jRCT ロゴ





藤川 瑩




2 結果の要約

/ 全投与集団の55.6%が男性,44.4%が女性であった。年齢の中央値は57.0歳(範囲:45~71歳)で,多くの被験者(77.8%)は65歳未満であり,JNJ-68284528投与前のECOG PSスコアが0であった。 In the all treated analysis set, 55.6% participants were men and 44.4% were women. Median age was 57.0 years (range: 45 to 71 years), and the majority of participants (77.8%) were <65 years of age who had an ECOG score of 0 prior to cilta-cel infusion.
/ 本試験の第II相パートの日本人コホートでは,日本の4施設で計13例の被験者を登録し,アフェレーシスを実施した。アフェレーシスを実施した13例中4例(30.8%)の被験者がアフェレーシス実施からCAR-T投与前の前処置開始前までに中止し,中止理由は疾患進行が2/13例(15.4%),有害事象(cryptococcus検査陽性)及び同意撤回が各1/13例(7.7%)であった。13例中9例がCAR-T投与前の前処置とJNJ-68284528の投与を受けた。JNJ-68284528の投与を受けた被験者を全投与集団と定義し,これら9例を安全性,薬物動態及び免疫原性の解析に用いた。全投与集団のうち,8例が目標RP2Dレベル(RP2Dの用量範囲内)のJNJ-68284528の投与を受けた被験者であり,これら8例をmodified intent-to-treat(mITT)集団と定義し,有効性の解析に用いた。目標RP2DレベルのJNJ-68284528の投与を受けなかった1例は,mITT集団から除外したが,全投与集団に含めた。 A total of 13 participants (Japanese cohort of Phase 2 part) were enrolled (apheresed) across 4 centers in Japan. Four out of 13 (30.8%) participants discontinued between apheresis and the start of conditioning regimen, 2/13 (15.4%) due to disease progression and 1/13 (7.7.%) each due to adverse event (AE) (cryptococcus test positive) and withdrawal of consent. Of the 13 participants who underwent apheresis, 9 participants received conditioning regimen and cilta-cel infusion. These 9 participants constituted the all treated analysis set, which was defined as all participants who received cilta-cel infusion and was the basis for safety, pharmacokinetic (PK) and immunogenicity analyses. Eight participants who received a cilta-cel infusion at the targeted RP2D level (within the RP2D dose range) were included in the modified intent-to-treat (mITT) analysis set (defined as all participants who received a cilta-cel infusion at the targeted dose), which was the basis for efficacy analyses. One participant who did not receive a cilta-cel infusion at the targeted RP2D level was excluded from the mITT efficacy analysis but included in all treated safety analysis.
/ 試験完了時点(2022年10月14日)で,JNJ-68284528の投与を受けた全9例(100.0%)に1件以上の有害事象(TEAE)が認められ,全例にJNJ-68284528と関連性ありと判定されたTEAEが認められた。最も多く認められたTEAEは,好中球減少症[8/9例(88.9%)],CRS[8/9例(88.9%)],血小板減少症[7/9例(77.8%)],貧血[6/9例(66.7%)]及び白血球減少症[4/9例(44.4%)]であった。JNJ-68284528の投与を受けた被験者8/9例(88.9%)にGrade 3又は4のTEAEが認められ,1/9例(11.1%)に重篤なTEAEとして好中球減少症(Grade 2/3/4),血小板減少症(Grade 2/3/4),疲労(Grade 3)及びCRS(Grade 1)が認められた。これらの重篤なTEAEはすべて,治験担当医師によりJNJ-68284528との因果関係を「可能性大 」以上と判定された。


CRSは8/9例(88.9%)に認められ,American Society for Transplantation and Cellular Therapy(ASTCT)コンセンサスグレード判定に基づき,いずれもGrade 1又は2と判定された。試験完了時点で,CRSの転帰はいずれも回復と判断された。

CAR-T細胞関連神経毒性[免疫エフェクター細胞関連神経毒性症候群(ICANS)及びその他の神経毒性を含む],腫瘍崩壊症候群及び二次性悪性腫瘍は認められなかった。CAR-T細胞関連神経毒性と判断されなかったその他の神経系障害が4/9例(44.4%)に認められ,うち2例はJNJ-68284528と関連ありと判定された(いずれも頭痛:Grade 1/2)。

血球減少症は8/9例(88.9%)に認められた。内訳は,好中球減少症が8/9例(88.9%),血小板減少症が7/9例(77.8%),貧血が6/9例(66.7%),白血球減少症が4/9例(44.4%)であった。JNJ-68284528投与後Day 61以降,2/9例(22.2%)ではGrade 3又は4の好中球減少症が持続したが,血小板減少症及びリンパ球減少症はいずれも回復した。

感染症が1/9例(11.1%)に認められ,認められた有害事象はGrade 2の菌血症及びGrade 2の上気道感染であった。

As of the data release date of 14 October 2022 (date of study completion), all 9 (100.0%) participants who received cilta-cel infusion experienced 1 or more treatment- emergent adverse event (TEAEs) and all were reported with cilta-cel-related TEAEs. The most commonly reported TEAEs were neutropenia (8/9 [88.9%] participants), CRS: (8/9 [88.9%] participants), thrombocytopenia (7/9 [77.8%] participants), anemia (6/9 [66.7%] participants), and leukopenia (4/9 [44.4%] participants). Grade 3 or 4 TEAEs were observed in 8 of 9 (88.9%) all treated participants with cilta-cel, and 1 of 9 (11.1%) participant experienced serious TEAEs of neutropenia (Grades 2/3/4), thrombocytopenia (Grades 2/3/4), fatigue (Grade 3), and CRS (Grade 1). All these serious TEAEs were considered by the investigator to be at least probably related to cilta-cel.

Three (33.3%) participants died (due to progressive disease) during the duration of the study.

Cytokine release syndrome was reported for 8/9 (88.9%) participants, and all were Grade 1 or 2 when assessed using the American Society for Transplantation and Cellular Therapy (ASTCT) consensus grading system. The outcome of all TEAEs of CRS were considered as recovered.

None of the participants experienced CAR-T cell neurotoxicities (including immune effector cell- associated neurotoxicity syndrome [ICANS] and other neurotoxicities), tumor lysis syndrome, and second primary malignancies. Overall, 4/9 (44.4%) participants experienced other neurologic AEs, 2 of which were determined to be related to cilta-cel (headache; Grade 1/2).

Cytopenias were reported for 8/9 (88.9%) participants. Of these, 8/9 (88.9%) participants had neutropenia, 7/9 (77.8%) participants had thrombocytopenia, 6/9 (66.7%) participants had anemia, and 4/9 (44.4%) participants had leukopenia. After Day 60, all the events of thrombocytopenia and lymphopenia had recovered, while 2/9 (22.2%) participants continued to experience Grade 3 or 4 neutropenia.

Infections were reported in 1/9 (11.1%) participant, Grade 2 bacteremia and Grade 2 upper respiratory tract infection.

There is no report of HBV reactivation since no participant reported as hepatitis B virus (HBV) occult carriers at baseline.
/ 有効性結果はmITT集団8例を対象に解析した。独立評価委員会(IRC)判定に基づくORR(主要評価項目)及びVGPR以上の奏効率(副次評価項目の1つ)は,日本人コホートのJNJ-68284528最終投与(LPD)後約18カ月時点であるクリニカルカットオフ時点(2022年1月11日)のデータを用いた。コンピュータアルゴリズム判定に基づくその他の有効性評価項目の解析は,試験完了時点(2022年10月14日)のデータを用いた。

IRC判定に基づくORRは,mITT集団(8例)で100.0%(95% CI:63.1%~100.0%)であった。
コンピュータアルゴリズム判定に基づくORRは,mITT集団で100.0%(95% CI:63.1%~100.0%)であった。
The efficacy results was analyzed based on mITT population. The ORR (primary endpoint) and VGPR or better rate (one of the secondary endpoints) by independent review committee (IRC) assessment were based on data from a clinical cutoff (CCO) date 11 January 2022 (and approximately 18 months post last patient dosed (LPD) with cilta-cel in the Japanese cohort. Analyses of all other efficacy endpoints by computerized algorithm, were based on data from the data release date of 14 Oct 2022.

Primary Efficacy Endpoint
The ORR by IRC assessment for the mITT analysis set (n=8) was 100.0% (95% CI: 63.1% to 100.0%). The ORR by computerized algorithm for the mITT analysis set was 100.0% (95% CI: 63.1% to 100.0%).
副次的評価項目の解析結果 / Secondary Outcome Measures 副次評価項目 有効性 VGPR以上の奏効率 IRC判定に基づくVGPR以上の奏効率は,mITT集団(8例)で100.0%(95% CI:63.1%~100.0%)であった。 DOR 試験完了時点で,mITT集団のコンピュータアルゴリズムに基づくDORの中央値は,14.9カ月(95% CI:10.3カ月~NE)であった。18カ月後も奏効が持続していた 奏効例の割合は,25.0%(95% CI:3.7%~55.8%)と推定された。 MRD陰性を達成した被験者数 mITT集団において,10-5感度閾値でMRDを評価可能であった被験者(6例)のうち,MRD陰性を達成した被験者は6/6例(100.0%)であり,MRD陰性までの期間の中央値は0.94カ月(範囲:0.9~6.0カ月)であった。 PFS mITT集団の6例にPFSイベントが認められた。コンピュータアルゴリズム判定に基づくPFSの中央値は,16.18カ月(95% CI:11.17カ月~NE)であった。 OS mITT集団のOSの中央値は,27.04カ月(95% CI:18.40カ月~NE)であった。 体内動態,免疫原性,薬力学 JNJ-68284528の単回投与後,血中CAR遺伝子レベルは,Day 7又はDay 10以降におおむね検出された。血中CAR遺伝子レベルのt(max)の中央値は12.87日(範囲:8.72~13.84日)であった。C(max)及びAUCの個体間変動は大きかった。骨髄中CAR遺伝子レベルの平均値は,Day 28(9593 copies/mcgゲノムDNA)とDay 56(9316 copies/mcgゲノムDNA)で同程度であった。Day 184の骨髄中CAR遺伝子レベルは,9例中6例でBQLであった。血中CAR遺伝子レベルと同様に,骨髄中CAR遺伝子レベルの個体間変動は大きかった。血中CAR遺伝子レベルの平均半減期は,61.9日であった。 血中CD3+CAR+細胞を評価した。血中CAR遺伝子レベル評価及び血中CD3+CAR+細胞評価による体内動態は一致しており,個体間変動が大きかった。JNJ-68284528の単回投与後,血中CD3+CAR+細胞は,Day 7又はDay 14以降におおむね検出された。血中CD3+CAR+細胞数が 最大値に達した後,CD3+CAR+細胞の血中濃度はおおむね経時的に緩やかに減少した。血中CD3+CAR+細胞のt(max)の中央値は12.87日(範囲:8.72~20.78日)であった。C(max)及びAUCの個体間変動は大きかった。骨髄中CD3+CAR+細胞数の平均値は,Day 28に309 cells/mcL,Day 56に586 cell/mcL(%CV:203.2%)であった。Day 184のCD3+CAR+細胞は,7例中 5例でBQLであった。血中CD3+CAR+細胞と同様に,骨髄中CD3+CAR+細胞の個体間変動は大きかった。 全投与集団9例のうち,4例(44.4%)がJNJ-68284528の投与後に抗JNJ-68284528抗体陽性(ADA)を示した。ADAの発現又はADAの最大抗体価と,CAR遺伝子レベルの血中濃度‐時間プロファイルの間に明確な関連は認められなかった。 血清中可溶性BCMA(sBCMA)の減少は,CAR発現生T細胞の増加と同時に認められた。血清中sBCMAの持続的な減少は,CAR発現生T細胞数を介した薬力学的活性を示唆している。 バイオマーカー すべての被験者でIL-6,IL-10,IFN-gamma及びIL-2Raの濃度は投与後に上昇し,Day 7又はDay 14に最高値に達した。IL-6,IL-10,IFN-gamma又はIL2RaのC(max)又はAUC(0-56)と反応との間に関連性は認められなかった。 患者報告アウトカム(PRO) HRQoLに関連するPRO評価のコンプライアンスはほぼ100%であった。HRQoLが評価可能であった被験者では,癌関連のEORTC-QLQ30の結果及び健康関連のEQ-5D-5Lの結果を含め,機能及び健康状態の意 味のある改善が認められた。また,疼痛及び疲労の減少,並びに将来の展望への改善が認められた。これらの指標はすべてJNJ-68284528投与後のHRQoLの改善を示唆している。 Secondary Endpoints Efficacy: VGPR or better: The overall response of VGPR or better as assessed by the IRC was: mITT analysis set (n=8): 8 participants, 100.0% (95% CI: 63.1% to 100.0%). DOR Median DOR based on computerized algorithm was 14.9 months (95% CI: 10.3 months to NE) for the mITT analysis set as of the study completion date in this final closeout clinical study report (CSR). The estimated proportion of responders that remained in response after 18 months was 25.0% (95% CI: 3.7% to 55.8%). Number of Participants with Negative MRD Of those subjects evaluable for MRD at a sensitivity level of 10-5 (n=6) in the mITT analysis set MRD negativity was achieved in 6/6 (100.0%) subjects with a median time to MRD negativity of 0.94 months (range: 0.9 to 6.0 months). PFS Six participants in the mITT analysis set experienced PFS events; median PFS based on computerized algorithm assessment was 16.18 months (95% CI: 11.17 months to NE). OS The median OS for the mITT analysis set was 27.04 months (95% CI: 18.40 months to NE). Pharmacokinetic, Immunogenicity and Pharmacodynamic: After a single infusion of cilta-cel, quantifiable CAR transgene levels in blood samples were generally observed from Day 7 to Day 10. The median t(max) value of CAR transgene levels in blood was 12.87 days (range: 8.72 to 13.84 days). Interindividual variability was high for both, maximum serum concentration (C[max]) and area under curve (AUC). Mean levels of CAR transgene in bone marrow appeared to be comparable on Day 28 (9593 copies/mcg genomic deoxyribonucleic acid [DNA]) and on Day 56 (9316 copies/mcg genomic DNA). On Day 184, 6 of 9 subjects were BQL for levels of CAR transgene in bone marrow. Similar to blood transgene levels, bone marrow transgene levels exhibited high interindividual variability. Mean half-life of cilta-cel transgene in blood was 61.9 days. Blood CD3+ CAR+ cell levels were analyzed. Blood PK profiles, including CAR transgene levels and CD3+ CAR+ cell levels, were concordant and showed high interindividual variability. After a single infusion of cilta-cel, quantifiable CD3+CAR+ cells in blood samples were observed from Day 7 to Day 14 onwards. After reaching the individual maximum CD3+ CAR+ cells in blood, a gradual decline was generally observed in the blood concentration versus time curves of CD3+ CAR+ cells. Median t(max) value of CD3+CAR+ cells in blood was 12.87 days (range: 8.72 to 20.78 days). Interindividual variability was high for both C(max) and AUCs. Mean CD3+ CAR+ cells in bone marrow on Day 28 and on Day 56 were 309 cells/mcL and 586 cells/mcL (%CV: 203.2%), respectively. On Day 184, 5 of 7 participants were below quantification limit. Similar to blood CD3+CAR+ cells levels, bone marrow CD3+CAR+ cells levels exhibited high interindividual variability. Among the 9 all treated participants with cilta-cel, 4 participants (44.4%) were observed to be positive for treatment emergent anti cilta-cel antibodies. There was no clear relation of anti-drug (cilta-cel) antibodies (ADA) status or ADA peak titer with the blood concentration-time profiles of cilta-cel transgene levels. Expansion of CAR-positive T cells was observed with a decrease in serum soluble B-cell maturation antigen (sBCMA). Continued depletion in sBCMA suggests CAR-T cell mediated pharmacodynamic activity. Biomarkers: Across all participants, levels of IL-6, IFN-gamma, IL-2Ra, and IL-10 increased post-infusion and peaked at Day 7 to Day 14. No association was observed between the C(max) or the AUC(0-56) of IL-6, IL-10, IFN- gamma, or IL2Ra with response. Patient-reported outcomes (PROs): Compliance was nearly 100% for the PRO measures related to their HRQoL. Participants participating in HRQoL evaluations reported significant improvements in functional status and wellbeing including those related to the cancer-specific EORTC-QLQ30 and general health EQ-5D-5L. Participants also experienced reduction in pain and fatigue with an improvement in future perspective. All of these measures suggest improved HRQoL following treatment with cilta-cel.
/ 複数の前治療歴を有する再発又は難治性多発性骨髄腫患者に対して,JNJ-68284528は極めて有効かつ臨床的に意味のある効果を示した。全投与集団における安全性プロファイルは,既知のCAR-T療法の安全性プロファイルと類似しており,おおむね管理可能であった。 Treatment with cilta-cel resulted in a highly effective and clinically meaningful response in participants with heavily pretreated relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma. Cilta-cel has a manageable safety profile in the all treated analysis set that is consistent with known CAR-T cell therapies.
出版物の掲載 / Posting of iournal publication presence

3 IPDシェアリング

/ Yes
/ ジョンソン・エンド・ジョンソングループのヤンセンファーマのデータ共有ポリシーは,https://www.janssen.com/ja/clinical-trials/transparencyで入手できます。 The data sharing policy of the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson and Johnson is available at www.janssen.com/clinical-trials/transparency. As noted on this site, requests for access to the study data can be submitted through Yale Open Data Access (YODA) Project site at yoda.yale.edu.


試験等の種別 企業治験
登録日 2023年08月10日
jRCT番号 jRCT1080224949

1 試験等の実施体制に関する事項及び試験等を行う施設の構造設備に関する事項


再発又は難治性の多発性骨髄腫患者を対象としたBCMA標的キメラ抗原受容体発現T細胞(CAR-T)治療薬JNJ-68284528の非盲検第1b相/第2相試験 A Phase 1b-2, Open-Label Study of JNJ-68284528, A Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cell (CAR-T) Therapy Directed Against BCMA in Subjects with Relapsed or Refractory Multiple Myeloma
再発又は難治性の多発性骨髄腫患者を対象としたB細胞成熟抗原(BCMA)標的キメラ抗原受容体発現T細胞(CAR-T)治療薬JNJ-68284528の試験 A Study of JNJ-68284528, a Chimeric Antigen Receptor T cell (CAR-T) Therapy Directed Against B-Cell Maturation Antigen (BCMA) in Participants with Relapsed or Refractory Multiple Myeloma


藤川 瑩 Fujikawa Ei
ヤンセンファーマ株式会社 Janssen Pharmaceutical K.K.
ヤンセンコールセンター Janssen Call Center
東京都千代田区西神田3-5-2 5-2, Nishi-kanda 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
メディカルインフォメーションセンター Medical Information Center
ヤンセンファーマ株式会社 Janssen Pharmaceutical K.K.
メディカルインフォメーションセンター Medical Information Center
東京都千代田区西神田3-5-2 5-2, Nishi-kanda 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo




国立大学法人北海道大学病院,日本赤十字社医療センター,名古屋市立大学病院,京都府立医科大学附属病院 Hokkaido University Hospital, Japanese Red Cross Central Medical Center, Nagoya City University Hospital, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Hospital





2 試験等の目的及び内容並びにこれに用いる医薬品等の概要


JNJ-68284528の安全性を検討し,第2相での推奨用量(RP2D)を確立すること(第1b相),JNJ-68284528の有効性を評価すること(第2相)を目的とする。 The purpose of the study is to characterize safety of JNJ-68284528 and establish the recommended Phase 2 dose (RP2D) (Phase 1b) and to evaluate the efficacy of JNJ-68284528 (Phase 2).
1-2 1-2
介入研究 Interventional

割り付け:NA 盲検化:非盲検 介入モデル:単群

Allocation:N/A Masking:No Masking Intervention study model:Single Group Assignment


treatment purpose

/ 日本/北米 Japan/North America


a)血清中のモノクローナルパラプロテイン(M蛋白)濃度が1.0 g/dL 以上,あるいは尿中のM蛋白濃度が200 mg/24時間以上。又は
b)血清あるいは尿中に測定可能病変を認めない軽鎖型多発性骨髄腫:血清中の免疫グロブリン遊離軽鎖が10 mg/dL 以上,かつ血清中免疫グロブリン遊離軽鎖κ/λ 比が異常である。


・前治療の一環としてPI,IMiD 及び抗CD38 抗体の治療歴がある。

・IMWG 規準による治験担当医師の効果判定に基づき,直近の治療ラインから12カ月以内の疾患進行のエビデンスが記録されている。確認記録は,中央検査機関又は実施医療機関のいずれの検査によるものでもよい。過去6カ月以内に(上述のとおり)疾患進行のエビデンスが記録されており,かつその後の直近の治療ラインに難治性又は治療抵抗性である被験者も適格とする。

・Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group(ECOG)performance status radeが0又は1。

- Have documented diagnosis of multiple myeloma according to International Myeloma Working Group (IMWG) diagnostic criteria

- Have measurable disease at Screening as defined by any of the following
a) Serum monoclonal paraprotein (M-protein) level more than or equal to (>=) 1.0 gram per deciliter(g/dL) or urine M-protein level >=200 milligram per 24 hours (mg/24hr); or
b) Light chain multiple myeloma without measurable disease in the serum or the urine: Serum immunoglobulin free light chain 10 mg/dL and abnormal serum immunoglobulin kappa lambda free light chain ratio

- Have received at least 3 prior multiple myeloma treatment lines of therapy or are double refractory to an immunomodulatory drug (IMiD) and proteasome inhibitor (PI) (refractory multiple myeloma as defined by IMWG consensus criteria).
Note: induction with or without hematopoietic stem cell transplant and with or without maintenance therapy is considered a single lines of therapy
a) Undergone at least 1 complete cycle of treatment for each line of therapy, unless progressive disease (PD) was the best response to the regimen

- Have received as part of previous therapy a PI, an IMiD, and an anti-CD38 antibody

- Participant must have documented evidence of progressive disease based on investigator's determination of response by the IMWG criteria on or within 12 months of their last line of therapy. Confirmation may be from either central or local testing. Also, participants with documented evidence of progressive disease (as above) within the previous 6 months and who are refractory or non-responsive to their most recent line of therapy afterwards are eligible

- Have Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) Performance Status grade of 0 or 1




a) ニューヨーク心臓協会(NYHA)分類III又はIV度のうっ血性心不全
b) 組入れ前6カ月以内の心筋梗塞又は冠動脈バイパス術(CABG)
c) 臨床的に重要な心室性不整脈又は原因不明の失神の既往。ただし血管迷走神経性であるもの、又は脱水によると考えられる場合を除く。
d) 重症非虚血性心筋症の既往
e) 心エコー又はマルチゲート(MUGA)法(アフェレーシスの8週間以内に施行した)で評価した心機能障害(左室駆出分画(LVEF)<45%)。

・アフェレーシス実施前7日以内に、prednisone換算量で70 mg 以上の累積総投与量のコルチコステロイドの投与

a) アフェレーシス実施前6カ月以内の同種幹細胞移植。同種移植を受けた被験者は、全ての免疫抑制剤を6 週間休薬して移植片対宿主病(GVHD)の徴候を認めない必要がある。
b) アフェレーシス実施前12週間以内の自己造血幹細胞移植。


- Have received prior treatment with chimeric antigen receptor T (CAR-T) therapy directed at any target

- Have received any therapy that is targeted to B-cell maturation antigen (BCMA)

- Have following cardiac conditions:
a) New York Heart Association (NYHA) stage III or IV congestive heart failure
b) Myocardial infarction or coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) less than or equal to (<=) 6 months prior to enrollment
c) History of clinically significant ventricular arrhythmia or unexplained syncope, not believed to be vasovagal in nature or due to dehydration
d) History of severe non-ischemic cardiomyopathy
e) Impaired cardiac function (left ventricular ejection fraction [LVEF] less than [<]45%) as assessed by echocardiogram or multiple-gated acquisition (MUGA) scan (performed less than or equal to (<=) 8 weeks of apheresis)

- Received a cumulative dose of corticosteroids equivalent to >= 70 mg of prednisone within the 7 days prior to apheresis

- Have received either of the following:
a) An allogenic stem cell transplant within 6 months before apheresis. Participants who received an allogeneic transplant must be off all immunosuppressive medications for 6 weeks without signs of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD)
b) An autologous stem cell transplant less than or equal to (<=) 12 weeks before apheresis

- Have known active, or prior history of central nervous system (CNS) involvement or exhibits clinical signs of meningeal involvement of multiple myeloma



20age old over



No limit




/ 多発性骨髄腫 Multiple Myeloma
/ 試験対象薬剤等
薬効分類コード:429 その他の腫瘍用薬
用法・用量、使用方法:JNJ-68284528は,レンチウイルスベクターLCAR-B38MによりヒトB細胞成熟抗原を標的としたキメラ抗原受容体(anti-BCMA CAR)を発現するよう遺伝子導入された自己Tリンパ球である。

investigational material(s)
Generic name etc : JNJ-68284528
INN of investigational material : -
Therapeutic category code : 429 Other antitumor agents
Dosage and Administration for Investigational material : JNJ-68284528 consist of autologous T lymphocytes transduced with LCARB38M, a lentiviral vector to express a chimeric antigen receptor targeting the human B cell maturation antigen (anti-BCMA CAR).

control material(s)
Generic name etc : -
INN of investigational material : -
Therapeutic category code :
Dosage and Administration for Investigational material : -
/ 安全性

JNJ-68284528投与(Day 1)後2年以上


JNJ-68284528投与(Day 1)後2年以上

有害事象の重症度を,サイトカイン放出症候群(CRS)及び免疫エフェクター細胞関連神経毒性症候群(ICANS)を除き,米国国立がん研究所-有害事象共通用語規準(NCI CTCAE)に従って評価する。CRSとICANSは米国血液・骨髄移植学会(ASBMT)コンセンサスグレード判定を用いて評価する。

JNJ-68284528投与(Day 1)後2年以上

Phase 1b: Number of Participants with Adverse Events

Minimum 2 years after JNJ-68284528 infusion (Day 1)

An adverse event is any untoward medical event that occurs in a participant administered an investigational product, and it does not necessarily indicate only events with clear causal relationship with the relevant investigational product.
Phase 1b: Number of Participants with Adverse Events by Severity

Minimum 2 years after JNJ-68284528 infusion (Day 1)

An assessment of severity grade will be made according to the National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (NCI CTCAE), with the exception of cytokine release syndrome (CRS), and immune effector cell-associated neurotoxicity syndrome (ICANS). CRS and ICANS should be evaluated according to the American Society for Transplantation and Cellular Therapy (ASTCT) consensus grading.
Phase 2: Overall Response Rate (ORR)

Minimum 2 years after JNJ-68284528 infusion (Day 1)

The ORR is defined as the proportion of participants who achieve partial response (PR) or better according to International Myeloma Working Group (IMWG) criteria as assessed by the Independent Review Committee (IRC).
/ 安全性

JNJ-68284528投与(Day 1)後2年以上


JNJ-68284528投与(Day 1)後2年以上


JNJ-68284528投与(Day 1)後2年以上

全身性サイトカイン濃度(インターロイキン(IL)-6, IL-15, IL-10, インターフェロン(IFN)-γ)をバイオマーカー評価用に測定する。

JNJ-68284528投与(Day 1)後2年以上

CD4+,CD8+,CD25+,セントラルメモリー,エフェクターメモリー細胞などのCAR-T細胞マーカーを報告する。細胞集団の評価は,フローサイトメトリー,cytometry by time of flight(CyTOF)又はその両方によって実施され,奏効と相関があると考えられる。
JNJ-68284528 T細胞拡大(増殖)及び持続レベル

JNJ-68284528投与(Day 1)後2年以上

JNJ-68284528 T細胞拡大(増殖)及びCAR-T陽性細胞数並びにCAR導入遺伝子レベルのモニタリングによる持続マーカーを報告する。
抗JNJ-68284528 抗体の発現

JNJ-68284528投与(Day 1)後2年以上

抗JNJ-68284528 抗体の発現割合を報告する。
Very Good Partial Response(VGPR)以上の奏効率

JNJ-68284528投与(Day 1)後2年以上

VGPR以上の奏効率(stringent complete responses [sCR]+complete response [CR]+VGPR)は治験薬投与中または投与後にIMWG規準でVGPR以上を達成した被験者の割合と定義される。VGPRのIMWG規準:血清と尿中M蛋白が免疫固定法では検出されるが,蛋白電気泳動では検出されないか,又は血清M蛋白が90%以上減少し,かつ尿中M蛋白も100 mg/24 時間未満まで減少。 CR:免疫固定法にて血清と尿中のM蛋白がともに陰性化,かつ軟部形質細胞腫の消失,かつ骨髄中形質細胞が5%未満まで減少。 sCR:CR 基準を満たすとともに遊離軽鎖(FLC)比が正常で,かつ免疫組織化学検査若しくは2~4 カラーフローサイトメトリーにて骨髄中にクローナルな形質細胞clonal PC を証明しない。

JNJ-68284528投与(Day 1)後2年以上

臨床的有用率はIMWG治療効果判定規準に従ってCR + VGPR + PR + MR(minimal response)と定義される。

JNJ-68284528投与(Day 1)後2年以上

(PR以上を達成した)奏効例において,IMWG 規準で初めて効果(PR以上)が記録された日から,疾患進行のエビデンスが初めて記録された日までで算出する。

JNJ-68284528投与(Day 1)後2年以上

JNJ-68284528 の初回投与日から,IMWG 規準で疾患進行が最初に記録された日,又は死亡(死因を問わない)日のいずれか早い方までの期間と定義する。PDのIMWG規準:以下の基準のうち1 つ以上において,最低値に比して下記の25%以上の増加:血清M蛋白量(ただし絶対値にして0.5 g/dL 以上であること),尿中M蛋白量(ただし絶対値にして200 mg/24 時間以上),血清あるいは尿中M蛋白値が測定可能病変ではない場合,involved-uninvolvedFLCの差(ただし絶対値で10 mg/dL を超える増加であること)血清あるいは尿中M蛋白値が測定可能病変ではなく,FLC 値による疾患評価が不可能な場合,骨髄中PC%(ただし絶対値で10%以上の増加であること),明らかな新規の骨病変又は軟部形質細胞腫の出現又は既存の骨病変又は軟部形質細胞腫サイズの明らかな増大。

JNJ-68284528投与(Day 1)後2年以上


JNJ-68284528投与(Day 1)後2年以上

MRD陰性率はそれぞれの時点までにMRDが陰性になる割合と定義する。多発性骨髄腫治療におけるPFS 及びOS の代替指標として微小残存病変(MRD)陰性を評価する。


JNJ-68284528投与(Day 1)後2年以上

JNJ-68284528 初回投与日から,被験者がPR 以上の基準を全て満たした最初の有効性評価までの期間。
EORTC QLQ-C30に基づく健康関連生活の質(HRQoL)のベースラインからの変化

ベースラインから治験完了まで(Day 1のJNJ-68284528投与後2年以上)

欧州癌研究治療機構(EORTC)Quality of Life Questionnaire Core-30(QLQ-C30)に基づきHRQoLを評価する。項目及び尺度スコアは0~100 点の尺度に変換される。スコアが高いほど全般的健康状態が高いこと,機能が良好であること,及び症状が悪化していることを示す。
EORTC QLQ-MY20に基づくHRQoLのベースラインからの変化

ベースラインから治験完了まで(Day 1のJNJ-68284528投与後2年以上)

EORTC QLQ-MY20 の単項目に基づきHRQoLを評価する。項目及び尺度スコアは0~100 点の尺度に変換される。スコアが高いほど全般的健康状態が高いこと,機能が良好であること,及び悪化していることを示す。

ベースラインから治験完了まで(Day 1のJNJ-68284528投与後2年以上)

EuroQolの5 項目の質問票(EQ-5D-5L)で被験者が報告した健康状態を評価する。健康状態を示す0~1の範囲の効用スコアを算出する。スコアが高いほど健康状態が高いことを示す。視覚アナログ尺度は0~100の範囲となっており,値が高いほど全般的健康状態が良いことを示す。
PGIC Scaleによる全般的健康状態のベースラインからの変化

ベースラインから治験完了まで(Day 1のJNJ-68284528投与後2年以上)

PGIS Scaleによる疼痛のベースラインからの変化

ベースラインから治験完了まで(Day 1のJNJ-68284528投与後2年以上)

Phase 2: Number of Participants with Adverse Events

Minimum 2 years after JNJ-68284528 infusion (Day 1)

An adverse event is any untoward medical event that occurs in a participant administered an investigational product, and it does not necessarily indicate only events with clear causal relationship with the relevant investigational product.
Levels of B-Cell Maturation Antigen (BCMA) Expressing Cells and Soluble BCMA

Minimum 2 years after JNJ-68284528 infusion (Day 1)

Levels of expression of BCMA-expressing plasma cells in the bone marrow as well as the level of soluble BCMA in blood will be reported.
Systemic Cytokine Concentrations

Minimum 2 years after JNJ-68284528 infusion (Day 1)

Serum cytokine concentrations (Interleukin [IL]-6, IL-15, IL-10, and Interferon [IFN-g]) will be measured for biomarker assessment.
Levels of CAR-T Cells

Minimum 2 years after JNJ-68284528 infusion (Day 1)

CAR-T cells markers including, but not limited to, CD4+, CD8+, CD25+, central memory, effector memory cells will be reported. An evaluation of cell populations may be performed by flow cytometry or cytometry by time of flight (CyTOF) or both and correlated with response.
Level of JNJ-68284528 T Cell Expansion (proliferation), and Persistence

Minimum 2 years after JNJ-68284528 infusion (Day 1)

Levels of JNJ-68284528 T cell expansion (proliferation), and persistence via monitoring CAR-T positive cell counts and CAR transgene level will be reported.
Number of Participants with Anti-JNJ-68284528 Antibodies

Minimum 2 years after JNJ-68284528 infusion (Day 1)

Number of participants exhibiting antidrug antibodies for JNJ-68284528 will be reported.
Very Good Partial Response (VGPR) or Better Rate

Minimum 2 years after JNJ-68284528 infusion (Day 1)

The VGPR or better rate (stringent complete responses [sCR]+ complete response [CR]+VGPR), defined as the percentage of participants achieving VGPR or better response according to IMWG criteria during or after the study treatment. IMWG criteria for VGPR: Serum and urine M-component detectable by immunofixation but not on electrophoresis, or greater than equal to (>=) 90 percent (%) reduction in serum M-protein plus urine M-protein less than (<) 100 milligram (mg)/24 hours, CR: Negative immunofixation on the serum and urine, disappearance of any soft tissue plasmacytomas and <5% plasma cells (PCs) in bone marrow. sCR: CR plus normal free light chain (FLC) ratio, and absence of clonal PCs by immunohistochemistry (IHC), immunofluorescencea or 2- to 4 color flow cytometry.
Percentage of Participants who Achieve Clinical Benefit Rate

Minimum 2 years after JNJ-68284528 infusion (Day 1)

Clinical benefit rate is the CR + VGPR + PR + minimal response [MR] based on IMWG defined response criteria.
Duration of Response (DOR)

Minimum 2 years after JNJ-68284528 infusion (Day 1)

DOR will be calculated among responders (with a PR or better
response) from the date of initial documentation of a response (PR or better) to the date of first documented evidence of progressive disease, as defined in the IMWG criteria.
Progression-free Survival (PFS)

Minimum 2 years after JNJ-68284528 infusion (Day 1)

PFS defined as time from date of initial infusion of JNJ-68284528 to date of first documented disease progression, or death due to any cause, whichever occurs first. IMWG criteria for PD: Increase of 25% from lowest response value in anyone of following: Serum Mcomponent (absolute increase must be >=0.5 gram per deciliter (g/dL), Urine Mcomponent (absolute increase must be >=200 mg/24 hours), Participants without measurable serum and urine M-protein levels: difference between involved and uninvolved FLC levels (absolute increase must be >10 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL), participants without measurable serum and urine M-protein levels and without measurable disease by FLC levels, bone marrow PC% (absolute percentage must be >=10%), definite development of new bone lesions or soft tissue plasmacytomas or increase in size of bone lesions or tissue plasmacytomas.
Overall Survival (OS)

Minimum 2 years after JNJ-68284528 infusion (Day 1)

OS is measured from the date of the initial infusion of JNJ-68284528 to the date of the participant's death.
Percentage of Participants With Negative Minimal Residual Disease (MRD)

Minimum 2 years after JNJ-68284528 infusion (Day 1)

MRD negative rate is defined as the proportion of participants who achieve MRD negative status by the respective time point. MRD negativity will be evaluated as a potential surrogate for PFS and OS in multiple myeloma treatment.
Time to Response (TTR)

Minimum 2 years after JNJ-68284528 infusion (Day 1)

TTR is defined as the time between date of the initial infusion of JNJ-68284528 and the first efficacy evaluation that the participant has met all criteria for PR or better.
Change from Baseline in Health-related Quality of Life (HRQoL) as Measured by EORTC QLQ-C30

Baseline up to study completion (Minimum 2 years after JNJ-68284528 Infusion on Day 1)

HRQoL will be assessed by the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Quality of Life Questionnaire Core-30 (QLQ-C30) items. Subscale and single item scores are reported on a 0-100 scale with higher scores representing better global health status, better functioning, and worst symptoms.
Change from Baseline in HRQoL as Measured by EORTC QLQ-MY20

Baseline up to study completion (Minimum 2 years after JNJ-68284528 Infusion on Day 1)

HRQoL will be assessed by the EORTC QLQ-Multiple Myeloma ((MY20) module items. Subscale and single item scores are reported on a 0-100 scale with higher scores representing better global health status, better functioning, and worst symptoms.
Change from Baseline in Participant-reported Health Status Measured by EQ-5D-5L

Baseline up to study completion (Minimum 2 years after JNJ-68284528 Infusion on Day 1)

Participant-reported health status measured by the EuroQol Group 5-dimension, 5-level (EQ-5D-5L) questionnaire. A total utility score is reported based on the health status, ranging from 0 to 1, where higher values indicate better health utility. The visual analog scale ranges from 0 to 100 where higher values indicate better overall health status.
Change from Baseline in Global Health Status Using PGIC Scale

Baseline up to study completion (Minimum 2 years after JNJ-68284528 Infusion on Day 1)

Global health status as measured by the Patient Global Impression of Change (PGIC) scale in overall health. The PGIC is a single verbal rating scale ranging from 1 = a lot better now to 7 = a lot worse now.
Change from Baseline in Pain Measured by PGIS Scale

Baseline up to study completion (Minimum 2 years after JNJ-68284528 Infusion on Day 1)

Participant reported pain measured by Patient Global Impression of Severity (PGIS) Scale. The PGIS is a single item to assess pain severity. The 5-point verbal rating scale ranged from 1 (none) to 5 (very severe).


再生医療等製品 regenerative medical product
- -
JNJ-68284528は,レンチウイルスベクターLCAR-B38MによりヒトB細胞成熟抗原を標的としたキメラ抗原受容体(anti-BCMA CAR)を発現するよう遺伝子導入された自己Tリンパ球である。 JNJ-68284528 consist of autologous T lymphocytes transduced with LCARB38M, a lentiviral vector to express a chimeric antigen receptor targeting the human B cell maturation antigen (anti-BCMA CAR).
- -
- -

3 試験等の実施状況の確認に関する事項



参加募集終了 completed



4 試験等の対象者に健康被害が生じた場合の補償及び医療の提供に関する事項

5 依頼者等に関する事項


Janssen Pharmaceutical K.K.


- -
- -

6 IRBの名称等

国立大学法人北海道大学病院治験審査委員会 Hokkaido University Hospital Institutional Review Board
北海道札幌市北区北14条西5 Kita 14, Nishi 5, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido
承認 approved

7 その他の事項



ClinicalTrials.gov ClinicalTrials.gov



プロトール番号:68284528MMY2001 Protocol ID: 68284528MMY2001






REDACTED_68284528MMY2001_Protocol_Amend 5_JPN-4_1036749.pdf




種別 公表日
終了 令和5年8月23日 (当画面) 変更内容
変更 令和5年8月10日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和4年9月8日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和2年8月13日 詳細 変更内容
変更 令和元年12月20日 詳細 変更内容
新規登録 令和元年11月14日 詳細