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ウイルス学的に抑制されている慢性B 型肝炎ウイルス感染患者を対象に,JNJ-73763989,JNJ-56136379,核酸アナログ製剤,及びペグインターフェロンα2a の投与の有効性,安全性,忍容性,及び薬物動態を評価する第2 相,非盲検,単群,多施設共同試験
ウイルス学的に抑制されている慢性B 型肝炎ウイルス感染患者を対象に,JNJ-73763989,JNJ-56136379,核酸アナログ製剤,及びペグインターフェロンα2aの試験
中間 貴弘
治験薬(JNJ-3989 + JNJ-6379 + 核酸アナログ製剤(NA) 及びペグインターフェロンα-2a(PegIFN-α2a))のHBsAg 濃度に基づく有効性を評価すること
JNJ-73763989、Tenofovir disoproxil、Tenofovir Alafenamide(TAF)、Entecavir hydrate、PegIFN-alpha2a




2 結果の要約

/ 被験者の背景情報は、本試験に参加し、治験薬を少なくとも1回投与された全ての被験者を含む最大の解析対象集団(FAS)に基づいた。
投与を受けた48例のうち、被験者の大半は男性であった(40例[83.3%])。被験者の大半はアジア人であった(34例[70.8%])。年齢の中央値は46.0歳であった(範囲:18~63歳)。体重の中央値は73.10 kg(範囲:47.3~110.0 kg)、BMIの範囲は18.2~34.7 kg/m^2であった。
被験者のうち37例(77.1%)がHBeAg陰性、11例(22.9%)がHBeAg陽性であり、ベースライン時にHBeAg陽性であった被験者におけるベースラインHBeAg量の平均値(標準誤差[SE])は-0.0873(0.13645)log10 IU/mLであった。ベースラインのHBsAg量の平均値(SE)は3.2685(0.09196)log10 IU/mLであった。ベースラインのHBsAg量は、15例(31.3%)が1,000 IU/mL未満、8例(16.7%)が10,000 IU/mL以上であった。全ての被験者(100.0%)はベースライン時のHBV DNA量が定量下限(LLOQ)未満であった。
Baseline characteristics were based on full analysis set (FAS) which included all participants who were in the study and received at least one dose of study drug.

Out of 48 participants treated, the majority of the participants were male (40 [83.3%]). Most of the participants were Asian (34 [70.8%]). The median age was 46.0 years (range: 18-63 years). Median body weight was 73.10 kg (range: 47.3-110.0 kg) with BMIs ranging from 18.2 to 34.7 kg/m^2.

Thirty-seven (77.1%) participants were HBeAg negative, and 11 (22.9%) participants were HBeAg positive, with a mean (standard error [SE]) baseline HBeAg level of -0.0873 (0.13645) log10 IU/mL in baseline HBeAg positive participants. The mean (SE) baseline HBsAg level was 3.2685 (0.09196) log10 IU/mL. Baseline HBsAg levels were <1,000 IU/mL for 15 (31.3%) participants and >=10,000 IU/mL for 8 (16.7%) participants. All (100.0%) participants had baseline HBV DNA < lower limit of quantification (LLOQ).
/ 被験者フローは、本試験に参加し、治験薬を少なくとも1回投与された全ての被験者を含むFASに基づいた。


投与期間1 では、全ての被験者(100%)にJNJ-73763989(JNJ-3989)+NAが12週間投与された。24例(50.0%)はJNJ-56136379(JNJ-6379)も12週間投与され、19例(39.6%)はJNJ-3989+NA+JNJ-6379の投与を開始したが、治験実施計画書改訂第3版に従ってJNJ-6379の投与を早期に中止し、5例はJNJ-6379が投与されなかった。

投与期間2では、全ての被験者(100%)にJNJ-3989+NAが12週間投与された。7例(14.6%)はJNJ-6379も12週間投与された。17例(35.4%)がJNJ-3989+NA+JNJ-6379の投与を継続したが、治験実施計画書改訂第3版に従って投与期間2の間にJNJ-6379の投与を中止した。また、46例(95.8%)にはPegIFN-alpha-2aも12週間投与された。1例(2.1%)はPegIFN-alpha-2aの投与を開始したが、有害事象のためPegIFN-alpha-2aを早期(10回投与後)に中止し、1例(2.1%)はWeek 12にPegIFN-alpha-2aの適格性基準を満たさなかったため投与されなかった。
Participant flow were based on FAS which included all participants who were in the study and received at least one dose of study drug.

A total of 57 participants were screened and 48 participants were enrolled, of whom 47 (97.9%) participants completed study. One (2.1%) participant withdrew during the Follow-up Period.

In Treatment Period 1, all participants (100%) received JNJ-73763989 (JNJ-3989) + NA for 12 weeks. 24 (50.0%) participants also received JNJ-56136379 (JNJ-6379) for 12 weeks, while 19 (39.6%) participants started JNJ-3989 + NA + JNJ-6379 but discontinued JNJ-6379 early according to Protocol Amendment 3, and 5 participants did not receive JNJ-6379.

In Treatment Period 2, all participants (100%) received JNJ-3989 + NA for 12 weeks. 7 (14.6%) participants also received JNJ-6379 for 12 weeks. 17 (35.4%) participants continued JNJ-3989 + NA + JNJ-6379 but discontinued JNJ-6379 during Treatment Period 2 according to Protocol Amendment 3. In addition, 46 (95.8%) participants also received PegIFN-alpha2a for 12 weeks, while 1 (2.1%) participant started PegIFN-alpha2a treatment but discontinued PegIFN-alpha2a early (after 10 doses) because of an AE, and 1 (2.1%) participant did not meet PegIFN-alpha2a eligibility criteria at Week 12 and did not receive it.
/ 安全性解析対象集団は、治験薬を少なくとも1回投与された全ての被験者とした。被験者は実際に投与された治験薬に従って解析された。




Safety analyses set included participants who received at least one dose of study drug. Participants were analyzed according to study drug they actually received.

No deaths were reported during study.
Adverse Events
One (2.1%) participant in Treatment Period 2 and 4 (8.3%) participants during Follow-up Period experienced at least 1 Serious Adverse Event (SAE), which were considered not related to study interventions by investigator.
A total of 25 (52.1%) participants in Treatment Period 1, 42 (87.5%) participants in Treatment Period 2, and 29 (60.4%) participants during Follow-up Period experienced at least 1 TEAE. 11 (22.9%) participants in Treatment Period 1, 38 (79.2%) participants in Treatment Period 2, and 4 (8.3%) participants in Follow-up Period experienced TEAEs that were considered related to study interventions by investigator.
A total of 2 (4.2%) participants in Treatment Period 1, 7 (14.6%) participants in Treatment Period 2, and 3 participants (6.3%) in Follow-up Period had TEAEs of at least Grade 3. One (2.1%) participant in Treatment Period 2 experienced a TEAE of Grade 4.
Treatment-emergent ALT/ Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) and Bilirubin Elevations
Grade 3 ALT elevations were observed in 1 (2.1%) participant each during both the Treatment Periods and Follow-up Period. No Grade 4 ALT elevations/Grade 3 and 4 AST elevations were observed during study.
Grade 3 total bilirubin elevations were observed in 1 (2.1%) participant during Follow-up Period. Grade 3 direct bilirubin elevations were observed in 2 (4.2%) participants during Follow-up Period. No Grade 4 elevations in total bilirubin/direct bilirubin were observed during study. Abnormally high serum indirect bilirubin was observed in 3 (6.3%) participants in Follow-up Period.
Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) Decreases
Treatment-emergent Grade 2 eGFR creatinine decreases were observed in 23 (47.9%) participants during Treatment Period 1, 11 (22.9%) participants during Treatment Period 2, and 16 (33.3%) participants during Follow-up Period. Treatment-emergent Grade 3 eGFR creatinine decreases were observed in 1 (2.1%) participant during Treatment Period 1.
None of the changes in eGFR were considered clinically significant by investigator nor reported as AEs.

Treatment-emergent abnormalities in hematology parameters were mostly Grade 1/Grade 2.
Treatment-emergent low absolute neutrophil count of Grade 3 and Grade 4 were reported in 3 (6.3%) participants and 1 (2.1%) participant, respectively, in Treatment Period 2.
Grade 3 treatment-emergent low absolute lymphocyte count were reported in 3 (6.3%) participants and 2 (4.2%) participants in Treatment Period 2 and during Follow-up Period, respectively. Treatment-emergent low absolute lymphocyte count of Grade 4 was reported in 1 (2.1%) participant in Treatment Period 2 and during Follow-up Period. Grade 3 treatment-emergent low white blood cell (WBC) count was reported in 2 (4.2%) participants in Treatment Period 2.
Other Serum Parameters
Grade 3 elevations in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol were observed in 2 (4.2%) participants in Treatment Period 1, 1 (2.1%) participant in Treatment Period 2, and 2 (4.2%) participants during Follow-up Period.
During Treatment Period 2, Grade 3 elevations in triglycerides were observed in 2 (4.2%) participants.
During Follow-up Period, Grade 3 elevation amylase (pancreatic) and direct bilirubin high were observed in 1 (5.9%) participant and 2 (4.2%) participants, respectively. Grade 4 elevation in lipase was observed in 1 (2.1%) participant.
Grade 1 glycosuria was reported in 1 of 24 (4.2%) participants during Follow-up Period.
Grade 1 hematuria was reported in 1 of 17 (5.9%) and 1 of 18 (5.6%) participants during Treatment Period 2 and Follow-up Period, respectively. Grade 2 hematuria was reported in 1 of 10 (10%), 1 of 17 (5.9%), and 1 of 18 (5.6%) participants during Treatment Periods 1 and 2, and Follow-up Period, respectively.
Grade 1 proteinuria was reported in 2 of 19 (10.5%), 5 of 23 (21.7%), and 4 of 24 (16.7%) participants during Treatment Periods 1 and 2, and Follow-up Period, respectively. Grade 2 proteinuria was reported in 1 of 19 (5.3%), 1 of 23 (4.3%), and 1 of 24 (4.2%) participants during Treatment Periods 1 and 2, and Follow-up Period, respectively.

/ 有効性の主要評価項目
ベースラインからWeek 24までにHBsAgが2 log 10 IU/mL以上減少した被験者の割合
計31例(64.6%)の被験者で、ベースラインからWeek 24までにHBsAgが2 Log10 IU/mL以上減少した。Clopper-Pearson法による90% 信頼区間は51.73%~76.02%であった。


HBeAg、HBsAg、HBV DNA及びALTがそれぞれのカットオフ値を下回る/上回る被験者の割合
ベースライン時のHBsAg値は、1例(2.1%)で100 IU/mL未満であり、10 IU/mL未満の被験者はいなかった。投与期間1終了時のHBsAg値は、28例(58.3%)が100 IU/mL未満、6例(12.5%)が10 IU/mL未満であった。投与期間2終了時のHBsAg値は、44例(91.7%)で100 IU/mL未満、23例(47.9%)で10 IU/mL未満であった。追跡調査期Week 48のHBsAg値は、13例(27.1%)が100 IU/mL未満、2例(4.2%)が10 IU/mL未満であった。
ベースライン時にHBeAg陽性であった被験者のうち4例(36.4%)及び3例(27.3%)で、それぞれ投与期間1及び2の終了時にHBeAgのセロクリアランスが認められた(すなわち、HBeAg値がLLOQ未満であった)。追跡調査期Week 48では、3例(27.3%)でHBeAgがLLOQ未満であった。
ベースライン時のHBV DNA量は、全症例(100%)がLLOQ未満であった。HBV DNA量がLLOQ未満であった被験者は、投与期間1終了時に46例(95.8%)、投与期間2終了時に36例(75.0%)であった。追跡調査期Week 48までに、48例中39例(81.3%)でHBV DNA量がLLOQ未満となり、このうち10例中3例(30%)は投与期間2終了時にNA投与を中止し、NA投与を再開しなかった。
Week 24時点でNA投与完了基準を満たさなかった被験者のうち、1例(3%)でALTがULNの3倍以上であった。

試験中にHBsAgセロコンバージョンが認められた被験者はいなかった。投与期間2終了時及び追跡調査のWeek 48までに、10例中1例(10.0%)及び10例中2例(20.0%)でHBeAgセロコンバージョンが認められた。

1例(2.1%)にHBsAgセロクリアランス(すなわち、HBsAg<LLOQ)が認められた。この被験者はベースライン時にHBeAg陰性であったが、投与期間2終了時及び追跡調査期Week 48のHBsAgはLLOQ未満であった。追跡調査期Week 48では、3例(27.3%)のHBeAgがLLOQ未満であった。ベースライン時にHBeAg陽性であった11例中3例(27.3%)が追跡調査期のWeek 48までにHBeAgセロクリアランスを達成した。

HBsAg、HBeAg及びHBV DNA量のベースラインからの経時的変化
HBsAgのベースラインからの平均(SE)変化量は、投与期間1終了時で-1.43(0.070)log10 IU/mL、投与期間2終了時で-2.18(0.084)log10 IU/mL、追跡調査期48週終了時で-0.71(0.092)log10 IU/mLであった。
HBeAgが陽性であった被験者のうち、HBeAgのベースラインからの平均変化量(SE)は、投与期間1終了時で0.68(0.087)log10 IU/mL、投与期間2終了時で-0.72(0.106)log10 IU/mL、追跡調査期48週終了時で-0.53(0.112)log10 IU/mLであった。
HBV DNA量の平均値(SE)は、ベースライン時で0.91(0.035)log10 IU/mL、投与期間1終了時で0.94(0.037)log10 IU/mLであった。その後、PegIFN-alpha-2aを追加投与したところHBV DNA量の平均値(SE)は増加し、投与期間2終了時には1.19(0.060)log10 IU/mLであった。NA投与完了基準を満たした被験者では、追跡調査期間中にHBV DNA量がさらに増加した(投与期間2終了時の1.08[0.051]log10 IU/mLから追跡調査期Week 48までに2.09[0.364]log10 IU/mL)。
HBsAg、HBeAg及びHBV DNAのセロクリアランス/セロコンバージョンを達成するまでの期間
ベースライン時にHBeAg陽性であった被験者4例(36.4%)及び3例(27.3%)のHBeAg値は、投与期間1及び2の終了時にそれぞれLLOQ未満となった。追跡調査期Week 48では、3例(27.3%)のHBeAg値がLLOQ未満であった。HBeAgセロクリアランスが最初に認められるまでの期間の中央値は、14.1週間(範囲:4.1~72.4週間)であった。ベースライン時のHBV DNA量は、全症例(100%)がLLOQ未満であった。1例(2.1%)がHBsAgのセロクリアランス(HBsAg値<LLOQ)を達成した。追跡調査期間中のHBsAgセロクリアランスを達成するまでの期間の範囲は25.7~75.1週間であり、1例のみで達成したため中央値のデータは推定できなかった。
HBV DNAがLLOQ未満であった被験者の割合

投与終了後の解析に含めたのは、投与期2終了時にNA投与完了基準を満たし追跡調査期開始時にNA投与を中止した14例、追跡調査期Week 2にNA投与完了基準を満たし追跡調査期Week 4にNA投与を中止した1例であった。15例中5例(33.3%)に、投与終了後のHBV DNA量が20,000 IU/mLを超えるウイルス学的再燃が認められた。投与期間1の終了時及び追跡調査期間の終了時に、投与中の生化学的再燃が認められた被験者はいなかった。投与期間2の終了時点で、48例中2例(4.2%)に投与中の生化学的再燃が認められた。休薬していた15例に、治験薬投与終了後の生化学的再燃は認められなかった。

追跡調査期開始時にNA投与を中止した14例のうち、4例(28.6%)が追跡調査期Week 8、24、36、48のNA再投与基準を満たした。これらの被験者のうち3例(21.4%)がNA投与を再開したが、1例は追跡調査期Week 48が試験終了時点であったため、試験中にNA投与を再開しなかった。HBV DNA量が2,000 IU/mL超のグループにいる1例、及びHBV DNA量が20,000 IU/mL超のグループにいる3例は、ウイルス学的再燃の確認後にNA投与を再開した。1例は基準を満たさなかったが投与を再開した。


JNJ-73763976及びJNJ-73763924のTmaxの中央値(範囲)は、投与期1で5.50(2.00 -6.20)時間、6.00(2.00 -23.58)時間、投与期2で2.00(1.00 -6.00)時間及び4.02(0.50 -7.72)時間であった。


Primary Efficacy Endpoint
Analyzed on FAS: participants who received at least 1 dose of study drug.
Percentage of Participants With at Least 2 Log10 Reduction in HBsAg from Baseline to Week 24
A total of 31 (64.6%) participants had a reduction in HBsAg levels of at least 2 Log10 IU/mL from baseline to Week 24. The associated 90% CI using Clopper-Pearson method was 51.73% - 76.02%.

Secondary Safety Endpoint
Analyzed on safety set: participants who received at least 1 dose of study drug.
Percentage of Participants with AEs and SAEs
Results are described in above AE section.
Number of Participants with Abnormalities in Vital Signs
No clinically meaningful vital sign abnormalities were observed.
Number of Participants with Clinically Significant Laboratory Findings
Results are described in above AE section.
Percentage of Participants with Abnormalities in 12-Lead ECGs
No clinically meaningful ECG abnormalities were observed.
Number of Participants with Abnormalities in Physical Examination
No clinically meaningful physical examination abnormalities were observed.
Secondary Efficacy Endpoints
Analyzed on FAS: participants who received at least 1 dose of study drug.
Percentage of Participants Meeting the Protocol-defined NA Treatment Completion Criteria at EOSI
15 (31.3%) participants met NA treatment completion criteria at end of Treatment Period 2, based on clinical laboratory tests performed at Week 24.

Percentage of participants with HBeAg, HBsAg, HBV DNA, and ALT Levels Below/Above Different Cut-offs
At baseline, HBsAg values were <100 IU/mL in 1 (2.1%) participant and <10 IU/mL in none. At end of Treatment Period 1, HBsAg values were <100 IU/mL in 28 (58.3%) participants and <10 IU/mL in 6 (12.5%) participants. At end of Treatment Period 2, HBsAg values were <100 IU/mL in 44 (91.7%) participants and <10 IU/mL in 23 (47.9%) participants. At Follow-up Week 48, HBsAg values were <100 IU/mL in 13 (27.1%) participants and <10 IU/mL in 2 (4.2%) participants.
At end of Treatment Periods 1 and 2, respectively 4 (36.4%) and 3 (27.3%) baseline HBeAg-positive participants had seroclearance of HBeAg (that is, HBeAg values <LLOQ). At Follow-up Week 48, 3 (27.3%) participants had HBeAg<LLOQ.
All (100%) participants had HBV DNA <LLOQ at baseline. The number of participants with HBV DNA <LLOQ was 46 (95.8%) at end of Treatment Period 1and 36 (75.0%) at end of Treatment Period 2. By Follow-up Week 48, 39/48 (81.3%) participants had HBV DNA<LLOQ, including 3/10 (30%) participants who stopped NA treatment at end of Treatment Period 2 and did not restart NA treatment.
Among participants who did not meet NA treatment completion criteria at Week 24, 1 (3%) had ALT >=3*ULN.

Percentage of Participants with HBsAg and HBeAg Seroconversion
No participant had HBsAg seroconversion during study. At end of Treatment Period 2 and by Follow-up Week 48, 1/10 (10.0%) and 2/10 (20.0%) participants had HBeAg seroconversion.

Percentage of Participants with HBsAg and HBeAg Seroclearnce
One (2.1%) participant had HBsAg seroclearance (ie, HBsAg<LLOQ). This participant, who was HBeAg-negative at baseline, had HBsAg<LLOQ at end of Treatment Period 2 and at Follow-up Week 48. At Follow-up Week 48, 3 (27.3%) participants had HBeAg<LLOQ. By Follow-up Week 48, 3/11 (27.3%) baseline HBeAg-positive participants achieved HBeAg seroclearance.

Change from Baseline Over Time in HBsAg, HBeAg and HBV DNA Levels
The mean (SE) change from baseline in HBsAg was -1.43 (0.070) log10 IU/mL, -2.18 (0.084) log10 IU/mL, and -0.71 (0.092) log10 IU/mL at end of Treatment Periods 1, 2, and by Follow-up Week 48, respectively.
The mean (SE) change from baseline in HBeAg among HbeAg positive was 0.68 (0.087) log10 IU/mL, -0.72 (0.106) log10 IU/mL, and -0.53 (0.112) log10 IU/mL at end of Treatment Periods 1, 2, and Follow-up Week 48, respectively.
Mean (SE) HBV DNA levels were 0.91 (0.035) log10 IU/mL at baseline and 0.94 (0.037) log10 IU/mL at end of Treatment Period 1. Mean (SE) HBV DNA levels then increased upon addition of PegIFN-alpha2a, to 1.19 (0.060) log10 IU/mL at end of Treatment Period 2. HBV DNA levels further increased during Follow-up Period in participants who met NA treatment completion criteria (from 1.08 [0.051] log10 IU/mL at end of Treatment Period 2 to 2.09 [0.364] log10 IU/mL by Follow-up Week 48).
Time to Achieve HBsAg, HBeAg and HBV DNA Levels Seroclearance/ Seroconversion
At end of Treatment Periods 1 and 2, respectively 4 (36.4%) and 3 (27.3%) baseline HBeAg-positive participants had HBeAg values <LLOQ. At Follow-up Week 48, 3 (27.3%) participants had HBeAg values <LLOQ. The median time to first occurrence of HBeAg seroclearance was 14.1 weeks (range:4.1-72.4) weeks. All (100%) participants had HBV DNA <LLOQ at baseline. One (2.1%) participant achieved seroclearance of HBsAg (HBsAg values <LLOQ). The range for seroclearance of HBsAg was 25.7- 75.1 weeks during Follow-Up period and data for median time was not estimable as only 1 participant had event.
Percentage of Participants with Virologic Breakthrough
No participants had virologic breakthrough during study.
Percentage of Participants with HBV DNA <LLOQ
Results at Week 48 are already described in above endpoint.

Percentage of Participants with Virologic and Biochemical Flares
Off-treatment analyses included 14 participants who met NA treatment completion criteria at end of Treatment Period 2 and stopped NA treatment at start of Follow-up Period, and 1 participant who met NA treatment completion criteria at Follow-up Week 2 and stopped NA treatment at Follow-up Week 4. 5/15 (33.3%) participants experienced off-treatment virologic flare with HBV DNA >20,000 IU/mL. At end of treatment period 1 and at end of Follow-up period, no participant had on-treatment biochemical flare. At end of Treatment Period 2, 2/48 (4.2%) participants had on-treatment biochemical flare. None of the 15 participants who were off treatment had off-treatment biochemical flare.

Percentage of Participants Requiring NA Re-treatment
Of 14 participants who stopped NA treatment at start of Follow-up Period, 4 (28.6%) participants met NA re-treatment criteria during Follow-up Weeks 8, 24, 36, 48, respectively. Three (21.4%) of those participants restarted NA treatment, while 1 participant did not restart NA treatment within study since Follow-up Week 48 was end of study. One participant from HBV DNA>2,000 IU/mL and 3 from HBV DNA>20,000 IU/mL group restarted NA after confirmation of virologic flare. One participant did not meet the criteria but restarted.

Maximum Plasma Concentration (Cmax) and plasma concentration 24 hours after administration (C24h) of JNJ-3989 (JNJ-73763976 and JNJ-73763924)
The mean (Standard Deviation [SD]) Cmax of JNJ-73763976 and JNJ-73763924 were 1,338 (971) ng/mL, 928 (692) ng/mL, and 271 (197) ng/mL and 185 (130) ng/mL at Treatment Period 1 and Treatment Period 2, respectively. The C24h of JNJ-73763976 and JNJ-73763924 were 309 (145) ng/mL, 390 (162) ng/mL, and 38.7 (16.2) ng/mL and 57.4 (15.9) ng/mL at Treatment Period 1 and Treatment Period 2, respectively.

Time to reach Cmax (Tmax) of JNJ-3989 (JNJ-73763976 and JNJ-73763924)
The median (range) for Tmax of JNJ-73763976 and JNJ-73763924 were 5.50 (2.00 - 6.20) hours, 6.00 (2.00 - 23.58) hours, and 2.00 (1.00 - 6.00) hours and 4.02 (0.50 - 7.72) hours in Treatment Period 1 and Treatment Period 2, respectively.

Area Under the Analyte Concentration Versus Time Curve From Time 0 to 24 hour (AUC24h)
AUC24h of JNJ-73763976 and JNJ-73763924 were 18,635 (10,983) ng*h/mL, 13,580 (8,598) ng*h/mL, and 3,342 (1,919) ng*h/mL, 2,466 (1,432) ng*h/mL at Treatment Period 1 and Treatment Period 2, respectively.

/ ウイルス学的に抑制されている被験者を対象に、JNJ-3989、JNJ-6379(該当する場合)及びNAを24週間投与し、12週目から24週目までPegIFN-apha-2aを併用したところ、31例(64.6%)でベースラインから24週目までにHBsAg量が2 log10 IU/mL以上減少した。しかし、HBsAgセロクリアランスが認められた被験者は1例のみであり、同じ被験者では追跡調査期48週目に機能的治癒が認められた。JNJ-3989、JNJ-6379、NA及びPegIFN-alpha-2aを用いたレジメンは概ね安全であり、忍容性は良好であった。
Treatment with JNJ-3989, JNJ-6379 (if applicable)and NA for 24 weeks, in combination with PegIFN-apha2a from Week 12 to Week 24, in virologically suppressed participants, led to reduction in HBsAg levels of at least 2 log10 IU/mL from baseline to Week 24 in 31 (64.6%) participants. However, only 1 participant had HBsAg seroclearance and same participant had functional cure at Follow-up Week 48. The regimen with JNJ-3989, JNJ-6379, NA, and PegIFN-alpha2a was generally safe and well tolerated.

3 IPDシェアリング

ジョンソンエンドジョンソンのヤンセン製薬のデータ共有ポリシーは、https://www.janssen.com/ja/clinical-trials/transparencyで入手できます。 当サイトに記載の通り、Yale Open Data OpenAccess(YODA)プロジェクトサイト:yoda.yale.eduより研究データへのアクセスをリクエストすることができます。 The data sharing policy of the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson is available at www.janssen.com/clinical-trials/transparency. As noted on this site, requests for access to the study data can be submitted through Yale open Data Access (YODA) Project site at yoda.yale.edu


研究の種別 企業治験
治験の区分 主たる治験と拡大治験のいずれにも該当しない
登録日 令和6年4月3日
jRCT番号 jRCT2031200311

1 試験等の実施体制に関する事項及び試験等を行う施設の構造設備に関する事項


ウイルス学的に抑制されている慢性B 型肝炎ウイルス感染患者を対象に,JNJ-73763989,JNJ-56136379,核酸アナログ製剤,及びペグインターフェロンα2a の投与の有効性,安全性,忍容性,及び薬物動態を評価する第2 相,非盲検,単群,多施設共同試験 A Phase 2, Open-label, Single-arm, Multicenter Study to Assess Efficacy, Safety, Tolerability, and Pharmacokinetics of Treatment With JNJ-73763989, JNJ-56136379, Nucleos(t)ide Analogs, and Pegylated Interferon Alpha-2a in Virologically Suppressed Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection (PENGUIN)
ウイルス学的に抑制されている慢性B 型肝炎ウイルス感染患者を対象に,JNJ-73763989,JNJ-56136379,核酸アナログ製剤,及びペグインターフェロンα2aの試験 A Study of JNJ-73763989, JNJ-56136379, Nucleos(t)ide Analogs, and Pegylated Interferon Alpha-2a in Virologically Suppressed Participants With Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection


中間 貴弘 Nakama Takahiro
/ ヤンセンファーマ株式会社 Janssen Pharmaceutical K.K.
/ 東京都千代田区西神田3-5-2 3-5-2 Nishikanda Chiyoda-ku Tokyo
メディカルインフォメーションセンター  Medical Information Center
ヤンセンファーマ株式会社 Janssen Pharmaceutical K.K.
東京都千代田区西神田3-5-2 3-5-2 Nishikanda Chiyoda-ku Tokyo



多施設共同試験等の該当の有無 あり




Tokyo Medical and Dental University Hospital






Osaka University Hospital



2 試験等の目的及び内容並びにこれに用いる医薬品等の概要


治験薬(JNJ-3989 + JNJ-6379 + 核酸アナログ製剤(NA) 及びペグインターフェロンα-2a(PegIFN-α2a))のHBsAg 濃度に基づく有効性を評価すること
介入研究 Interventional
非無作為化比較 non-randomized controlled trial
非盲検 open(masking not used)
非対照 uncontrolled control
単群比較 single assignment
治療 treatment purpose
ニュージーランド/ポーランド/台湾 New Zealand/Poland/Taiwan,Province Of China
・慢性HBV 感染を有している,B 型肝炎ウイルスe 抗原(HBeAg) 陽性,又は陰性でスクリーニングの6 カ月以上前からNA による治療を受けておりウイルス複製が抑制されている

・スクリーニング時の身体所見,病歴,バイタルサイン,及び12 誘導心電図(EDC)に基づき,医学的に安定している

・体格指数(BMI)は18.0 kg/m2 以上35.0 kg/m2 以下

・スクリーニング時に血清中HBsAg(定量的HBsAg アッセイによる評価)が100 IU/mL を超えていなければならない

・スクリーニング時のフィブロスキャンによる肝硬度の測定値が9.0 kPa 以下
- Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, hepatitis B e Antigen (HBeAg) positive or negative with suppressed viral replication under nucleos(t)ide analogue treatment for at least 6 months prior to screening

- Medically stable based on physical examination, medical history, vital signs, and 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) performed at screening

- Body mass index (BMI) between 18.0 and 35.0 kilogram per meter square (kg/m^2), extremes included

- Must have serum HBsAg greater than (>) 100 international units per milliliter (IU/mL) at screening, as assessed by qualitative HBsAg assay

- Must have a fibroscan stiffness measurement less than or equal to (<=) 9.0 Kilopascal (kPa) at screening
- Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, hepatitis B e Antigen (HBeAg) positive or negative with suppressed viral replication under nucleos(t)ide analogue treatment for at least 6 months prior to screening

- Medically stable based on physical examination, medical history, vital signs, and 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) performed at screening

- Body mass index (BMI) between 18.0 and 35.0 kilogram per meter square (kg/m^2), extremes included

- Must have serum HBsAg greater than (>) 100 international units per milliliter (IU/mL) at screening, as assessed by qualitative HBsAg assay

- Must have a fibroscan stiffness measurement less than or equal to (<=) 9.0 Kilopascal (kPa) at screening
- Evidence of hepatitis A, C, D or E virus infection or human immunodeficiency, virus type 1 (HIV) or HIV-2 infection at screening

- History or evidence of clinical signs or symptoms of hepatic decompensation, including but not limited to: portal hypertension, ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, esophageal varices

- Evidence of liver disease of non-HBV etiology

- Participants with a history of malignancy within 5 years before screening

- Contraindications to the use of pegylated interferon alpha-2a
20歳 以上 20age old over
65歳 以下 65age old under
男性・女性 Both
慢性B型肝炎 Hepatitis B, Chronic
PegIFN-α2a::PegIFN-α2 a注射剤を週1回皮下投与する
JNJ-73763989 : JNJ-73763989 injection will be administered subcutaneously once every 4 weeks.
Tenofovir disoproxil : Tenofovir disoproxil film-coated tablet will be administered orally once daily.
Tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) : TAF film-coated tablet will be administered orally once daily.
Entecavir (ETV) monohydrate : ETV monohydrate film-coated tablet will be administered orally once daily.
PegIFN-alpha2a : PegIFN-alpha2a injection will be administered subcutaneously once weekly.
ベースラインからWeek 24 までにHBsAg が2 log10 IU/mL 以上減少した被験者の割合を評価する Percentage of Participants with a Reduction of at Least 2 log10 IU/mL in Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg Levels : From Baseline up to Week 24 (end of study intervention)
Percentage of participants with a reduction of at least 2 log10 international units per milliliter (IU/mL) in HBsAg levels from baseline to Week 24 will be reported.
- 有害事象及び重篤な有害事象が発現した被験者の割合:Week72まで

- 安全性及び忍容性として,バイタルサイン及び臨床的に重要な臨床検査値の異常が認められた被験者数:Week72まで

- 12誘導心電図(ECG)の異常が認められた被験者の割合:Week 28まで
12誘導心電図に異常(心拍数, PR,QRS及び補正QT[QTc])が認められた被験者の割合を評価する

- 安全性及び忍容性として,眼科及び身体所見の異常が認められた被験者数:Week24まで

- 治験薬投与終了時(EOSI)に治験実施計画書で規定した核酸アナログ(NA)投与完了基準を満たした被験者の割合:Week72まで

- B型肝炎ウイルスe抗原(HBeAg),HBsAg,B 型肝炎ウイルス(HBV)デオキシリボ核酸(DNA)及びALT値が認められた被験者の割合:Week72まで
HBeAg,HBsAg,HBV DNA及びALT の値がそれぞれのカットオフ値を下回る/上回る被験者の割合を評価する

- HBsAg 及びHBeAgのセロコンバージョンが認められる被験者の割合:Week72まで
HBsAg 及びHBeAgのセロコンバージョン(単位:IU/ML)が認められる被験者の割合を評価する

- HBsAg,HBeAg,及びHBV DNA のベースラインからの経時的な変化:ベースライン及びWeek72
HBsAg,HBeAg,及びHBV DNA (単位:IU/mL)のベースラインからの経時的な変化を評価する

- HBsAg,HBeAg及びHBV DNAのセロクリアランス/セロコンバージョンを達成するまでの期間:Week72まで
HBsAg,HBeAg及びHBV DNAのセロクリアランス/セロコンバージョン(単位:IU/mL)を達成するまでの期間を評価する

- ウイルス学的ブレイクスルーが認められた被験者の割合:Week 72まで

- HBV DNA量がLLOQ(定量下限) 未満である被験者の割合:Week48時点
HBV DNA量がLLOQ(定量下限) 未満である被験者の割合を評価する

- ウイルス学的/生化学検査上の再燃の発生割合:Week72まで

- NA の再投与が必要な被験者の割合:Week72まで
NA の再投与が必要な被験者の割合を評価する

- JNJ-3989の血清中濃度:投与前及び投与後15分,30分,1時間,2時間,3時間,4時間,6時間,8時間,10時間,及び24時間(Day 29及びDay 141)

- JNJ-6379の血清中濃度(任意):投与前及び投与後15分,30分,1時間,2時間,3時間,4時間,6時間,8時間,10時間,及び24時間(Day 29及びDay 141)

- ヌクレオシ(チ)ドアナログの血清中濃度(任意):投与前及び投与後15分,30分,1時間,2時間,3時間,4時間,6時間,8時間,10時間及び24時間(Day 29及びDay 141)

- PegIFN-alpha2aの血清中濃度(任意):投与前及び投与後15分,30分,1時間,2時間,3時間,4時間,6時間,8時間,10時間,及び24時間(Day 29及びDay 141)
血清試料を分析し, PegIFN-α2の濃度を測定する
- Percentage of Participants with Adverse Events (AEs) and Serious Aes : Up to Week 72
An AE is any untoward medical occurrence in a participant participating in a clinical study that does not necessarily have a causal relationship with the pharmaceutical/biological agent under study. A SAE is an AE resulting in any of the following outcomes or deemed significant for any other reason: death; initial or prolonged inpatient hospitalization; life-threatening experience (immediate risk of dying); persistent or significant disability/incapacity; congenital anomaly.

- Number of Participants with Abnormalities in Vital Signs and Clinically Significant Laboratory Findings as a Measure of Safety and Tolerability : Up to Week 72
Number of participants with abnormalities in vital signs and clinically significant laboratory findings will be reported.

- Percentage of Participants with Abnormalities in 12-Lead Electrocardiogram (ECGs) : Up to Week 28
Percentage of participants with abnormalities (heart rate, PR, QRS and QT corrected [QTc]) in 12- lead ECGs will be reported.

- Number of Participants with Abnormalities in Ophthalmic and Physical Examination as a Measure of Safety and Tolerability : Up to Week 24
Number of participants with abnormalities in ophthalmic and physical examination will be reported.

- Percentage of Participants Meeting the Protocol-defined Nucleos(t)ide Analog (NA) Treatment Completion Criteria at End of Study Intervention (EOSI) : Up to Week 72
Percentage of participants meeting the protocol-defined NA treatment completion criteria at EOSI will be reported.

- Percentage of Participants with Hepatitis B e Antigen (HBeAg), HBsAg, and Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) and ALT Levels : Up to Week 72
Percentage of participants with HBeAg, HBsAg, and HBV DNA levels and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels below/above different cut-offs will be reported.

- Percentage of Participants with HBsAg and HBeAg Seroconversion : Up to Week 72
Percentage of participants with HBsAg and HBeAg seroconversion (Unit: International units per milliliter) will be reported.

- Change from Baseline Over Time in HBsAg, HBeAg and HBV DNA Levels : Baseline and Week 72
Change from baseline over time in HBsAg, HBeAg and HBV DNA levels (Unit: International units per milliliter) will be reported.

- Time to Achieve HBsAg, HBeAg and HBV DNA Levels Seroclearance/Seroconversion : Up to Week 72
Time to achieve HBsAg, HBeAg and HBV DNA levels seroclearance/seroconversion (Unit: International units per milliliter) will be reported.

- Percentage of Participants with Virologic Breakthrough : Up to Week 72
Percentage of participants with virologic breakthrough will be reported.

- Percentage of Participants with HBV DNA < LLOQ : At Week 48
Percentage of participants with HBV DNA < LLOQ will be reported.

- Percentage of Participants with Virologic and/or Biochemical Flares : Up to Week 72
Percentage of participants with virologic and/or biochemical flares will be reported.

- Percentage of Participants Requiring NA Re-treatment : Up to Week 72
Percentage of participants requiring NA re-treatment based on failure in NA treatment completion criteria will be reported.

- Serum Concentration of of JNJ-3989 : Predose and 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, 6 hour, 8 hours,10 hours, and 24 hours post dose (on day 29 and 141)
Serum samples will be analyzed to determine concentrations of JNJ-3989.

- Serum Concentration of JNJ-6379(Optional) : Predose and 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, 6 hour, 8 hours,10 hours, and 24 hours post dose (on day 29 and 141)
Serum samples will be analyzed to determine concentrations of JNJ-6379.

- Serum Concentration of Nucleos(t)ide Analog(Optional) : Predose and 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, 6 hour, 8 hours,10 hours, and 24 hours post dose (on day 29 and 141)
Serum samples will be analyzed to determine concentrations of nucleos(t)ide analog.

- Serum Concentration of PegIFN-alpha2a (Optional): Predose and 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, 6 hour, 8 hours,10 hours, and 24 hours post dose (on day 29 and 141)
Serum samples will be analyzed to determine concentrations of PegIFN-alpha2.


Tenofovir disoproxil
Tenofovir Alafenamide(TAF)
Entecavir hydrate

3 試験等の実施状況の確認に関する事項








4 試験等の対象者に健康被害が生じた場合の補償及び医療の提供に関する事項


5 依頼者等に関する事項


Janssen Pharmaceutical K.K.



6 IRBの名称等

国立大学法人東京医科歯科大学病院治験等審査委員会 Tokyo Medical and Dental University Hospital Institutional Review Board
東京都文京区湯島1-5-45 1-5-45, Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo

7 その他の事項






Protocol ID: 73763989PAHPB2006





REDACTED_73763989PAHPB2006_Protocol_ISA 4_Amendment 4_1153450.pdf




種別 公表日
終了 令和6年4月17日 (当画面) 変更内容
変更 令和3年11月26日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和3年8月6日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和3年5月18日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和3年5月6日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和3年3月25日 詳細 変更内容
新規登録 令和3年1月18日 詳細