jRCT ロゴ





西川 和子
医療法人社団 廣仁会 札幌皮膚科クリニック治験審査委員会




2 結果の要約

/ 被験者の平均(SD)年齢は36.0(13.65)歳,平均(SD)体重は77.9(18.00)kg,平均(SD)BMIは26.3(5.18)kg/m2であった。男性が女性より多く[111例(56.1%)対87例(43.9%)],大多数は白人[142例(71.7%)]であった。
The participants had a mean (SD) age of 36.0 (13.65) years, a mean (SD) body weight of 77.9 (18.00) kg, and a mean (SD) BMI of 26.3 (5.18) kg/m2. There were more male participants compared to female participants (111 [56.1%] versus 87 [43.9%]) and majority of the participants were White (142 [71.7%]).
The most common medical histories were allergic/immunologic in nature (106 [53.5%] participants): food allergy, allergy to animals, allergic rhinitis, and seasonal allergy. Asthma was also a common history reported in 51 (25.8%) participants.
Most participants in the study had previously used topical agents (197 [99.5%] participants). Systemic or intralesional corticosteroids were used by 82 (41.4%) participants.
/ カナダ,ドイツ,日本,ポーランド及び米国の合計45施設において,中等症から重症のアトピー性皮膚炎の被験者合計268例がスクリーニングを受けた。このうち57例(21.3%)はスクリーニング不適格例であった。198例がランダム化され治験薬の投与を1回以上受けた。内訳は,プラセボ群33例,bermekimab群100例(350 mg群33例,700 mg群67例),デュピルマブ群65例であった。 A total of 268 participants with moderate to severe atopic dermatitis (AD) from 45 sites across Canada, Germany, Japan, Poland, and the United States of America were screened; of which, 57 (21.3%) participants were screen failures. Of these, 198 participants were randomized and received at least 1 dose of the assigned study intervention: 33 participants in the placebo treatment group, 100 participants in the combined bermekimab group (33 participants: 350 mg; 67 participants: 700 mg), and 65 participants in the dupilumab treatment group.
/ 有害事象及びその他の安全性データは,二重盲検下で治験薬の投与を1回以上受けた198例のデータに基づき要約した。

・Week 16まで
・Week 36まで


・Week 16まで
・Week 36まで
Week 16以降に報告された新たな重篤な有害事象はなかった。報告されたすべての重篤な有害事象は,本報告までに回復していた。

・Week 16まで
プラセボ群の1例(3.0%)及びbermekimab 700 mg群の4例(6.0%)が有害事象により治験薬の投与を中止した。中止の主な理由はアトピー性皮膚炎であった。Bermekimab 700 mg群の被験者1例(1.5%)が中等度の毛包炎により治験薬の投与を中止した。デュピルマブ群では中止例はなかった。
・Week 36まで
プラセボ群の1例(3.0%),デュピルマブ群の1例(1.5%)及びbermekimab 700 mg群の5例(7.5%)が有害事象のために治験薬の投与を中止した。中止の主な理由はアトピー性皮膚炎であった。Bermekimab 700 mg群の1例(1.5%)は中等度の毛包炎のため,デュピルマブ群の1例(1.5%)はCOVID-19感染のために治験薬投与を中止した。


・Week 16まで:Bermekimab 700 mg群でCTCAE Grade 2の好中球減少症が2例報告された。
・Week 36まで:Week 16までに報告された2例の好中球減少症以外に,その後プラセボ投与群からbermekimab 700 mg投与群に切り替えられた被験者1例にGrade 2の好中球減少症が認められた。この被験者は,Day 85にGrade 1の好中球減少症(1.79×10^9/L)が発現し,Day 203にGrade 2の好中球減少症(1.39×10^9/L)が発現した。これらの好中球減少症に伴う感染症は報告されなかった。被験者は治験薬投与継続中に回復した。


Summaries of AEs and other safety data are based on 198 participants who received at least 1 dose of double-blind study intervention.

Adverse Events
Through Week 16
- Eighteen (54.5%) participants from the placebo treatment group, 66 (66.0%) participants from the combined bermekimab treatment groups, and 33 (50.8%) participants from the dupilumab treatment group reported >=1 AEs through Week 16.
- The highest number of TEAEs were reported in the SOC of Infections and infestations followed by Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders. The most commonly reported TEAEs were dermatitis atopic, injection site erythema, and nasopharyngitis.
- Two (6.1%) participants from the placebo treatment group, 6 (6.0%) participants from the combined bermekimab treatment group, and 2 (3.1%) participants from the dupilumab treatment group reported AEs that were assessed as severe through Week 16. The majority of these AEs were AD followed by single reports of eczema herpeticum, viral infection, AST increase, and toothache.
- Five (15.2%) participants from the placebo treatment group, 24 (24.0%) participants from the combined bermekimab treatment group, and 11 (16.9%) participants from the dupilumab treatment group reported AEs that were assessed as related to the study intervention.

Through Week 36
- 18 (54.5%) participants from the placebo treatment group, 84 (64.6%) participants from the combined bermekimab treatment groups, and 40 (61.5%) participants from the dupilumab treatment group reported>=1 AE.
- The highest number of AEs were reported in the SOC of Infections and infestations followed by Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders. The most commonly reported AEs were COVID-19 infection (25 events) and nasopharyngitis (27 events).
- AEs of severe intensity were reported in 2 (6.1%) participants from the placebo group, 7 (5.4%) participants from the bermekimab combined treatment group, and 3 (4.6%) participants from the dupilumab treatment group. The most frequently reported severe AE was AD (9 participants).
- AEs that were assessed as related to the study intervention were reported in 5 (15.2%) participants from the placebo group, 28 (21.5%) participants from the bermekimab combined treatment group, and 12 (18.5%) participants from the dupilumab treatment group.
- Injection site erythema and upper respiratory tract infection (14 events each) and AD (12 events) were the most commonly reported AEs that were assessed as related to their respective study interventions.

Deaths: There were no deaths reported during the study.

Through Week 16
Three (3.0%) participants from the combined bermekimab treatment group reported SAEs during the study; 2 cases of worsening AD, 1 case of severe AST increased, and 1 case of auricular haematoma most likely due to traumatic origin (exercise); none of these SAEs were assessed by the investigator as related to the study intervention. No SAEs were reported in the placebo and dupilumab treatment groups.

Through Week 36
No new SAEs were reported after Week 16. At the time of this report, all reported SAEs had resolved.

Discontinuations due to AEs:
Through Week 16
One (3.0%) participant from the placebo treatment group and 4 (6.0%) participants from the bermekimab 700 mg treatment group discontinued study intervention due to AEs. The primary reason for discontinuation was AD. One (1.5%) participant from the bermekimab 700 mg treatment group discontinued study intervention due to moderate folliculitis. No discontinuations were reported in dupilumab treatment group.

Through Week 36
One (3.0%) participant from the placebo treatment group, 1 (1.5%) participant from the dupilumab treatment group, and 5 (7.5%) participants from the bermekimab 700 mg treatment group discontinued study intervention due to AEs. The primary reason for discontinuation was AD. One (1.5%) participant from the bermekimab 700 mg treatment group discontinued study intervention due to moderate folliculitis while the 1 (1.5%) participant from the dupilumab treatment group discontinued due to COVID-19 infection.

Other Adverse Events:
- Injection Site Reactions (ISRs): Overall, 4 (3.1%) participants from the placebo treatment group, 10 (10.0%) participants from the combined bermekimab treatment group and 2 (3.1%) participants from the dupilumab treatment group reported ISRs. These events were all mild in intensity. The most common ISRs were erythema, swelling, and pruritis.
- Anaphylactic or Serum Sickness Reactions: No anaphylactic or serum sickness reactions were reported during the study.
- COVID-19 Associated AEs: 4 (12.1%) participants from the placebo treatment group, 19 (14.6%) participants from the combined bermekimab treatment group, and 5 (7.7%) participants from the dupilumab treatment group reported COVID-19 associated AEs. Of these, 2 (1.5%) participants from the combined bermekimab treatment group were asymptomatic while 1 (1.5%) participant from the dupilumab treatment group had suspected COVID-19 infection. The majority of the events were assessed as mild or moderate in severity and not related to the study intervention.

Clinical Laboratory Evaluations:
- Hematology: There were no clinically significant findings.
Through Week 16: two instances of CTCAE Grade 2 neutropenia in the bermekimab 700 mg group were reported.
Through Week 36: Apart from the 2 participants with neutropenia reported through the Week 16 timepoint, an additional case of Grade 2 neutropenia was observed in a participant who subsequently had switched from the placebo treatment group to the bermekimab 700 mg treatment group. The participant had Grade 1 neutropenia (1.79 x 10^9/L) on Study Day 85 followed by Grade 2 neutropenia (1.39 x 10^9/L) on Study Day 203. No infection associated with any of these instances of neutropenia were reported. The participant had recovered whilst continuing to receive the study intervention.
- Clinical Chemistry: There were no clinically significant findings.

Other Safety Evaluations
There were no clinically meaningful findings in the vital sign measurements and ECG data in this study. The assessments and observations were comparable across intervention groups.
/ 有効性の結果:
有効性の主要解析対象集団は,最大の解析対象集団(FAS)[ランダム化された被験者(n=199)のうち,治験薬を1回以上投与された被験者(n=198)と定義]を使用する計画であった。本試験の早期中止により,多数の被験者がWeek 16前に投与を中止した。2022年2月2日に試験中止が決定された時点までに来院した被験者をmFASと定義し,主要評価項目及び主な副次評価項目の主解析は,Week 16までのmFAS(試験終了日以降にWeek 16の来院が予定されていた被験者を除く)を対象とした。Week 16までのmFASは合計130例であり,内訳はプラセボ群21例,bermekimab 350 mg群24例,bermekimab 700 mg群42例,デュピルマブ群43例であった。

・Eczema Area and Severity Index (EASI)-75
Week 16時点のbermekimab群(350 mg群及び700 mg群)とプラセボ群との群間差は同様であり,それぞれ7.1%(95% CI:-12.1%,26.2%;p値:0.489)及び7.1%(95% CI:-9.4%,23.7%;p値:0.448)であった。
デュピルマブ群とプラセボ群の群間差は既報と同様であり,42.0%(95% CI:22.9%,61.1%;p値:0.001)であった。

Week 16時点のbermekimab群(350 mg群及び700 mg群)とプラセボ群との群間差は小さく同様で,それぞれ2.9%(95% CI:-15.1%,20.9%;p値:0.758)及び2.4%(95% CI:13.2%,18.0%;p値:0.780)であった。デュピルマブ群とプラセボ群の群間差は既報と同様であり,25.4%(95% CI:6.5%,44.2%;p値:0.034)であった。

・Validated Investigator Global Assessment for Atopic Dermatitis(vIGA AD)が0又は1であり,かつベースラインから2点以上減少
Week 16時点のbermekimab群(350 mg群及び700 mg群)とプラセボ群との群間差は小さく同様で,それぞれ2.9%(95% CI:-15.1%,20.9%;p値:0.758)及び2.4%(95% CI:13.2%,18.0%;p値:0.780)であった。デュピルマブ群とプラセボ群の群間差は既報と同様であり,18.0%(95% CI:-0.1%,36.1%;p値:0.103)であった。

・Eczema-Related Itch Numeric Rating Scale(NRS)が4以上改善(減少)した被験者の割合
Week 16時点のbermekimab群(350 mg群及び700 mg群)とプラセボ群との群間差は,それぞれ9.3%(95% CI:-13.3%,31.8%;p値:0.434)及び-4.6%(95% CI:-21.0%,11.7%;p値:0.559)であった。
デュピルマブ群はプラセボ群と比較して数値的に高かったが[21.8%(95% CI:1.1%,42.5%;p値:0.083)],統計学的に有意ではなかった。ベースライン時のNRSが4以上であった少数の被験者が,この解析に影響を及ぼした可能性がある。

・Week 16までにEASI-75及びEASI-90を達成した被験者の割合
EASI-75において,デュピルマブ群とプラセボ群との明らかな差がWeek 2から示されたが,bermekimab群(350 mg群及び700 mg群)とプラセボ群ではWeek 16まで明らかな差は示されなかった。
Bermekimab群でWeek 16までにEASI-90を達成した被験者は少なかった。

・Week 16からWeek 36までにEASI-75及びEASI-90を達成した被験者の割合
Week 16に,プラセボ群の被験者をbermekimab 700 mg/週にクロスオーバーした。
Week 16に,EASI-75を達成したbermekimab 700 mg群の被験者を,bermekimab 700 mg/週の投与継続又はbermekimab 350 mg/週の投与に1:1の比で再ランダム化した。EASI-75を達成しなかった被験者はbermekimab 700 mg/週の投与を継続した。
プラセボ群からbermekimab 700 mg群に切り替えた被験者では,ある程度のEASI-75の改善が示された。Bermekimab群でEASI-75を達成した被験者は少なく,経時的な変動は示されなかった。
Week 36に達した被験者は少なく,各群の被験者も少なかったため,結果の解釈は困難であった。

-Bermekimab 350 mg qw群では,血清中bermekimabトラフ濃度は,おおむねWeek 12までに定常状態に達した。Week 12時点の定常状態の血清中bermekimabトラフ濃度の平均値及び中央値はそれぞれ46.90 mcg/mL及び49.67 mcg/mLであり,Week 32まで維持された(平均値:48.68 mcg/mL;中央値:47.28 mcg/mL)。
-Bermekimab 700 mg群では,血清中bermekimabトラフ濃度は,Week 4までに定常状態に達した。Week 4時点の血清中bermekimabトラフ濃度の平均値及び中央値は,それぞれ83.07 mcg/mL及び91.37 mcg/mLであった。
-プラセボ-bermekimab 700 mg qwクロスオーバー群では,Week 20時点の定常状態の血清中bermekimabトラフ濃度の平均値及び中央値はそれぞれ86.49 mcg/mL及び96.93 mcg/mLであり,Week 28まで維持された(平均値:99.41 mcg/mL;中央値:122.01 mcg/mL)。

抗bermekimab抗体の全体の発現割合は,Week 16までで6.2%(6/97例),Week 36までで12.1%(14/116例)であった。Week 36までに抗bermekimab抗体陽性を発現した14例の内訳は,プラセボ-bermekimab 700 mg qwクロスオーバー群1例(5.3%),bermekimab 350 mg qw群9例(27.3%),bermekimab 700 mg qw投与群4例(6.3%)であった。

Bermekimab 700 mg qw群では,血清中bermekimab濃度が低い被験者で抗bermekimab抗体が陽性であった。しかし,抗bermekimab抗体陽性の被験者は非常に少なかった(各来院時に1~4例)。
Bermekimab 700 mg qw群の抗bermekimab抗体陽性及び陰性の被験者の間で,Week 36までの平均血清中bermekimab濃度に明らかな差は認められなかった。
プラセボ-bermekimab 700 mg qwクロスオーバー群では,抗bermekimab抗体陽性の被験者は1例のみであった。このため,血清中bermekimab濃度に対する影響は評価できない。
Efficacy Results:
The primary efficacy analysis set was planned to be based upon the FAS, defined as randomized participants (n=199) who received at least 1 dose of study intervention (n=198). Due to the early termination of this study, a large number of participants discontinued treatment prior to Week 16. The mFAS was defined as those FAS participants who could have reached a visit by the time of the decision was made to terminate the study on 02 February 2022. The main analyses for the primary and major secondary endpoints are based on the mFAS through Week 16 (excluded participants with projected Week 16 visit occurring after study termination date). The mFAS through Week 16 included a total of 130 participants: 21 participants in the placebo treatment group, 24 participants in the bermekimab 350 mg treatment group, 42 participants in the bermekimab 700 mg treatment group, and 43 participants in the dupilumab group treatment group.

Primary Efficacy Endpoint:
The treatment difference observed in the bermekimab treatment groups (350 mg and 700 mg) versus the placebo group at Week 16 was similar ie, 7.1% (95% CI: -12.1%, 26.2%; p-value: 0.489) and 7.1% (95% CI: -9.4%, 23.7%; p-value: 0.448), respectively.
The treatment difference observed in the dupilumab treatment group versus the placebo group was similar ie, 42.0% (95% CI: 22.9%, 61.1%; p-value: 0.001) as previously reported.

Secondary Efficacy Endpoints:
The treatment difference observed in the bermekimab treatment groups (350 mg and 700 mg) versus the placebo group at Week 16 was low and similar ie, 2.9% (95% CI: -15.1%, 20.9%; p-value: 0.758) and 2.4% (95% CI: 13.2%, 18.0%; p-value: 0.780), respectively. The treatment difference for the dupilumab group versus the placebo group was similar to results previously reported ie, 25.4% (95% CI: 6.5%, 44.2%; p-value: 0.034).
vIGA AD of 0 or 1 and a Reduction from Baseline of >=2 Points
The treatment difference observed in the bermekimab treatment groups (350 mg and 700 mg) versus the placebo group at Week 16 was low and similar ie, 2.9% (95% CI: -15.1%, 20.9%; p-value: 0.758) and 2.4% (95% CI: 13.2%, 18.0%; p-value: 0.780), respectively. The treatment difference for the dupilumab group versus the placebo group was similar to results previously reported ie, 18.0% (95% CI: -0.1%, 36.1%; p-value: 0.103).
Proportion of Participants with Improvement (Reduction) of Eczema-Related Itch NRS >=4
The treatment difference observed in the bermekimab treatment groups (350 mg and 700 mg) versus the placebo group at Week 16 was 9.3% (95% CI: -13.3%, 31.8%; p-value: 0.434) and -4.6% (95% CI: -21.0%, 11.7%; p-value: 0.559), respectively.
The response rate in dupilumab group was numerically higher (21.8% [95% CI: 1.1%, 42.5%; p-value:
0.083]) than the placebo group but not statistically significant. A small number of participants who had
NRS >=4 at the baseline may have impacted this analysis.
Proportion of Participants Achieving EASI-75 and EASI-90 Through Week 16
The dupilumab treatment group showed clear separation from placebo starting from Week 2 in EASI-75
but the bermekimab treatment groups (350 mg and 700 mg) did not show clear separation from placebo
over time.
The number of participants who achieved EASI-90 response through Week 16 was low for the bermekimab treatment arms.
Proportion of Participants Achieving EASI-75 and EASI-90 from Week 16 Through Week 36
At Week 16, participants in the placebo group crossed over to receive bermekimab 700 mg weekly.
At Week 16, participants who achieved an EASI-75 response in bermekimab 700 mg group were
rerandomized in a 1:1 ratio either to continue to receive bermekimab 700 mg weekly, or to receive
bermekimab 350 mg weekly. Participants who did not achieve an EASI-75 response continued to receive
bermekimab 700 mg weekly.
Participants who switched from the placebo treatment group to the bermekimab 700 mg treatment group showed some improvement based on EASI-75. The number of EASI-75 responders in the bermekimab treatment group were low and maintained over time.
The number of participants who reached Week 36 was small and the number of participants in each group was small, therefore the results were difficult to interpret.

Pharmacokinetic Results:
Concentrations over time:
- For the bermekimab 350 mg qw group, the trough serum bermekimab concentration reached steady-state by approximately Week 12. The mean and median steady-state trough serum bermekimab concentrations for this group were 46.90 and 49.67 mcg/mL, respectively, at Week 12 and were maintained through Week 32 (mean: 48.68 mcg/mL; median: 47.28 mcg/mL).
- For the bermekimab 700 mg, steady-state trough serum bermekimab were achieved by Week 4. The mean and median trough serum bermekimab concentrations for this group at Week 4 were 83.07 and 91.37 mcg/mL, respectively.
- For the placebo to bermekimab 700 mg qw crossover group, the mean and median steady-state trough serum bermekimab concentrations at Week 20 were 86.49 and 96.93 mcg/mL, respectively, and were maintained through Week 28 (mean: 99.41 mcg/mL; median: 122.01 mcg/mL).

Immunogenicity Results:
Antibodies to Bermekimab
The overall incidence of antibodies to bermekimab was 6.2% (6/97) through Week 16 and 12.1% (14/116) through Week 36. Among the 14 participants who were positive for antibodies to bermekimab through Week 36, 1 (5.3%), 9 (27.3%) and 4 (6.3%) participants were in the placebo to bermekimab 700 mg qw crossover group, bermekimab 350 mg qw group and bermekimab 700 mg qw treatment group, respectively.
The highest titer of antibodies to bermekimab observed was 1:2880. Most of the participants (10 out of 14 participants) who were positive for antibodies to bermekimab had low titers (<1:100).

Antibodies to Bermekimab and Serum Bermekimab Concentrations
In the bermekimab 700 mg qw treatment group, participants with lower mean and median serum bermekimab concentrations were positive for antibodies to bermekimab. However, the number of
participants who were positive for antibodies to bermekimab was very small (n=1 to 4 at different visits).
No apparent difference in mean serum bermekimab concentrations was observed between participants who were positive and negative for antibodies to bermekimab in the 700 mg qw group through Week 36.
Only 1 participant in the placebo to bermekimab 700 mg qw crossover group was positive for antibodies to bermekimab. Hence effect on serum bermekimab concentrations cannot be evaluated.
/ EASI,IGA及びitch NRSの結果から,アトピー性皮膚炎を有する被験者に対するbermekimab投与には実質的な追加ベネフィットがなかった可能性が示唆される。このため,中間解析後に本試験は中止された。
利用可能な安全性データに基づくと,アトピー性皮膚炎を有する被験者に対するbermekimab 700 mg及び350 mg qw投与の忍容性は良好であり,試験被験者に新たな安全性の懸念は認められなかった。注射部位反応はいずれも軽度であり,注射部位反応による重篤例や中止例はなかった。
The results of EASI, IGA, and itch NRS suggests that there may not have been substantial additional benefit for participants with AD from bermekimab. Hence, following the interim analysis, this study was terminated.
Based on the available safety data, bermekimab 700 mg and 350 mg qw were well tolerated in
participants with AD and no new safety concerns were observed with the study participants.. All ISRs were mild in intensity and there were no serious cases or discontinuations due to ISR.

3 IPDシェアリング

ジョンソン・エンド・ジョンソングループのヤンセンファーマ社のデータ共有ポリシーは,www.janssen.com/clinical-trials/transparencyで閲覧することができる。当サイトに記載されているように,yoda.yale.eduのYale Open Data Access(YODA)プロジェクトサイトで試験データへのアクセスをリクエストすることができる。 The data sharing policy of the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson is available at www.janssen.com/clinical-trials/transparency. As noted on this site, requests for access to the study data can be submitted through Yale Open Data Access (YODA) Project site at yoda.yale.edu


研究の種別 企業治験
治験の区分 主たる治験と拡大治験のいずれにも該当しない
登録日 令和5年2月28日
jRCT番号 jRCT2011210006

1 試験等の実施体制に関する事項及び試験等を行う施設の構造設備に関する事項


中等症から重症のアトピー性皮膚炎の患者を対象としたbermekimab(JNJ-77474462)の安全性及び有効性を評価する多施設共同,ランダム化,プラセボ及び実薬対照,二重盲検,第2b相試験 A Phase 2b, Multicenter, Randomized, Placebo- and Active-comparator-controlled, Double-blind Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Bermekimab (JNJ-77474462) for the Treatment of Participants with Moderate to Severe Atopic Dermatitis
中等症から重症のアトピー性皮膚炎患者の治療におけるbermekimabの試験(JNJ-77474462) A Study of Bermekimab (JNJ-77474462) in the Treatment of Participants with Moderate to Severe Atopic Dermatitis (GENESIS)


西川 和子 Nishikawa Kazuko
/ ヤンセンファーマ株式会社 Janssen Pharmaceutical K.K.
/ 東京都千代田区西神田3-5-2 3-5-2 Nishikanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
メディカルインフォメーションセンター  Medical Information Center
ヤンセンファーマ株式会社 Janssen Pharmaceutical K.K.
Medical Information Center
東京都千代田区西神田3-5-2 3-5-2 Nishikanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo



多施設共同試験等の該当の有無 あり



医療法人社団 廣仁会 札幌皮膚科クリニック

Sapporo Skin Clinic





医療法人社団 高木皮膚科診療所

Takagi Clinic





医療法人 あゆみ桜会 皮ふ科眼科くめクリニック

Kume Clinic



2 試験等の目的及び内容並びにこれに用いる医薬品等の概要


介入研究 Interventional
無作為化比較 randomized controlled trial
二重盲検 double blind
実薬(治療)対照 active control
並行群間比較 parallel assignment
治療 treatment purpose
カナダ/ドイツ/ポーランド/米国 Canada/Germany/Poland/United States of America
ー スクリーニング時の身体所見,病歴,バイタルサイン及び12誘導心電図に基づき,本治験の対象疾患以外の点は健康である。異常が認められても,治験対象集団の基礎疾患から予測されるものであれば組み入れても差し支えない。治験責任(分担)医師は,この決定を被験者の原資料に記録し,署名する。
ー 問診及び/又は病歴の確認から,治験薬の初回投与前1年(365日)以上にわたり,ADが認められると治験責任(分担)医師が判断する患者である。
ー 外用薬によるAD治療の効果が不十分であったか,又はその他の理由(重要な副作用又は安全性リスクなど)で外用薬治療が医学的に勧められない患者である。
ー 治験責任(分担)医師が,治験実施国が承認する医薬品表示に従って,デュピルマブ(デュピクセント)療法の治療対象候補と考える患者である。
ー スクリーニング時及びベースライン時にEASIスコアが16以上である。
ー スクリーニング時及びベースライン時にIGAスコアが3以上,病変を認める体表面積(BSA)が10%以上である。
- Be otherwise healthy on the basis of physical examination, medical history, vital signs, and 12-lead electrocardiograms (ECGs) performed at screening. Any abnormalities, must be consistent with the underlying illness in the study population and this determination must be recorded in the participant's source documents and initialed by the investigator
- Have atopic dermatitis (AD) for at least 1 year (365 days) prior to the first administration of study intervention as determined by the investigator through participant interview and/or review of the medical history
- Have a history of inadequate response to treatment for AD with topical medications or for whom topical treatments are otherwise medically inadvisable (example [eg], due to important side effects or safety risks)
- Be considered, in the opinion of the investigator, a suitable candidate for dupilumab (DUPIXENT) therapy according to their country's approved DUPIXENT product labeling
- Have an eczema area and severity index (EASI) score greater than or equal (>=) to 16 at screening and at baseline
- Have an investigator global assessment (IGA) score >=3 and involved body surface area (BSA) >=10 percent (%) at screening and baseline
― 重度,進行性,又はコントロール不能の腎障害,心臓障害,血管障害,肺障害,胃腸障害,内分泌障害,神経性障害,血液学的障害,リウマチ性疾患に伴う障害,精神障害又は代謝障害があると現在診断されている,あるいはそのような徴候又は症状を認める。
― 過去3カ月以内に臨床的増悪がみられる場合と定義される不安定な心血管疾患(例:不安定狭心症,頻拍性の心房細動)を認める,又は過去3カ月以内に心臓関連の理由で入院している。
― スクリーニング前の2カ月以内に重篤な感染症(例:敗血症,肺炎,腎盂腎炎)に罹患した,感染症のため入院した,又は感染症に対して抗生物質の静脈内(IV)投与を受けた 。
- Has a current diagnosis or signs or symptoms of severe, progressive, or uncontrolled renal, cardiac, vascular, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, endocrine, neurologic, hematologic, rheumatologic, psychiatric, or metabolic disturbances
- Has unstable cardiovascular disease, defined as a recent clinical deterioration (eg, unstable angina, rapid atrial fibrillation) in the last 3 months or a cardiac hospitalization within the last 3 months
- Has or has had a serious infection (eg, sepsis, pneumonia, or pyelonephritis), or has been hospitalized or received intravenous (IV) antibiotics for an infection during the 2 months before screening
- Has or has had herpes zoster within the 2 months before screening
- Has a history of being human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antibody-positive, or tests positive for HIV at screening
18歳 以上 18age old over
上限なし No limit
男性・女性 Both
アトピー性皮膚炎 Dermatitis, Atopic


Placebo :
Placebo will be administered subcutaneously.
Group 1: Placebo
Group 4: Dupilumab

Bermekimab will be administered subcutaneously.
Group 1: Placebo
Group 2: Bermekimab
Group 3: Bermekimab
Group 4: Dupilumab

Dupilumab will be administered subcutaneously.
Group 4: Dupilumab
Bermekimabの有効性評価のため,Week 16にEASI-75(ベースラインからの75%以上の改善)を達成した被験者の割合 Percentage of Participants With Eczema Area and Severity Index (EASI)-75 (Greater Than or Equal to [>=] 75 Percent (%) Improvement From Baseline) for Efficacy of Bermekimab at Week 16
・Bermekimabの追加評価のため,Week 16のバリデートされたInvestigator Global Assessment for Atopic Dermatitis(vIGA-AD)スコアが0又は1であり,かつベースラインから2点以上減少した被験者の割合
・Bermekimabの追加評価のため,ベースラインのitch numeric rating scale (NRS)が4以上であった被験者のうち,ベースラインからWeek 16までのeczema-related itch NRSの改善(減少)が4以上であった被験者の割合
・Bermekimabの追加評価のため,Week 16にEASI-90(ベースラインからの90%以上の改善)を達成した被験者の割合
・Bermekimabの有効性をデュピルマブと比較評価するため,Week 16にEASI-75(ベースラインからの75%以上の改善)を達成した被験者の割合
・Bermekimabの有効性をデュピルマブと比較評価するため,Week 16にEASI-90(ベースラインからの90%以上の改善)を達成した被験者の割合
・Bermekimabの有効性をデュピルマブと比較評価するため,Week 16のvIGA-ADスコアが0又は1(5段階の尺度)であり,かつベースラインから2点以上減少した被験者の割合
・Bermekimabの有効性をデュピルマブと比較評価するため,ベースラインのitch NRSが4以上であった被験者のうち,ベースラインからWeek 16までのeczema-related itch NRSの改善(減少)が4以上であった被験者の割合
- Percentage of Participants With Both Validated Investigator Global Assessment for Atopic Dermatitis (vIGA-AD) Score of 0 or 1 and a Reduction From Baseline of >=2 Points for Additional Assessments of Bermekimab at Week 16
- Percentage of Participants With Improvement (Reduction) of Eczema-Related Itch Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) Value of >=4 From Baseline to Week 16 Among Participants With a Baseline Itch Value >=4 for Additional Assessments of Bermekimab
- Percentage of Participants With EASI-90 (>=90% improvement in EASI from Baseline) for Additional Assessments of Bermekimab at Week 16
- Percentage of Participants With EASI-75 (Greater Than or Equal to [>=] 75 Percent (%) Improvement From Baseline) for Efficacy of Bermekimab Relative to Dupilumab at Week 16
- Percentage of Participants With EASI-90 (>=90% improvement in EASI from Baseline) for Efficacy of Bermekimab Relative to Dupilumab at Week 16
- Percentage of Participants With Both vIGA-AD Score of 0 or 1 (on a 5-point scale) and a Reduction From Baseline of >=2 Points for Efficacy of Bermekimab Relative to Dupilumab at Week 16
- Percentage of participants With Improvement (Reduction) of Eczema-Related Itch NRS Value of >=4 From Baseline to Week 16 Among Participants With a Baseline Itch Value >=4 for Efficacy of Bermekimab Relative to Dupilumab
- Number of Participants With Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events (TEAEs)
- Number of Participants With Treatment-emergent Serious Adverse Events (SAEs)
- Serum Bermekimab Concentration
- Number of Participants with Anti-Bermekimab Antibodies



3 試験等の実施状況の確認に関する事項







4 試験等の対象者に健康被害が生じた場合の補償及び医療の提供に関する事項

5 依頼者等に関する事項


Janssen Pharmaceutical K.K.



6 IRBの名称等

医療法人社団 廣仁会 札幌皮膚科クリニック治験審査委員会 Sapporo Skin Clinic Institutional Review Board
北海道札幌市中央区南3条西2丁目1番1 2-1-1 Minami-3Jo Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo City, Hokkaido

7 その他の事項



European Medicines Agency (EMA)













種別 公表日
終了 令和5年3月31日 (当画面) 変更内容
中止 令和4年5月11日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和4年4月28日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和4年2月23日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和3年7月9日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和3年6月14日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和3年5月21日 詳細 変更内容
新規登録 令和3年4月28日 詳細