced across the treatment groups. A total of 68 (45%) participants were male. Majority of the participants were white (101 [69.7%]). The median age was 35 years (range 18 to 74 years) with majority of the participants under 40 years of age (93 [61.6%]). The mean (SD) body mass index (BMI) of the study population was 36.0 (10.44) kilograms/meter square (kg/m^2). The demographic characteristics were comparable across treatment groups.
The majority of participants (105 [69.5%]) had Hurley stage II classification of HS. The study population had HS for a mean (SD) duration of 12.7 (9.52) years. The mean (SD) AN count was 10.9 (6.29); The mean (SD) number of draining fistula among the study population was 2.3 (2.81).
/ HS患者231例をスクリーニングし,そのうち151例をパート1に組み入れ,bermekimab 1050 mg群(bermekimab群)(51例),アダリムマブ160 mg群(アダリムマブ群)(50例),プラセボ群(50例)に無作為に割り付けた。最大の解析対象集団に組み入れられた151例のうち,86例(bermekimab群30例,アダリムマブ群及びプラセボ群各28例)がWeek 16を完了した。26例[bermekimab群9例,アダリムマブ群10例,プラセボ群からbermekimab群にクロスオーバーした群(プラセボ→bermekimab群)7例]がWeek 36前に試験参加を完了した。
65例(bermekimab群21例,アダリムマブ群及びプラセボ群各22例)が治験依頼者の判断による試験中止前のWeek 16前に試験参加を中止し,このうち13例(bermekimab群4例,アダリムマブ群3例,プラセボ群6例)が安全性追跡調査を完了した。残りの52例は安全性追跡調査を完了しなかった。その主な理由は,追跡不能が8例,試験参加中止が10例,死亡が1例,試験中止が28例であった。
計125例(bermekimab群42例,アダリムマブ群40例,プラセボ群22例,プラセボ→bermekimab群21例)がWeek 36前に試験参加を中止し,このうち26例(bermekimab群10例,アダリムマブ群5例,プラセボ群6例,プラセボ→bermekimab群5例)が安全性追跡調査を完了した。残りの99例は安全性追跡調査を完了しなかった。その主な理由は,追跡不能15例,試験参加中止16例,死亡1例,試験中止59例であった。

A total of 231 HS participants were screened out of which a total of 151 participants were enrolled and randomized in Part 1 to receive bermekimab 1050 mg (51 participants), adalimumab 160 mg (50 participants), and placebo (50 participants). Of the 151 enrolled participants included in the full analysis set, 86 participants (30 in bermekimab and 28 each in adalimumab and placebo) completed Week 16. 26 participants (9 in bermekimab, 10 in adalimumab, and 7 in placebo to bermekimab) completed study participation prior to Week 36.
65 participants (21 in bermekimab, 22 each in adalimumab and placebo) discontinued study participation prior to Week 16 before termination of the study at the Sponsor's discretion, of which 13 participants (4 in bermekimab, 3 in adalimumab, and 6 in placebo) completed the safety follow-up. The remaining 52 participants did not complete the safety follow-up: 8 lost to follow-ups, 10 withdrew from the study, 1 participant died, and 28 participants due to trial termination.
A total of 125 participants (42 in bermekimab, 40 in adalimumab, 22 in placebo, and 21 in placebo to bermekimab) discontinued the study participation prior to Week 36, of these 26 participants (10 in bermekimab, 5 in adalimumab, 6 in placebo, and 5 in placebo to bermekimab) completed the safety follow-up. The remaining 99 participants did not complete the safety follow-up: 15 lost to follow-ups, 16 participants withdrew from the study, 1 participant died, and 59 participants due to trial termination.
Parts 2 of the study were planned but were not executed due to early study termination at the Sponsor's discretion.
/ 投与を受けた151例中102例で,Week 16までに1件以上のTEAEが認められた。その内訳は,bermekimab群38例(74.5%),プラセボ群31例(62.0%),アダリムマブ群33例(66.0%)であった。1件以上のTEAEを発現した被験者の割合は,すべての投与群で同程度であった。
Week 16までに,治験責任医師により重度と判断されたTEAEは9例に発現し,その内訳はbermekimab群で3例(5.9%),プラセボ群で2例(4.0%),アダリムマブ群で4例(8.0%)であった。Week 16までに1件以上の治験薬と関連のあるTEAEが発現した被験者の割合は,bermekimab群(25例,49.0%)がプラセボ群(10例,20.0%)及びアダリムマブ群(19例,38.0%)よりも高かった。
Week 36までに1件以上のTEAEが認められた被験者は110例であり,bermekimab群で39例(76.5%)[プラセボ群→bermekimab群は13例(46.4%)],プラセボ群で31例(62.0%),アダリムマブ群で40例(80.0%)であった。Week 36時点のSOC別及びPT別の発現頻度は,Week 16までと同程度であった。
Week 36までに,治験責任医師により重度と判断されたTEAEは10例に発現し,その内訳はbermekimab群で4例(7.8%)(プラセボ→bermekimab群では重度のTEAEは報告されなかった),プラセボ群で2例(4.0%),アダリムマブ群で4例(8.0%)であった。
Week 16までに,6例に重篤な有害事象が認められ,その内訳はbermekimab群で1例(2.0%),プラセボ群で1例(2.0%),アダリムマブ群で4例(8.0%)であった。

Week 16までに,8例に注射部位反応が認められ,その内訳はbermekimab群が7例(13.5%),プラセボ群が1例(0.7%)であった。アダリムマブ群では注射部位反応は報告されなかった。プラセボ群の被験者では,注射部位疼痛が1例に認められた。Bermekimab群では,注射部位紅斑が4例(7.7%),注射部位そう痒感が3例(5.8%),注射部位血腫が1例(1.9%)に認められた。


Of the 151 treated participants, 102 participants experienced 1 or more TEAEs through Week 16: 38 (74.5%) participants from the bermekimab group, 31 (62.0%) participants from the placebo group, and 33 (66.0%) from the adalimumab group. The proportions of participants with 1 or more TEAEs were comparable across all the treatment group.

Nine participants experienced TEAEs that were severe in intensity as assessed by the investigator: 3 (5.9%) participants from the bermekimab group, 2 (4.0%) participants from the placebo group, and 4 (8.0%) participants from the adalimumab group. The proportions of participants with related TEAEs (>=1) through Week 16 were higher in the bermekimab group (25 [49.0%]) in comparison to placebo (10 [20.0%]) and adalimumab (19 [38.0%]) group.
Through Week 36, 110 participants experienced 1 or more TEAEs: 39 (76.5%) from the bermekimab group (inclusive of 13 (46.4%) participants who transitioned from the placebo to the bermekimab 1050 mg group between Weeks 16 through 36), 31 (62.0%) participants from the placebo group, and 40 (80.0%) participants from the adalimumab group. The frequency of events by SOC and PT at Week 36 was comparable to the data through Week 16.
Ten participants experienced TEAEs that were severe in intensity as assessed by the investigator: 4 (7.8%) participants from the bermekimab group (no severe TEAEs were reported in participants crossed over to bermekimab from placebo), 2 (4.0%) participants from the placebo group, and 4 (8.0%) participants from the adalimumab group.
One participant from the adalimumab group died due to illicit drug exposure. This SAE was assessed as not related to study intervention by the investigator and the Sponsor.
Six participants experienced treatment-emergent SAEs in the study: 1 (2.0%) participant from the bermekimab group, 1 (2.0%) participant from the placebo group, and 4 (8.0%) participants from the adalimumab group.

Injection-Site Reactions
Through Week 16, eight participants experienced injection-site reactions: 7 (13.5%) from the bermekimab group and 1 (0.7%) from the placebo group. No injection-site reactions were reported in the adalimumab group. The participant from the placebo group experienced 1 incidence of injection site pain. In the bermekimab group, 4 (7.7%) incidents of injection site erythema, 3 (5.8%) incidents of injection site pruritus, and 1 (1.9%) incident of injection site haematoma were reported.

Clinical Laboratory Values
Data showed no clinically meaningful changes in hematology or clinical chemistry values. The results were comparable across study groups.

/ 有効性評価項目
本試験は早期に中止したため,Week 16以降に評価可能な被験者数は少なかった。そのため,データの解釈は困難であった。

Week 16にHiSCR50を達成した被験者の割合
Week 16時点で,bermekimabを投与した35例中13例(37.1%)がHiSCR50を達成した。HiSCR50を達成した被験者の割合は,bermekimab群とプラセボ群で同程度であった(各13例,37.1%)(p=1.000)。
Week 16にHiSCR50を達成した被験者の割合は,アダリムマブ群の方がプラセボ群より数値的に高かった[20例(57.1%)対13例(37.1%),p=0.098]。補足的解析でも同様の結果が認められ,HS患者においてbermekimab群はプラセボ群と比較して優れた有効性を示さなかった(p=0.904)。

Week 16にHiSCR75及びHiSCR90を達成した被験者の割合
Week 16時点で,bermekimabを投与した被験者の25.7%(9例)がHiSCR75を,17.1%(6例)がHiSCR90を達成した。Bermekimab群のHiSCR75及びHiSCR90を達成した被験者の割合は,プラセボ群[それぞれ9例(25.7%)及び5例(14.3%)]と同程度であった(それぞれp=1.000及び0.746)。
Week 16にHiSCR75及びHiSCR90を達成した被験者の割合は,プラセボ群よりアダリムマブ群[それぞれ14例(40.0%)及び8例(22.9%)]の方が数値的に高かった(それぞれp=0.209及びp=0.350)。
Week 16後,プラセボ群の被験者はbermekimab群にクロスオーバーした。Week 36までにHiSCR50を達成した被験者の割合は低く,データの解釈は困難であった。

ベースラインからWeek 16までの炎症性結節数の平均値(SD)の変化は,プラセボ群[-3.64(5.258)]と比較してbermekimab群[-4.48(7.689)]で顕著だが臨床的に重要ではない減少が認められた(p=0.621)。

ベースラインからWeek 16までの膿瘍数の平均値(SD)の変化は,bermekimab群[-0.83(3.071)]とプラセボ群[-0.86(1.900)]と同程度であった(p=0.796)。

ベースラインからWeek 16までの膿瘍及び炎症性結節数の平均値(SD)の変化は,プラセボ群[-4.50(5.088)]と比較してbermekimab群[-5.31(8.59)]で顕著だが臨床的に重要ではない減少が認められた(p=0.381)。

排液性瘻孔数のベースラインからの平均値(SD)の変化は,プラセボ群[-0.04(1.915)]と比較してbermekimab群[-1.00(1.626)]で顕著であった(p=0.487)。排液性瘻孔のベースラインからの減少に,アダリムマブ群とプラセボ群の間で臨床的に意味のある差は認められなかった[-0.2(95% CI: -1.05, 0.57),p=0.626]。
本試験は早期に中止したため,Week 16以降に評価可能な被験者数は少なかった。そのため,データの解釈は困難であった。

血清中bermekimabトラフ値はWeek 4までに定常状態に達すると考えられた。定常状態における血清中bermekimabトラフ濃度の平均値及び中央値は,それぞれ78.46 mcg/mL及び71.97 mcg/mLであった。
プラセボ→bermekimab群では,Week 20の定常状態における血清中bermekimabトラフ濃度の平均値及び中央値は,それぞれ64.30 mcg/mL及び69.72 mcg/mLであった。

抗bermekimab抗体の評価では,bermekimabを1回以上投与し,抗bermekimab抗体の検出のために有効な血液検体を1回以上採取した47例(Week 16まで)及び73例(Week 36まで)を対象とした。プラセボのみを投与された被験者は抗bermekimab抗体の評価から除外した。

全体的な抗bermekimab抗体の発現割合は,Week 16までで12.8%(6/47例), Week 36までで21.9%(16/73例)であった。Week 36までに抗bermekimab抗体が陽性であった16例のうち,プラセボ→bermekimab群及びbermekimab群の被験者は,それぞれ4例(15.4%)及び12例(25.5%)であった。

Efficacy Endpoints
Efficacy analysis was based on the modified full analysis set which included participants who could have reached a visit by the time of the decision was made to terminate the study on 14 October 2022. Participants were excluded from the analysis after projected visit (projected visit [weeks] = [decision date of study termination - first dose date +1] /7).
Due to early termination of the study, the number of participants available for evaluation after Week 16 was small. Hence, the data was difficult to interpret.

Primary Efficacy Endpoint
Proportion of Participants Achieving HiSCR50 at Week 16
At Week 16, 13 (37.1%) of the 35 bermekimab-treated participants achieved HiSCR50. The proportion of HiSCR50 achievers was comparable between the bermekimab 1050 mg and placebo (13 [37.1%] each) groups (p=1.000).
The proportion of participants achieving HiSCR50 was numerically higher in the adalimumab group at Week 16 in comparison to the placebo group (20 [57.1%] versus 13 [37.1%], respectively; p=0.098). Similar findings were observed in the supplementary analysis, where bermekimab 1050 mg did not exhibit superior efficacy than placebo in HS participants (p=0.904).

Secondary Efficacy Endpoint
Proportion of Participants Achieving HiSCR75 and HiSCR90 at Week 16
At Week 16, 25.7% (9) and 17.1% (6) of the bermekimab-treated participants achieved HiSCR75 and HiSCR90, respectively. The proportions of HiSCR75 and HiSCR90 achievers in the bermekimab 1050 mg group were comparable with placebo group (9 [25.7%] and 5 [14.3%], respectively) (p=1.000 and 0.746, respectively).
The proportion of HiSCR75 and HiSCR90 achievers at Week 16 in the adalimumab group was numerically higher than the placebo group (14 [40.0%]; p=0.209, and 8 [22.9%]; p=0.350, respectively).
Post Week 16, participants from the placebo group crossed over to the bermekimab 1050 mg group. The proportion of participants who achieved HiSCR50 through Week 36 was small that is, the data was difficult to interpret.

Change from Baseline in Inflammatory Nodules Count
A notable but not clinically significant mean (SD) reduction in the number of inflammatory nodules from baseline to Week 16 was observed in the bermekimab-treated participants (-4.48 [7.689]) compared with the placebo group (-3.64 [5.258]; p=0.621).

Change from Baseline in Abscess Count
A mean (SD) reduction of -0.83 (3.071) in abscess count at Week 16 from baseline was observed in the bermekimab-treated participants which was comparable with placebo (-0.86 [1.900]; p=0.796).

Change from Baseline in Abscess Inflammatory Nodules (AN) Count
A notable but not clinically significant mean (SD) reduction in AN count from baseline to Week 16 was observed in the bermekimab-treated participants (-5.31 [8.59]) compared with the placebo group (-4.50 [5.088]; p=0.381).

Change from Baseline in Number of Draining Fistulas
A mean (SD) change in draining fistula from baseline was prominent in the bermekimab-treated participants (-1.00 [1.626]) compared to the placebo group (-0.04 [1.915]; p=0.487). No clinically significant difference in reduction of draining fistula (from baseline) was observed between the adalimumab and placebo groups (-0.2 [-1.05, 0.57]; p=0.626).
Due to early termination of the study, the number of participants available for evaluation after Week 16 was small. Hence, the data was difficult to interpret.

Secondary Pharmacokinetics Endpoint:
Serum Concentration of Bermekimab Over Time
The steady-state trough serum bermekimab appeared to be achieved by Week 4. The mean and median steady-state trough serum bermekimab concentrations were 78.46 and 71.97 micrograms per milliliter (mcg/mL), respectively.
For the placebo to bermekimab 1050 mg qw cross-over group, the mean and median steady-state trough serum bermekimab concentrations at Week 20 were 64.30 and 69.72 mcg/mL, respectively.

Secondary Immunogenicity Endpoint:
Through Weeks 16 and 36, a total of 47 and 73 participants, respectively, who received at least 1 complete dose of bermekimab and had at least 1 valid blood sample drawn for the detection of antibodies to bermekimab were included in the evaluation of antibodies to bermekimab. Participants who received placebo only were excluded from the evaluation of antibodies to bermekimab.

Percentage of Participants with Antibodies to Bermekimab
The overall incidence of antibodies to bermekimab was 12.8% (6/47) through Week 16 and 21.9% (16/73) through Week 36. Among the 16 participants who were positive for antibodies to bermekimab through Week 36, 4 (15.4%) and 12 (25.5%) participants were in the placebo to bermekimab 1050 mg qw cross-over group and bermekimab 1050 mg qw group, respectively.
/ Bermekimabは,Week 16の炎症性結節数及び排膿性瘻孔数の減少において,プラセボと比較して数値的に高い反応を示したが,統計学的に有意なHiSCR50レスポンダーの増加には至らなかった。本試験は事前に規定した無益性基準を満たしたため,中止が決定された。HS患者におけるbermekimab 1050 mgの忍容性は良好であったものの,感染症および寄生虫症並びに注射部位反応の発現割合は数値的に高かった。 Bermekimab showed numerically high response in the reduction of inflammatory nodule and draining fistula counts but did not result in statistically significant increase in HiSCR50 responder as compared to placebo at Week 16. The study met its prespecified futility criteria; hence, the decision was made to terminate this study. Bermekimab 1050 mg was well tolerated in participants with HS; however, it showed numerically higher incidence of infections and infestations and injection site reactions.

3 IPDシェアリング

ジョンソン・エンド・ジョンソングループのヤンセンファーマのデータ共有ポリシーは,https://www.janssen.com/ja/clinical-trials/transparencyで入手できます。 当サイトに記載の通り,Yale Open Data OpenAccess(YODA)プロジェクトサイト:yoda.yale.eduより研究データへのアクセスをリクエストすることができます The data sharing policy of the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson is available at www.janssen.com/clinical-trials/transparency. As noted on this site, requests for access to the study data can be submitted through Yale Open Data Access (YODA) Project site at yoda.yale.edu


研究の種別 企業治験
治験の区分 主たる治験と拡大治験のいずれにも該当しない
登録日 令和5年10月31日
jRCT番号 jRCT2031210308

1 試験等の実施体制に関する事項及び試験等を行う施設の構造設備に関する事項


中等症から重症の化膿性汗腺炎患者治療のためのbermekimab(JNJ-77474462)の安全性及び有効性を評価する,第2a/2b 相,多施設共同,ランダム化,プラセボ及び実薬対照,二重盲検,用量範囲探索試験 A Phase 2a/2b, Multicenter, Randomized, Placebo and Active Comparator-controlled, Double-Blind, Dose-ranging Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Bermekimab (JNJ-77474462) for the Treatment of Subjects with Moderate to Severe Hidradenitis Suppurativa.
中等症から重症の化膿性汗腺炎患者の治療におけるbermekimabの試験 A Study of Bermekimab for the Treatment of Participants with Moderate to Severe Hidradenitis Suppurativa (LYRA)


西川 和子 Nishikawa Kazuko
/ ヤンセンファーマ株式会社 Janssen Pharmaceutical K.K.
/ 東京都千代田区西神田3-5-2 5-2, Nishi-kanda 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
メディカルインフォメーションセンター  Medical Information Center
ヤンセンファーマ株式会社 Janssen Pharmaceutical K.K.
東京都千代田区西神田3-5-2 5-2, Nishi-kanda 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo



多施設共同試験等の該当の有無 あり




Nagoya City University Hospital






Takagi Clinic






University of the Ryukyus Hospital






Fukuoka University Hospital





医療法人 明和病院

Meiwa Hospital



2 試験等の目的及び内容並びにこれに用いる医薬品等の概要


介入研究 Interventional
無作為化比較 randomized controlled trial
二重盲検 double blind
プラセボ対照 placebo control
並行群間比較 parallel assignment
治療 treatment purpose
ドイツ/オランダ/米国/オーストラリア/カナダ/ポーランド/スペイン Germany/Netherlands/United States of America/Australia/Canada/Poland/Spain
- 問診及び/又は病歴の確認から,ベースライン前1 年(365 日)以上にわたり,HS が認められると治験責任(分担)医師が判断する患者
- 治験責任(分担)医師がスクリーニング及びベースライン来院時にHurley Stage II又はHurley Stage IIIと判定するHSを認める
- スクリーニング及びベースライン来院時に 2 つ以上の異なる解剖学的領域にHS病変が認められる(以下に限定はされないが,例えば,左及び右の腋窩又は左腋窩と左鼡径大腿ひだ等)
- スクリーニング及びベースライン時に総数5以上の膿瘍及び炎症性結節(AN)が認められる
- 治験期間中及び治験薬の最終投与後90日間は、ウイルス又は細菌の生ワクチンを接種しないことに同意している
Inclusion Criteria:
- Have hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) for at least 1 year (365 days) prior to the baseline visit as determined by the investigator through participant interview and/or review of the medical history
- Have Hurley Stage II or Hurley Stage III HS as determined by the investigator at screening and baseline visits
- Have HS lesions present in at least 2 distinct anatomic areas (examples include but are not limited to left and right axilla; or left axilla and left inguinocrural fold) at screening and baseline visits
- Have a total abscess and inflammatory nodule (AN) count of greater than or equal to (>=)5 at the screening and baseline visit
- Agree not to receive a live virus or live bacterial vaccination during the study and for 90 days after the last administration of study intervention
- 重度、進行性、又はコントロール不能の腎障害、心臓障害、血管障害、肺障害、胃腸障害、内分泌障害、神経性障害、血液学的障害、リウマチ性疾患に伴う障害、精神障害又は代謝障害があると現在診断されている、あるいはそのような徴候又は症状を認める
- 過去3ヵ月以内に臨床的増悪と定義される不安定な心血管疾患(例:不安定狭心症、頻拍性の心房細動)を認める、又は過去3ヵ月以内に心臓関連の理由で入院している
- 帯状疱疹に罹患している、又はスクリーニング前の2ヵ月以内に帯状疱疹に罹患した
- 移植臓器を有する(ただし、治験薬の初回投与の3ヵ月以上前に実施した角膜移植は除く)
- bermekimab又はアダリムマブ若しくはその添加物にアレルギー若しくは過敏症を呈する、又は忍容性がない
Exclusion Criteria:
- Has a current diagnosis or signs or symptoms of severe, progressive, or uncontrolled renal, cardiac, vascular, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, endocrine, neurologic, hematologic, rheumatologic, psychiatric, or metabolic disturbances
- Has unstable cardiovascular disease, defined as a recent clinical deterioration (that is, unstable angina, rapid atrial fibrillation) in the last 3 months or a cardiac hospitalization within the last 3 months
- Has or has had herpes zoster within the 2 months before screening
- Has a transplanted organ (with exception of a corneal transplant greater than [>]3 months before the first administration of study intervention)
- Has known allergies, hypersensitivity, or intolerance to bermekimab or adalimumab or its excipients
18歳 以上 18age old over
上限なし No limit
男性・女性 Both
化膿性汗腺炎 Hidradenitis Suppurativa
パート 2(投与群1):プラセボ
パート2(投与群3):bermekimab (Dose1)


パート2(投与群4):bermekimab(Dose 2)
Bermekimab will be administered subcutaneously.
Part 1 (Group1): Placebo
Part 1 (Group 3):Bermekimab Dose 1
Part 2 (Group 1):Placebo
Part 2 (Group 2):Bermekimab Dose 1
Part 2 (Group 3):Bermekimab Dose 1
Part 2 (Group 4):Bermekimab Dose 2

Adalimumab will be administered subcutaneously.
Part 1 (Group 2):Adalimumab

Placebo will be administered subcutaneously.
Part 1 (Group1): Placebo
Part 1 (Group 2):Adalimumab
Part 1 (Group 3):Bermekimab Dose 1
Part 2 (Group 1):Placebo
Part 2 (Group 3):Bermekimab Dose 1
Part 2 (Group 4):Bermekimab Dose 2
-パート1:Week 16に化膿性汗腺炎の臨床反応50(HiSCR50)を達成した被験者の割合

-Part 1: Percentage of Participants Achieving Hidradenitis Suppurativa Clinical Response-50 (HiSCR50) at Week 16
HiSCR50 is defined as at least a 50 percent reduction from baseline in the total abscess and inflammatory nodule (AN) count with no increase in abscess or draining fistula count. Percentage of participants achieving HisCR50 will be reported.

-Part 2: Percentage of Participants Achieving Hidradenitis Suppurativa Clinical Response-50 (HiSCR50) at Week 12
HiSCR50 is defined as at least a 50 percent reduction from baseline in the total AN count with no increase in abscess or draining fistula count. Percentage of participants achieving HisCR50 will be reported.
パート1:Week 16、パート2:Week 12

パート1:Week16、パート2:Week 12

パート1:ベースライン及びWeek 16、パート2:ベースライン及びWeek12

-パート1及び2:AN総数が50%以上、 75%以上、 90%以上及び100%減少した被験者の割合
パート1:Week 16、パート2:Week 12
AN総数が50%以上、 75%以上、 90%以上及び100%減少した被験者の割合を報告する。

パート1:Week 16、パート2:Week 12

パート1:Week 16、パート2:Week 12

パート1:ベースライン及びWeek 16、パート2:ベースライン及びWeek12

パート1:Week 16、パート2:Week 12

パート1:ベースライン及びWeek 16、パート2:ベースライン及びWeek12

パート1:ベースライン及びWeek 16、パート2:ベースライン及びWeek12

パート1:ベースライン及びWeek 16、パート2:ベースライン及びWeek12

パート1:ベースライン及びWeek 16、パート2:ベースライン及びWeek12

パート1:Week 16、パート2:Week 12

パート1:Week 16、パート2:Week 12

-パート1及び2:ベースラインからのDermatology Life Quality Index(DLQI)スコアの変化量
パート1:ベースライン及びWeek 16、パート2:ベースライン及びWeek12

-パート1及び2:ベースラインからのHidradenitis Suppurativa Symptom Diary(HSSD-24h)スコアの変化量
パート1:ベースライン及びWeek 16、パート2:ベースライン及びWeek12
ベースラインからのHSSD-24hスコアの変化量を報告する。HSSDは患者自身が報告する8項目の質問票であり、HSの症状(痛み、圧痛、圧力、かゆみ、熱及び匂いなど)及び徴候(腫脹及び排膿の状態など)を評価する。各症状の重症度を0から10の数値評価スケール(0 は症状を認めなかったことを示し、10 は考えうる最悪の症状を認めたことを示す)で採点するよう被験者に指示する。

パート1:ベースライン及びWeek 16、パート2:ベースライン及びWeek12
ベースラインからのHSSD-24hの痛みスケールスコアの変化量を報告する。HSSDは患者自身が報告する8項目の質問票であり、HSの症状(痛み、圧痛、圧力、かゆみ、熱及び匂いなど)及び徴候(腫脹及び排膿の状態など)を評価する。各症状の重症度を0から10の数値評価スケール(0 は症状を認めなかったことを示し、10 は考えうる最悪の症状を認めたことを示す)で採点するよう被験者に指示する。

パート1:ベースライン及びWeek 16、パート2:ベースライン及びWeek12
ベースラインからのHSSD-24hのかゆみスケールスコアの変化量を報告する。HSSDは患者自身が報告する8項目の質問票であり、HSの症状(痛み、圧痛、圧力、かゆみ、熱及び匂いなど)及び徴候(腫脹及び排膿の状態など)を評価する。各症状の重症度を0から10の数値評価スケール(0 は症状を認めなかったことを示し、10 は考えうる最悪の症状を認めたことを示す)で採点するよう被験者に指示する。

Week 36まで

Week 36まで

Week 36まで

Week 36まで

Week 36まで
-Part 1 and Part 2: Percentage of Participants Achieving Hidradenitis Suppurativa Clinical Response-75 (HiSCR75)
Part 1: Week 16; Part 2: Week 12
HiSCR75 is defined as at least a 75 percent reduction from baseline in the total AN count with no increase in abscess or draining fistula count. Percentage of participants achieving HiSCR75 will be reported.

-Part 1 and Part 2: Percentage of Participants Achieving Hidradenitis Suppurativa Clinical Response-90 (HiSCR90)
Part 1: Week 16; Part 2: Week 12
HiSCR90 is defined as at least a 90 percent reduction from baseline in the total AN count with no increase in abscess or draining fistula count. Percentage of participants achieving HiSCR90 will be reported.

Parts 1 and 2: Change from Baseline in the (AN) Count
Part 1: Baseline and Week 16; Part 2: Baseline and Week 12
Change from baseline in the AN count will be reported.

-Parts 1 and 2: Percentage of Participants Achieving at Least 50 percent, 75 percent, 90 percent, and 100 percent Reduction in Total AN Count
Part 1: Week 16; Part 2: Week 12
Percentage of participants achieving at least 50 percent, 75 percent, 90 percent, and 100 percent reduction in total AN count will be reported.

-Parts 1 and 2: Percentage of Participants Achieving an AN Count of 0/1 and 0/1/2
Part 1: Week 16; Part 2: Week 12
Percentage of participants achieving an AN count of 0/1 and 0/1/2 will be reported.

-Parts 1 and 2: Percentage of Participants Achieving Complete Elimination of Abscesses Among those Participants with Abscesses at Baseline
Part 1: Week 16; Part 2: Week 12
Percentage of participants achieving complete elimination of abscesses among those participants with abscesses at baseline will be reported.

-Parts 1 and 2: Change from Baseline in the Number of Abscesses
Part 1: Baseline and Week 16; Part 2: Baseline and Week 12
Change from baseline in the number of abscesses will be reported.

-Parts 1 and 2: Percentage of Participants Achieving Complete Elimination of Draining Fistulas Among those Participants with Draining Fistulas at Baseline
Part 1: Week 16; Part 2: Week 12
Percentage of participants achieving complete elimination of abscesses among those participants with abscesses at baseline will be reported.

-Parts 1 and 2: Change from Baseline in Number of Draining Fistulas
Part 1: Baseline and Week 16; Part 2: Baseline and Week 12
Change from baseline in number of draining fistulas will be reported.

- Parts 1 and 2: Percentage of Participants Achieving Complete Elimination of Inflammatory Nodules Among those Participants with Inflammatory Nodules at Baseline
Part 1: Week 16; Part 2: Week 12
Percentage of participants achieving complete elimination of inflammatory nodules among those participants with inflammatory nodules at baseline will be reported.

-Parts 1 and 2: Change from Baseline in Number of Inflammatory Nodules
Part 1: Baseline and Week 16; Part 2: Baseline and Week 12
Change from baseline in number of inflammatory nodules will be reported.

-Parts 1 and 2: Change from Baseline in International Hidradenitis Suppurativa Severity (IHS4) Score
Part 1: Baseline and Week 16; Part 2: Baseline and Week 12
Change from baseline in IHS4 score will be reported. The IHS4 assesses the Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) severity and the resulting IHS4 score is arrived at by the number of nodules (multiplied by 1) plus the number of abscesses (multiplied by 2) plus the number of draining tunnels (multiplied by 4). A total score of 3 or less signifies mild, 4-10 signifies moderate and 11 or higher signifies severe disease.

-Parts 1 and 2: Percentage of Participants with Hidradenitis Suppurativa-Investigato's Global Assessment (HS-IGA) Score of Inactive (0), Almost Inactive (1), or Mild (2) and with at least 2-grade
Part 1: Week 16; Part 2: Week 12
Percentage of participants with HS-IGA score of inactive (0), almost inactive (1), or mild (2) and with at least 2-grade improvement relative to baseline will be reported. The participant's HS is assessed as inactive (0), almost inactive (1), mild activity (2), moderate activity (3), or severe activity (4). A higher score indicates more severe disease.

-Parts 1 and 2: Percentage of Participants with HS-IGA Score of Inactive (0) or Almost Inactive (1) Among Participants with HS-IGA Score of Moderate (3) or Severe (4) at Baseline
Part 1: Week 16; Part 2: Week 12
Percentage of participants with HS-IGA score of inactive (0) or almost inactive (1) among participants with HS-IGA score of moderate (3) or severe (4) at baseline will be reported.

-Parts 1 and 2: Change from Baseline in Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) Score
Part 1: Baseline and Week 16; Part 2: Baseline and Week 12
Change from baseline in DLQI score will be reported. The DLQI is a dermatology-specific quality of life (QoL) instrument designed to assess the impact of the disease on a participant's QoL. It is a 10 item patient-reported outcome(s) (PRO) questionnaire that, in addition to evaluating overall QoL, can be used to assess 6 different aspects that may affect QoL: symptoms and feelings, daily activities, leisure, work or school performance, personal relationships, and treatment. The DLQI produces a numeric score that can range from 0 to 30. A higher score indicates more severe disease.

-Parts 1 and 2: Change from Baseline in Hidradenitis Suppurativa Symptom Diary (HSSD-24 Hour) Score
Part 1: Baseline and Week 16; Part 2: Baseline and Week 12
Change from baseline in HSSD-24 hour score will be reported. The HSSD is an 8-item patient self-reported questionnaire that assesses symptoms (including pain, tenderness, pressure, itch, heat, and odor) and signs (including swelling and drainage) of HS. The participants are asked to rate the severity of each symptom on a 0 to 10 numerical rating scale, with 0 indicating no symptom experience and 10 indicating the worst possible symptom experience.

-Parts 1 and 2: Change from Baseline in Pain Scale Score of HSSD-24 Hour
Part 1: Baseline and Week 16; Part 2: Baseline and Week 12
Change from baseline in pain scale score of HSSD-24 hour score will be reported. The HSSD is an 8-item patient self-reported questionnaire that assesses symptoms (including pain, tenderness, pressure, itch, heat, and odor) and signs (including swelling and drainage) of HS. The participants are asked to rate the severity of each symptom on a 0 to 10 numerical rating scale, with 0 indicating no symptom experience and 10 indicating the worst possible symptom experience.

-Parts 1 and 2: Change from Baseline in Itch Scale Score of HSSD-24 Hour
Part 1: Baseline and Week 16; Part 2: Baseline and Week 12
Change from baseline in itch scale score of HSSD-24 hour will be reported. The HSSD is an 8-item patient self-reported questionnaire that assesses symptoms (including pain, tenderness, pressure, itch, heat, and odor) and signs (including swelling and drainage) of HS. The participants are asked to rate the severity of each symptom on a 0 to 10 numerical rating scale, with 0 indicating no symptom experience and 10 indicating the worst possible symptom experience.

-Parts 1 and 2: Percentage of Participants with Treatment-emergent Adverse Events (TEAEs)
Up to Week 36
An adverse event (AE) is any untoward medical occurrence in a participant participating in a clinical study that does not necessarily have a causal relationship with the pharmaceutical/biological agent under study. TEAEs are AEs with onset during the treatment phase or that are a consequence of a pre-existing condition that has worsened since baseline.

See the attached pdf for the remaining.



3 試験等の実施状況の確認に関する事項







4 試験等の対象者に健康被害が生じた場合の補償及び医療の提供に関する事項

5 依頼者等に関する事項


Janssen Pharmaceutical K.K.



6 IRBの名称等

神保整形外科治験審査委員会 Jimbo Orthopedics Institutional Review Board
東京都小金井市本町5丁目38-41 5-38-41, Honcho, Koganei-shi, Tokyo

7 その他の事項






Protocol ID: 77474462HDS2001


Secondary Outcome Measures_文字超過分Attachment_(R).pdf



REDACTED_Protocol-Amend 2-77474462HDS2001-68949_1068947 .pdf




種別 公表日
終了 令和5年11月23日 (当画面) 変更内容
中止 令和5年1月6日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和4年12月26日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和4年11月26日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和4年10月18日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和4年3月26日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和4年2月23日 詳細 変更内容
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変更 令和4年1月9日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和3年11月26日 詳細 変更内容
新規登録 令和3年9月13日 詳細